Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 393 The detention room is my home, traitor?

Zhang Wei didn't expect how long he and Xia Qianyue had only been separated.

I didn't expect to meet again, and it was such an embarrassing meeting.


It's early morning now, it's the second day.

But he couldn't greet Xia Qianyue.

Because there is another person who is looking at himself with eagle-like eyes.

To be honest, the look in this man's eyes made Zhang Wei very uncomfortable.

The opponent was all over the body, the most distinctive thing should be the bright red tie.

God knows why this person is wearing such a bright tie, and the other party seems to be in charge of the operation.

"Xiao Xia, don't be presumptuous!"

At this moment, Wu Yong sternly interrupted Zhang Wei's thoughts.

"Wu team, what's the situation, why are you here?"

Zhang Wei also hurriedly spoke, because he wanted to seize the initiative.

"We are here to cooperate..."

"Captain Wu Yong, you are in action now, don't speak at will!"

But before Wu Yong could say anything, he was interrupted by the man with the red tie.

He glanced at Zhang Wei, then looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao, and said coldly: "You should be Ghost, I didn't expect the famous Internet ghost to be a little girl!"


Zhao Xiaoxiao was also about to refute, but Zhang Wei directly stopped her.

"Second girl, don't say a word to them without my permission!"

Zhang Wei stopped Zhao Xiaoxiao, and leaned into his ear to give a warning.

At this time, it is obviously a situation that is not good for one's own side. If you talk too much, you will lose it. It is better to talk less.

The man with the red tie was not in a hurry, and calmly walked to the sofa and sat down.

His subordinates are waiting behind him, acting as stakes one by one to protect him.

Not long after, there were bursts of noisy footsteps in the three opened passages.

Seeing the keyboard, Pigman and Venom were captured by the investigation department and field personnel respectively, and brought in one by one.

All of a sudden, including Zhao Xiaoxiao, all the hackers who came to the party were captured.

Among the four, only Zhao Xiaoxiao did not run away, and the other three were disheartened.

"Since the protagonists are all here, let me introduce myself too!"

The red leader man also spoke at this time.

"First of all, I want to tell you that my department is called Cyber ​​Security Bureau, translated as Cyber ​​Security Investigation Bureau, also known as Cyber ​​Security Bureau, Cyber ​​Security Bureau, abbreviated as CSB."

"I am the person in charge of the department's operations. My surname is Zhang. You can call me Mr. Zhang!"

"Do you have a business card?" At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly raised his hand.

The red tie didn't seem to like being interrupted very much, and his eyes turned hard, "Who are you?"

"My name is Zhang Wei, and I'm a lawyer!"

Zhang Wei registered his own number and looked at the red tie at the same time, "You said your surname is Zhang, what about your name?"

"If I don't even know your name, how can I sue you if you cause additional damage to my friend during your actions. If you cause my friend to be injured, how can I sue you later?"

"Hmph!" The red tie frowned even more when he heard Zhang Wei's words.

But the strange thing is that some of the subordinates behind him couldn't help laughing.

"Silence!" He issued a warning, and these subordinates quickly put on a serious posture.

The red leader looked displeased, but still took out a business card from his pocket and threw it out.

The business card drew an arc and landed precisely in Zhang Wei's hands.

"Zhang Lang, head of CSB operations?"

Seeing the name on the business card, Zhang Wei finally understood why this person didn't like the self-registered number.

Chapter wolf and cockroach are homonyms?

This name is really a joy.

"Pfft, someone actually called him a cockroach!"

Sure enough, someone laughed.

"If you dare to speak disrespectfully to Mr. Zhang, you will die!"

The red tie is Zhang Lang.

He didn't move himself, but his subordinate couldn't take it anymore, and immediately kicked the person who laughed.


The man fell to the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"Fatty, are you okay!"

Seeing this scene, the companions on the side quickly shouted.

"Hey guys, are you guys using violence?"

"He made rude remarks and insulted the law enforcement officers, so my subordinates couldn't control it for a while. I believe that even if the internal affairs department starts an investigation, they will understand us!"

Zhang Lang sneered, not paying attention to Zhang Wei's threat at all.

His subordinates also showed disdainful smiles, as if they just did a trivial thing.

Zhang Lang took advantage of the opportunity to walk up to the beaten fat man and grabbed his head.

"You are Pig Man, right. When you get to the investigation department, you will feel better!"

After threatening, Zhang Lang stood up and waved his hands around.

"Take them all away!"

The investigation department acted immediately and took away all of them, including Fatty.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was naturally among those who were taken away.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei hurriedly told Zhao Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you have to calm down, I will help you, you must not have any psychological burden, I..."

"And this guy, take it too!"

But at the other end, seeing that Zhang Wei was still talking, Zhang Lang directly included him.


Zhang Wei froze for a moment, did he count?

Wu Yong and others on the side were also stunned.

This one is not happy to catch!

Not only because of his identity and occupation, but also because there is a great terror on his side!

Fortunately, Zhang Wei winked at Xia Qianyue, and then let the field staff and investigation staff take him away.

This is actually a good thing for Zhang Wei.

Originally, as a lawyer, even if he wanted to help Zhao Xiaoxiao, he still needed to submit an application.

But it's different now. He can be a direct participant in the case and witness the process of this group of people handling the case, so he can also accompany Zhao Xiaoxiao.

For a moment, the mighty arresting team began to evacuate.

All the good girls on the street also breathed a sigh of relief.

The group of people finally left, just two days off, and they can go back to business as normal.

But just as they were about to close the door, there was another sound of footsteps at the door.

"Sorry, closed today!"

"We are not guests, we are field workers!"

The person who appeared surprised the good girls.

Didn't you just leave, why are you here again?

"We have received reports from relevant parties that there are people engaged in illegal activities of prostitution here. Please cooperate with the investigation and follow us to the branch office!"

When the good girls saw this scene, they cursed directly in their hearts.

Which wicked one is it? I'll fuck your grandma's chicken thighs!


On a vehicle leaving the scene.

"Mr. Zhang, the report you submitted has been processed, and the speed over there is very fast!"

Hearing his subordinate's report, Zhang Lang showed a smile on his face.

"That's right. In that case, my achievements will be added. Although it is a small case, mosquito legs are still meat!"

As he said, his eyes glanced at the escort car ahead.

"That's where the boss is. If I handle it well this time, I might be able to take the position of head of the department!"

Thinking of the future, I can rise step by step, and finally set foot on the picture of the apex of the Oriental Capital together with the brothers of the family.

He was ecstatic in his heart, and Yin Xiao's complexion was slightly distorted because of the excitement, but it looked a little permeable.


Monday morning.

Investigation Section, Interrogation Room.

Zhang Wei didn't expect that he just came into the interrogation room yesterday, and he came again today.

He looked at the person in front of him who was in charge of interrogating him, and smiled again.

"Leader Lin, if you have any questions, just ask, who are we talking to?"

Lin Ruonan sighed slightly.

If it weren't for the person in charge named Zhang Lang who said that he needed to interrogate veterans, and that many people were off work at night, she would have been arrested.

But she didn't expect that it would be fine if she was caught as a strong man, and she would be responsible for interrogating Zhang Wei.

The psychological quality of the person in front of me, as well as the level of understanding of criminal law, is it that I can casually interrogate him?

On the contrary, as long as you do a little bit out of line, you may be caught by the other party.

Complaints at worst, maybe even worse.

So Lin Ruonan is under a lot of pressure now.

"Zhang Wei, why did you appear in..."

"Leader Lin, don't waste your saliva. That place belongs to the Eastern Capital City, and it's not an area that is explicitly prohibited from approaching by law. It's normal for me to appear there. Could it be that the Investigation Section put up a sign there, saying that this is the jurisdictional area, and no one is allowed to approach it?" near?"


Lin Ruonan really had a headache, what should you do with this kind of answer?

"Oh, by the way, I want to ask, is that CSB really powerful? Why does your serious crime team have to cooperate with that Zhang Lang?"

Lin Ruonan froze for a moment, then asked back: "Lawyer Zhang, is it I who is asking you now, or are you asking me?"

"Leader Lin, we are all our own people, let me tell you."

"Who is your own person!"

Lin Ruonan scolded, but then leaned forward and said in a low voice: "It's not convenient for me to disclose the details to you, but it is said that Zhang Lang has a lot of background!"

"Oh, the background is huge~"

Zhang Wei understood, and then asked again: "Team Leader Lin, have you sent my old man to the hospital?"


"Old Tie, you came with me, Tie Ruyun, the leader of my department!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ruonan stood up "squeaky".

She finally remembered what she had missed before.

The wall inside the detention room collapsed, and a person was buried under the ruins of the collapsed wall. That person was Tie Ruyun.

No wonder she felt that she had missed someone, but she didn't expect it to be him!

"You didn't say it earlier!"

Lin Ruonan rushed out in a hurry, but she didn't dare to waste time.

If it was too late and something happened to Tie Ruyun, she would not be able to escape the responsibility.

"Looking at this, Lao Tie seems to be still lying in the detention room, no wonder Team Leader Lin left in such a hurry!"

Zhang Wei suddenly realized that the only person who interrogated him had left, so he could move around freely.

He glanced at the glass wall of the interrogation room and waved, but unfortunately no one responded for a long time.

Obviously, Lin Ruonan was in charge of interrogating Zhang Wei, and no one else from the serious crime team came to watch.

In other words, they knew that nothing would come out of the trial of Zhang Wei, so they gave up.

All in all, Lin Ruonan opened the door of the interrogation room before leaving. Zhang Wei waited for a few minutes, and after confirming that no one continued to interrogate him, he walked out directly.

He wandered around the serious crime team's office, and quickly found Zhao Xiaoxiao's location.

There were two people who were in charge of interrogating her. Zhang Wei had some impression of them, and they should be from the Serious Case Team 2.

"Zhao Xiaoxiao, although we know you are Zhao Qingyan's daughter, why did you appear there at night!"

"Can't I go to disco karaoke?"

"A big girl, go to disco karaoke at night?"

"Why, don't you agree?"

"Please have a better attitude. This is the Serious Crime Squad. You won't be allowed to be presumptuous!"

"That's how I am, bite me if you have the ability!"


Listening to the conversation in the interrogation room, Zhang Wei had to sigh with emotion.

The second daughter is still so "kind and friendly", I just like your savage spirit.

"Hey, the lawyer is here!"

Zhang Wei smiled and opened the door of the interrogation room directly.

The people inside didn't expect that someone would break in, and they all looked over.

"You are, that Zhang Wei..."

"Yes, I am Zhang Wei!"

Zhang Wei calmly sat next to Zhao Xiaoxiao, and then said very formally: "I solemnly declare here that Ms. Zhao Xiaoxiao has entrusted me with full authority to act as her attorney."

"If you have any questions and want to find her to understand the situation, please continue to ask questions after I arrive. Ms. Zhao is obliged to understand her own legal rights, and I will protect her rights from any form of interference. You understand ?”

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, the two people in charge of the interrogation looked at each other, but they didn't continue to speak.

"You two, if there is nothing else, I will take my client away. Before the case is qualitative or even has an actual loss report, she can't even be regarded as a suspect by you. She has the absolute right to leave the serious case freely. Group."

With that said, Zhang Wei pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao up and prepared to leave.

When the two walked to the door, Zhang Weiyou shouted to the next door: "By the way, if you have the so-called accident report, damage assessment report, or even criminal conviction evidence, please copy them to my mailbox, and I will Do your best to inform my client and let her cooperate with you in the investigation!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wei was about to leave with his second daughter.

But after he walked a few steps, he found that Zhao Xiaoxiao was not moving.

"Second girl, what's the matter, can I go or not?"

"There are them too!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao pointed to the next rooms with an unhappy expression on her face.

"You mean the keyboard, Pigman and Venom?"

Zhang Wei didn't know their names, but he remembered their nicknames and nicknames.

"Second girl, this is not acceptable!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao aside, and then persuaded him: "I can be your lawyer because we know each other well. If I want to be your attorney, you will definitely not object, so even if there is no verbal agreement Can."

"But if they find a lawyer by themselves, and then I go to say that I am their lawyer, and their own lawyer happens to come, wouldn't I have violated professional ethics?"

"Then what should I do?" Zhao Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, showing her iconic expression of crossing her face.

"Are you sure you don't want to go?"

"If they don't leave, I won't either!"

Seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao like this, Zhang Wei thought about it and came up with a plan.

"Okay, let's operate like this, you and I do this, that, that..."

As she said that, she pulled Zhao Xiaoxiao and went directly to Wu Yong.

"Captain Wu, help me and my Xiaoxiao prepare the detention room, she and I will live in it tonight!"

"What did you say?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Wu Yong was startled.

"Captain Wu, don't be surprised. You can detain suspects for 24 hours. It's so late today. Why don't I sleep here? Anyway, the detention room is my home. I want to sleep on the bed in the detention room today."


Seeing Zhang Wei's insistence, Wu Yong didn't know what to say, so he could only nod in agreement in the end.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao came to the detention room.

Looking at the big hole in the next room and the part of the ruins that were cleaned up, Zhang Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the old iron was rescued, so he should be safe.

Poor old iron, mourning for him.

Another 30 minutes passed.

Keyboard, Pigman and Venom also came to the detention room.

They were not too surprised to see Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao were there.

The five people at the party gathered again.

"It's over, these investigators are too powerful, they revealed everything I did back then, and even said they would sentence me to life imprisonment!"

"Me too. Not only did they threaten me, but they also said that they would tell my parents in my hometown about my crimes, so that they would not be able to hold their heads up in their hometown for the rest of their lives. What should I do?"

"Me too, it's over now!"

The trio of hackers looked decadent and lost their souls.

"By the way, aren't you all top hackers? How does this group of investigations know your secrets?"

"Yes, there will be no traitors among us, right?"

Pigman said, looking at the others.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a traitor!" Keyboard quickly denied, then looked at Venom and Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"What are you looking at, if Miss Ben is a traitor, why would she come out with you?" Zhao Xiaoxiao denied with her hips akimbo, with a savage tone.

"Me neither!" Venom waved his hands frantically, denying the matter.

"That's Viper, no wonder he didn't come!" Pigman then thought of a person, showing indignation.

"Yeah, this kid has a girlfriend, and he doesn't even want friends. I can see him clearly!" Venom also immediately showed a sad and indignant expression.

Keyboard and Zhao Xiaoxiao also nodded, looking very angry.

"I think you guessed wrong, the traitor is not the one who wasn't there!"

But Zhang Wei denied this.

"Ah, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. So many people have been deployed in this operation, and even the secret passage you have prepared is taken into account. It is obvious that the person in charge of the operation knows your information like the back of his hand."

Zhang Wei stopped, looked at the trio of hackers meaningfully, and said slowly: "I remember that you haven't met before, right?"

"Yeah, this is the first time we've met offline."

"If you mixed into the crowd in the hall outside the first time the investigation department rushed in, wouldn't it be impossible for ordinary people to catch you?"

"You say that..."

"But Zhang Lang found the dark room where you were in the first time, and arranged field service and assistance dogs near the escape tunnel you prepared. What does this mean? It means that someone in the dark room has been providing him with information!"

"Similarly, because of the existence of this person, even if you choose to mix in the crowd, he will not be afraid, because this person will help him catch you from the crowd."

When Zhang Wei said this, the content was already very clear.

"There is a traitor among you!"

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