Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 386 Summon Director Sheng, Who Violated Morals?

In court, cross-examination continues.

Qin Shaocong walked up to Jessica and asked:

"Doctor, the next question, you said that you are sorry for my client, is that what you said just now?"


"When you say you are sorry for him, do you admit that you have made mistakes in your work, so you feel ashamed of my client?"

"No, I admit that my technology is not yet perfect, so that I miscalculated the time. I apologize for not saving two people at the same time."

Jessica said, apologizing: "If I had learned enough surgical knowledge from my father back then, maybe this tragedy would not have happened."

Qin Shaocong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly cried out that it was troublesome.

I thought I could catch the flaw in the woman's testimony, but I didn't expect it to be dismissed lightly by the other party.

"So, your guilt towards my client is actually not that high. On the contrary, you feel more guilt about your own medical skills. Do you think technology is higher than human life?"

"Objection, the prosecution lawyer is over-interpreting my client's statement!"

Just when Qin Shaocong was about to use his tricks, Zhang Wei stood up and interrupted.

He was staring at it the whole time, and would not give the former a chance.

"The objection is valid!" On the trial bench, Ni Qiuping also nodded at the right time.


Seeing himself being "targeted" by three people in court, Qin Shaocong could only snort coldly.

However, after a little adjustment, Qin Shaocong continued to ask: "Doctor Jessica, I think you still made mistakes in your work, and it was a huge mistake!"

This is also something he has to prove. Only by proving that Jessica made a mistake in her work can the jury side with the plaintiff.

Compensation can only be achieved, and Zhang Wei can be beaten hard, so that the other party cannot come back.

"Huge mistake?" Jessica blinked, puzzled.

What exactly is a huge mistake?

In her opinion, it should only be considered as letting the patient ignore it, or performing medical operations in violation of regulations, right?

"Yes, huge mistake!"

Qin Shaocong sneered, and said directly: "Actually, we all knew that the situation that night was urgent, but even so, you don't need one person to treat two patients at the same time, right?"

"If you really think about the patient, why don't you ask other doctors for help? I believe that in the emergency department at that time, there must be someone who has a patient who is not life-threatening for the time being and can assist you!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the audience whispered to each other, and some couldn't help but nodded.


Although it was very urgent that day, two patients suddenly came to you, and both of them were in danger of life.

Why can't you just open your mouth and call a doctor to help you when you need to save two people at once?

If you called the doctor, wouldn't there be no accident?

Maybe you don't have to die on Tuesday or Tuesday.

Even if he died of serious injuries in the end, he wouldn't bother you on Wednesday or Tuesday, would he?

So, you are still responsible!

Qin Shaocong's question did make the court's wind direction slightly biased towards the prosecution.

More than half of the six jurors agreed with Qin Shaocong's words.

"Actually, everyone was very busy that night."

Jessica tried to remember.

That night, she remembered that the emergency department never stopped, and everyone was receiving patients, one after the other.

No one has free time, and everyone wishes to grow three heads and six arms, otherwise they will be too busy.

"Business is no excuse!" Qin Shaocong interrupted quickly, and said sharply, "Have you asked other doctors if they can support you?"

Jessica tried hard to recall the scene at that time, then shook her head.

"Shaking your head, means no?"

Jessica nodded.

"So that means that you think everyone is busy, so you chose to leave my client's brother aside and let him wait to die?"

"Objection, false accusation, hearsay evidence!"

Zhang Wei got up immediately and interrupted again.

Not only that, this time Zhang Wei looked directly at the trial seat: "Judge Ni, is this a question from the prosecution lawyer? Why didn't he give my client a chance to answer, and you just let him be aggressive like this?"

"The defense lawyer is right!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, "The objection is valid!"

"In addition, please pay attention to the rhythm of your speech, and ask the witnesses to answer your questions. This is also the meaning of cross-examination in court!"

Qin Shaocong bowed his head and apologized.

But how much embarrassment he has, maybe only God knows.

After Ni Qiuping finished speaking, she looked at the witness stand, "Witness, do you have any answer to the question raised by the prosecution lawyer?"

Jessica nodded, she did have something to say.

"In fact, in the emergency department, there is an unwritten rule, that is, during busy periods such as holidays, try not to ask other doctors for help, because this will affect the work of other people."

"The tasks are all assigned by the director. If I ask someone to help, it means that another doctor may not be able to complete the task, or he may not be able to treat the wounded in time, which means that I have harmed other patients."

"So I asked the medical staff to contact the director, but in the end the medical staff did not give me any feedback. You all know what happened next."

Upon hearing this answer, Qin Shaocong sneered and said, "You mean, you're going to push this question to Director Sheng?"

He looked towards the front row of the hearing booth, where Director Sheng was also sitting there, his eyes slightly gloomy.

"Actually, Director Sheng didn't receive a report from the medical staff that day, so the fact is that your own blind self-confidence killed my client's elder brother!"

"No, the prosecutor's lawyer is confidently speculating and making false accusations!" Zhang Wei stood up again and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!" Ni Qiuping waved her hand, she was almost too lazy to think.

"Okay, I take back my last statement!"

Qin Shaocong sneered, but he also achieved his goal.

Just because he retracted his statement doesn't mean the jury didn't hear it.

In fact, what he said just now has already explained the problem very well.

And he also proved that this matter is the fault of the defendant!

Even if the defendant did her best all night, she was responsible for Tuesday's death.

It is enough to reach this point.

Qin Shaocong looked at the jury box, looking for jurors who were favorable to him.

Four, five...


Seeing this number, he knew that he probably won.

Next, there is no need for him to continue asking questions.

Because as long as he ends the cross-examination, there will be no other witnesses on Zhang Wei's side.

If I enter the closing statement with this number of votes, the advantage must be with me!

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"Judge Ni, the prosecution has ended its cross-examination!"

After Qin Shaocong finished speaking, he went straight to the prosecution bench and sat down.

The upward curve of the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.

it's over!

it's all over.

In Zhang Wei's list, there are only two witnesses, and the other one is the character witness Tracy.

As far as Qin Shaocong knew, although this Tracy had lived in the East for many years, she could not even speak Chinese, and the effect of testifying in court was limited.

Even if Zhang Wei summons her, the threat is not that great.

After all, the jury is more willing to believe in "our own people" than "outsiders".

What's more, if you summon a foreigner with Cao Zhe's foreign accent to come to court, it will be beneficial to the plaintiff.


I'm going to win!

Qin Shaocong narrowed his eyes, he wanted to see how Zhang Wei made the final struggle.

"Judge Ni, we still have to call a witness!"

Not surprisingly, Zhang Wei did speak.

Ni Qiuping nodded, glanced at the prosecution witness stand, and then glanced at the hearing stand after realizing that Tracy was not there.

"Zhang Wei, where are the witnesses?"

"Witnesses are in the hearing booth!"


Ni Qiuping was stunned.

You said the witness was on the hearing stand, why didn't I see it?

Tracy is not from our Dragon Country either, it is impossible for such a big person to be invisible, right?

What about people?

Where are people?

Ni Qiuping thought her eyesight was good, but why didn't such a big witness see it?

"Oh, Judge Ni, I think you misunderstood, the witness I want to subpoena is not Tracy!"

Zhang Wei seemed to have guessed Ni Qiuping's astonishment, and immediately changed his words: "Actually, the one I want to summon is Director Sheng who is in the hearing. The defense hopes to summon Director Sheng to testify in court again!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, the audience was stunned.

Guys, you're starting again, aren't you?

Some people who are familiar with Zhang Wei's routine immediately expressed their understanding.

You have come to this trick again, have you found a breakthrough again, and need someone to come up to deliver it?

Anyway, Xiao Baihe, who was sitting in the front row of the hearing booth, did notice something.

"Hanhan, bereaved girl, I feel that there is hope for a comeback!"

As someone who has fought against Zhang Wei, Xiao Baihe said that he has the most right to speak.

Although fighting Zhang Wei brought back bad memories, she was actually a little excited at the moment.

Zhang Wei won against Qin Shaocong, she was also happy.

Doesn't this prove that our local prosecutor's headquarters did not lose wrongly?

"be opposed to!"

And Zhang Wei's request naturally attracted Qin Shaocong's opposition.

Your Zhang Wei is simply looking for trouble.

You dare to summon my witnesses, and the other party has finished testifying.

"Judge Ni, the prosecution strongly opposes the defense's unreasonable request. Director Sheng has already fulfilled his obligation to testify in court, so there is no need to appear in court again!" Qin Shaocong said righteously.

He winked at Director Sheng, signaling to the other party to rest assured that there will be no problems with him watching over here.

"Judge Ni, the defense strongly urges Director Sheng to testify in court, because the defense has discovered new evidence that can prove the most critical factor in this case, as well as the real cause of death of the plaintiff on Tuesday!"

"Lawyer Zhang, are you kidding? Where is the new evidence? Why didn't I find it in the court's public exhibits?"

"That's why you're blind!"

"What did you say!"

"I speak Dragon Mandarin?"

"Damn you..."

Boom boom boom!

Just when Qin Shaocong couldn't help being violent, Ni Qiuping finally hit the hammer.

"You two come up to me!"

Zhang Wei and Qin Shaocong could only go forward.

Ni Qiuping looked at the two of them, without hiding her displeasure.

Good guy!

You two are really nice guys.

You are all so noisy in my court, if this is a small judge, wouldn't it be a disaster?

"Zhang Wei, what are you talking about first? Why do you have to summon witnesses who have already spoken?"

"Old Ni, didn't I say it, the new clue we found!"

"I object!"

Qin Shaocong immediately stated: "This does not comply with the publicity rules. If there is new evidence to submit, then..."

"Young Master Qin, you are wrong. What I did was in full compliance with the regulations, because the new clues I discovered came from the existing evidence!"


Zhang Wei's answer stunned both Qin Shaocong and Ni Qiuping.

What problems do you find in the existing evidence?

"Old Ni, not only did I find new clues in the existing evidence, but I was also able to prove that Director Sheng has a problem. Please give me a chance to prove it, so that the case can truly clarify the responsibilities!"

Ni Qiuping pondered for a moment, and finally she ignored Qin Shaocong's objecting eyes and nodded.

"Well, this court will give you this chance, but please remember, don't call me that in court next time, please call me Your Honor!"

"Okay, old Ni, I understand old Ni!"

Zhang Wei nodded and made an "OK" gesture.

The corners of Ni Qiuping's mouth twitched, but she could only grit her teeth and suppress the anger in her heart.

no more.

When the case is over, I must find a psychiatrist to take a good look, I must be depressed.

But now, she has to preside over the order of the court.

"Ahem, after the friendly negotiation with the prosecution and the defense just now, this court has chosen to accept the defense's opinion and agree to the defense calling witnesses to testify in court!"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Director Sheng.

Come up you!

Director Sheng was helpless and looked at Qin Shaocong speechlessly.

Didn't you say it's okay?

Why are you going to court again?

Qin Shaocong also spread his hands, don't you see that the judge and Zhang Wei are in the same group?

In fact, most people really can't see it.

Anyway, without saying anything else, Director Sheng sat on the witness stand again.

And Zhang Wei finally smiled.

He winked with Jessica, indicating that everything was OK, and then walked to the front of the witness stand.

"Director Sheng, this is your second time to testify in court, right?"

"Hmm!" Director Sheng's response was still indifferent, as if seeing Zhang Wei upset.

Zhang Wei was not annoyed at all. After saying hello, he quickly asked, "Director Sheng, I would like to ask you, what is medical ethics?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Director Sheng was surprised, is this a problem?

He looked at Qin Shaocong, who didn't realize that there was a trap in this question, so he nodded.

This question can be answered.

"If you want to ask this, then I can answer you. Medical ethics and morals actually include various situations. Doctors will hesitate, doubt, not be decisive enough, and will generate sympathy, empathy, and even..."

"Director Sheng, let me interrupt!"

Seeing that Director Sheng wanted to make a long speech, Zhang Wei immediately interrupted: "Director Sheng, you don't need to be so specific, you just need to tell us what you think is the worst situation."

"Worst case?"

Director Sheng thought for a while, looked at Jessica again, and sneered, "I think the worst situation is that the doctors will make wrong decisions because they have no time to think. They didn't consider any consequences objectively, and chose what they thought was the best. Correct decision!"

As he said, he also pointed out: "But this decision often leads to some serious mistakes. For example, your client, she is in such a situation, she thinks she has chosen the most reasonable plan, and as a result, the patient Mr. Zhou death!"

"Oh, I see?"

Zhang Wei nodded, and then couldn't help asking: "What about you?"


Director Sheng was stunned, why did he suddenly ask himself.

"That's right, Director Sheng, have you ever done anything that violates medical ethics?"

"No, no, there is absolutely no such thing!" Of course Director Sheng denied it.

Even if he did, but if he admits it in court, it will be recorded verbatim by the clerk.

So he can't admit it.


Zhang Wei sneered, walked to his seat, and took out a few photos.

He walked to the projector and put the photo on it.

"Director Sheng, this is a scene from the monitoring of the emergency room that night. It was a very busy night and everyone was busy."

"Yes, what do you mean by showing me the picture of the emergency room that night, I don't know what happened that day?"

Director Sheng didn't smile and asked back, his tone was not kind.

"It's not. It's just that I'm very surprised, because my client said so. She asked the doctor to contact you that day, but you didn't respond. I want to ask what's going on?"

"Of course your client lied!"

Director Sheng sneered again: "I didn't hear the news that the defendant asked for help that day. In fact, whether she asked others for help that day is a question."

"If she really wanted to seek help, there must be a doctor in the emergency department who is available to help her. The difference is that she didn't look for it. I think she lied. She didn't ask the doctors and nurses to find other doctors at all."

Hearing Director Sheng's decisive tone, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Really, what if the doctor really wanted to find you, but found that he couldn't find you?"

Director Sheng frowned, but did not answer the question.

"But you are right about one thing, that is, there must be some doctor that night, who is actually not busy, and has a lot of free time in his hands, so he can come and help!"

"But in the end, that person disappeared. Not only did he not appear where he should be, but he also disappeared at the busiest moment. Do you know who that person is?"

"Director Sheng, please answer this question!"


Zhang Wei's last tone suddenly sounded, and at the same time, he slapped the wooden guardrail, staring at the person in front of him.

Everyone in the audience was attracted by this move, and countless eyes were cast on Zhang Wei and Director Sheng.

what's the situation?

Why did it explode suddenly?

This look looks like it's about to kill someone!

"What are you talking about, I don't know!"

Director Sheng quickly denied it, but with his head down, his eyes flickered.


Zhang Wei muttered coldly, and then asked: "Then I hope this second photo can awaken your memory!"

The photos on the projection screen changed from the busy scene of the emergency room to a corridor where a doctor pushed a girl in a wheelchair and walked out with a smile on her face.

The atmosphere of the two photos before and after is obviously very different, and the contrast is a bit huge.

Just like the surface of the sea, a second ago, there was heavy wind and rain, lightning and thunder, and there were huge waves hanging on the sea.

As a result, the next second, the blue sky and white clouds, the sea breeze was gentle, and the sea surface was as calm as a mirror.

"Director Sheng, I'm still talking about what I said just now. It was true that the patient in someone's hands was not life-threatening that night, and that person did have time, but he didn't participate in the emergency rescue, and even disappeared by himself."

"When you see the girl in the photo, you can see how happy she is smiling. She doesn't look like a patient who survived a life-and-death crisis at all, don't you think?"

"However, the strange thing is that the person pushing this patient is actually the chief physician of the emergency department. Shouldn't he be in the emergency department last night, rescuing those seriously injured patients? How could he accompany such a girl? "

Zhang Wei pointed at the two people in the photo, although the tone of his mouth was teasing, but the words were clear.

The eyes of the entire court were also focused on the two photos.

They are all curious, who is this girl?

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