Who is this girl?

Probably everyone in the audience had such a doubt in their minds, right?

There are screenshots in the photos.

The date shown in the screenshot happened to be the second day after the night of the car accident, and it was still in the afternoon, and the weather was still sunny and sunny.

Director Sheng, you were supposed to be on duty in the emergency department yesterday to rescue patients?

How come the next afternoon, you pushed a girl, and you were still talking and laughing in the hospital?

You don't look like you stayed up all night and rescued patients in the emergency room, don't you?

has a problem!

There is clearly a problem here!

"Director Sheng, before I ask this girl's identity, I want to ask you a question, where did you go that night?"


"Why, can't you tell?"

Zhang Wei looked at Director Sheng who was speechless and didn't know how to answer, and immediately sneered.

"I asked the medical staff in the emergency department, and one of the nurses told me this: Director Sheng immediately came to the emergency department to work after receiving the news of a car accident in the city center that night, but he was quickly picked up. Call, just tell me not to disturb, and I left!"

After the report was finished, he walked up to Director Sheng, pointed to the latter's nose and said, "Director Sheng, did you tell the doctors and nurses in the same office that night that they would never disturb you tonight?"


"Did you abandon them knowing that there was a car accident in the city center that night, and countless seriously injured patients were sent to the emergency department?"

This question is a bit sharp, and this question is also a sharp one.

All the audience's attention was attracted by this question.

"Director Sheng, please answer this question truthfully!"

Ni Qiuping also had a cold face, and her voice was as cold as the twelfth lunar month, without any emotion.

"I..." Director Sheng looked at Qin Shaocong on the prosecution table, his face completely flustered.

"Director Sheng, is this question difficult to answer?" Zhang Wei also made up the knife at the right time, with a teasing look on his face.


Director Sheng was sweating profusely, as if he was facing an enemy, he was at a loss for a while, and didn't know how to speak.

Because he opened his mouth to answer, whether he told the truth or not, there was a problem.

Telling the truth is tantamount to admitting your mistakes.

Lying is perjury.

This question is simply killing him!

"I... I don't know!"

Finally, under the watchful eyes of the audience, Director Sheng replied like this.

have no idea!

Although this answer is ambiguous, it can resolve the current situation very well.

As for this answer, Zhang Wei had already expected it.

"Director Sheng, I guessed that you would answer that you don't know, so let's not dwell on this question that obviously already has an answer!"

Zhang Wei smiled and looked towards the jury.

At this moment, the six jurors all cast a scrutinizing gaze on Director Sheng.

He knows that now he needs to pursue the victory and seize this only chance to come back!

"Director Sheng, the second question is about this girl!"

“We all know that there was a serious car accident in the city center that night, and the emergency department received most of the injured in the car accident. Of course, the emergency department receives a lot of patients every day, and some of them are the same as the deceased, and do not belong to the parties and family members of the car accident, so there are many patients in the emergency department that night, and each doctor needs to receive more than four above patients."

Zhang Wei cooperated with the speech and raised four fingers.

But then, among the four fingers, three were slightly bent, and only one stood up: "Director Sheng, let me ask you, as the director of the emergency department, how many patients did you receive that night?"


When Director Sheng was asked this question, he was speechless again, not knowing how to respond.

"How many, you should know?"

"I... I don't know!"

It was the same answer again, and the same perfunctory.

But this time, Zhang Wei was already prepared.

"Director Sheng, you really don't give up until you reach the Yellow River, and you actually lie in public!"

Zhang Wei's face turned cold, and his tone was quiet: "Even if you forgot, the hospital also has admission records, and now they are all data-based offices, and these admission records can be queried!"

The photo on the projection screen changed again and turned into a hospital admission record form.

The name of the doctor on the form is the name of Director Sheng, and behind it are rows of medical records with surnames, but the names are covered by **, and some personal private numbers are also coded with *.

"Director Sheng, this is your last month's consultation records that I pulled out from the database of the city hospital. The dates and patient information on it are all publicly available."

Zhang Wei pointed to one of the dates and asked, "It's so strange, why did you record a patient that night?"

"And the next morning, the number of patients you received was only half of the usual number. Did you spend the morning or even noon on accompanying this patient?"

Everyone in the audience clearly saw what Zhang Wei said.

Director Sheng's medical record on the night of the car accident was a patient.

There were only two patients the next day, and none of them underwent surgery.

Three patients in two days, this is not the workload that an emergency department director should have.

"Okay, now the question goes back to the beginning. Who is this girl and what kind of injury did she suffer? Why do you, the director of the emergency department, have to worry so much?"

Zhang Wei asked again, and this time the question hit the nail on the head.

"Director Sheng, it shouldn't be difficult to answer this question, right?"

"Could it be that you can even forget the patients you have received, or that you are mentally clear, but dare not answer?"

Zhang Wei was aggressive, and finally slapped Director Sheng in front of him.


The crisp voice spread throughout the silent courtroom.

"Director Sheng, please answer!"

Director Sheng was in a panic at the moment and dared not speak.

Because he knew that it would be dangerous to say one more sentence, and he could not answer.

"Why, keep silent again?"

"Now I have evidence to prove that you clearly knew the situation that day, but you refused to cooperate with the court's questioning. Then your behavior also constituted perjury, concealed testimony, and obstructed judicial justice!"

"Director Sheng, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that all of us will know that you abolished the public for personal reasons that day?"

"Okay, since you don't answer, then I'll ask directly. If you keep silent, I'll take it as your acquiescence to these things!"

Seeing that Director Sheng dared not speak for a long time, Zhang Wei planned to make a tough move directly.

"Is this girl related to you? Is she a child of your cousin's family, that is, your niece?"

Director Sheng didn't answer, but everyone in the audience couldn't help but nodded.

I see.

Sure enough, there is a relationship, and it is still a relationship.

"I also checked the information about this girl's case. She was injured in her leg. Because of a fall, her leg bones were misaligned and slightly fractured. Although she needs to sit in a wheelchair for a while, this is not a fatal injury, not even a fatal injury. threatened her life."

"Director Sheng, there were so many critically ill people in the emergency department that day, but you chose to abandon them for the sake of your cousin's niece!"

"You knew that there were many seriously ill patients and dying patients, and you left the emergency department without hesitation, so that my client had to treat two difficult patients at the same time, but I couldn't ask you, the director of the emergency department, for help. help!"

When Zhang Wei said this, his tone was excited, and he raised his hand and pointed to the defense bench.

"Among the patients at that time, there were patients with massive abdominal bleeding, patients with pneumothorax who couldn't breathe, and many patients who needed to be rescued due to car accidents. But the one you went to treat was a leg injury, which caused the operation to temporarily stop. Inconvenient patient, just because she is your niece, you can't tell the priority of the patient, can't you tell the priority of things?"

"Not only that, because of the conflict between you and my client, before you left, you deliberately threw the first two patients to my client, Dr. Jessica. I admit that her medical skills are very good, otherwise it would be impossible to save the patient that night. Another 5 patients, but who is responsible for the death on Tuesday, I believe you and I, as well as everyone in the court, already have the answer in their hearts, right?"

"Director Sheng, you are the culprit, you are the one who is mainly responsible for Tuesday's death, you are..."

Zhang Wei pressed on step by step, or didn't give him a chance at all, and he was a blow to Director Sheng.


Under this tremendous pressure, Director Sheng finally couldn't bear the pressure and roared in court.

"What's wrong with me, she is my niece, shouldn't I help her?"

"My niece comes to the hospital, what's wrong with me helping her, what's wrong with taking care of her?"

"Everyone is human and has relatives and friends. My cousin asked me to take care of my niece, and I left for a short while. Is this a mistake?"

Director Sheng asked three rhetorical questions in a row, making the whole court look at him.

"It's true that people have selfish intentions. It's really no big deal for you to accompany your relatives to the hospital for treatment."

"Even if you violated the code of ethics for medical care, your reasons are still tenable...but!"

Everyone in the audience could hear it, the last "but" is the key point.

Ni Qiuping, Xiao Baihe, Xia Qianyue, Jessica and the others were also in high spirits and sat upright.

Everyone pricked up their ears, ready to hear Zhang Wei's continued revelations.

Zhang Wei sneered, and said quietly: "But, if you and your cousin have illegal transactions, then what's the matter?"

"How is it possible, you..."

"Director Sheng, why are you so panicked? Is it because you are afraid that the affair between you and your cousin will be exposed?"

Seeing that Director Sheng panicked and looked like a weasel whose tail had been stepped on, Zhang Wei sneered.

"Everyone in the court, jurors on the jury, I can tell you here that Director Sheng's cousin's family is in the business of medical equipment, and Director Sheng will go around every year and festival, and Director Sheng goes to his cousin every time. After returning home, his family's account will receive a 'big red envelope' every few days~"

Having said that, everyone understands.


Sure enough, there was insider trading!

The relationship between Director Sheng and his cousins ​​is definitely more than a simple relationship.

"Director Sheng, I have read your resume and asked some doctors and nurses in your hospital. They all said that although you are the director of the emergency department now, you have a good chance of passing this year's assessment. It's not impossible for the dean."

"Then that is to say, your power and face in the city hospital are actually great, which should be enough to affect the purchase of medical equipment and other businesses in the hospital, can I say that?"

On Director Sheng's forehead, cold sweat rolled down like beans, even if the air conditioner was turned on in the courtroom, it was useless.

There is only one thought in his mind right now.

It's over!

It's all over!

Let alone the vice president, he might lose his job.

Not only that, but if someone finds out about the transactions between him and his cousin, and the matter of him receiving red envelopes, then he will even have his title revoked, and he will even go to jail for economic crimes.

That's really...

Everything is over!

Thinking of this, Director Sheng sat slumped on the witness stand, as if he had lost his soul and lost all vigor.

"Director Sheng, what's the matter, is the defense broken?"

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Wei sneered again.

It's still the director of the emergency department. Such a little psychological endurance is really embarrassing.

"Ahem, I believe everyone has seen that Director Sheng has confessed to his economic crimes. There are insider transactions between him and his cousin, including but not limited to 'receiving red envelopes', 'eating kickbacks', 'using power for personal gain', etc. Behavior, I believe that the discipline inspection department will conduct an economic investigation on you, the director, later!"

In fact, Zhang Wei didn't need to say much, Ni Qiuping had already signaled Ting Wei to contact her.

Just as Zhang Wei finished speaking, a pair of people in formal suits walked into the court.

They walked straight in front of Director Sheng, and said coldly, "Director Sheng, you are suspected of duty-related crimes, please come with us now!"

"take away!"

After erecting one left and one right, the group took Director Sheng away in front of the court.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Qin, the witness has left now, and there is no way for you to cross-examine him to save the scene."

Watching Director Sheng being taken away, Zhang Wei even teased the prosecution chair.

Qin Shaocong's face was contorted with anger, but he couldn't get angry again, and his whole face was very exciting.

It can be said that he had hundreds of swear words in his heart, but he couldn't swear.

"Judge Ni, my questioning is over, and the defense will also end its self-examination!"

"This court understands!"

Ni Qiuping actually wanted to say that this was all nonsense.

You have revealed so much information, the next steps can actually be omitted.

But she still beat the hammer and announced: "Take a break for 5 minutes, and then both parties should prepare their closing arguments!"

Everyone in the court was speechless.

Does it make sense?

What is the situation in the court now, don't you have any compulsion in your mind?

Still need closing testimony, damn.

Five minutes later, the parties began their closing arguments.

But both Qin Shaocong and Zhang Wei knew that this was just a process.

The closing arguments of the two sides ended soon, and Ni Qiuping announced that the court would be temporarily adjourned for 5 minutes, waiting for the ruling result.

But everyone knows that it doesn't take 5 minutes.

Sure enough, after 2 minutes, the verdict came out.

"After deliberation by the jury, we believe that in this case, the defendant, Dr. Jessica, is not responsible for the death of the deceased on Tuesday. She does not need to be held responsible for this medical accident!"

The first juror announced loudly, but everyone in the audience understood that this was already the established result.


"so amazing!"

"As expected of Zhang Wei, as expected of Jincheng's trump card!"

"Is this the method of the "Murder Lawyer"? Sure enough, it was by surprise, and the knife hit the blood! "

"I remember he once said a word, 'Be prepared to be perfect, and kill in an instant' Is this true?"

In the hearing booth, some people cheered, and some people lamented that Zhang Wei's methods could even investigate such a thing.

But more people feel deep fear of Zhang Wei.

Because this can turn him around, wouldn't Zhang Wei be invincible?

"This court announces that the trial of this case is over and the court is now adjourned!"

A certain person is invincible and does not know, but as the tribunal hammered the hammer to announce, some people were relieved.

The first to bear the brunt of this case is naturally Ni Qiuping, the presiding judge of this case.

"Good guy, can this kid be smug again?"

"But what does it have to do with me? I'm going to find a better psychiatrist to treat my possible depression by the weekend of tomorrow!"

Ni Qiuping finally relaxed and walked out of the court with a smile on her lips.

In the courtroom, some people were happy and some were worried.

"Zhang Wei, you are amazing!"

When Jessica heard that she had won the lawsuit, she immediately gave Zhang Wei a "big" hug.

Someone said that the chest is a little stuffy, but it feels wonderful, and I hope there will be more!

On the prosecution's bench, Qin Shaocong's face became extremely exciting, but he was speechless at the moment, and ignored Wednesday, when he began to whine and complain.

"Lawyer Zhang, congratulations!"

Not long after, he actually walked up to Zhang Wei and Jessica and congratulated them.

Zhang Wei was also freed from Jessica's hug, but he looked weird.

"Young Master Qin, I thought you would just turn around and leave?"

"How is that possible? I also want to congratulate Lawyer Zhang. I hope that Longteng can deal with Lawyer Zhang more in the future!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.

A weird smile appeared on Zhang Wei's face, but he also stretched out his hand at the same time.

The two shook hands in court.

Make peace?


Qin Shaocong obviously had something hidden in his heart.

"Then, Lawyer Zhang, I take my leave!"

"Young Master Qin, your client seems to be a little upset, are you sure you want to leave like this?"

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to Wednesday, who was sitting on the prosecutor's seat, looking over with stern eyes.

He obviously wouldn't just let it go. After wasting so much time, he didn't get any money.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't worry, I can guarantee that he will not appear in Dongfangdu again, let alone disturb you!"

Although he lost to Zhang Wei, Qin Shaocong also felt that Wednesday and Tuesday were people who needed to be dealt with.

"Thank you, Young Master Qin!"

Zhang Wei thanked him, and then looked towards the center of the hearing booth.

The scene of him shaking hands with Qin Shaocong just now was watched by Ren Xingzhou sent by Jincheng.

Qin Shaocong shook hands with Zhang Wei, and what An De was thinking, I guess only God knows.

As the case was won, Zhang Wei and Jessica walked out of the court with ease.

"Jessica, the case is over, you can go back to the clinic."

"Zhang, actually I'm still a little inconvenient..."

Having said that, Jessica blushed and lowered her head.

"Actually, the paint on the outside of my clinic hasn't been cleaned, so I can't go back for a while, can I still live with you..."

"Yes!" Zhang Wei replied without thinking.

"Well, Zhang, the case is over, so we are not considered a lawyer-client relationship, we..."

In the end, Jessica actually showed a girlish shyness.

Zhang Wei looked at Jessica, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

Is this sentence a hint?

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