Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 383 Review of Medical Disputes, Surveillance Finds Doubts

Thursday, a working day.

"Hey, are you an old man? I'm working from home today."

"What, you said it's only 7 in the morning, there's no need to call so early?"

"Oh, it's late, don't you get up at this time?"

"Oh, you stayed up late yesterday, so you can continue to rest, remember to tell Sister Cuilan for me, after all, I have an important case that needs to be dealt with now."

"I know, I'm an ace lawyer, I have freedom of movement, and I don't even need to clock in. But I'm used to saying that, after all, I still want to compete for the outstanding employee of the year."

"Hehe, do you also think this is a joke? Indeed, there are hardworking people like Xiao Li in our department. It is very stressful to compete for outstanding employees!"

"Oh, stop talking, I'm hanging up, my client is still waiting."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei looked around.

Jessica also woke up. After a good night's rest, the anxiety from yesterday was gone on her face, only a trace of comfort and laziness.

Obviously, being with Zhang Wei made her feel extra relaxed.

Jessica got up and simply stretched her waist. Under the lace underwear, the huge murder weapon almost jumped out.

When Zhang Wei saw this scene, his eyesight somehow dropped, as if he was locked firmly.

He wondered to himself, did he behave a little too well last night...

With such a stunner by his side, which man can bear it?

"Zhang, I'm going to wash up."

"Then I'll make breakfast for you too, can you have porridge?"



In the bathroom, there was a happy humming sound, obviously Jessica was in a good mood.

After a rest last night, Zhang Wei was also in a good mood, as if in response to someone, he hummed happily while making breakfast.

"Did you sleep well last night?" A faint voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

"Yes, second girl, how did you sleep?"


"That's fine, I'll have porridge later, and I'll scramble some eggs for you."

Zhang Wei knew that the second girl had appeared without turning his head.

It's rare that this girl didn't stay up all night.

"See you in a good mood?"

"Of course, I greeted the leader today, so I don't have to go to work."

"How long will Jessica stay here?"

"I guess it will be tomorrow, and the case will just end tomorrow."

"How does her Opie feel?"

"I can only say that I can't hold it with one hand..."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised his right hand and bent his five fingers subconsciously.

A certain person is a shock, and he reacts in an instant.

Well, you little girl, you actually set me up.

"Ahem, second girl, why are you asking such a question suddenly? It's better for children not to understand!"


With a cold snort, Zhao Xiaoxiao turned her head, pouted her small mouth, and made a pussy face.


Miss Ben is very upset!

Zhao Xiaoxiao's face was full of the word "unhappy".

This feeling is like something that I fancy is about to be snatched away suddenly.

All in all, just not happy!

Of course, Zhao Xiaoxiao herself wondered why she felt suddenly upset.

But when she lost her temper, it was usually unreasonable.

Zhang Wei also understands that the mentality of the second daughter is capricious, and he can only coax her, and must not ask the bottom line.

"Second girl, breakfast is ready, go get the chopsticks, you will have the strength to work when you are full."

"I think I need work?"

"I understand, understand, but if you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to last until lunch?"


Although Zhao Xiaoxiao responded indifferently, she still sat in the kitchen obediently.

On the other side, Jessica also finished washing and came out fully dressed.

Compared with the alluring lace nightdress at night, Jessica wears a professional suit during the day, but her allure has not decreased but increased.

Maybe, the hearts of many men are actually subdued...

"Xiaoxiao, good morning."


After Jessica took her seat, she could greet someone face to face, but the latter's response was a little cold.

Zhang Wei and Jessica looked at each other and smiled.

My child, my temper has come up, that's all.

The two "loving elders" are naturally very tolerant of children losing their temper.

So during breakfast, Zhao Xiaoxiao always felt that the two people eating at the same table looked at her with something wrong.

She couldn't describe that feeling.


This is the case with Xiao Zhao. When he dropped his chopsticks after eating, he disappeared.

But for the second daughter, Zhang Wei is naturally very tolerant.

Looking at Jessica and smiling, Zhang Wei started to clean up the dishes.

After everything was done, he and Jessica returned to the room again.

"Let's review the situation of this case again!"

Because the court will be held tomorrow, today is the last working day.

Then it is necessary to grasp the time, and reviewing the case is naturally the most basic.

In Zhang Wei's room, there was an information board, and he began to write on the board.

"First of all, there was only one victim in this case, and that was Tuesday. The cause of his death was also very simple. He lost too much blood and died of serious injuries."

After Zhang Wei wrote down the name of Tuesday, he circled it, and wrote the name of "Wednesday" next to it.

Then next to the name on Wednesday, wrote "Qin Shaocong".

"It's precisely because of Tuesday's death that Wednesday's two wanted to take advantage of his brother's death to earn a generous amount of compensation!"

"As for Qin Shaocong, he saw the opportunity of this case, and wanted to defeat me in one fell swoop, so as to boost their Dragon International and his own reputation!"

That's what's happening in the case, and that's the threat at trial.

On Tuesday and Tuesday, it was the plaintiff's representative. As for Zhou's mother, it was more of an off-site interference factor.

Qin Shaocong is the direct opponent in this case, the plaintiff's lawyer.

"According to the current situation, Tuesday Two needs money, but what Qin Shaocong wants is to win, and Qin Shaocong will not give us a chance to contact Tuesday Two, so the path of reconciliation is impossible, and the relationship between them is the same. no chance."

"After all, Xu Zhifeng suffered a loss once. It is impossible for him, Qin Shaocong, to make the same mistake as his subordinates."

Both Zhang Wei and Jessica understand this matter.

Qin Shaocong is not Xu Zhifeng, and he absolutely cannot give Zhang Weize the opportunity to oppose the plaintiff on Wednesday.

Moreover, Zhou Sanliang was extremely greedy and shameless when he asked for money. He was not a person with a bottom line like Fang Mingming.

Even if Zhang Wei can meet with the other party and propose a settlement fee, will the two sessions agree immediately on Wednesday?

1 million, 2 million, 3 million, or even 5 million as a settlement fee, he might have agreed immediately.

But he would think about it later, since the defendant can give 5 million, then 8 million to 10 million, is it okay?

After 10 million, 20 million, 50 million is it okay?

Do you want to make a small goal at the end? 100 million for him?

Anyway, if you are willing to give me money, why can't I ask for more?

After all, I'm a dead brother, that's my big brother, my mother's big brother...

Must add money!

Greedy people, once aiming at their prey, will not let go easily.

Once you give him a piece of meat, he will ask for a second piece of meat, and a third piece of meat.

For Wednesday and two, as long as you give him compensation, then he will want more.

Therefore, greedy people must not be condoned, but must be strongly rejected.

"According to the current situation, Qin Shaocong's goal is to win me, and Wednesday's goal is money, but I will not let them succeed!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the writing board again.

"The death on Tuesday is the key to this case, and in medical malpractice cases, the specific cause of the death of the deceased, or the causal relationship, is the key."

When Jessica heard this, there was a gloomy look in her eyes.

Because the person responsible for the first aid for Tuesday Two was herself. That night, after receiving Tuesday Two, she also participated in the first aid for the injured in the downtown car accident.

In order to save the dying bride, she had to perform REBOA for Tuesday and Tuesday to buy time.

"Zhang, the situation that day was just like what I told you. In order to save the girl who was about to enter the wedding hall, I had to make a choice."

"Mr. Zhou and that girl were almost hanging by a thread when they entered the emergency room."

Jessica spoke very solemnly, with an extremely serious expression.

After all, at that time, it was a matter of life and death, and she had to make a choice in the shortest possible time.

Whether to save next Tuesday or the girl, or both of them can be saved.

At this critical moment, the technology from her father told her a feasible plan that could save the two of them.

Use REBOA to renew your life on Tuesday, help yourself to save the girl's time, this is the answer.

In theory, if everything went according to plan, she could save another person that night.

"In the final analysis, you were too busy that night!"

Zhang Wei sighed.

The emergency department, that's it.

Only God can know that such a serious car accident happened in the city center that night.

"By the way, he died in the city hospital on Tuesday and Tuesday. It doesn't make sense for them to get rid of the responsibility?"

Zhang Wei then wrote the words "City Hospital" and "Director Sheng" on the clipboard, and circled them all.

If possible, this medical dispute case should be the joint responsibility of both parties.

"I think it is necessary to prove whether the city hospital needs to bear the responsibility for the death on Tuesday, at least to pull them into the water and help you share the pressure!"

Originally according to the plan on Wednesday and Tuesday, it was to find a big hospital to lose money.

As a result, something happened in the middle. Yes, Wednesday changed his mind and found Jessica alone to make a claim.

How did he know it was Jessica who had the surgery?

The family members of the patients usually seek compensation from the hospital, so why did they suddenly turn the gun and transfer it to the doctor who performed the surgery?

And Jessica is not a resident doctor, but a co-doctor.

Logically speaking, if there is a medical dispute among the cooperating doctors, the project leader should also bear the responsibility for ineffective supervision.

"Director Sheng, it seems that he must be dragged into the water. Since he is the person in charge, he must help us share the firepower."

Zhang Wei muttered, remembering yesterday's hearing.

"This old boy talked eloquently in court and gave testimony that was very unfavorable to us."

But suddenly, Zhang Wei was a little strange, and turned to look at the people around him.

"Speaking of which, how is this old boy's medical skills?"

"Medical skills?"

Jessica tried hard to recall every detail of her busy life in the city hospital.

"Director Sheng's medical skills are really hard to say. Although he is the director, I haven't seen him perform surgery when I was working in the city hospital. Occasionally, I heard that he treats patients, and I always go there. Upstairs to the ward."

"Upstairs, isn't he the director of the emergency department? He's not usually in the emergency department?"

"Very few."


Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and vaguely caught something.

"I've always had a question, that night... why were you so busy the night you were sent over on Tuesday?"

"Maybe it was because I rejected Director Sheng's invitation to dinner the day before yesterday, but his attempt on me was so obvious that it was hard for me not to refuse."

"That's why he has a grudge against you, so he arranged so many tasks for you?"

Zhang Wei quickly opened his notebook and checked the handwriting.

"According to the testimony, the average doctor saw at least four patients that night, and you saw more."

"Judging from your testimony, it should be Director Sheng, an old boy, avenging his personal revenge and deliberately trying to keep you too busy to find the north. If this can be proved, wouldn't it mean that the death on Tuesday and Tuesday was not your fault, but This old boy was subjectively intentional, which led to the death of Tuesday!"

Jessica shook her head, "But that night, Tuesday Two and the girl were the first two patients sent to me. Even if I want to prove that my work mistakes were caused by Director Sheng, I used REBOA, which caused Tuesday Two Death is also a given."

"This is actually..."

Zhang Wei felt a little helpless when he heard this.

"In the final analysis, you were too busy that day, and you received two difficult patients at the beginning!"

"The one who assigned you the task that day was also Director Sheng?"

"It's him."

"According to what you said, he also has certain responsibilities, at least he didn't judge the situation of the two patients well."

Zhang Wei thought about it, and it was still possible to use the evidence in hand to prove that Director Sheng made a mistake in his judgment that night.

But with such a little testimony alone, even with the testimony of the doctor or nurse on duty that night, it may not be possible for Director Lasheng to go into the water.

Even if it succeeds in the end, it can only make him bear a little joint responsibility.

"This old boy is really a dog. After arranging tasks for you, he probably only chooses easy jobs, right?"

"I don't know, in fact, I hardly saw him that night."

Jessica tried to remember, but finally shook her head.

"Wait, what are you talking about, this old boy disappeared that night?"

"It's not like it disappeared. I saw Director Sheng appear later, but I remember that the time was almost early morning, because at that time I used the microwave to heat a sandwich for supper, so I remembered the time."

"Appeared in the early morning, never appeared before?"

"seems like it."

In Zhang Wei's mind, a flash of inspiration flashed in an instant.

He seemed to catch a point.

"Wait, let me check the surveillance video from that night!"

In order to cooperate with this case, the city hospital released the surveillance video of the emergency department that night, and the court also included these surveillance videos as evidence.

So Zhang Wei also has videos that can be viewed at any time.

He immediately clicked on the monitor and began to view and analyze frame by frame.

An hour passed, two hours passed...

Zhang Wei watched the whole night's monitoring directly, and the time came to the afternoon.

What reminded him of the time was the growling of his stomach, which had already been urged by the second girl outside the door.

After cooking dinner for the "couple" at home, Zhang Wei watched the surveillance video while eating.

As for Zhang Wei, who was concentrating on doing something, Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to be disturbed by his serious look.

But washing the dishes and doing housework is impossible.

Zhao Xiaoxiao ran away again after eating.

Zhang Wei put down his bowl and chopsticks, and subconsciously went to watch the surveillance video.

Seeing this scene, Jessica smiled slightly, picked up the apron and rag from the kitchen, and started to work.

In the evening, Zhang Wei was still flipping through the video, but Jessica had packed up and came behind him.

A pair of skillful hands gently wrapped around his neck, followed by a pleasant massage.

very comfortable~

"Zhang, did you find anything?"

"I didn't find anything. I even watched the video twice. It's a pity that the old boy didn't miss a few times in one night, and the monitoring angle is not complete, so no direct evidence can be found."

Zhang Wei said, and complained: "Look at this old boy, he must have found a place to rest secretly at night, and he can still talk and laugh with the patient the next day!"

He said, pointing to the screen on the monitor.

Director Sheng pushed a girl in a wheelchair, talked and laughed with her, and walked towards the lawn activity area in the hospital.

"Strange, I haven't seen this girl in the emergency room?"

Jessica looked at the girl with the same strange expression.

"I'm also a little surprised when you say that. I watched the surveillance video of the emergency room all night, but I didn't find this girl!"

Zhang Wei frowned, and the scene was frozen at the scene where Director Sheng pushed the girl out.

Zoom in on the video, zoom in on the girl's face, and then take a screenshot.

"This matter has to be done by the second daughter!"

Zhang Wei muttered, and sent the screenshot directly to Zhao Xiaoxiao, and attached the word "help".

One minute later, Zhao Xiaoxiao replied with an "OK" gesture.

After another 5 minutes, a series of messages appeared.

"Hey, this girl is indeed not an emergency patient, but a general department, and the family still sells medical equipment companies."

"Wait, medical device companies. Generally speaking, this kind of company is to curry favor with doctors in large hospitals, especially people like directors, who are their first choice."

"Why is Director Sheng talking and laughing at this girl here?"

With doubts on his face, Zhang Wei continued to search for the information given by Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Soon, a piece of information caught his eye.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!"

"I said that the old boy must have a problem. I didn't expect it to be like this. Now there will be a good show tomorrow!"

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth outlined a sinister smile.

"Zhang, did you find something?"

Jessica, on the other hand, has not noticed the linkage of these clues.

"Of course, not only did I find something, but I also found the knife for the fatal blow!"

"When I'm in court tomorrow, I'm going to stab this knife directly into the enemy's heart, let a white knife go in, turn it around three times, and then come out with a red knife!"

As Zhang Wei said, he made a stabbing motion, and the smile on his face was like a big villain.

But Jessica was very happy when she saw this smile, and at the same time she was full of admiration for the boy in front of her.

Only Zhang Wei can find the way to turn the tables in extreme disadvantages

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