Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 392 Big Action, Captured Zhang Wei? (Thanks to the book friend Huaxia Yipinchong for the rew

(Book friend ID: The name Huaxia Yipinchong is used by people, the name is too long to fit in the title...emmm...)


Central, old town.

The time came to 12 midnight.

At this point in time, even in the prosperous Eastern Capital, many migrant workers have fallen asleep.

But for some people with rich nightlife, this point is the beginning of the carnival.

A disco venue hidden in the city, this is exactly what it is at the moment.

Deafening music, dazzling lights, carnival twisting young men and women, everything is telling everyone here that the nightlife has begun and everyone is high.

And in a hidden room in the innermost part of this building, a special party also unfolded strangely.

The atmosphere here seemed to be influenced by the hall next door, and it became equally lively.

A group of young people are talking high at the moment.

"Oh, just that time, when we teamed up to attack the Central Bank of the "New Alliance", the firewall was really powerful, and we almost overturned the car! "

"Fortunately, we are fighting across borders. Even if our IP is found, their people won't be able to catch us!"

"Actually, we almost failed that time. I don't need to say more about whose reason it is?"

Several young people present looked at each other and shouted together: "Viper!"

"Hateful, this guy didn't come!"

"I heard that this guy has found a girlfriend. I'm so envious!"

"Pigman, forget it, didn't you say that the three-dimensional dimension makes you sick, and the two-dimensional dimension is your true love."

"Go, the second dimension is a hobby, but you can't kill me with one shot, there are beautiful girls in the third dimension!"

"I heard that you also went to the party of the second-dimensional cos, and you also joined the support meeting of some Internet celebrity cos, is it true?"

"Which bastard revealed the news?"

"Yo ho, it's actually true, you're too embarrassing for us, aren't you?"

These young people looked at Fatty with naked disgust.


Among these people, the only girl was the same, with a disgusted face and hissing.

The person sitting next to the girl was Zhang Wei, who had never opened his mouth to participate in the chat from the beginning to the end.

In fact, he was already a little bored.

Because the content of these people's conversations did not match his major.

When he heard it now, he only knew the nicknames of these people.

Fatty, nicknamed "PigMan" and "Pigman", is a two-dimensional fat house who loves to drink happy water.

Another guy who wears glasses and looks like a man of engineering, nicknamed "Keyboard" and nicknamed "Keyboard". As the name suggests, he likes to collect electronic peripherals and product accessories such as keyboards.

The third is thin and tall, nicknamed "Venom" and nicknamed "Venom". According to him, he was on the Internet hunting orders of many countries because of his previous cyber hacking deeds, but Zhang Wei thinks this is bragging many.

According to several of them, they also have a colleague, nicknamed "Viper" and nicknamed "Viper". I heard that this guy has found a girlfriend, so he doesn't go to parties very much and doesn't really like to show his face.

Of course, these few people are not the focus of Zhang Wei's attention.

The one next to him is.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, nicknamed "TheGhost", nicknamed "Ghost".

Judging from the chat content of these people, they should all be Blue Star's top hackers, who have hacked important network security facilities in several countries.

As for why they do this, in their own words, everything is for interest.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is obviously a hacker of the same level as them.

"By the way, have you had a good job recently?" During the chat, someone raised it.

Pigman shook his fat belly, and said: "I heard that Tianxiang Technology is going to ask outsourcers to test the network security protocol of their latest system. Do you want to try it? I heard that there is a lot of money, and this is a serious job. Oh~"

Venom chuckled, mouth full of disdain: "I work for those companies, don't be ridiculous, I just don't like being a dog to the boss, so I jumped out and worked on my own!"

But his words drew ridicule from the keyboard: "What do you call working alone? Messing up the server of the black company, collecting private information of the boss, and then blackmailing them, can this be considered a job?"

"Who told them to be unclean?" Venom was not ambiguous, and defended himself: "If their company doesn't make fake accounts, don't evade taxes, and don't do those illegal things, can I blackmail them?"

"There are also those bosses who sexually harass female subordinates in the workplace, cheat on married men, even recruit prostitutes secretly, and raise mistresses outside behind their wives' backs. If they all abide by the law, can I blackmail them?"

It can be seen that he is quite righteous in what he has done.

Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore, and said to the other party with a sly voice: "Yes, yes, you are killing harm for the people, and you are the party of justice, okay?"

"Ghost, don't think you are a girl, I dare not hate you!"

"Try it, my boyfriend will protect me!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was unambiguous, and directly grabbed Zhang Wei's hand and showed it to the other three.

The three of them had different eyes, looking at Zhao Xiaoxiao and then at Zhang Wei, their eyes flicked back and forth between the two.

"By the way, since your boyfriend's name is Death Lawyer, why haven't we heard about his deeds?"

"Yeah, no news at all, I'm still searching!"

Pigman was also holding his mobile phone, tapping his fingers on the screen rapidly, but unfortunately, he couldn't find anything about the deeds of "Death Lawyer".

"Death Lawyer, the translation is 'Death Lawyer', right?"

"A murder lawyer to be precise!" Zhao Xiaoxiao waved his hand, and then explained: "He, that's amazing, what he did was a crime of life, and anyone who has heard of his name is afraid of him." I'm scared to death~"

"Human life!"


The other three looked at each other, then gasped in unison.

Good guy!

Although they are all hackers, they have all done some things that violate the Internet Security Law.

But they were never involved in human life.

I didn't expect that the ghost girl would either not come, or bring a fierce man directly if she wanted to.

But the fierce Zhang Wei was speechless at the moment.

What is this all about?

These guys looked at me wrongly. They thought I was the kind of person who took money to work and solve "trouble" for others?

Although in a sense, I am indeed the nature of this job.

But the understanding is completely different, okay?

Zhang Wei felt that he had to explain something.

"Actually... I'm not what you say... My job is..."

Just as Zhang Wei was about to speak, the flesh around his waist was pinched severely.


He turned his head, and saw the second girl gave him a warning look of "If you dare to tell the truth, I want you to look good".

Zhang Wei immediately returned a "You want me to look good, how can I look good" with a look that is not afraid of threats.

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately became angry, pouted her small mouth, and rolled her eyes.

Soon, a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes, and her small face moved closer to Zhang Wei's ear.

"If you dare to try, I will tell your Hanhan about you and Jessica!"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei was shocked.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

"Second girl, my good second girl, how could I not follow you!"

Zhang Wei understood that he had to coax the second girl.

Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, the matter between yourself and Jessica will be revealed, and you may be "poisoned" by Hanhan.

Thinking of Hanhan's terrifying fighting power, Zhang Wei was terrified again.

When this girl moved her hand, she could even penetrate the reinforced concrete wall.

Thinking of Hanhan, Zhang Wei became curious.

When the two parted, Wu Yong seemed to say that the mission was coming.

I don't know what this girl is doing now?


at the same time.

On the street outside the alley.

More than a dozen vehicles galloped by and stopped at the entrance of the alley with a sudden brake.

Dozens of people got out of the car, their faces were serious, and their eyes were fixed on the entrance of the alley.

The nearby hair salons are also closed at the moment.

One after another, field personnel patrolled the surrounding streets. It was obviously because of them that the place was so quiet.

In fact, the girls in the hair salon at the door are all hiding in the shop at the moment.

When they saw such a big battle outside the door, the first thing they thought of was to sweep h.

But in normal times, there are only a dozen or so people dispatched at most in Sweep H, and the main force is mainly field workers.

Like today, dozens or even hundreds of people were mobilized at once, which is really never seen.

And those who got out of the car looked like ruthless people from the Criminal Investigation Department. They were at most prostitutes and prostitutes. Wouldn't it be too much to call out the Criminal Investigation Department?

But what they don't know is that this group of people is not interested in sweeping h, and the target of this operation is actually someone else.

As a member of the serious crime team, Xia Qianyue followed the team.

As the nominal captain of Group 7, Wu Yong is also in command of the team, but they are now ordered to wait in place.

"Captain, where is the person in charge of this operation, leaving us here, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

Lao Xing on the side couldn't bear it anymore and looked around, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything except a small alley.

"Our task is to wait for the order, so wait here and don't affect the action!"

Wu Yong warned, but there was also some doubts on his face.

What's wrong with this alley? It looks normal, right?

He knew that there might be some good girls in the "service industry" near this alley, but in order to catch them, it would be a bit too...

This kind of feeling is like hitting mosquitoes with a cannon, which is simply overkill.

Their serious crime team is a criminal investigation, and they are responsible for all serious cases.

Are these good girls considered a big case?

He wasn't the only one who thought this way, the other investigators who were transferred here were also somewhat dissatisfied.

He called us over solemnly, but the order was cut off. Isn't this playing us?

At the same time, the roof of the building opposite the alley.

A man in a suit and a red tie with a sullen face was holding a binoculars and observing the entrance of the alley.

"Mr. Zhang, everyone has arrived and is now on standby near the target. Is it okay to act?"

A subordinate stood behind the man and reported the truth.

"Don't worry, let this group of investigators do the work first, and we can just sit back and enjoy the benefits. Otherwise, why should I apply and call so many coolies?" The man smiled sullenly, and then looked forward.

"Since everyone is here, let them act!"

The man waved his hand and gave a command, which was regarded as an order.

"Understood!" The subordinate stepped back, and immediately made a call.

Small alley entrance.

"Mission update, take action!"

In the team, I don't know who yelled, and the investigation department was dispatched, and went straight to the innermost alley.

"The mission has been updated. The target is in the innermost alley, inside an entertainment venue. Our mission is to control everyone in the entertainment venue!"

In the team, Wu Yong also shouted, so that the members of the 7 groups including Xia Qianyue could hear the order.

All of a sudden, the team rushed towards the end of the alley.

And the men and women who were intoxicated in the carnival didn't even know that the investigation team had already listed them as targets.


Inside the disco hall.

The atmosphere at the scene was close to frenzy. Countless men and women twisted their bodies, shouted and danced on the stage.


But suddenly, the music stopped abruptly, and then the whole hall was plunged into darkness.

Everyone was stunned, what happened?

Is it a power outage?


But at the next moment, with a loud noise, everyone looked in a certain direction.

A big hole was opened in the wall, and then a group of people in uniforms and casual clothes poured into the hall.

"The investigation department is handling the case. Everyone raises their hands and squats down with their heads in their hands!"

Here comes the note!

When the young people at the scene saw this scene, they all panicked, but many people followed the investigation department's order and squatted down with their hands raised high.

After all, they only come out to relax on weekends, and they are honest wage earners on weekdays, but they haven't done anything bad.

It is impossible for them to be the target of the investigation department.

"Everyone crouch down with their heads in their hands and cooperate with our investigation!"

In the crowd, several captains shouted and arranged for team members to monitor everyone on the scene.

The same is true for Wu Yong. He asked the members of Group 7 to monitor a nearby area, where there are about dozens of people squatting on the ground.

But as a veteran of the crime team, Wu Yong immediately discovered that the people here are ordinary people.

Although many people dress up very non-mainstream, but at most they do a little bit of petty theft.

To catch such a person, do we need to dispatch the crime squad?

Soon, the scene was under control.

Dozens of people from the investigation department act together, and it is not difficult to control such a large place.

"Strange, what are we going to do after controlling these people?"

"You don't need to do anything, because these people are not my target!"

Just when someone was wondering, a cold voice sounded from outside the hall.

Then I saw a man with a sinister face, under the protection of several subordinates, walked into the hall step by step.

"Who are you……"

"I am the person in charge of this operation, you can call me Mr. Zhang!"

The man was arrogant and had a very cold attitude. He almost dismissed the members of the criminal department in front of him.

He walked in and looked around, then locked his eyes on the corner.

"It's here. They must have prepared a secret passage. As the saying goes, the cunning rabbit has three caves. They are all smart people, and it is impossible to block themselves!"

As the man spoke, he waved his hand, and the men behind him started to act immediately.

at the same time.

The innermost room.

"The note is here!"

"Outside news, I heard that hundreds of people have come, and the wind is blowing!"

"Go separately, don't come with me, don't confess to me if you are arrested!"

I don't know who yelled first, and then there was chaos here.

Keyboard, Venom and Pigman all panicked and ran away.

In the innermost room, apart from one entrance, there are three closed doors.

But the three of them each took out a USB flash drive, unplugged the switch socket on the wall, and plugged it in directly.

Then the closed door opened just like that.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was stunned. These are actually trap doors.

"Let's go too!" Zhao Xiaoxiao took Zhang Wei's hand and was about to follow suit.

But Zhang Wei suddenly exerted strength in his hands, and instead pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao aside.

"It's useless, you didn't hear them say, there are hundreds of people coming outside?"

Zhang Wei analyzed very experiencedly: "If it is a general operation, at most dozens of people will be dispatched, but if there are hundreds of people, there is absolutely no escape."

"If your friend's information is true, then among the hundreds of people, there must be not only field workers, but also people from the investigation department."

"So many people can be dispatched to act together, and the people to be arrested are either very dangerous or very important. In short, it is impossible for them not to think of such things as secret passages."

"There must be search dogs outside to assist, maybe there are high-tech detectors; do you think your legs can run past the dogs, and those secret passages can hide from the inspection of the detectors?"

Hearing these words, Zhao Xiaoxiao became restless.

"Then we can't sit still and die?"

"Who said that we are waiting to die, if we don't escape, it is not considered absconding, and who said that you and I must be the target?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, his face full of innocence.

Conscience of heaven and earth, I, Zhang, have never done anything criminal.

Even if the investigation department comes, it is impossible to do anything with me.

The most critical problem still lies with the second daughter.

"Xiaoxiao, the only problem now is you. I guess the target of their actions is you, so please tell me, have your hacking actions left any traces on the Internet?"

"How is it possible, I am TheGhost!"

"Then if those guys are caught, can they confess you?"

"It's impossible, because we all contact anonymously and have never seen each other. We are also responsible for our own actions and will not interfere with each other."

"Oh, then I see!"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, then let's calm down a little bit. Anyway, you and I are both law-abiding citizens with a clean identity. Just try to cooperate with the investigation!"


Just as Zhang Wei finished speaking, the wall of this secret room suddenly shattered.

Then a figure took a step while moving its arms.

"Look, it's not difficult to open here!"

She muttered something, completely ignoring the startled eyes of everyone behind her, and walked into the room first.


Seeing the person coming, Zhang Wei in the room was also stunned.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, and sister Xiaoxiao?"

The person who came was none other than Xia Qianyue.

She never expected that she would meet Zhang Wei in the operation she participated in.

"The people in this room must also be controlled!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded behind Xia Qianyue.

A man in a suit walked into the room and gave orders to the people behind him, and then they all jumped into action, rushing towards Zhang Wei and the others.

"Don't touch him!" But Xia Qianyue took the first step and stood in front of these people.

This group of subordinates stopped immediately when they saw Xia Qianyue standing in front of them.

Just kidding, this is a fierce man who can smash the wall with his bare hands to open the way. Although they have their own force, they will definitely not be able to beat the one in front of them.

Therefore, it is safe to stand still.

Seeing that Xia Qianyue dared to disobey his orders, the man also frowned.

This time, he felt that there was an uncontrollable small problem in the operation he organized.

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