Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 396 Is there something wrong? Espionage, we were wrong!

Monday evening.

After Zhang Wei came out of the law firm, he didn't go back to the Lin Mansion directly, but went to the detention room of the Wuxie Association.

There was no way, since he wanted to take over the case, he had to pick up all the defendants he represented.

Apart from the fact that Zhao Xiaoxiao has returned to Lin's residence, there are still two defendants.

Keyboard and Pigman, that is, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan.

Zhang Wei also dragged the relationship with the serious crime team and got the name of Venom.

Venom, formerly known as Liu Xiaotao, will become a tainted witness in this case.

The so-called tainted witness is naturally on Zhang Lang's side, and will act as a witness in the case to accuse others, including Zhao Xiaoxiao, of their crimes.

What Zhang Wei has to do is naturally to deal with Zhang Lang and help Zhao Xiaoxiao and the other two get rid of the charges.

A few minutes later, the detention procedure was completed, and both Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan were able to see the light of day again.

"Pigman, keyboard, no time to explain, get in the car!"

Although they both have names, Zhang Wei is still used to calling each other by nicknames.

After the two got into the car, Zhang Xinyan, as the driver, naturally continued to drive, carrying the three of them back.

"Do you two have a place to live?"

"After this case starts, I have to make an agreement with you. The investigation department and that Zhanglang will definitely send people to monitor you. If you don't mind, I can send you back later."

"Is it 24-hour surveillance?"

"Nonsense, you are criminal suspects, will they let you 'abscond in fear of crime'?"

"But we didn't commit a crime..."

Hearing the two's defenses, Zhang Wei felt hehe in his heart.

"Does Liu Xiaotao know?"

"Who is it?"

"Venom, this is his real name, but that's not the point. The point is that he will accuse you in court as a tainted witness, so with his testimony, that chapter wolf dares to attack you."

Zhang Wei thought for a while and analyzed: "Because of the evidence provided by Venom, he can ask the court for a search warrant. Maybe the place where you live has already been thoroughly searched by him."

"How can this be done, that's my private space!"

"Yeah, don't we have the right to privacy?"

After hearing that their residence had been searched, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan became anxious.

But Zhang Wei laughed.

Do you still care about privacy?

Why didn’t you care about privacy when you hacked other people’s company servers and their private accounts?

"Don't be nervous, they are not interested in your browser search records, or the study materials on the local disk, what they want is a big case!" Zhang Wei rolled his eyes again.

Who are you kidding here? Isn’t it just that there are some shameful things stored in the computer hard drive, so why are you so impatient?

"Oh, then I'm relieved..."

Zhu Erdan breathed a sigh of relief, and Liu Dashun also felt relieved.

"If I were you, I would never think so!"

But Zhang Wei's next words lifted the hearts of the two of them again.

"Currently, I don't know what charges Zhang Lang will charge you, but I think a cyber security crime is the minimum. As hackers, you should touch citizens' private information, cyber crimes, and threats and intimidation with illegally obtained information. Maybe even extortion?"

Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan shook their heads immediately after hearing this.

"No, no, we do hacking because of interest, really, not kidding you."

"Yeah, I just liked to tinker with the computer when I was a child, and then it got out of hand, and it became like this after playing with it."

Looking at the two of them, Zhang Wei rolled his eyes wildly.

"You haven't done anything illegal?"

Liu Dashun immediately denied: "My nickname is the keyboard, and the most I fiddle with are mechanical equipment, such as some electronic devices, new peripherals, etc. I occasionally help my friends contact foreign channels, buy some equipment, and sometimes help them test these instruments. Whether the equipment is good or not, really, I won’t lie to you.”

"Oh, that's right. Will these devices go through customs and pay taxes normally?"


Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Liu Dashun lowered his head and fell silent.

"Aren't you just smuggling and tax evasion?"

Zhang Wei felt hehe in his heart, but he didn't really care too much.

Smuggling plus tax evasion is not a big problem.

"What about you?" He then looked at Zhu Erdan again.

"I, I also, like the second dimension, like those cosplays, and then I met many fans of the support group, and then..."

"Brother, if you are going to be sued now, it's better to tell the truth and don't hide it."

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Zhang Wei was speechless for a while.

Now that the fire is imminent, what are you planning to hide, why don't you hurry up and explain it.

"That is, when those female anchors broadcast live, I can get their IP addresses, and then sell the addresses to those fans. Sometimes fans want the anchor's private photos and some information about the anchor..."

"Brother, let me tell you, I'm doing this to help my friends. They've begged me so much. If I don't help, I'll feel really bad."

Seeing what Zhu Erdan said, Zhang Wei was too lazy to complain.

It's a good thing you even nicknamed yourself "Pig Man". Can those things you do be worthy of the word "man"?

"Then let me figure it out, you are reselling citizens' information, infringing on network security, and suspected of assisting others to harass and intimidate female anchors..."

Zhang Wei snapped his fingers and listed Zhu Erdan's crimes one by one.

It's okay, it's not a big problem.

"Let's put it this way, if the two of you have a better attitude towards pleading guilty and behave well in prison, then you should be fine after three or five years!"

"Ah, this..."

When the two heard what Zhang Wei said, they panicked.

This shit is still going to jail, they don't want to go to jail.

But Zhang Wei would tell them, since they committed a crime, how could they not go to jail?

"You two don't think I can help you get rid of the charges, do you?"

Seeing the performance of the two, Zhang Wei knew what they were thinking: "Listen well, you two, if you do something wrong, you have to accept the punishment, this is the rule!"

"Even if I'm a lawyer, I can't break the rules. The most I can do is to help you get the best rights and interests for you within the scope of the law, that's all!"

Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun looked at each other, as if they had made a decision in their hearts.

"Then can we find a lawyer ourselves, without you helping us!"

"That's fine. You can contact the lawyer yourself. It's your right. I won't stop you!"

It doesn't matter to Zhang Wei, if these two people don't want to hire him, that's fine.

The big deal is that in the courtroom, as the first, second and third defendants, different lawyers are entrusted to speak.

That's how the case I "cooperated" with my aunt came about.

"Then when we get to the place where we live, I'll let you down, and you can contact the lawyer yourself."

While talking, Sifangmen Street finally arrived.

After parking the car at the gate of Zhang's martial arts hall, Zhang Wei and his party got off the car one after another.

"Hey, I'm looking for a lawyer, quickly invite the most powerful lawyer from your law firm!"

Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun immediately started looking for a lawyer, and now they are making phone calls.

Seeing the operation of the two, Zhang Wei sneered and was about to return to the Lin Mansion.

But suddenly, there was a vibration in his pocket.

Someone is calling.

The caller ID is "Li Qinghua".


"Hey, mother-in-law, why did you call?"

"Zhang Wei, why are you getting into trouble again?"

On the other end of the phone, Li Qinghua started to growl again.

"You said you, you're going to fix things for us every few days, right? You little bastard can't handle simple cases. Every time you have to make big things happen, do you know how much Xiaoyueyue is worried about you? When Lao Xia heard about your case, he couldn't even eat today..."

Hearing the roar of his mother-in-law on the phone, Zhang Wei felt a little helpless.

"No, mother-in-law, do you already know the case information?"

"You talk nonsense, don't even look at who I am!"

Li Qinghua snorted coldly, then lowered her voice.

"The judge in charge of your case this time is Lao Li. I heard that the court told him not to go home for a few days and not let him have contact with his daughter in order to avoid suspicion. Tell me, what is this?"

"Besides, I also heard that the person in charge of the public prosecution this time is not someone from the local prosecutor's headquarters..."

"Well, isn't it the local prosecutor's headquarters?" Zhang Wei froze for a moment.

Is this kind of case still in charge of the local prosecutor's office?

Could it be that Zhang Lang is more willing to trust the District Attorney than the District Prosecutor's Headquarters?

Is this reasonable?

This is obviously unreasonable!

Unless, Zhang Lang watched Zhang Wei and the local prosecutor's headquarters' previous record, and then had a showdown with Zhao Chunming and the others.

Take a look at your record, the losers in a row were all killed by that kid.

So if you help me, you can count as helping me, so don't fight Zhang Wei.

Probably, this is what it means.

"Mother-in-law, which prosecutor is in charge?"

"I heard that it seems that a powerful person came from Longdu!"

"Dragon are here?"

Well, Zhang Wei said that this was completely unexpected.

He thought that the local prosecutor's headquarters was on the first floor and Zhang Lang was on the second floor, but he didn't expect this guy to jump directly to the fifth floor.

He really didn't trust the local prosecutor's headquarters, but he didn't seek the help of the local prosecutor, but came directly from Longdu.

"Zhang Wei, I heard that the person who came this time is a high-ranking inspector from Longdu, who seems to be surnamed Qin, and Qin Shaocong, who you fought against before, seems to be a family. I heard from the gossip that it was Qin Shaocong who brought the That one went to the local prosecutor's headquarters."

"Oh, thank you mother-in-law for inquiring, I see."

Zhang Wei muttered, writing down the information in his mind.

The people from Longdu are from the Qin family.

He then looked to the side again. Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan were still on the phone and communicating with the lawyer they were in contact with.

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, mother-in-law, have you heard any rumors that several defendants will be prosecuted this time, and what are the charges for the prosecution?"

"I heard that three or four people will be prosecuted. I also heard from Lao Chen that the crimes to be prosecuted are espionage."


Hearing Li Qinghua's last words, Zhang Wei gasped.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

The crime involved this time was actually espionage!

This is a serious crime.

Zhang Wei looked at the two, but muttered in his mouth: "The Criminal Law of the Dragon Kingdom stipulates that those who commit the crime of espionage shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years or life imprisonment; .”

"Not only that, once this crime is convicted, most of the rights will be deprived for life. Once the second daughter is convicted, won't she be labeled a 'traitor' for the rest of her life?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei felt the pressure.

"Hey, hey, Zhang Wei, why are you startled..."

On the phone desk, Li Qinghua was upset again, with a bad tone.

"Mother-in-law, thank you for telling me. I know what to do next. Say hello to my father-in-law and Xiao Yueyue!"

Hanging up the phone in a hurry, Zhang Weilian went to the two who were on the phone not far away.

Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan are still on the phone with their lawyers.

"Lawyer Mao, you said that this case can be handed over to you, can you handle it?"

"But this is about network security. I looked at your resume on the Internet. It seems that you haven't handled similar cases, have you?"

"Yes, yes, I know, you have a law firm, and you also have professional colleagues. I didn't think carefully about it."

Zhu Erdan has already contacted the lawyer here, and it seems that the two parties have a harmonious conversation.

"The lawyer came over before, just to ask him if he has received any news, lawyer Mao, please wait a moment."

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching, he immediately said something, then walked up to Zhang Wei and asked, "Lawyer Zhang, is there any news from the court? The lawyer I contacted is asking me what the crime is."

"Oh, then tell him it's a crime of espionage!"

"Lawyer Mao, that lawyer said that I'm being prosecuted for espionage... Hey, hello, Lawyer Mao, why don't you answer, Lawyer Mao..."

Zhu Erdan was stunned when he heard the "beep beep" busy tone on his mobile phone.

Why did you hang up the phone after we had a good chat?

On the other side, Liu Dashun was also talking with the lawyer and turned on the loudspeaker.

"Uncle, you must save me."

"Don't worry, your dad and I have made an agreement. Your dad and I have been friends for decades. How could we not help you?"

"Thank you Uncle, I'm relieved then."

"By the way, do you know the charges for the prosecution? I can also find a familiar lawyer. After all, I am in charge of criminal cases. If you say that you may be involved in cyber information crimes, then I have to sell some face and find some lawyers. A friend to help you analyze and analyze."

"Oh, let me ask."

Liu Dashun also walked up to Zhang Wei, and asked, "Lawyer Zhang Wei, what did you talk to Pigman just now? My uncle asked me about it too."

"Oh, your uncle, which law firm?"

"My uncle is an independent lawyer and does not have a law firm, but he has been a lawyer in the East for nearly 30 years, and he is definitely more reliable than you."

Zhang Wei glanced at Liu Dashun, your kid's EQ must be a little low.

How can one brag about another lawyer in front of one lawyer and say that the lawyer in front of him is not good enough?

"Oh, that's fine. You tell your uncle that the crime of espionage is being prosecuted this time, and the prosecutor is the high prosecutor from Longdu, whose surname is Qin."

"Oh well."

Liu Dashun immediately picked up the phone and reported: "Uncle, I greet you. Lawyer Zhang Wei said that the charge of the public prosecution is espionage, and that the prosecutor is the High Prosecutor from Longdu, whose surname is Qin."


On the other end of the phone, something seemed to be broken, and there was a noise.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you, Uncle?"

"Ahem, Shunzi, the chair in Uncle's office is broken just now, after sitting on it for several years, the chair couldn't hold up after all, alas..."

"Oh, that's right, uncle, this case..."

"Shunzi, Uncle has been quite busy recently, and the time for this case seems to be too late, why don't you hire Gao Ming?"

"But uncle, didn't you just say that you were covered? And my dad..."

"Your dad, your dad, I'll say the same when he comes. Shunzi, you have to be considerate of uncle, I'm really busy here recently, otherwise I'll take some time to help you. By the way, you I just said that the prosecutor came from Longdu, and his surname is Qin, right?"

"Lawyer Zhang told me so."

"Then it's probably Qin Yangqin's High Prosecutor. This one is incredible. He is a well-known and powerful figure in the judicial circle of Longdu. Let me tell you the truth. Even if I am really free, I probably can't help you too much. Besides, I'm not free yet."

On the other end of the phone, the voice of confession can obviously be heard.

Liu Dashun: "..."

"Nephew, why don't you discuss it with the lawyer next to you to confirm the matter of pleading guilty and repenting, so uncle won't bother you."

"This, but Lawyer Zhang Wei is too young, uncle..."

"My little lawyer is young and young, doesn't this mean that I have more common language with you, and my lawyer Zhang Wei... Wait, who are you talking about?"

"Zhang Wei, that's how he introduced himself, and he even gave me a business card."

"Is there any law firm written on the business card?"

"Let me take a look, it seems to be Jincheng Law Firm, Zhang Wei, the ace of the criminal department..."


On the other end of the phone, there was another gasp.

"Crack!" Immediately afterwards, something seemed to be broken.

"Uncle, are you all right, Uncle?"

"Ahem, I'm fine, I'm fine, quickly pass the phone over to that lawyer Zhang!"

"No, your nephew turned on the loudspeaker, and I heard it all."

Zhang Wei laughed and said directly.


Another series of gasps.

"What, Lawyer Zhang Wei, my nephew didn't do it on purpose. Your lord doesn't remember the villain's faults, so don't bother with him."

"By the way, my nephew's case is up to you. If you are willing to take action, then I have an explanation to his father. Please don't take what you said just now to heart."

"Oh, I see!" Zhang Wei replied in a flat tone, but then changed the tone, "But your nephew seems to look down on me, and think I'm too tender?"

"This little bastard, I'm really tired of living. I don't even know how to die if I dare to speak ill of Lawyer Zhang!"

On the other end of the phone, there was a sudden stern roar.

"Sunja, turn off the speaker and move away!"

Liu Dashun was honest, closed his eyesight device, and walked a few meters away.

Soon, he lowered his head, holding his mobile phone, his shoulders were shaking constantly, like a student being trained.

A few minutes later, Liu Dashun ended the call.

But this time, when he looked at Zhang Wei, he could only beg.

Liu Dashun suddenly knelt down in front of Zhang Wei, crying, "Lawyer Zhang, my uncle told me that the only one who can save me now is you, you must save me!"

On the other side, Zhu Erdan also looked desperate. After seeing Liu Dashun kneeling down, he also knelt down on the ground.

"Lawyer Zhang, I was the one who didn't know Taishan just now. This time, I'll leave it all to you. Don't take to heart what we said just now to slander you."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, get up!"

"But I'm just a lawyer after all, whether you die or not has nothing to do with me~"

The two kneeling on the ground looked at each other, feeling panic in their hearts.

Is this person planning to die?

Zhang Wei didn't care what the two of them thought, and waved his hand to signal the two to get up.

Anyway, for him, it is best for these two to cooperate, and it will save them from hiring an additional lawyer, and then the two sides will have conflicts.

But he was equally curious about his opponent this time.

The high-level inspector Qin Yang from Longdu, what kind of powerful person is this?

"Master of Full Level Archaeology" Gu Qu

Archaeologists, a mysterious and curious profession, a profession that gets along with ancestors every day.

Chen Han, who just graduated from the Department of Archeology, stumbled into this unknown world with a shovel in his hand.

The elder told him:

"The significance of archeology is not just to obtain amazing cultural relics, but to clarify the development of the entire Chinese civilization behind these sites and cultural relics."

"The endless galaxy, the continuous exploration of generations of people going to the poor and falling to the underworld."

"It is the interpretation, restoration and inheritance of Chinese culture!"

"Listen, the ancestors are talking."

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