Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 397 Seeing Qin Gaojian for the first time, serious, please help?

Tuesday morning.

Zhang Wei got up early, but unexpectedly, someone got up earlier than him.

Seeing the person brushing his teeth in the bathroom, Zhang Wei was shocked.

"Second girl, did you get up early today?"

"Hum hum……"

Zhao Xiaoxiao brushed her teeth and snorted nasally as an answer.

After Zhang Wei thought about it, he understood.

When she came back on Monday morning, Zhao Xiaoxiao probably slept all day, which is why she woke up so early.

This girl's spirit is probably nourished enough.

This is a good thing, at least a person with sufficient energy is better than a person with low energy.

After Zhao Xiaoxiao brushed her teeth and washed her face, she walked out of the bathroom quickly.

"What about the two of them, didn't you say you wanted to bring them here?"

The two of them are naturally Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan.

"Yeah, they're in the martial arts gym next door. The previous dormitories are vacant, so I'll let them live there. With Sister Xiaowu and Brother Smelly watching, it should be fine."

Zhang Wei pointed to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall next door, they were probably still asleep.

"Oh~" After knowing the location of those two guys, Zhao Xiaoxiao lost interest.

"Miss Ben is hungry and wants breakfast."

"Okay, let's go to the local prosecutor's headquarters to catch up with this time's opponent after breakfast."

As Zhang Wei said, he had breakfast with Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Then the two went straight to the Zhang's Martial Arts Hall next door.

"Get up, get up!"

When she came to the door of the dormitory, Zhao Xiaoxiao pushed the door open and shouted incidentally.

In the room, on the spare bed, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan were still sound asleep.

The two of them were under too much pressure yesterday, they tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep at night, until the morning when they finally couldn't hold on and fell asleep, and now they are still asleep.

The two of them had no choice but to be woken up by Zhao Xiaoxiao's voice, and their spirits became listless.

After hastily drinking a little white porridge in Zhang's martial arts hall, the two could only follow Zhang Wei to the headquarters of the local prosecutor.

Zhang Xinyan was driving, Zhao Xiaoxiao was sitting in the co-pilot, and Zhang Wei was sitting in the back seat with Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan.

"Lawyer Zhang, what are we going to do today?"

"Yes, yes, does it need to wake us up early in the morning?"

After yesterday's "friendly exchange", the attitude of the two towards Zhang Wei has changed a lot.

At least in the hearts of Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan, the respect for Zhang Wei is completely different from yesterday.

Especially yesterday, Liu Dashun had a phone call with his uncle, which made them clear that Zhang Wei is definitely a powerful person.

Therefore, for the sake of their own freedom, they can only rely on Zhang Wei.

Otherwise, who else can we rely on, rely on those unreliable lawyers who hang up the phone or refuse when they hear about espionage?

No harm without comparison.

Comparing the two, it is needless to say who is more reliable.

Only Zhang Wei dared to take such a difficult case.

And this is without the support of Jincheng Law Firm, which means that the Lin family has already stated that they will not support Zhang Wei. He is now fighting alone.

"Let's meet the opponent in this case today!"

Zhang Weiduan sat in the back row with a very calm expression.

However, he was also a little curious in his heart, what kind of person his opponent this time was.

There is not much public information about this Qin Gaojian on the Internet, only that he is a member of the Qin family in Longdu.

As for the background of the Qin family in Longdu, I heard that it is also very big. Among them, the most famous in the East should be Qin Shaocong, the young master of Longteng.

The headquarters of Longteng International Law Firm is in Longdu, and the head of the family is Qin Shaocong's own father.

My father is the big boss of Longteng Law Firm, but my second uncle is a prosecutor. Moreover, Lin Jincheng said that there is an old man Qin in Longdu who doesn't deal with him. The Qin family seems to be a legal family.

And his opponent this round is Qin Shaocong's second uncle, Qin Yang.

When he came to the gate of the local inspection headquarters, Zhang Wei was already familiar with the road, and went straight to the second floor.

Tuk tuk tuk!

He knocked lightly on the door, and then Zhang Wei waved his hand inside.

"Hi, fellow prosecutors, hello, I, Zhang, are here!"

The prosecutors of the felony division all looked towards the corner.

"Look at what, look at what I do!"

Xiao Baihe crossed her jade arms in front of her chest, and stood up with a displeased face.

Her face seemed to be asking: What's the matter with you guys, what does Zhang Wei's coming have anything to do with me, Xiao Baihe?

"Old Xiao, is your old Zhao here?"

Seeing Xiao Baihe, Zhang Wei immediately leaned over and smiled.

"Fuck me, don't come near me!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's "show of favor", Xiao Baihe looked disgusted, but still shouted to the next door: "Yingying!"

Tan Yingying got up, then walked towards the supervisor's office with her head down.

After a while, the office door opened, and Zhao Chunming walked out with a gloomy expression.

"Zhang Wei!"

"Old Zhao, how are you doing recently? Seeing that you look unhappy, is there something bothering you?"

Seeing Zhao Chunming, Zhang Wei was still very "enthusiastic", as if the two were old friends for many years.

"Hehe, you still know I'm annoyed, but in fact I'm annoyed when I see you!" Zhao Chunming didn't show any face at all, and directly sarcastically.

"Then you are lucky, I don't usually come here to visit."

Zhang Wei laughed again, but then hurriedly asked: "By the way, where is that Qin Gaojian? He should have come long ago, right?"

"I brought all the parties here today, just to discuss with this famous high-level prosecutor from Longdu, and see if we can avoid going to court?"

"Unexpectedly, you will be afraid. Come to us to find out in advance?" Zhao Chunming sneered, and also winked at Tan Yingying beside him.

Tan Yingying sighed on the spot, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

Have you all forgotten that I am also a prosecutor, why does everyone treat me as a tool for running errands?

But things still have to be done, and people still have to shout.

Tan Yingying trotted all the way, and rushed upstairs to a temporary office.

After a while, she came back again.

"Qin Gaojian told you to go up, he is waiting for you in the conference room at the door!"

"Thanks, Tan!"

Zhang Wei thanked him, and took Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others straight upstairs.

The meeting room at the door is not difficult to find, they can see it when they go upstairs.

The meeting room opened, and a middle-aged man was sitting inside, waiting for them.

"Prosecutor Qin Yang?" Zhang Wei looked at the other party and asked tentatively.

"Yes, I am. Your Excellency must be Lawyer Zhang Wei, right?"

Qin Yang got up and motioned for several people to take their seats, then took out 4 business cards from his pocket and handed them to Zhang Wei, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan respectively.

"Here, let me introduce myself. I am Qin Yang, the senior inspector of the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters."

"At first, I also wondered why people from my Northern Headquarters were sent to the Southern Headquarters to handle the matter, and the higher-ups even told me that it was necessary for me to be in charge of the prosecution of this case!"

"But I also heard that the defense lawyer in charge of this case is very difficult, so I am also interested, so I came here."

Qin Yang said, taking the main seat again, and then looked at Zhang Wei, "I have to say, Lawyer Zhang is really young, he is not like what I heard at all, he really can't be judged by his appearance!"

"So is Qin Gaojian!"

Zhang Wei said something perfunctory, and at the same time took a careful look at the person in front of him.

Qin Yang's appearance is not very distinctive, and the outline can only be vaguely seen to be slightly similar to Qin Shaocong, but his aura is very calm.

And from the beginning to the end, he put on a cold and serious expression, no matter whether he was talking or handing a business card, this expression never changed.

"What a serious person!"

Just from his aura and first impression, Zhang Wei knew that this guy was very difficult.

He has also fought against high-level opponents, Lan Zhengye and Lu Wenwen. The former is considered to be good, but every time he can find decisive evidence of the case to turn around from adversity, while the latter is relatively inferior. up.

But from the first impression, this Qin Yang is definitely a more difficult person than Lan Zhengye.

Because of the age advantage here, this person must have more experience.

Zhang Wei and Qin Yang can be regarded as hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

Next, the topic naturally came to the case.

"Qin Gaojian, the purpose of my visit this time is also very simple, just to ask you if there is any possibility of reconciliation in this case!"

"Oh, reconciliation?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Qin Yang's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was slightly puzzled.

"This is espionage. Do you think it can be settled?"

"Then what if I make my client plead guilty?"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan, "If I let these two plead guilty, how much authority can you get?"

"Oh, two?"

Qin Yang also glanced at the two of them, but his eyes turned to Zhao Xiaoxiao who had lowered her head and said nothing since entering the conference room.

There are three here, why do you only say two?

Are you blind, or am I seeing people with double images?

"Qin Gaojian, I have reached a consensus with the two clients. If the prosecution can provide some humane conditions, it is not impossible for them to plead guilty!"

"For example?" Qin Yang asked again.

"Qin Gaojian, I don't know if you have heard a saying, that is, don't use questions to answer questions. What I want to know is the answer, not your rhetorical questions one after another."

Seeing that Qin Yang looked serious, but his attitude was a little casual, Zhang Wei immediately reminded him.

"It turned out to be like this. Attorney Zhang did what ordinary lawyers would do. I thought that difficult people would not talk about reconciliation."

Qin Yang picked up the notebook in front of him, opened a page, and said slowly: "I thought Lawyer Zhang was planning to compete with me in court, and I was looking forward to a head-to-head confrontation with the most powerful lawyer in the East. Woolen cloth."

"First of all, I'm not the most powerful lawyer in the East!"

"Secondly, whether it is for the prosecution, the defense, or even the judge, holding a trial is a very energy-consuming thing. Naturally, everyone can avoid it if they can. This can also be regarded as saving judicial resources."

"Finally, my attitude has been revealed, what about you, Qin Gaojian?"

Seeing Zhang Wei pointing up three fingers and looking at him, Qin Yang knew that he had to state his conditions.

He also stretched out three fingers: "First, it is right for your client to plead guilty and all charges must be signed, which is also right!"

"Second, since your client has indeed done something that threatened national security, then they have to pay the price for these actions, and they should go to jail."

"Third, although I am in charge of investigating and handling the prosecution of this case, I am not the one who is actually responsible for this matter. I have also asked that person. His condition is to sign a guilty plea and 10 years in prison. This will never change!"

Hearing the other party's conditions, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes.

"Ten years, wouldn't it be too much? Even if my client did something that threatened national security, it might be an unintentional mistake!"

"But we have key tainted witnesses, and there are many evidences provided by special departments. I think these evidences are enough to convict them!"

Qin Yang pointed to the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao, and they naturally meant all of them, including Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you should ask yourself, since when did you have the idea that I, Qin Yang, would compromise with you?"

Qin Yang looked at Zhang Wei, and finally smiled: "Lawyer Zhang, do you think that I am similar to the group of people downstairs, that I might be afraid of going to court, I might be afraid of going to court, I might be afraid of being in court with the defense lawyer. to fight?"

"Then let me tell you, you are wrong. I, Qin Yang, am not a weak person. When facing someone like you who decides to protect criminals, I will never compromise easily!"

"Lawyer Zhang, don't think that you can treat our prosecution as a soft persimmon that can be squeezed by others after winning several public prosecutions at the local prosecutor's headquarters. I, Qin Yang, are different from the people at the Southern Headquarters!"

The attitude is clear.

Zhang Wei also knew that what he said was right, Qin Yang didn't give him a chance at all.

The two sides had nothing to talk about.

"My condition is very simple, 10 years plus a guilty plea and signature, this condition will never change until the verdict of the trial comes out!"


It's not the usual toughness, it's the kind that doesn't give a chance at all.

The stones in the latrine are smelly and hard!

"Qin Gaojian, since you insist on this, let's compete in court!"

As Zhang Wei said, he winked at Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others.

Now that the conversation has collapsed, then withdraw.


But Qin Yang spoke suddenly and stopped them.

"Qin Gaojian, you are..."

"Lawyer Zhang, don't get me wrong. I won't back down on the conditions. It's just that I'm going to the court to submit the case information in the afternoon. Since you're here, take away our list of public evidence. You can also see it." See what your client has committed!"

As Qin Yang said, he took out a few pages from a folder on the table and handed them to Zhang Wei.

"This is our public announcement list. I will submit this document to the court later. Lawyer Zhang can take a look at it. Then I won't keep you. See you in court."

As a result of the evidence sheet, Zhang Wei left without looking back.

Walking down the stairs, he saw Xiao Baihe standing at the stairs waiting for them.

"How about it, are you deflated?"

"Old Xiao, I know you are worried about me, but you don't have to show it like this, are you not afraid that your colleagues will gossip about us?"

"Zhang Wei, go to hell!"

Xiao Baihe originally planned to ridicule Zhang Wei, but he didn't expect that he was completely defeated by the other party's sentence.

She immediately blushed, stepped on her high heels and did not return to the office.

"Bye, Lao Xiao, I'll treat you to dinner in a few days!"

Waving with Xiao Baihe's back, Zhang Wei turned around, only to find that Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three of them were all staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.

"Lawyer Zhang, tall!"

"I didn't expect you to have an insider among the prosecutors, and you are such a beautiful prosecutor!"

Both Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan gave thumbs up.

"No, no, we are just ordinary friends!" Zhang Wei quickly waved his hand to deny.

Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings.

Xiao Baihe and I are innocent.

However, even Zhao Xiaoxiao, who is Zhang Wei's "second daughter", felt that this explanation was false.

If there is no inside story between you and Xiao Baihe, then there is a problem.

As a result, Zhang Wei and the three of them had just walked out of the gate of the prefectural prosecutor's headquarters when a black Jeep stopped in front of the three of them.

The car door opened and Zhang Lang stepped out.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't expect you to come so early in the morning. Have you seen Qin Gaojian?"

"Mr. Zhang, I got up so early, but you still squatted down to us. Could it be that we can't hide our whereabouts from you?"

Zhang Wei, like Qin Yang, used questions to answer questions.

"Hahaha, Lawyer Zhang, you should be clear that the three around you are all suspects of espionage. They have all committed illegal and criminal acts that threatened national security. For the safety of Longguo, our Network Security Bureau must It is our job responsibility to supervise their actions as necessary, please understand!"

After Zhang Lang finished his high-sounding words, he moved closer to Zhang Wei and the others, and said in a low voice: "Of course, if I were you, I would choose to plead guilty earlier. Anyway, it's only 10 years in prison. You are still young, come out. After that, you can start a new life!"

"Lawyer Zhang, do you think so?"

It's a ghost!

Zhang Wei directly taunted: "I, Zhang, have seen it today. Mr. Zhang, you are just threatening people with random flags!"

"Mr. Zhang, I also advise you, don't take everything for granted. You are used to the smooth wind and the water, but when you encounter waves suddenly, it is easy for the ship to be destroyed."

"Lawyer Zhang is threatening me. Do you think you can win?"

"Mr. Zhang, what is the abbreviation of your department, SB?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer was irrelevant and changed the subject, Zhang Lang's face darkened.

"It's CSB!"

"Oh, isn't this still SB?"

Regardless of Zhang Lang's reaction, Zhang Wei smiled again: "Mr. Zhang, it is your business that you want to monitor, but please pay attention to the boundaries. As long as my clients have not been convicted, they all have basic human rights. If you For the sake of the so-called work, you made actions that exceeded the limit, and even violated the basic human rights of several of my clients, then don't blame me for suing your entire CSB department!"

Zhang Lang's face sank again, but he didn't answer.

"Mr. Zhang, let's compete in court. I know that Qin Yang is the main force on the surface, but you, the person behind the scenes, are the real target I want to defeat!"


Zhang Lang snorted coldly, turned around and got into the car, and left directly.

Zhang Wei didn't care about these, and took Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three of them to the car and returned directly.

But in the car, he thought about it.

"There is a way to know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. I have to have a thorough understanding of the background and behavior of Qin Yang and Zhang Lang!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was in the passenger seat, shook her head: "But do you know them? They are all from the public security, law, and special departments. We can't get the information?"

"It's okay, I have other channels to get the information!"

Zhang Wei said, took out his mobile phone, and immediately dialed a number.

The moment the phone was connected, Zhang Wei immediately put on a smiling face.

"Hey, Hanhan, can you contact my uncle, I don't have his contact information..."

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