Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 382 Headache Jessica, looking for a sense of security?

(The author has tested the efficiency of a single chapter review, which takes almost 4 hours!)


Wednesday evening, after get off work.

Jincheng Law Firm, lobby on the first floor.

"So let's do it for today, bye, Jessica!"

"Goodbye, Zhang!"

Zhang Wei and Jessica parted ways in the lobby on the first floor, and they returned separately.

Zhang Wei needs to take the subway to return to the Lin Mansion on Sifangmen Street.

The full-time driver, Zhang Xinyan, is still recovering. It is said that he can get out of bed by relying on the equipment, but the bone broken by Xia Qianyue still needs a period of rest to recover completely.

So Zhang Wei temporarily lacks a driver, and he is too lazy to drive himself, so he can only take the most expensive transportation in the city.

Jessica needs to drive back to the apartment above the clinic, and she also needs to rest after a day of hearings.

Seeing Zhang Wei walk into the subway station, Jessica looked away reluctantly, and then drove her own car on the street that was extremely congested due to the evening rush hour.

In the evening rush hour, the city center is especially congested.

Enduring the left and right vehicles changing lanes to overtake and forcibly blocking traffic, the key driver next door was still talking on the phone with one hand, shouting "cnm, will you drive" and other greetings.

Jessica sighed and swallowed it.

After driving through an intersection, the congestion eased a little, but just as she was about to speed up, several pedestrians rushed out on the side of the road.

Running a red light!

Seeing these passers-by ignoring the warnings of the traffic lights, heading straight into the middle of the road, and even trying to climb over the fence, Jessica had no choice but to step on the brakes and give way to them.

"Damn bastard, can you drive?"

"Stop tm*, don't leave yet, I don't know if I'm in a hurry?"

"Your driving school teacher must miss you very much. Others pass the test once, but you have taken the test more than a dozen times, right?"

After the emergency stop, the driver behind started cursing directly, and the words were also vulgar, making people frown upon hearing this.

But it was useless to be anxious, among this group of pedestrians crossing the road, there was actually an old lady on crutches, walking slowly, almost taking a rest after three steps.

So the big brothers in the back never stopped talking, honking the horn + horn + swearing.

The granny crossing the road at a red light in front, and the driver who is about to suffer from road rage at the back, are both challenging Jessica's endurance.

Finally, the old woman passed the lane in front of her, and Jessica immediately started the engine, freeing herself from the pressure behind her.

Passing through a traffic light again, while waiting anxiously, the green light flashed. She was just about to start, but several small electric donkeys passed by, blocking her way forward.


Jessica opened her mouth, but the word never came out.

But she felt that her good qualities would be wiped out under such road conditions.

Next, she experienced traffic conditions such as the car in front occupying the overtaking lane, the novice driver driving on the center line, the car in front changing lanes + turning without turning on the turn signal, and the small e-donkey occupying the motorway lane.

When she finally returned to the downstairs of the United Financial Building, she felt a little tired and exhausted.

After waiting for a long time in the parking space downstairs, and finally parked the car, when she just walked to the gate, something happened suddenly.

"It's that vixen who seduced my husband!"

"Bitch, don't go, if you don't give an explanation today, I won't beat you to death!"

"Destroy my family, I curse you forever!"

I heard a few women appearing around, rushing towards Jessica while uttering sharp curses.

They held banners in their hands, and they were menacing, obviously the visitors were not kind.

After more than ten minutes, Jessica finally got rid of the crazy women downstairs and was able to take the elevator to the 41st floor.

As a result, as soon as she returned to the clinic, she saw red paint splashed on the door.

"Slut, bitch, murder for life, murderer..."

The clinic's gate, reception area, and corridors are all filled with similar words.

Jessica was tired, really tired.

During the day, she had to prepare for the lawsuit and go to court, but when she came back, she saw such a terrible thing.

She turned on the phone and notified the property owner to deal with the painting.

"I'm sorry, the owner, due to the high temperature in the past few days, the building and the cleaning company have not yet reached an agreement on the high temperature subsidy, so it may take a little time to clean up."

"Of course, we will definitely arrange for someone to come over as soon as possible. Please rest assured that we will notify you as soon as we have news."

Jessica hung up the phone and shook her head again.

The property management said as soon as possible, which means to let you wait, and they will deal with it for you when they think about it.

If you can't remember, then...

Jessica had no choice but to contact Tracy again, telling her not to come to work for the next few days, and the vacation was extended.

After hanging up the call with Tracy, Jessica sighed helplessly as she looked at the red paint at the door of the clinic.

Finally, she thought of a person in her mind who could bring her a sense of security.

Eyes flickering, Jessica had a bold idea in her heart.

at the same time.

Lin Fu.

Zhang Wei also returned home and was cooking dinner when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Hi, it's Jessica, what can I do for you?"

"What, you want to live with me, this..."

"Oh, convenience is convenience, but the house I live in is a bit old, if you mind..."

"You don't mind, and you have already started packing your luggage. How many days do you want to stay with me?"

"Okay, okay, have you had dinner yet?"

"No, oh, I happen to be making dinner, so let's have it together, and I'll clean up the room for you after we finish eating."

"Well, be careful on the road!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei stared blankly at the phone until the dishes in the pot smelled burnt, then he brought his attention back to the kitchen.

"What's the situation, what's wrong with Jessica, she's a strong woman, why did she come to live with me?"

"There must be some troubles, but I don't think there is such a big disadvantage in this case. Does it make her feel unsafe?"

"Could it be that someone used an outside trick on her?"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and vaguely noticed something.

30 minutes later.

Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at the extra person on the dining table with a strange expression.

"What are you looking at, second girl, it's not like you don't know Jessica!" Zhang Wei quickly scolded, telling the second girl to eat quickly.


For eating, Zhao Xiaoxiao is quite active. After all, she has to stay up late at night, so how can she have strength if she is not full.

The three of them ate, but they didn't talk much the whole time, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Suddenly, because of food problems, the second daughter broke the silence.

"Hey, why is the food a bit mushy today?"

After taking a bite of the dish, Zhao Xiaoxiao vomited it out with a look of disgust, and couldn't hide the displeasure on her little face.

"I didn't pay attention to the heat when cooking, so I just ate it!"

Zhang Wei smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

It was his own mistake, he had to admit it.

All in all, the meal wasn't too pleasant.

Chef Zhang's cooking skills were also questioned by his second daughter.

But Jessica looked at Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao with a smile on her face.

"Zhang, being with you makes me feel safe. I believe Xiaoxiao thinks the same way, right?"


Zhao Xiaoxiao's little face was full of astonishment, I thought so too.

With this guy, will there be a sense of security?

Don't be ridiculous!

Ms. Ben used to live alone, she was so free, she ate and slept every day, she said she was comfortable~

As a result, since this guy came, Miss Ben hasn't slept in for a day.


Very unhappy!

On Zhao Xiaoxiao's little face, there were three points of sneer, three points of coldness, and four points of carelessness.

"I'm full~"

Throwing down the chopsticks, the second daughter became a real daughter, and she ran upstairs in a hurry, and disappeared without a trace.

In the kitchen, only Zhang Wei and Jessica were left, looking at each other and smiling.

This kind of feeling is like a parent who takes care of a child. Seeing the child lively and mischievous, it hurts and makes him happy.

"Zhang, you really make me feel safe here."

"Look at what you said, don't you feel safe in the clinic and in the apartment?"

Jessica rested her forehead with one hand, her face full of headaches: "Yes, I don't feel safe."

Zhang Wei frowned, obviously knowing something.

"Who is disgusting you, do you have a clue?"

"Zhang, you are very smart, but I want to say that there is no point in guessing."

"Indeed, evidence must be produced, but I don't think these people will find evidence for us, because it is still in the lawsuit, and Qin Shaocong will definitely not want to make extra troubles and let me make use of it."

Zhang Wei didn't need to guess, he also knew that Jessica was disgusted.

As for the means of disgusting people, there are simply too many, and he has done similar things in the past.


Zhang Qiansheng did such a disgusting thing, what does it have to do with me, Zhang Wei?

I, Zhang, am a clean and innocent person.

After comforting himself, Zhang Wei turned his attention back to the present, or to Jessica.

"By the way, do you need me to help you move things and make room together? Although the Lin Mansion looks dilapidated, the advantage is that the house is big enough and the rooms inside are enough..."

"Zhang, remember the time we were in Tonghu Town?"

"Of course I remember. We went to Jinying City to help Susan and Aunt Su Mei, and we..."

Zhang Wei muttered to this point, so naturally he couldn't continue.

This is the Oriental Capital, without Susan and Su Mei, Jessica mentioned Copper Lake Town, and it is impossible to recall Susan and the others.

In Copper Lake Town, apart from Susan and the others, Zhang Wei and Jessica spent their days together.

In those few days, they basically slept together.

"Jessica, you don't mean to..."


Jessica blinked, and under the slender eyelashes, the blue jewel eyes were shining.


Zhang Wei swallowed suddenly, and his heart began to beat violently.

Plop plop plop...

It's killing me!

Jessica is going to sleep with herself again?

Thinking of Jessica's proud figure, her unforgettable graceful demeanor, and that incomparably huge weapon, Zhang Wei couldn't help it...

He shook his head, forcing these thoughts away.

How can I, Zhang Wei, succumb to mere beauty, I...

"Ahem, I'm going to help you move your things. Whatever you bring, leave it to me!"

He bent his arms, exposing his unremarkable biceps.

"Then, please~" Jessica also gave him a cheering and encouraging look, full of anticipation.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Wei started to work, and moved several suitcases placed in Jessie's truck to the Linfu hall.

Then Jessica opened the box, took out some daily necessities, and...

"The lace nightdress is still hollowed out with suspenders, it's terrible, there are black and white..."

"Zhang, where is the washing place, I want to rest..."

Holding a set of black lace underwear in her hand, Jessica asked in an extremely seductive tone.

These words, in Zhang Wei's ears, seemed to have an illusion.

Jessica seemed to be saying: "Zhang, I will wear this to sleep with you later, do you like it?"

"I like it, of course I like it!"

Zhang Wei wanted to say that he liked it very much, but his expression was still calm.

"The bathhouse is here, I'll help you boil the water, but the Lin Mansion's equipment is poor, do you know how to use the wooden basin?"

"Zhang, I'm not a little princess. Do you remember that I also lived with Aunt Su Mei and the others back then. No matter how difficult the conditions are, I can bear them."

"Oh, then I'll boil the water for you, just wait..."

Zhang Wei acted quickly to serve Jessica.

Although this is just such a simple matter as boiling water for a bath, the process is a bit thrilling.

Especially girls take a bath, which is even more time-consuming. During the period, Zhang Wei also helped Jessica add hot water many times at the request of Jessica.

During the process of heating the water, every time he walked into the bathhouse, he could see a plump and attractive white breast in the diffuse water mist, like a diamond, making people unable to move their eyes away after just one glance.

Thinking of such a beautiful woman, who might share the same bed with him later, someone's heart beats even harder.

After Jessica washed up, Zhao Xiaoxiao also walked down.

"Miss Ben also wants to take a bath, so help me boil the water!"

Compared with Jessica's gentleness, the second girl was much simpler and rude, and her tone of voice was almost commanding to Zhang Wei.

But who would let someone dote on the second daughter? Naturally, he didn't mind this girl's little willfulness.

"Second girl, you can boil the water, but I put the kettle at the door, you have to heat the water yourself!"


Zhao Xiaoxiao gave someone a blank look.

Why do you just stand on your back when you help that foreign woman, and your attitude is like this when you come to me?

Double standard!

You are a double standard dog!

Out of the corner of Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes, she caught a glimpse of Jessica in lace pajamas, and saw the seductive figure of the other party that women couldn't help but be jealous of, the perfect curves, the bust like a work of art, no, it should be said to be a big papaya.

The second girl lowered her head and looked at her little melon again.


Forget it, can't compare, can't compare!

I still need to develop!

"I'm done taking a shower, remember to do my laundry!"

After leaving another sentence, Zhao Xiaoxiao just jumped back to the second floor in a white T-shirt and underwear of the same color.

"Sister Xiaoxiao is also very cute!"

Jessica leaned against the door of Zhang Wei's room, watching Zhao Xiaoxiao who went up to the second floor and disappeared, with a smile on her face and a teasing face.

"If the second daughter's personality can be as good as yours, then that's fine~"

Zhang Wei scratched his head, walked into the bathroom, and picked up the change of clothes that Zhao Xiaoxiao had left aside.

Although these are girls' underwear, it's not the first time Zhang Wei has helped her wash clothes, so there's nothing embarrassing about it.

Other girls don't mind, what does he mind.

Besides, for Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhang Wei only has the love of a father for his daughter, and he has no other thoughts.

As for the fact that the second girl is the same age as myself, and the second girl is naturally beautiful and also cute, isn't this normal?

In the eyes of the old father, aren't daughters all little angels?

Speaking of Uncle Zhao next door, what does he think of Zhao Xiaoxiao? Why is such a big girl not going home every day? Isn't he in a hurry?

With this in mind, Zhang Wei helped the second daughter wash her clothes, and after drying them, she also took a shower.

After a busy day and attending a tough hearing during the day, he was also a little tired.

After returning to the room, he saw that Jessica was leaning against the edge of the bed, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and holding a book in his hand, carefully flipping through it.

"Zhang, are you alright?"

When she saw Zhang Wei walking into the room, she didn't feel embarrassed to be in the same room with a man at all, she just stroked her eyes and showed a charming smile.

"Well, I've been tired all day and I want to rest early."

"By the way, tomorrow Thursday, we still have a lot of things to do!"

As Zhang Wei said, he got into bed, resisted not to look at the people around him, and then handed his back to the other party.

Seeing this scene, Jessica was a little moved.

She is very aware of her own charm, and also admires Zhang Wei's ability to stay calm.

If it were any other man, he might not be able to bear it long ago.

But for his own case, for the sake of litigation, Zhang Wei can endure his own desires. This determination is really commendable.

She put down the book in her hand, took off her glasses, pursed her bright red and plump lips, and then got into bed.

"Zhang, I can feel a sense of security from you that I have never felt before!"

"If possible, I hope that I can repay you once this case is over."

Zhang Wei originally wanted to respond, but when he felt the faint pressure on his back, he suddenly lost his composure.

A pair of white and skillful hands slid across his neck, rubbed slightly on the skin, and then looped around his chest.

The two are closely related, and Zhang Wei feels the pressure from the "two mountains".

It's really... I don't know the true face of this mountain, I just want to be among the peaks.

"Alas—" a long sigh.

Zhang Wei felt that today was another sleepless night.

"Zhang, thank you..."

A whisper sounded in her ears, and Jessica breathed out the orchid, which made people's heart itch.

"Well, you're welcome, no matter what time, I will stand by your side!"

"That's why I want to thank you for always supporting me like this..."

"It should be me thanking you. If you hadn't helped me back then, I might not have graduated!"

The two thanked each other, and then Zhang Wei forced himself to rest.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a slight and even breathing sound from behind him, and Jessica had already fallen asleep.

Zhang Weicai was able to gently put down the hands wrapped around his neck, and then turned over carefully.

What appeared in sight was an incomparably beautiful face.

But looking at the other party, Zhang Wei rarely showed a smile.

"Good night……"

He quietly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

What he didn't realize was that just after he said good night, the corners of Jessica's mouth curled up slightly.

One night, nothing happened...

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