Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 378 Zhang Weizun loves the young? expose the lie

Chapter 125 Zhang Weizun loves the young? expose the lie

Ni Qiuping was "coerced".

Because the cross-examination has not yet come, Zhang Wei is also unable to speak in court.

Now in court, it is still Qin Shaocong's free time.

"Mr. Zhou, please tell us, what happened to your brother after he came to Dongfang Capital?"

"After we came to Dongfangdu, we asked people from the criminal investigation department. They said that my brother was stabbed in a bar in an old neighborhood of Dongfangdu. He was sent to the hospital and died. Under investigation."

"Do you accept this result?"

"Of course we don't accept it. My brother was fine before he came to Dongfang Capital, but he disappeared here. Who can accept it?"

"Anyway, as a younger brother, I definitely can't accept it!"

On Wednesday, two faces were full of indignation, and after speaking, he took a special look at the defense chair, his eyes were full of hatred.

"Ah—my poor son, why did it disappear—"

"You left and left your family behind, what should we do—"

"Poor my poor grandson, he lost his father at such a young age, how will he survive in the future—"

On the prosecution witness stand, Mother Zhou started again.

The crying sound was even more intense than before, which was called a miserable one.

The whole court was watching her "performance", and many people couldn't help but look away.

However, compared to before, the eyes of many people have changed this time, becoming a little speechless and a little bored.


It is enough for you to cry once, but we can still understand if you cry twice.

Why is it that every time Qin Shaocong finished asking questions, and after answering the questions on Wednesday and Tuesday, you cried out "at the right time"?

Once or twice can be considered a coincidence, every time it happens like this, it is hard not to make people suspect that this is a purposeful performance.

Trying to attract the attention of the jury and even the hearing booth through crying, so that everyone can sympathize with the deceased and your family members?

We do sympathize with you, but this is a court, can you please keep it down?


It's over!

In the court, more than 50% of the people showed varying degrees of impatience.

They were obviously disgusted by Zhou's mother's sudden crying, and many people even had undisguised disgust on their faces when they heard the crying.

"Thank you Mr. Zhou for your answer, my question is temporarily over!"

After Qin Shaocong noticed the gazes from all around, he hurriedly ended the question.

However, when he walked out of the court, he gave Zhang Wei a provocative look, obviously feeling that he had the upper hand.

"Defense, you can start!" Ni Qiuping hurriedly urged, with a helpless look in her eyes.

Zhang Wei stood up, straightened his collar, and walked to the witness stand.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou!"

Wednesday two looked at Zhang Wei in disgust, and his attitude was not very friendly.

Sensing the attitude of the witness stand, Zhang Wei asked again: "Mr. Zhou, are you hostile to me?"


Wednesday two didn't want to answer this question, but Qin Shaocong, who was in the prosecution seat, suddenly coughed and gave Wednesday two a look.

This look seems to be saying: Don't give me a moth, or you will become a hostile witness. When you hear questions, answer me honestly!

"No, I'm not hostile to you!" Wednesday Liang was reluctant, but he could only answer.

"Oh, you are not hostile to me, is that my question, and you will answer it?"

On Wednesday, he took another look at Qin Shaocong, who nodded.

"Yes, I will answer!"

"Even if you ask some questions you don't want to answer, you will answer them instead of selectively refusing?"

On Wednesday, he took another look at Qin Shaocong, who nodded again.

"Yes, I will answer!"


Hearing Zhang Wei's question on Wednesday and Tuesday, I was so angry that I "scrambled" in my heart.

He couldn't help but slapped the table and shouted: "What do you mean, I will answer after I have said it, don't you understand it!"

"Witness, please pay attention to your attitude. This is an important place in the courtroom, so don't shout!" Ni Qiuping reminded in a cold voice, and her tone was also a little bit unfriendly.

After being scolded by the judge, he sat down again on Wednesday, but he couldn't hide his hatred when he looked at Zhang Wei.

"Oh I see!"

Zhang Wei nodded as if he didn't see it.

But he knew in his heart that Zhou was a very impatient person.

"Okay, I'm starting to ask questions, about your brother, he..."

"Hey, my poor son, why did you leave like this—"

Before Zhang Wei could ask the question, Mother Zhou started again on the prosecution witness stand.

This time, more than half of the people in the entire court covered their faces with one hand, or showed expressions of disgust.

It's enough!

You are enough!

Obviously intentional, right?

In the past, after the question was over, you answered it cooperatively.

Now it's the defense's turn, and you didn't even give the other party a chance to ask questions, and you still said you didn't do it on purpose?

Zhou's mother's crying was so obvious that many people in the court could see it.

Of course Zhang Wei could see it too.

"This young master Qin has a lot of extra tricks!"

He sneered in his heart, and at the same time abandoned Wednesday and two, and walked towards the prosecution witness stand step by step.

Since you are in the first grade of junior high school, don't blame me for being in the fifteenth grade.

I, Zhang, will not let the other party play dirty tricks and sneak around.

"Defense lawyer, what are you going to do?" Qin Shaocong got up immediately and looked at Zhang Wei.

"It's nothing, I just think this mother is too sympathetic!"

"What are you talking about, you are a bit too hypocritical, you wish that their family would not show up in your heart!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's sympathy, Qin Shaocong suddenly became cynical.

Do you think I'll believe your nonsense?

If you, Zhang Wei, really sympathize with the plaintiff's family, let your client plead guilty directly!

"Young Master Qin, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, why don't you have any sympathy at all!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly shifted his firepower and opened fire on Qin Shaocong.


The latter was dumbfounded.

what happened?

what's the situation?

Why did I get fired up by you Zhang Wei?

"Young Master Qin, look, how sad and heartbreaking this old mother is crying, but you just leave her here like this?"

When Zhang Wei said these words, there was a bit of reprimand on his face, "Don't talk about witnesses, look at this old mother, how sad she is, and she has to endure the pressure of going to court. You have suffered double damage to your body and your body, you are simply committing crimes!"


Qin Shaocong hadn't realized yet, why he became the target of Zhang Wei's reprimand.

After Zhang Wei reprimanded Qin Shaocong, he immediately looked at the trial seat, "Judge Ni, we request that Zhou's mother be sent to the preparation room next door to rest, and then arrange for a court guard to follow and take care of her, in case she can't control the emotion of missing her son." , there was an accident!"

When Qin Shaocong heard Zhang Wei's request, he immediately objected: "We object, she is a witness!"

"Why, Young Master Qin, do you still want to summon this sad old mother to testify in court and let her be questioned by the defense? Do you still have humanity, do you still have any sympathy?"

"Ah, this..."

Seeing Zhang Wei looking at him, and everyone around him also casting suspicious glances, Qin Shaocong finally reacted.

Instead of using the other party's methods, it is Zhang Wei's usual routine to play tricks.

"But Mother Zhou wants to go to court..."

"That's because the old mother is reluctant to part with her son, but staying here and crying all the time is not good for the old man's health!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked up to Zhou's mother, "Old man, are you very sad about your son's death?"

"Yes... yes."

Although Zhou's mother didn't want to answer this question, wouldn't she appear ruthless if she didn't answer it?

"Does your heart ache when you think of your son?"

"Yes, it is."

"So when I mentioned your son, you couldn't help crying? Then if I continue to ask questions and mention your eldest son, will you continue to cry?"

"Yes... yes."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded, but a hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Old man, I can finally see you off.

"Judge Ni, and the respected jury, everyone in the hearing booth, the defense once again requests to send this sad old mother to the next room to rest. This is also for the sake of the old man's health, please approve the court!"

"Judge Ni, I..."

"Young Master Qin, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You actually disregarded the health of the old man in order to win the lawsuit. You are really a beast... No, you are not as good as a beast!"

Seeing that Qin Shaocong was about to object, Zhang Wei immediately opened fire, berating him in a compassionate tone.

"Ah, this..."

Qin Shaocong never expected that Zhang Wei would dare to use this trick to disgust himself with his own routine.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth, but he immediately pretended to be heartbroken, clasped his fists and scolded, "Young Master Qin, are you still thinking about forcing this old man to testify in court regardless of her health? "

"It's not easy for an old man to come to the East once. She must be tired after a long journey, but you want her to endure the discomfort and testify in court."

"Of course, if you are so mad and insist on raising objections and arguing with me, then just pretend that I never made such a request!"

Qin Shaocong's face couldn't hold back anymore, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch slightly.

Good guy, this blocked all my rhetoric.

If I continue to insist, I will end up with the infamy of "bullying the elderly".

Qin Shaocong knew that he couldn't speak anymore.

But I can't, it doesn't mean others can't.

He immediately winked at Wednesday Two: Hurry up, don't let your mother go down!

"I also object, my mother has always been in good health, she..."

"Mr. Zhou, what are you talking about? You said that your old mother has always been in good health. Why are you so unfilial?"

On Wednesday and Tuesday, Zhang Wei directly interrupted.

"Look at your mother!"

Zhang Wei pointed at Zhou's mother, then looked at Zhou Zhouliang, "Look at her, how sad she was crying just now?"

"I know that old people are like this. Even if there is something wrong with their body, they don't want their children to know and let them worry about it. So your mother said that she is in good health, so you really believe it?"

This rhetorical question made many people in the court nod their heads.

The old people are all thinking this way, even if they feel uncomfortable, they will bear it by force and will not tell the younger generation.

What Zhang Wei said is indeed correct, and many people agree with this point.

"Mr. Zhou, do you only think about yourself in your heart, and never think about your mother?"

"Also, your elder brother has passed away, and now you are the only one left to take care of your mother, but you don't think about your mother at all. Your elder brother is in heaven, can he rest in peace?"

"Ah, this..." Hearing that Zhang Wei moved out his dead brother, Wednesday and Two couldn't hold back anymore.

After finishing the lesson on Wednesday and Tuesday, Zhang Wei looked at the trial seat again: "So, Judge Ni, even if the prosecution lawyer opposes it today, and the witness Mr. Zhou objects, I still have to think about this old mother. Please grant my request. , Let Zhou's mother go to rest next door."

"Of course, I believe that Young Master Qin of Longteng should not be able to do anything to embarrass an old man, right? I also believe that Mr. Zhou will not disregard his old mother's physical and psychological safety and insist on objecting?"

Qin Shaocong opened his mouth, but he couldn't answer.

On Wednesday, the two wanted to speak, but they couldn't find any words to refute.

Zhang Wei blocked all their words.

"Well, Lawyer Zhang is right. After careful consideration, this court approves Lawyer Zhang's request!"

On the trial seat, Ni Qiuping was overjoyed, but her face remained majestic.

She tried not to let herself laugh out loud, and winked at a court guard.

The latter understood immediately, and walked to Zhou's mother, "Old man, please!"

To tell the truth, Mother Zhou didn't want to move, but Zhang Wei had already walked to her side.

"Old man, please, I will support you, come on, let's go!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's "enthusiasm", Zhou's mother struggled a few times, but she couldn't hold back the strength of Zhang Wei and Ting Wei at all, so she could only be forced to "please" out of the court.

As soon as Zhou's mother left, Ni Qiuping was naturally the happiest, and even looked at Zhang Wei with eyes full of approval.

This kid can deal with it, and if something happens, he really does it!

Not only that, Zhang Wei's "consideration" for the elderly also attracted the attention of many people in the jury and hearing.

This kid can get along well, and he respects the old and loves the young in court, thumbs up!

Similarly, when Zhou's mother left the court, everyone felt that the court seemed to be much quieter.

"Ahem, everyone, let's continue!"

Zhang Wei returned to the witness stand again.

"Mr. Zhou, now your mother has gone to rest next door. I told the court guard not to let the old man into the court until the case is over, lest she will be in danger if she loses control. Of course, I Doing this is also for her physical and mental health, so you can rest assured!"

On Wednesday, the two cursed in their hearts, I can **** it!

Is she your mother or my mother, need you to pretend here?

But even if he wanted to curse in his heart, he couldn't curse out.

Because Qin Shaocong has already warned that it is absolutely forbidden to use rough language in court!

"Then, Mr. Zhou, let's go back to the previous question. First of all, what I want to ask is, according to your description, your brother is a promising young man who acts bravely and helps the weak, isn't he?"


"Your brother beat off a few gangsters in the neighboring village who bullied men and women?"


"Your brother led people to teach the black-hearted real estate developers who forced land acquisition?"


"Your brother still..."

"Yes, yes, this is what I said, you go to our hometown to inquire a little bit, these are all true stories!"

Speaking on Wednesday, he even gave a thumbs up with a proud look on his face.

"Oh, then how come the version of the story I heard is different from what you said, are you sure what you are telling is the truth?"

"Of course, I'm telling the truth!"

This time, Wednesday Liang's expression became a little unconfident, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"That's fine, let's do it one by one!"

Zhang Wei walked to the defense table, took the folder from Jessica, and opened the first page.

"First of all, it was the gangster. According to the story of the gangster who was injured at the time, he brought a few friends to meet the female netizen. Because the girl in your neighboring village fell in love with the guy online, and the girl's parents were afraid that the girl would suffer, so they went I have invited your brother to help out."

"According to the boy's recollection, he saw that the girl was doing well at the time, and his friends were all serving as wingmen more than ten meters away to help him out. As a result, your brother suddenly came out and punched and kicked the boy."

"My friend saw that the young man was being bullied, so he couldn't help but come up to persuade him to fight. In the end, he was beaten by your brother. He beat him and cursed at him. It is said that the scolding was very ugly."

Zhang Wei looked at the end of this page, and said to the jury: "In the end, the young man had several stitches on his head, his fingers were broken, and several of his friends also had abrasions and bleeding to varying degrees. A few teeth were knocked out."

"Tuesday, as the perpetrator, got rid of the charge of assault on the grounds that his mental state was unstable. A follow-up psychiatrist evaluated him and found that he actually had mental illness, and it was still intermittent."

"So, on Tuesdays and Tuesdays, your brother didn't act bravely at all, nor did he beat the gangsters away, but he took the initiative to attack others, causing several young people to be injured and hospitalized. In the end, he even relied on intermittent mental illness as an excuse to get rid of it." Charge!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

It turned out that the so-called bravery for righteousness and beating off bullies who bullied men and women turned out to be the case.

"You are lying, my brother is not this kind of person!"

"How can I lie? I still have the accident appraisal report at that time, the young man's own statement, and even the psychiatrist's medical certificate. I think you have been lying, right?"

Zhang Wei didn't give Tue two chances, and said again: "There is also the matter of the real estate developer involved in the underworld. He is actually a serious businessman, and he discussed with your village about the purchase of land. But you think he gave too little, the price Unsatisfied, he wanted to ask him to increase the price, and the price would be tripled, which is really a lion's mouth."

"The businessman didn't agree, so you led people to surround his engineering team, and beat him in the end. Your brother was the one who beat people the most, and you beat him away in the end!"

"How did this matter come to your mouth? It became your brother's just act against black-hearted businessmen. It is obvious that you are greedy and raise prices!"

As Zhang Wei said, he threw the folder in his hand directly in front of Wednesday Two.

"Mr. Zhou, your testimony contains huge errors, and I suspect that you perjured yourself in court!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Good guy!

The deceased was such a person before he was alive.

And your younger brother, you are a top-notch liar, how did your brother's many evil deeds come to you, and all of them became good people and good deeds?

I really thought we didn't understand anything. Look at the defense lawyers, and they have investigated everything clearly.

Damn you, are you courting death?

The direction of the court completely changed after Zhang Wei brought out the facts.

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