Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 394: You Are the Traitor! Zhao Qingyan's helplessness

"There is a traitor among you!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he stared at the three people in front of him.

He wants to see, when he exposes this matter, which of the three will react the most.

Pigman, Keyboard and Venom, the three looked shocked, and then looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

"Impossible, you said there is a traitor among us, we have known each other for so long, how is it possible!"

Among them, Venom was the first to speak, and he shook his head continuously, quite distrusting Zhang Wei.

"Then how do you explain the arrest this time?"

Zhang Wei's face was calm, as if he had expected the reaction to the venom.

"This time the arrest operation is obviously aimed at you, and even your escape route has been predicted. The man named Zhang is not afraid of you mixing into the crowd, which shows that he has prepared all means in advance."

"It seems to me that there is no other explanation than that one of you has defected."

Zhang Wei said, and gave another example: "If there are no traitors among you, then the person surnamed Zhang will not act like this in this arrest operation, but will first send plainclothes into the hall, and then gradually control the scene. On the premise of alerting you, gradually evacuate the people at the scene."

"But did he do that? No, he did it right away. He acted as he said, and he didn't care about the crowd at the scene. He seemed to be sure that you couldn't escape, and he was sure that someone would help him to testify against you. .”

The three of Venom's eyes flickered, obviously agreeing with Zhang Wei's words.

"Then what about you, you and the ghost are also suspected!"

Venom pointed at Zhang Wei, with a bad tone: "Especially you, who don't know us at all, we already had suspicions when the ghost brought you here, you said there was a traitor among us, but I think you are the most suspicious !"

"It's normal for you to think so, but I have a way to find out who is the traitor!" Zhang Wei smiled slightly, not minding Venom's accusation at all.

"what way?"

Pigman and the keyboard on the side looked at each other and asked questions immediately.

"It's very simple, this traitor must have taken refuge in Zhang Lang, so his next plan must be to become Zhang Lang's tainted witness, and expose the crimes of the rest of you in exchange for a reduced sentence or even escape from prison! "

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a file bag from the interlayer of his clothes, and opened it in front of the three of them.

"I have several agreements here to voluntarily give up rights and interests. If you are not traitors and will not betray your companions, then sign it."

"As long as you sign this agreement and voluntarily give up your right to be a tainted witness, then you can get rid of the suspicion and you will definitely not be traitors."

"This..." The three of Venom looked at each other in blank dismay.

They said in their hearts, what is the situation, how can you come in with an agreement.

But Zhang Wei didn't care about these, but winked at Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who has always been smart, understood immediately.

"Hmph, isn't it just an agreement, Miss Ben signed it!"

As she spoke, she took the fountain pen from Zhang Wei's other hand, picked up the agreement, and signed it without looking at it.

While signing, she cursed: "What I hate the most is a traitor. If you let me know who that person is, I will definitely kick his ass hard!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao wrote her name on the document.

After signing, she looked at the other three people, "Why, why don't you sign? Are you all traitors?"

"This, isn't it a bit inappropriate, what if..." Among the three, Venom's expression became a little unnatural.

"What's the matter, are you still thinking of selling your own people in exchange for benefits, or do you mean that you have already become traitors?" Zhang Wei sneered and interrupted directly.

"Hmph, I hate traitors too!"

As Pigman said, he also snatched an agreement from Zhang Wei, picked up a pen and wrote his name eloquently.

Zhang Wei glanced at it. Pigman's real name is Zhu Erdan, and his name fits his temperament quite well.

Then came the keyboard. After hesitating for a moment, he also took the agreement and the pen, and started to sign.

His name is a little more ordinary, it matches his equally ordinary appearance, it's called Liu Dashun.

Now, there are three people who signed it.

There was no signature in the field, only venom was left.

"Come on, this is your share!"

Zhang Wei handed the agreement to the other party, but Venom didn't take it for a while.

"Why don't you sign it?"

"I can sign it, but why can you bring the agreement in?"

"Is it important?"

Zhang Wei saw that Venom's reaction was a bit abnormal, and asked with a smile: "Since you said yes, then sign it first, and clear your suspicion."

Handing over the agreement again, Venom hesitated, but took it cautiously.

But after taking the pen, he hesitated for a long time and did not write his name.

"Why, why didn't you sign it?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei seemed to have expected it.

Seeing this scene, the other three seemed to understand something.

"Well, you bastard, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Venom, I can see that something is wrong with you kid, I didn't expect you to be a traitor!"

"Damn it, Miss Ben hates traitors the most, see if I don't kick you to death!"

Venom's hesitation instantly ignited the anger of the three of them.

Especially Zhao Xiaoxiao, who stood up excitedly, was about to kick the former's head.

"Xiaoxiao, don't get excited!"

Zhang Wei hastily made a move and held her back.

Then he looked at Venom: "Since you dare not sign, then I don't need to say more about your identity, traitor!"

"Then what about you, why did you come in with an agreement, didn't you..."

"I was able to bring the agreement in, naturally because of my profession~"

Zhang Wei frowned, and said with a smile: "Didn't Xiaoxiao say that my nickname is Death Lawyer, so what's so strange about me being a lawyer?"

"Lawyer?" The three of them were a little stunned when they heard Zhang Wei's identity.

Zhu Zhuxia is also Zhu Erdan, the first to get excited: "You are a lawyer, how is your level, I need the help of a lawyer now!"

The keyboard, that is, Liu Dashun, was equally excited: "And I, I need it too. I hired you to help me with the lawsuit. Are you good at defending people?"

But Zhang Wei didn't respond, because he felt that someone was coming outside the detention room.

"As expected of the famous lawyer Zhang Wei, his identity was exposed in such a short period of time!"

Sure enough, there was a round of applause outside the door.

Then there was a sound of footsteps, and Zhang Lang walked out slowly surrounded by several subordinates.

He obviously investigated Zhang Wei, so he knew Zhang Wei's identity.

Seeing the appearance of Zhang Lang, Venom seemed to have found the backbone, and hurriedly stood up.

"Mr. Zhang, I..."

"Hmph, you said you could get something out of it. I didn't see your identity exposed by such a simple trick!"

Zhang Lang looked at the venom and sneered, "But it's no wonder, with a guy like you, it's possible to hide it from the eyes of the famous murder lawyer Zhang Wei!"

As he spoke, he winked at his subordinates.

One of his men opened the door of the holding cell and released the poison.

"Lawyer Zhang, it looks like you plan to take this case?"

"I am Zhao Xiaoxiao's attorney. If he is sued by your department, then I will naturally help her."

Zhang Wei pointed to Zhao Xiaoxiao, and then pointed to the other two: "If they and Xiaoxiao belong to the same defendant and are to be jointly sued by you, I can naturally serve as the joint defense lawyer for the three of them!"

"Mr. Zhang, now the question is on your side. Do you want to treat the three of them as a whole and be co-defendants in this case?"

Seeing that someone dared to threaten him in turn, Zhang Lang snorted coldly: "Lawyer Zhang, you are very bold!"

"I just did what a defense lawyer should do!"

"You are a lawyer in Jincheng, but you don't know the rules!"

Zhang Lang sighed, and said something inexplicable: "The rules of Dongfang Capital are not something that a small character like you can provoke!"

"Let's go, let Lawyer Zhang calm down. Didn't he say that the detention room is home, so let Lawyer Zhang rest at home, and let's not disturb them."

Zhang Lang left, strode away with the traitor, and walked away.

The four of Zhang Wei were left behind and could only stay in the cold detention room.


at the same time.

Oriental Capital, Blacksmith Technology Building.

Zhao Qingyan also obtained the information that Zhao Xiaoxiao was taken away by the serious crime team from a reliable source.

"How is it possible that she will be arrested?"

"But I heard from them that Zhang Wei is also there, so it should be fine."

"But the person in charge of the action, I heard that it's the chapter wolf from the Zhang family. This guy is like a real cockroach, and his name has the word "wolf". The prey he targets will never let go easily. Why did Xiaoxiao provoke him he!"

Thinking of who Zhao Xiaoxiao encountered this time, Zhao Qingyan had a headache.

There is no old father who doesn't care about his daughter, but he turned a blind eye to Zhao Xiaoxiao before.

Because the daughter has a qualified "guardian" to watch over, he is relieved.

But now, my daughter is in trouble.

But thinking about the relationship between himself and his daughter, Zhao Qingyan had a headache.

Even if he wants to make a move, whether his daughter accepts it is a problem.

Therefore, formal means will not work.

Coincidentally, Zhao Qingyan didn't plan to take formal means, he was going to go directly to the person at the top and have a good talk.

Thinking of this, he made a call.

"Hello, who are you?" The phone was connected, and a female voice rang out.

After the call was connected, he said directly: "I'm Zhao Qingyan, looking for Zhang Tianlong!"

"It's Mr. Zhao, please wait a moment!"

The call was transferred and connected again 30 seconds later.

"Zhao Qingyan, what do you want from me?" It was a man with a dignified tone who answered the phone this time.

"Zhang Tianlong, my daughter was captured by Zhang Lang of your family, do you know about this?"

"I only know that Zhang Lang is on a mission, but I don't know that your daughter is involved in this matter."

"I only have such a daughter, and our five families have rules!"

On the other end of the phone, there was a moment of silence, as if thinking.

"Okay, I can understand this matter, but if your daughter is involved too deeply, then I won't break the rules!"

"Shouldn't the rules of our five major families be the most important..."

Zhao Qingyan wanted to say something, but the other end of the phone had already hung up.

Now, his face was a little ugly.

Zhao Qingyan looked at the phone that had been hung up in his hand, and fell into deep thought.

Later, he stayed up all night waiting for Zhang Tianlong's call, but unfortunately the other party didn't call back.

Until the morning, Zhao Qingyan was in the blacksmith technology and did not leave.

He didn't sleep all night, holding his mobile phone the whole time, and didn't close his eyes all night.

It was as if the phone in his hand would ring at any moment.

But unfortunately, no one responded overnight, as if the person on the other end had forgotten him.

Seeing no response for a long time, Zhao Qingyan's face darkened, and he could only dial another number.

"Prepare the car and take me to the city council!"

An hour later, Zhao Qingyan looked at a magnificent building in front of him and walked quickly into it.

Another hour later, Zhao Qingyan came out, but his expression was even uglier.

He dialed a number again and got the situation.

"Go, send me back, back to the Zhao Mansion!"

Instructing the driver again, Zhao Qingyan glanced back at the magnificent building, but there was only a trace of deep helplessness and veiled sarcasm in his eyes.

He got into the car and left quickly.


It was just dawn on Monday morning.

"Thank you, Team Wu, for me and Hanhan, I'll take Xiaoxiao back first!"

"You boy, you have to pay attention, I heard that this case has a great impact, I have heard the wind!"

"Team Wu, don't worry, who am I, don't you know?"

"It's because I know you boy that I'm afraid."

Wu Yong had a bitter face, not confident.

What the hell is your kid? Don't you have any clues in your heart?

Since you started working as a lawyer, how many ordinary cases have you taken over? On the contrary, you have been involved in many serious cases.

But this time, the situation is completely different.

All I can say is, be careful!

Zhang Wei and Wu Yong said goodbye, took Zhao Xiaoxiao and left the martial arts association, and went straight to Sifangmen Street.

After they took a taxi, they quickly returned to their residence.

"Second girl, go to sleep first. You may not be able to hold on after staying up all night. I just squinted for a while. Let's discuss how to deal with this case after the rest!"


After sending Zhao Xiaoxiao upstairs, Zhang Wei hurried back to the room and fell asleep.

There was no way, he lasted for a day and a night, he hardly slept, and his body was also a little bit unable to hold on.

Who made him fight Heifenghu in the detention room yesterday, and almost fell in the end.

If it wasn't for Hanhan's rescue, he would lose half his life even if he didn't die.

Afterwards, without taking a break, she got involved in the matter of the second daughter, and happened to be caught by the serious crime team in cooperation with Zhang Lang's department, and was unfortunately arrested.

This series of things really took a lot of energy.

It would be nice to be back now.

Didn't see the other two, can't go now?

Thinking of Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan gave Zhang Wei a headache.

Because if Zhao Xiaoxiao's case is to be dealt with, then these two can also be regarded as co-defendants.

He has to represent three people at once, which has to be said to be a challenge.

If you can't do it alone, then you can only find the friends from the criminal department.

He was also worried that he couldn't take care of himself well, so he had to ask for help.

Because Zhang Wei was thinking about the case, he woke up after sleeping for less than 3 hours.

After waking up, he opened the door of the Lin Mansion, ready to go out to buy vegetables and cook to replenish his energy.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a person pacing back and forth standing at the door.

"Uncle Zhao, why are you here?"

The opponent is Zhao Qingyan.

"Xiao Zhang, are you feeling better? Did you not rest all night last night?"

Hearing the other party's question, Zhang Wei understood.

Maybe the other party has already learned about the matter between himself and Zhao Xiaoxiao from other channels.

"Uncle Zhao, how long have you been waiting here? Judging by your face, you haven't slept all night?"

"Probably after you came back, I started to wait, but I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn't knock on the door. But my business is not important, let's talk about Xiaoxiao's business!"

Zhang Wei was speechless.

If I sleep for five or six hours, don't you want to stick at the door for five or six hours?

"Xiao Zhang, let me tell you the truth this time, Xiaoxiao's case is a bit tricky!"

Zhao Qingyan pulled Zhang Wei, and said earnestly: "That Zhang Lang, he is from the Zhang family, and Zhang Tianlong..."

Zhao Qingyan looked left and right, then took out his mobile phone, opened an app, and looked around at the same time, as if to confirm whether there was anyone listening nearby.

"Let me tell you this, Zhang Lang's actions were ordered by the Zhang family. So when I went to Zhang Tianlong, he was very perfunctory to me. Obviously he knew about it, and he betrayed our five families at the beginning. Promised to take care of each other's rules."

Speaking of this, Zhao Qingyan looked at Zhang Wei solemnly: "Xiao Zhang, to tell you the truth, I have no choice here. The only way to go is Zhang Tianlong. Since he blocked me, then I really It's gone."

"So, my daughter's troubles can only depend on you!"

"Uncle Zhao, what are you talking about..."

"To tell you the truth, I knew from the very beginning that my daughter was with you, and you have been doing your best to take care of my daughter. I am very grateful to you."

Zhao Qingyan looked at Zhang Wei, sighed and said: "To be honest, you are more suitable to take care of people than I am. I am not a good father, nor a good husband. But in this world, there is no perfect person. I myself It can't be."

"Fortunately, my daughter met you. I can see how you take care of her."

"Now Uncle Zhao wants to ask you to help her one more time, please get her out of Zhang's scheme."

"The Zhang family?" Zhang Wei pondered for a moment, quite puzzled.

"Uncle Zhao, can you please tell me about the Zhang family? If I want to help Xiaoxiao, I need to know who I'm going to face?"

"Are you sure you want to know, sometimes there are some things, it's better not to know than to know?"

"But if I want to help Xiaoxiao, I must grasp all the information I can grasp, otherwise what is left behind may become a fatal mistake!"

"Hey, since you want to know, for the sake of my daughter, I will go all out!"

Zhao Qingyan sighed again, and then his face was extremely solemn, "But you have to promise me, what I said today, only you know and I know, God knows and the earth knows, and absolutely no third person will know!"

"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, I, Zhang Wei, have no other skills, and my mouth is the strictest!"

"Okay then, let me tell you briefly."

Zhao Qingyan pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Our five major families are actually the oldest families in the Eastern Capital, and the Zhang family is the head of the five major families..."

Following Zhao Qingyan's narration, an alliance of forces located at the top of the Eastern Capital began to show up in front of Zhang Wei.

The mist that shrouded the highest place in the Eastern Capital began to dissipate slowly.

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