Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 377 Bumping the ball, double casting, coercion?

Wednesday, court day.

That afternoon, the Municipal Court prepared the interior.

"The copy I have now is the list of witnesses for the prosecution!"

"Among them are Director Sheng you are familiar with, some nurses and doctors from the city hospital, and..."

Zhang Wei said, looking at a not-so-obvious name on the list, he was speechless.

Because this name is Xia Donghai, and he is Zhang's father-in-law.

"Will it embarrass you if your father-in-law goes to court?"

Jessica asked while combing her hair.

"It doesn't count, it's just that I'm not sure the purpose of the other party summoning him."

"Is the purpose? Isn't it to let your father-in-law go to court to attack you?"

As Jessica said, she tied her blonde hair into a ponytail.

"Did you know that in billiards, there is a saying "bounce the ball"? "Zhang Wei gave another example.

Jessica naturally hadn't heard of it.

"A master in billiards, sometimes in order to cover up his purpose, will deliberately let the white ball hit the edge, and by bouncing the ball, create a method similar to an accidental goal to cover up his real purpose!"

"For example, his goal is to hit a black ball, but he achieves his goal in a detour by attacking the basketball or the yellow ball and hitting the edge after missing it."

Zhang Wei made gestures as he spoke, "In the same way, sometimes you think that the purpose of the prosecution calling witnesses is for this purpose, but in fact they will call witnesses for a completely different purpose, and even the witnesses they call are not what you can think of. Yes. You think you expected what the witness said, but in fact the witness has another set of statements that you did not expect, which is bumping the ball."

"It sounds like this is your usual routine?"

Jessica understood, and thought of the methods Zhang Wei used in the trial she participated in before.

These seem to be bumping the ball.

"Because of this, I feel that Qin Shaocong came prepared!" Zhang Wei's eyes became serious.

While sitting on the seat, Jessica took out the small mirror and took a look at her bare face.

This morning, according to Zhang Wei's request, she simply washed her face without any other care or makeup.

"Zhang Wei, why don't you let me put on makeup, and don't let me wear business attire. You insist on giving me this black loose formal suit. You know that I always like white shirts?"

After repeated confirmations, Jessica finally raised her biggest doubt.

She got up slowly, but her sexy figure was completely covered under the loose formal attire.

Seeing Jessica's serious face, Zhang Wei couldn't help explaining: "Because you are so beautiful, and the women in the jury and hearing are likely to be jealous of you. Men will want to possess you. When they find out about the case After it's over, they will definitely want to destroy you when they will never see you again!"


"I'm telling the truth. Look at you, even if you don't have makeup, even if you have no makeup, you still attract me. When I saw you, I couldn't even think about countermeasures. This is the problem."

Zhang Wei spread his hands and explained helplessly.

"Zhang, I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful."

Jessica was very moved, and at the same time felt a little joy in her heart.

Because of those words just now, no woman would not like to hear them. After all, women like to hear others praise themselves for being beautiful.

Zhang Wei glanced at Jessica's so-called plain face, and sighed at the same time.

Even without makeup, Jessica has the face that kills ninety-nine out of ten women.

Not to mention the astonishingly glamorous face, the charming jewel-like pupils, Sai Xue's skin that can be broken by blows, and the golden and soft hair, none of these can be concealed.

Zhang Wei also specifically advised not to wear jewelry and try to be as ordinary as possible.

Unfortunately, it can only be said that even if the rare treasures are hidden in the mud, their brilliance cannot be concealed.

"Come on, let's go to court!"

Finally, the time between the two was almost up, and they immediately set off for the court scene ahead.


Civil Court, Intermediate Court.

The court scene at this moment is still very lively.

In Zhang Wei's case in the past, people from the local prosecutor's headquarters would come, and Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng brought a group of people to "shout and cheer".

Of course, these people generally don't cheer for Zhang Wei, but for his opponent.

But now it is a civil lawsuit, neither Lao Guo nor Lao Zhao showed up, and only two people came from the local prosecutor's headquarters, and they were all cheering for Zhang Wei.

"Yingying, it's the first time I don't have the seat next to the supervisor, isn't it very uncomfortable, and let's cheer for Zhang Wei today!"

"Sister Baihe, this is not good, aren't you afraid of gossip?"

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I don't bother to explain. I feel that now everyone thinks that I have an affair with him, so I just don't care~"

Xiao Baihe thought that it was useless to explain himself, so he might as well just lie flat.

Anyway, this is just a rumor, and it can't be true.

As long as I'm bad and don't explain it, it's fine.

Why bother to delve into these things? Isn't this just making yourself uncomfortable?

Rumors and rumors can't be stopped, so just ignore them, and these rumors will disappear in a few days.

It has to be said that Xiao Baihe is still very far-sighted when thinking about the phalanx at certain times.

"Old Xiao, you're here too, aren't you afraid that Director Zhao is asking you?"

But right next to Xiao Baihe's ear, there was a burst of ridicule.

Hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Baihe's face couldn't be tense at all, and a vein popped up on his forehead.

Tan Yingying on the side was even more frightened and shivered, turning into a little ostrich, her whole head drooping.

"Zhang Wei!" Xiao Baihe gritted his teeth.

"Old Xiao, I understand!"

Zhang Wei leaned in front of Xiao Baihe, and said in a low voice: "You are just pretending, because you are afraid that others will gossip, so you are hostile to me. Don't worry, I understand all these good intentions!"

"You, what are you talking about, I..."

Xiao Baihe was rendered speechless by Zhang Wei's trick.

It's true that I hate you, who said it's just an act, aren't you dazzled?

Good Zhang Wei, you dare to joke about me, I...

Forget it, don't be angry, don't be angry...

Xiao Baihe continuously recited the Qingxin Mantra silently in her heart, which calmed down her mood.

"Don't be cowardly, everyone is leaving!"

After she sat down, she quickly pulled up Tan Yingying who was beside her.

"Yingying, listen up, we will cheer for the prosecution later!"

"Ah, Miss Baihe, isn't Zhang Wei the defense?"

"I just want to cheer for the prosecution, so stop talking nonsense and just follow me!"


Tan Yingying didn't understand, but she could only nod her head mechanically.

Anyway, what Sister Lily said is correct, it is impossible to cheat her...

Leaving aside the issue of Xiao Baihe's temporary change of team, Zhang Wei started to greet other people again.

"Hanhan, father-in-law, you two are here too!"

"I came with my father."

"You kid is not talking nonsense, I have been issued a summons, can you not come?"

Xia Qianyue and Xia Donghai appeared, which was expected.

Xia Qianyue wanted to be there to support Zhang Wei, and Xia Donghai was a witness for the prosecution, so he had to be there.

"Director Sheng!" Jessica at the side was also greeting a middle-aged man.

"Hmph!" Unfortunately, the latter just snorted coldly, with a cold attitude.

Zhang Wei could see clearly that this was Director Sheng of the city hospital and one of the leaders of the medical mutual aid project.

It's a pity that this man's attitude towards Jessica is quite unpredictable.

"No, isn't he your leader? How do you treat your competent subordinate so coldly?"

"Director Sheng was very warm to me before, but I think it was too warm."

Hearing Jessica's explanation, Zhang Wei seemed to understand a little bit.

"Then let's go to our seats!"

The two quickly took their seats in the defense area and looked towards the next seat.

Qin Shaocong arrived at the scene with Wednesday and two, and Zhou's mother also sat on the witness stand for the prosecution, but now she did not cry, but looked at Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei with slightly resentful eyes.

Obviously, she won't work hard until she is crying.

As for when to cry, it is naturally time for the jury to enter.

As the hearing time approached, the courtroom gradually became lively.

Many spectators came one after another, many of whom came here just because of the fame.

The contest between Qin Shaocong and Zhang Wei, Long Teng and Jin Cheng naturally attracted the attention of many lawyers in Dongfangdu.

After a while, the civil court was full of people.

Court time is approaching.


"stand up!"

Following Tingwei's announcement, Ni Qiuping entered the arena calmly with her head held high.

"Old Ni is in pretty good shape!" Seeing this person's state, Zhang Wei smiled at the judge seat.

However, Ni Qiuping naturally wouldn't respond, instead, after scanning the audience, she hit the hammer directly.

"This court announces that Longteng represented the two lawsuits against Dr. Jessica on Wednesday, and now the first court session!"

"The prosecution?"

Qin Shaocong got up and announced: "Thanks to Judge Ni for his support. Now we are summoning the first witness. The family members of the deceased in this case will testify in court every Wednesday or two!"

"Oh, the first heavyweight?"

Zhang Wei was slightly surprised. He thought Qin Shaocong would be the first to summon the hospital.

But in terms of heavyweight, in fact, Wednesday's two mothers are even more powerful.

And let the old man testify in court, if Zhang Wei's questioning is too intense, it will give the jury a bad impression of bullying the old man.

But when Zhang Wei saw that Zhou's mother was already brewing feelings on the prosecution's witness stand, and even tears flickered in the corners of her eyes, he understood.

This is intended to create pressure both on and off the field.

In court on Wednesday and Tuesday, Zhou's mother can also play a role on the witness stand.

Double cast, double the effect!

In general, this is Qin Shaocong's tactic.

After summoning the first witness, Qin Shaocong calmly walked to the witness stand.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou!"

"Hello, lawyer Qin."

On Wednesday, he looked at Qin Shaocong in awe. Obviously, he should have been trained by Longteng's lawyers in the past two days.

"Speaking of which, today is also a sad day, because just last week, your brother passed away."

"That's right, my brother thought that he would be able to stand out when he came to Dongfang Capital, but he didn't expect to lose his life." Said on Wednesday, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist.

"Ah~ my son~"

On the witness stand, Zhou's mother also began to exert her strength, wailing heart-piercingly.

This is to attract the attention of the audience.

"Judge Ni, we ask this person on the witness stand to control his emotions?"

Zhang Wei got up immediately. There was really no way to do it. If Zhou's mother didn't control it, the court would not need to continue.

Her crying can greatly affect the jury.

"Witness, please control yourself!"

Ni Qiuping had no choice but to warn her.

Because the other party is also on the witness list and is one of the witnesses for the prosecution, she cannot drive the other party away without any special reason.

Of course, if Zhou's mother continued like this, she would ask the other party to go out on the grounds of interfering with the court.

So after crying, Zhou's mother temporarily silenced.

But Zhang Wei could see that this guy might come up with another trick at some point, so he had to be on his guard.

"Judge Ni, the defense is asking the court guard to devote some energy to staring at this witness. If she acts aggressively again, can I ask her to leave the courtroom temporarily and go to the waiting room next door?"

"We oppose it!"

Naturally, Qin Shaocong couldn't let Zhang Wei do his best, and quickly stopped him: "Judge Ni, my witness is just an ordinary old mother. She had a rough life in her early years and suffered a lot. She survived until now because of her two sons."

"But her most beloved eldest son passed away not long ago, and he also left her completely. It's understandable that my witness can't control his emotions!"

"Could it be that, Lawyer Zhang and Judge Ni, you are both hard-hearted people, and you even want to drive away an old woman who has lost her child?"

This time, Qin Shaocong fired directly at Zhang Wei and Ni Qiuping, and spoke badly.


Ni Qiuping never imagined that in her own court, someone would dare to "threat" herself like this.

Zhang Wei also called him a good guy!

At the same time, he glanced at the jury seat, and saw that many people showed understanding eyes.

Longguo pays attention to all kinds of goodness and filial piety, and respecting the elderly is also a traditional virtue. Now Zhang Wei and Ni Qiuping are a little helpless.

"It's understandable for the elderly to miss the dead child, but please control your emotions and don't interfere with the court!"

With no other choice, Ni Qiuping could only warn her like this.

But how much is the restriction of this warning, it is estimated that several people present are clear in their hearts.

When Qin Shaocong heard Ni Qiuping's drizzle-like threat, he smiled contemptuously.

"Mr. Zhou, I invite you to court today, just to ask you to introduce the deceased in this case, that is, what kind of person is your brother?"

"My brother, he must be a good man?"

Wednesday two pretended to be reminiscing, and then began to say to the jury:

"My brother is on Tuesday and two, he is a well-known figure in our hometown, and he is a very famous boxing gymnast in our local area. He will take care of any injustice in almost every village!"

"Let's just say that once, a few gangsters from the city came from the next village. They were bullying men and women, and they did all kinds of evil. It wasn't my brother who came out, and finally gave them a hard lesson, and turned these gangsters into disasters in the village. Clean up all the bastards!"

"Another time, a developer said he wanted to take over the land in our village and build a garbage dump. Of course we didn't agree. As a result, he brought a bunch of gangsters to our village to show off, and many people in the village went out to fight They were reasonable, and they were all beaten in the end, and even I was injured at that time!"

Speaking on Wednesday, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing several scars on his hands.

"In the end, it wasn't my brother who came out and led the brothers from the boxing gym to help our village beat these guys away, even the person who brought the developer was cleaned up by him."

"And my brother also brought this matter to the public. After investigation, I found out that this developer is a black boss who wants to take our land by force. My brother also received a pennant, which is now hanging in my house!"

"Also, once my brother..."

Under the narration on Wednesday, the image of a good young man who fights against the strong and supports the weak, and acts bravely in the face of righteousness, is instantly outlined in the minds of everyone in the courtroom.

Obviously, this Tuesday should be an honest and responsible child, who often does good deeds, and is righteous and upright, and can't see any bad things or evil things.

good man!

What a good man!

"So, what happened to your brother after he came to Dongfang Capital?"

At this moment, Qin Shaocong interrupted the memories of Wednesday and Tuesday.

If this goes on, the jury may be sleepy. After all, one or two good stories are enough, and telling too much will obviously make people tired.

What follows is the crux of the case!

"My brother came to Dongfang Capital to participate in the martial arts conference. He is a famous martial arts master in our hometown. Naturally, he also wanted to challenge the world's masters. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect him to come..."


"My poor son—"

On the prosecution witness stand, Zhou's mother burst into tears again at this moment.

This interruption attracted the attention of the jury and the auditorium.

Boom boom boom!

Ni Qiuping rang the gavel, her face full of displeasure: "Witness, did I warn you!"

"Judge Ni, please calm down. I think the witness is just Si'er's eagerness, and I can't control it for a while. Please understand!"

"I believe there are quite a few mothers present. If one of their children dies suddenly, they will definitely be unable to control it, so please be considerate and considerate of them!"

Qin Shaocong hurriedly pleaded for Zhou's mother, but in fact there was a hint of threat in his words.

I may not be able to threaten you alone, but I can recruit people in the jury and hearing to threaten you together.

Look around, how many people are mothers?

If you dare to drive away Zhou's mother, then I'm sorry, these people will look at you like this?

Ni Qiuping naturally also noticed the slightly unkind eyes around her, as if if she said a wrong word, this group of people would be hostile to her.

"Good guy!"

Judge Ni knew what a good guy, and at the same time gritted his molars, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

After the anger dissipated, she warned Zhou's mother: "Don't make an example!"

Those four simple words contained a hint of helplessness, a hint of compromise, and a hint of vague dissatisfaction.

"It looks like I have to be the villain!"

Seeing Ni Qiuping deflated, Zhang Wei knew that if Zhou's mother continued to behave like this, he would have to play.

The judge must maintain fairness and impartiality, but under the coercion of Qin Shaocong, Ni Qiuping had to make some decisions in favor of the prosecution.

And this, in fact, has many disadvantages for the defense.

In order to be truly fair and just, Zhang Wei knew that he had to be the villain when necessary to relieve Ni Qiuping's pressure.

Old Ni, old Ni, at the critical moment, I, Zhang, must step in!

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