Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 376 Mountaineering Rescue Story, Daily Discussion Group

Court scene.

On the seats of the prosecution and the defense.

Both Zhang Wei and Qin Shaocong are preparing.

"I have watched several court trials in which Zhang Wei participated, and I have also read the court records of other cases. His questions are all purposeful."

"Some questions seem to be unconstrained, but they have a strong screening purpose, and the selected jurors are all for his certain goals."

"So, I need to screen out jurors who meet my expectations, and at the same time interrupt the opponent's rhythm!"

Thinking of this, Qin Shaocong glanced at the defense bench.

Zhang Wei was lowering his head, talking to Jessica, obviously plotting.

On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping announced with a cold face: "Please enter the jury!"

The court guard let them go, allowing the candidate jurors to walk to the court one after another.

Because it is a civil court, only six jurors are needed.

A total of 20 jurors came to the scene today.

Qin Shaocong got up first and walked to the jury seat.

He was thinking, if Zhang Wei's method and rhythm were followed, how would he ask questions to screen the jury?

After thinking for a while, he finally thought of something.

"In this trial, to put it bluntly, the persons represented by the prosecution are the family members of the victim, the disadvantaged party, and the people, while the defense represents the doctors, and they are also doctors from abroad. They have the qualifications and belong to the elite group!"

"Then my question needs to be screened out from different classes in the jury, and it must not show any traces, so that no one can see my purpose."

Qin Shaocong thought for a while, and finally understood.

He walked up to the jury and asked, "May I ask everyone, when you buy home appliances on weekdays, do you like big brands, or don't you choose brands?"


Qin Shaocong's question surprised Ni Qiuping on the trial bench.

How does this questioning method look so similar to someone on the defense table?

"Oh~ duo~ learn from me?"

Zhang Wei also noticed that Qin Shaocong's question seemed to imitate himself.

And the purpose is very clear, that is, to screen out the jury's daily spending habits.

From the consumption habits, we can generally see a person's consumption ability, so as to judge the monthly income, professional level and so on.

"I like to go to the mall in our area to buy appliances."

"I like online shopping. I don't choose a brand. I will choose whichever one has the most discounts and offers."

"I pay attention to big brands, preferably foreign, imported, or domestic brands, and I only use big manufacturers."

"If there is an acquaintance nearby who sells it, then I will choose him. Of course, if he cheated on me once, I will definitely not continue to buy from him."

Many jurors answered the questions, Qin Shaocong nodded, and then walked to the last answerer.

"Sir, why did you choose your acquaintance?"

"Of course it's because it's cheap. If he dares to kill his friends, who will dare to do his business next time?"

"Thank you for your answer!"

Qin Shaocong knew it well.

"Judge Ni, the prosecution accepts jurors No. 2 and No. 5, and at the same time requests that jurors No. 1 and No. 3 be eliminated."

No. 2 and No. 5, one likes to shop online, and the other likes to buy from friends.

As for No. 1 and No. 3, one likes shopping malls and the other likes big brands.

"Everyone, continue to ask questions, do you have any children?"

Many people in the jury raised their hands.

"So if your children had their birthdays, what kind of celebration would you choose, would you buy a cake, hold a birthday party, or take them to an amusement park?"

Qin Shaocong asked again, and the jury gave many different answers.

"The purpose of this question is too obvious!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei couldn't help but complain.

His reaction naturally attracted the attention of those around him.

"Zhang, if it were you, how would you ask questions?"

"Jessica, have you heard the story of a climber's rescue?"

Jessica blinked, expressing that she didn't understand.

"Well, I will tell this story next!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

At the same time, Qin Shaocong in court finally ended his questioning

"now you!"

He said something coldly to Zhang Wei, walked back to the prosecutor's seat and sat down.

Zhang Wei and Jessica nodded and walked calmly to the court.

"I don't know if you have heard the story of a climber's rescue?"

The jury all shook their heads. Obviously, like Jessica, they had never heard the story.

"It's very simple. This is a story about mountaineering. Rock climbing and mountaineering have always been dangerous sports, especially challenging the world's number one peak. This challenge can be said to be that the judge uses your name to practice calligraphy, and you say yes. How dangerous it is, it is an act that will kill you if you are not careful. But rock climbing enthusiasts all over the world are embracing it, and they all want to conquer the world's highest peak."

"It was under such circumstances that several people planned to challenge the world's highest peak, and they did so. Unfortunately, they encountered a snowstorm on the mountain that day, and all the challengers were trapped."

"Fortunately, the rescue team at the bottom of the mountain was on standby all the time. They also knew about the blizzard, so they went to the mountain to search for surviving climbers as soon as the blizzard subsided."

"They found a survivor in a cliff, but his condition was very bad. Not only did he lose consciousness, but his legs were also crushed, and the flesh of the wound was about to freeze. He must be taken immediately. Go down the mountain, otherwise not only his legs may be crippled, but he may also die."

"The doctors of the rescue team made a judgment at the first time to take this survivor down the mountain, but it is very difficult to carry a person, and his condition is critical and urgent, so more than three people must take turns to carry this wounded person. Can't stop for a moment."

"At that time, the rescue team had only five people. Once three people were separated, it would be difficult for the other two people to rescue people by themselves. There would even be danger during the climbing process. What's more, although the blizzard stopped, no one could save them." There can be no assurance that other hazards will arise."

"So in the end, the doctors in the team made a decision, and the five returned at the same time to ensure that the only survivor found so far can survive!"

"And just after the rescue team took the survivors down the mountain, there was another blizzard on the mountain. If the rescue team didn't take the survivors away immediately, they might all be in danger!"

"In the end, the survivor survived and kept his legs, but he told the rescue team as soon as he woke up that he had two companions nearby, and they were probably alive at the time."

"But the doctor told him that I just made what I thought was the most correct decision. I saved a person as much as possible. I didn't lead the team to destroy it, nor did I find survivors but couldn't save them. Watching him die, at least my conscience has no remorse, because I made the most reasonable judgment!"

After the story was told, the jury had mixed expressions.

Zhang Wei's gaze focused on a few of them.

"Your Excellency, the defense accepts juror No. 9, No. 11, No. 13, No. 16 and No. 20, and excludes juror No. 2 just confirmed by the prosecution!"

Zhang Wei immediately identified 5 jurors, and even eliminated the No. 2 chosen by Qin Shaocong.

Ni Qiuping didn't say much, but Zhang Wei always felt that the story told by Zhang Wei seemed to have a deeper meaning.

She finished her notes and was about to announce.

But Zhang Wei raised his hand suddenly, signaling Ni Qiuping to wait a moment, he still has something to say.

Ni Qiuping thought for a while, grabbed the hand of the gavel, and put it down suddenly.

Old Ni, get on the road!

Zhang Wei thanked him in his heart, and then looked at the jury again.

"Everyone, the story I just told is actually similar to the situation of my client. The doctor made the choice he thought was the most correct, so he saved one survivor. If he had chosen to let the other two continue to search and rescue, it would be very difficult Maybe saving one person means losing two teammates, so wouldn’t the gain outweigh the loss?”

"And my client, Dr. Jessica, also made the right choice at the most critical moment. She saved 4 seriously injured patients that night. Relying on her excellent surgical skills, she saved the entire hospital. 4 fresh lives!"

"One night, from 14 o'clock in the afternoon to 4 o'clock in the morning, in a total of 14 hours, she rescued 4 people, and she worked all night, but only slept for 4 hours after returning."

With four fingers and brainwashed speech, the number "4" was displayed in front of the jury and emerged in their memory.

Although the meaning of this number is not good, the jury at this moment looked at Jessica with a hint of admiration.

It is really hard for such a person to work so hard and continue the next day.

"Ahem, Lawyer Zhang, have you finished your question?"

In the end, Ni Qiuping couldn't bear it anymore.

"Judge Ni, please, I have no problem here!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly said a polite word, and then walked back to the defense bench.

Jessica immediately came up to her with a strange look on her face: "Zhang Wei, I didn't say I only slept for four hours?"

"This is called deepening memory. Didn't you see that I was emphasizing the number '4' just now?"

"Well, I see it."

"I believe that for some time in the future, when these jurors see this number, or think of four things in their heads, the first thing they think of is your hard work, which will be very beneficial to you!"

"This also has a similar psychological suggestion in our psychology, using specific numbers or words to activate a specific memory."

Jessica couldn't help but nodded, and looked at Zhang Wei with admiration.

Although she knows all these methods, it is really not easy to use the knowledge of psychology in court trials.

"Ahem, now this court announces that the jury has been formed!"

As Ni Qiuping said, she opened the itinerary.

"Tomorrow is Wednesday, and I happen to have time in the afternoon, so it is tentatively scheduled for the first hearing tomorrow. As for the second hearing, the tentative time is Friday. If there are any abnormalities, my clerk will notify you of!"

"Now, disband!"

Following Ni Qiuping's announcement, everyone dispersed.

At the prosecution's seat, Qin Shaocong squinted at the defense's seat, and then led his subordinates, Wednesday Liang, Zhou Mu and the others to leave.

Generally speaking, he suffered a lot today, and Zhang Wei even took advantage of something.

But in fact, the impact is not big, anyway, he still has means to follow up.

The next step is to compete with Zhang Wei in court.

"Let's go too!"

Zhang Wei also left the court with Jessica.

However, they did not go elsewhere, but returned to Jincheng Law Firm.

After one or two discussions in Zhang Wei's office, Jessica left.

She still has things to deal with in the clinic, and she has been involved in a lawsuit recently, so she has to cancel all the appointments.

Similarly, the cooperation with the city hospital can only be suspended as well.

Jessica must take a good rest.


Evening, Lin Mansion.

Zhang Wei was thinking about something in his room, but he couldn't hold back the news from the V letter discussion group.

In desperation, he could only open it to find out.

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Hey, @Jessica, you have to remember to treat me to dinner, if I hadn’t prepared for it, when you pre-judged today, you specified that there is no good juice to eat/smirk]

【Jessica: Mmmmm, Thanks (thank you)/blush】

【Xiao Baihe: By the way, we have heard about your case at the headquarters of the local prosecutor/curiosity】

[Xiao Baihe: @Jessica @Zhang Wei, are you sure? Do you need me to bring Yingying to cheer you on tomorrow? 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Pull it down, a group of Zhang Wei's defeated generals will add to the chaos/dislike when they come]

[Xiao Baihe: /angry/angry/angry]

【Xiao Baihe: Damn girl, I want to tear your mouth apart/anger】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Come on, Who is afraid of Who/hook fingers]

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: Whoever doesn't come is a puppy / Akimbo】

[Zhang Wei: Xiaoxiao, please keep some morals on your lips]

[Zhang Wei: @Zhao Xiaoxiao/beat/beat/beat]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Oh, the real master has come out/smirking]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: @Zhang Wei, there are bets out there for you to win or lose. I've placed a bet on you. If you dare to lose, this lady will let you go around/threat]

[Xia Qianyue: @Zhao Xiaoxiao, really, can you tell me the website you bet on? 】

[Mo Yuzhu: Hanhan, do you want to bet on Zhang Wei too, then let’s raise some money together, and we’ll see this wave to get rich/excited]

[Xia Qianyue: No, our serious crime team is currently assisting the Financial Investigation Division to investigate websites that use the Internet for illegal gambling. I want it for the case/wink]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao:? ? ? 】

[Mo Yuzhu:? ? ? 】

[Xiao Baihe: @Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhao Xiaoxiao, please cooperate strictly with the investigation department to handle the case, assist and provide the information on the illegal gambling website that we have so far, otherwise our local inspection headquarters will prosecute you for not cooperating with the investigation, not reporting the knowledge, etc. /smirk]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Wow, I'm/crazy/crazy/crazy]

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: slipped away.jpg】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: User Zhao Xiaoxiao has withdrawn from the group chat. 】

【Xia Qianyue: How did I go/doubt】

[Xiao Baihe: You silly, people lied to you! 】

[Xiao Baihe: @Zhao Xiaoxiao, don’t think we’re joking, be careful to really sue you/warning]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Don’t be afraid, I’ll find @Zhang Wei to help me with the lawsuit, none of you can convict me, maybe if I win the lawsuit, I can ask you for compensation/smirk]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: @Zhang Wei, hurry up, make a statement! 】

【Zhang Wei:...】

【Zhang Wei: slip away.jpg】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: /angry/angry/angry]

at the same time.

From the room on the second floor, there was the sound of "drumming" footsteps.

"Zhang Wei, what do you mean, Miss Ben is kind enough to help you today, but you don't even take care of me?"

The second girl was angry, so she walked down to Xingshi to question her.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to quickly open the door and go out.

"Second girl, I find that I've indulged you too much. This is not good. If you are involved in some illegal and criminal matters in the future, you can't use me as a shield!"

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!"

When Zhao Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Wei scolding herself, she immediately pouted her lips and made a pussy face.

Then he went back upstairs without looking back.

"Hey, second girl, remember to tell Hanhan about the spinach website. Be careful that Xiao Baihe will sue you for not reporting what he knew. That bitch has a dark heart!"

The second girl opened the door and walked in without saying a word.

"Oh, this girl is throwing a child's tantrum again."

Seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao sulking with himself, Zhang Wei felt the pressure.

Not about the case, but about the stress of being a "father".

This second girl really doesn't let her worry.

Zhang Wei returned to his room again, but the news of the V letter group came up again.

"what happened again?"

Zhang Wei couldn't bear it, and opened the V letter discussion group again.

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: @Xiao Baihe @Xia Qianyue @Zhang Wei, this is the spinach link you want, you can figure it out yourself! 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Website link]

[Xia Qianyue: Hmm, received/ok]

【Xiao Baihe: Hehe, suddenly changed sex/doubt】

[Xiao Baihe: @Zhang Wei, it looks like you're pretty good at it, you've managed to make her docile in such a short while/smirk]

[Mo Yuzhu: The tidy up is obedient, what kind of tidy up is it, do you need to prepare some precautions/smirk]

[Xia Qianyue:? ? ? 】

[Jessica:? ? ? 】

[Zhang Wei:? ? ? 】

[Xiao Baihe: Get lost, you female driver is driving again, while you cool off/swearing]

[Mo Yuzhu: You also said that I am a female driver, you can understand in seconds, you are also a female driver/grievance]

【Xiao Baihe: Get out, go watch your drama/cursing people】

[Mo Yuzhu: Huh huh...]

[Mo Yuzhu: My friend has nothing to do, just slipped away...]

[Xia Qianyue: @Zhang Wei, by the way, my father said that he received a summons from the court today, and it seems that he will go to court tomorrow. 】

[Zhang Wei: Damn it, really? 】

【Xia Qianyue: Photo.jpg】

[Xia Qianyue: This is a court summons, it seems to be your case]

[Xiao Baihe: Good guy, this move looks familiar/smirk]

[Xiao Baihe: Say yes, a certain lawyer @Zhang Wei]

Seeing this news, Zhang Wei also froze for a moment.

Summoning someone's relatives, even father-in-law, is this routine so familiar?

By the way, isn't this what I like to use the most?

Unexpectedly, Qin Shaocong learned all his moves.

This young owner of Longteng seems to be more than just the second generation, at least he has carefully studied his own routines.

"Hehe, although the routines are powerful, sometimes as long as I find the truth, I will be invincible!"

For this, Zhang Wei is not worried.

After he replied to the messages one by one, he ended the chat.

Next, he will start preparing for tomorrow's hearing, and at the same time prepare to guard against Qin Shaocong's tricks.

This guy has already shown many of Zhang Wei's usual tricks. I hope that the other party will not surprise me in tomorrow's trial.

The opponent's surprise is only surprise, not joy.

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