Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 395 Pressure from the Five Great Masters? pull, please

The gate of the Lin Mansion.

"Then Xiao Zhang, my daughter will be entrusted to you!"

As Zhao Qingyan said, he could only shake his head and sigh, and walked back to Zhao Mansion in a muffled voice.

As a father, he only felt powerless at this moment.

Zhang Wei watched Zhao Qingyan return to his home, and stopped where he was for a long time.

He is still digesting, digesting "part" of the information that Zhao Qingyan brought him.

Zhang Wei knew in his heart that although Zhao Qingyan had said a lot, he still had something to hide.

He also understood that it was impossible for the other party to reveal all the cards of the five major families to a stranger.

While thinking about things, he went to the vegetable market on Sifangmen Street to buy vegetables, and then returned to cook.

Because Zhao Xiaoxiao might still be sleeping, after Zhang Wei made lunch, he ate some by himself, and then put the rest of the meal in the refrigerator for storage, and planned to wait until Zhao Xiaoxiao got up.

He returned to the room, closed the curtains, turned on his phone and opened an app, then picked up a pen, and started writing on the evidence board that had been emptied.

He is afraid that he will forget, so he has to quickly sort out the information for easy memory.

According to Zhao Qingyan, there are five major families in the east, namely the Zhang family, the Lin family, the Wu family, the Zhao family and the Hua family.

The history of the five families can be traced back hundreds of years ago. At that time, the East was not such a big city, but a small city.

The five families headed by the Zhang family control the lifeline of the small town. Since hundreds of years ago, they have been the de facto rulers of the Eastern Capital.

Even after so many years of development, the East has become the largest city in the south, an international metropolis, but the influence of the five major families still exists today.

Even the high-level elites in the city of Dongfang Capital know that there is a power at the apex in this city.

The five major families are mysterious and powerful.

They don't easily make a move, but if they do, it will be thunderous, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to resist.

Fortunately, this time it was not the five major families that made the move, but one of the Zhang family.

Chapter Wolf!

He is a member of the Zhang family, the head of the five families, and also the third brother of the current head of the Zhang family.

Zhang Wei frowned when he thought of the current head of the Zhang family and the identity of the other party.

If this person makes the move himself, then he probably will be exhausted.

But fortunately, this time his opponent is only Zhang Lang.

However, even if he doesn't represent the Zhang family, he is still surnamed Zhang, so he can use some of the Zhang family's resources.

Zhang Wei still needs to take it seriously and be extremely careful.

The Zhang family's power is definitely the most terrifying power in the Eastern Capital.

"The Zhang family, since he is the head of the five great families, doesn't that mean that he can also influence the Lin family?"

Zhang Wei frowned again, because he remembered one thing.

In the detention center, after Zhang Lang met him, the other party secretly scolded him for not knowing the rules.

What rules?

That is naturally the rule among the five families.

Zhang Lang probably regarded him, Zhang Wei, as a member of the Lin family, and as a subordinate of Lin Jincheng or Lin Xiangtian.

"Then next, if I go to the law firm, wouldn't it be..."

Zhang Wei seemed to be able to guess what would happen next.

But he looked at the time and knew he had to act.

Because he still has a lot of things to do, and it's best to find a little partner in the criminal department for some support.

tuk tuk tuk...

After lightly knocking on the door of the room on the second floor, Zhang Wei whispered: "Second girl, I'm going to the law firm, you should rest at home, I put lunch in the refrigerator, remember to warm it up if you want to eat it!"


There was a slight reply from the door of the room.

"Okay, I'm going!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and he was relieved as soon as the second girl responded.

Walking out of the Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei went straight to the Zhang Family Martial Arts Hall next door.

"Smelly brother, it's time to go to work!"

After roaring directly, a figure in the martial arts hall rushed out.

"Hey, I finally recovered!"

Zhang Xinyan moved his limbs and walked out bouncing all the way.

"Hehe, hurry up and work for me!"

Seeing that his queen driver had recovered, Zhang Wei rolled his eyes on the spot.

If there is anything to be ashamed of, I didn't expect much from you.

But it has to be said that the Zhang family's decoction is very effective. Zhang Xinyan was able to go out to the fields after only half a month of rest.

Now that the driver is back, Zhang Wei finally doesn't need to squeeze the subway anymore.


Originally, it only took more than 20 minutes to go to the law firm by subway. This time, he was stuck in traffic jam for 40 minutes before finally arriving at Jincheng Building.

As Zhang Wei got on the elevator, he began to think, did he put the cart before the horse?

Taking a car is not only more expensive on gas, but also not as fast as the subway...

Does the driver need to let him rest at home for a few days?


Criminal Department Office.

The atmosphere was a little dull.

Especially when Zhang Wei came back, he found something was wrong.

"What's going on, Xiaomeng, Xiaoli, Xiaosu, and everyone, why are you all so sad?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised to see that the always optimistic young apprentices, and even the newcomers who liked to chat, were all afraid to speak out.

"Master, boss Ren of the project team came over just now and said something."

"Ren Xingzhou, what did he say?"

"He said that we can't intervene in any of your recent cases, or we'll be fired if we find out."


Zhang Wei secretly called good guy.

Sure enough, the Lin family took action, even warning their friends not to help them.

"Xiaomeng, you shouldn't be afraid, you are the big boss..."

"Master, Dad also called me just now!"

Seeing Zhang Wei calling his name, the little apprentice burst into tears on the spot: "Dad said, if he finds out that I'm helping you, he will send me to the northwest ranch invested by my family, and let me shovel shit for cattle and sheep every day." !"

"Woooooo...I don't want to go to the Northwest, I don't want to get up and go to bed every day, all I see is a group of animals that only eat grass and poop, woooooo..."

The little apprentice cried, crying very sadly, and the pear blossoms on his face made people feel sympathetic.

When she thought of wearing old clothes, cutting grass and feeding cattle and sheep every day on a farm of several thousand acres of land, and dragging a wooden cart alone to clean up the excrement of cattle and sheep on the ground, her mood suddenly became less beautiful.

"The pasture invested in the Northwest...every day is accompanied by herds of cattle and sheep..."

Zhang Wei smacked his lips, you little girl really dare to say it.

This doesn't have a capital of billions of dollars. I'm afraid they dare not raise so many livestock?

Jingle Bell……

Suddenly, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang.

He took it out and looked at the calling interface, and it was "unknown number" again!

"Good guy, do you know that I have come to work in the law firm?"

He waved to the little apprentice and the others, signaling them to be at ease, and immediately walked into his office after answering the phone.

"Boy, you're in trouble!"

On the other end of the phone, it was naturally Lin Jincheng's voice.

Hearing Lin Jincheng's warning, Zhang Wei sneered and responded lightly: "Old Lin, it's just another case, I can handle it!"

"It seems that you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter!"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Jincheng paused, "This time, you will face the most terrifying force in the Eastern Capital!"

"Old Lin, members of Zhang's family, don't they obey the rules?"

"Oh, it seems that you have come into contact with something. That kid from the Zhao family told you?"

Lin Jincheng seemed to have guessed that Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan would have a dialogue, because Zhao Qingyan was also half of the person involved in the case, and his daughter was even the defendant in the case.

"Old Lin, you haven't answered the question yet, will the members of the Zhang family use outside tricks?"

"It's been so many years, how many years I haven't seen a junior like you who is not big or small!"

Lin Jincheng's tone was a little surprised, but then he gave an explanation: "However, you can rest assured that the Zhang family will not use unconventional means against you."

"Because you are too weak, they disdain to use those methods on a weak person."

"Besides, the person in charge of this operation should be the third boy of Zhang's family that I have never been used to. I won't say his name, because it makes people sick. But I can tell you that this third child is a related family. Relying on his status as the boss of his family to get such a position, the power of the Zhang family he can use is limited."

Hearing these explanations, Zhang Wei smiled wryly: "Although this may sound hurtful, thank you Mr. Lin for clarifying my confusion."

"I know you kid is not someone who will obey my orders, but I still want to tell you that the five major families should be united in theory, so next time you confront Zhang Lang, you will not represent our Lin family. It's all your own behavior!"

"I understand, the five big families are connected with each other!"

Although Zhang Wei agreed, his tone was a little teasing.

The five big families are in the same spirit, so why did Zhao Qingyan go to the head of the Zhang family to plead for mercy, but the latter didn't help?

He kept saying that the five big families were in the same spirit and touched his own interests, so he just pretended not to say that.

Isn't Zhao Xiaoxiao a member of the five major families?

Is her surname Zhao fake?

Therefore, many members of the five major families are double-standard dogs.

Lin Xiangtian is, so is Lin Jincheng, and the Zhang family, including the patriarch, is no exception.

"Boy, this old man has one last piece of advice. If you lose this time, then as a gesture of goodwill to the Zhang family, this old man will have to remove your name from the Golden City!"

Lin Jincheng's meaning is also very obvious. Although I know that it is impossible to order you not to accept this case, you must be prepared to be abandoned by my Lin family.

Who told you to challenge Zhang's family, even if it's your own behavior, you still have the identity of Jincheng Law Firm.

What would the members of the Zhang family think? Would they think that it was my Lin family who connived at the subordinates to challenge the authority of the Zhang family?

If you, Zhang Wei, lose, you will become a worthless pawn, and you will become a victim of the Lin family's apology to the Zhang family.

You see, this chess piece that provoked you has already been dismissed by me from the law firm. Are you satisfied now?

Basically, that's what it means.

"Mr. Lin, you don't need to tell me that I understand!"

Zhang Wei responded, and then pressed the hang up button before Lin Jincheng was about to hang up the phone.

"You old double standard dog, you want to hang up on me first, right? No way!"

After doing this, Zhang Wei felt an inexplicable sense of relief in his mood.

The end of the electric ring.

Lin Jincheng's old face twitched slightly when he heard the busy tone of "beep beep" coming from his ear.

"This little bastard actually dared to hang up the old man's phone, how bold his grandma is!"

Lin Jincheng cursed secretly, but then made another call.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

"Old Fulin Jincheng, find Zhang Tianlong!"

"It's Mr. Lin, I'm going to ask for instructions now, I'm going to ask for instructions now!"

Compared to Zhao Qingyan, as soon as Lin Jincheng's name was announced, the receptionist's attitude immediately changed.

In less than 10 seconds, the call was transferred.

"Old Lin, why did you call today?" On the other end of the phone, Zhang Tianlong's attitude was much more polite.

"Zhang Tianlong, you have to pretend to be ignorant. I called because of the matter of your third child."

"You mean Zhang..."

"Stop, don't mention your third child's name!"

"Yes, yes, his matter was ordered by me. Will Mr. Lin also communicate with the lawyer from your law firm?"

"We communicated, but that kid's character is a little bit rebellious. I warned him, but he didn't listen."

"What Mr. Lin means is that some of your subordinates dare not obey your orders?"

Lin Jincheng frowned slightly when he heard this.

This Zhang Tianlong is really brave enough to say such provocative words.

"Zhang Tianlong, I can tell you that my Lin family will not support that little lawyer in the future. Everything he does is a personal act, and our Lin family will not provide him with any form of help!"

"So I think, relying on him alone, he shouldn't be able to handle your Zhang family, right?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Tianlong was also silent for a while.

Good guy, are you always paying back to my joke just now?

"What Elder Lin said is that my Zhang family doesn't pay attention to such a small role. I believe that the third child can handle it well."

"Then I can rest assured. After all, the five of us can't be provoked by just any cat or dog!"

"It's natural, Mr. Lin, don't worry."

"But if the third child of your family fails, the five families cannot be provoked, but if there is a young man who not only succeeds in provoking, but also defeats the spirit of your Zhang family..."

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, the third child knows it well, and in order to deal with that little lawyer, he specially invited a strong support from Longdu!"

"Strong support?"

"That's right, strong support, and you still know him, the one from the Qin family..."


at the same time.

The Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters.

In the Office of the Serious Crime Division, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng are receiving a guest at the moment.

Zhao Chunming looked at the person in charge of the CSB operation in front of him, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Zhang, are you going to let our local prosecutor's headquarters take action on this case?"

The guest they met was Zhang Lang.

Faced with Zhao Chunming's question, Zhang Lang raised his little finger and poked the cochlea, as if digging earwax.

This attitude is somewhat perfunctory, or careless.

"According to the normal process, it is indeed time to trouble your local prosecutor's headquarters. After all, the regional local prosecutor's office is not as strong as your headquarters!"

Hearing what Zhang Lang said, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng looked at each other. Both of them felt the pressure, but they were also motivated.

Another tricky case is coming!


But then, Zhang Lang changed his mind.

"However, in view of your recent record and the record of fighting with the defense lawyer in this case, I have ten thousand concerns about you!"

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng looked at each other again.

Sure enough, there is a saying that is right. Before the word "but" comes out, the good things said before are not credible.

Naturally, Guo Wufeng couldn't bear it, and immediately promised: "Mr. Zhang, although Zhang Wei is a tricky kid, we are absolutely confident that we will be able to handle it..."

"No need, the chief prosecutor of this case, I already have a candidate!"

But Zhang Lang waved his hand and interrupted directly.

"Who?" Zhao Chunming and the two were puzzled again.

According to what you mean, this candidate is neither from the local prosecutor's headquarters nor from the local local prosecutor's office. Where is that?

Tuk tuk tuk!

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the office.

"Director, someone came to look for him outside the door, saying that Mr. Zhang invited him here."

Hearing this news, Zhang Lang smiled.

"You guys are lucky, the reinforcements I invited have arrived, and everyone happened to meet!"

Zhao Chunming nodded to his subordinate, who immediately went to ask someone to come over.

Soon, the door of the office was pushed open.

A figure walked in.


"why you!"

Seeing the person coming, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng were all shocked.

Because the other party is absolutely impossible to be someone invited by Zhang Lang, and the other party is not even a prosecutor!

The identity of the other party is the young owner of Longteng Country, and he is a lawyer!

The person who came was none other than Qin Shaocong.

"You two, and this one is Mr. Zhang, right? I'm here with my second uncle. He just arrived in Dongfangdu, and he doesn't know the way."

Qin Shaocong explained to the three with a smile, and then gave up his position to the person behind him.

Another person came in, he was somewhat similar to Qin Shaocong, but his face was serious, giving people a feeling of seriousness all the time.

After seeing the person coming, the pupils of Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng shrank slightly.

They obviously didn't expect that this case would alarm this person.

"It turned out to be Qin Gaojian from Longdu Headquarters, I have admired him for a long time!"

But facing the visitor, the two got up immediately, and their expressions became extremely serious.

"Sit down, sit down!"

The visitor just waved his hand and sat on the sofa indifferently.

"Shao Cong, your law firm should still have something to do, I won't keep you here!"

This is the eviction order, and it also tells Qin Shaocong to leave quickly.

After all, the next thing to talk about may be about the case. Qin Shaocong is not a related lawyer, so naturally he can't intervene.

"Then Second Uncle, I'll go first. If you need any orders, remember to contact me. I will arrange the most professional people to deal with it for you!"

"No, just go and do your work!" Qin Shaocong's kindness was rejected by his second uncle himself.

"I hope that during the investigation of this case, you will contact me as little as possible, and don't arrange anyone to serve me. I will live in the dormitory arranged by the Wushu Association for a few days, and refuse all visits. Only in this way can I You can handle this case with peace of mind.”

Hearing these words, Qin Shaocong also knew the character of his second uncle, so he could only nod helplessly.

"Then, nephew, farewell!"

Qin Shaocong left, while his second uncle stayed in the office.

Zhao Chunming, Guo Wufeng and Zhang Lang couldn't help but praise the person in front of them when they saw such an attitude.

There are very few people who have such professional ethics and do not seek pleasure.

Especially Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng felt that they had won this time.

Zhang Wei, you kid just wait to die!

With this guy here, let's see how you can win this time!

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