Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 398 Director Zhou reminded that the opponent and the case are difficult

In the evening, downtown.

Some fancy restaurant.

Zhang Wei has arrived at the reserved location and is waiting for the guests.

Not long after, the people who came to the appointment arrived.


There were 4 people who came, and Zhang Wei waved to one of them.


Xia Qian put on a dirty face, and when she saw Zhang Wei waving his hand, she snorted softly, her face full of disdain.

For his brother-in-law, he still has a grudge in his heart.

As for the reason why he hated his brother-in-law, it was naturally because someone had made him die in court.

Even now, Luo Qi and Gao Yang still have subconscious defenses against him at certain moments.

"Director Zhou, you're here!"

After Zhang Wei greeted his uncle, he smiled and nodded with the Lord.

Zhou Xiaoli, the instructor of the Special Operations Group of the War Department, is responsible for the operations of the Special Operations Group in Dongfangdu, and is also the spokesperson of the Special Operations Group.

This woman is definitely the hub of the official power of Dongfang Capital.

Today Zhang Wei is looking for the right owner, in fact, this is him.

As for the uncle, it was just a greeting along the way.

"The famous lawyer Zhang, how could he think of inviting us to dinner?"

As Zhou Xiaoli spoke, she gestured to Xia Qianjun and Gaoyang Luoqi beside her, and the latter three immediately found an empty seat and sat down.

Zhou Xiaoli sat in the seat in front of Zhang Wei, and the two were face to face.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with inviting my uncle to a meal, right?" Zhang Wei laughed and said perfunctorily.

"Yeah, if it's normal, then it's no problem, but if you have to do it at this critical point, then your goal is not simple." Zhou Xiaoli also smiled, also very perfunctory.

"What key node?"

Zhang Wei pretended to be confused with his understanding: "Guide Zhou, look at what you said, it seems that I invited you out for dinner for an impure purpose!"

"Isn't it?" Zhou Xiaoli also smiled.

Are you, Zhang Wei, really just planning to invite us out for dinner?

Well, Zhang Wei said that he really wanted something from others.

"Director Zhou, how can you say that? I invited you out for a meal, just to get in touch with the relationship between the two of us, and just chat by the way~"

"The content of the chat will not be related to the recent espionage case and the CSB department?"

"Director Zhou also knows about this?"

Zhang Wei drank the tea in front of him and said frankly, "There must be a topic for chatting, right?"

Zhou Xiaoli smiled without saying a word, just tapped the table with her fingers.

beep... beep... beep...

Light and rhythmic.

"Oh, look at my brain!"

Zhang Wei quickly apologized: "Since all the guests are here, it's time to serve!"

He beckoned, and immediately a waiter ran over quickly.

"Serve, don't starve my guests!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!"

The waiter quickly rushed to the kitchen and began to work.

"Guide Zhou, since you are willing to show your face, you have to taste this chef's cooking skills today. As far as I know, the steak in this restaurant is pretty good!"

Zhou Xiaoli didn't say much, while Zhang Wei was polite and wanted to take good care of the "source of information" in front of him.

the next table.

Compared to the courtesy between Zhang Wei and Zhou Xiaoli.

Uncle Xia Qianjun and his two good teammates treated Zhang Wei differently.

"I think this kid has no good intentions!"

Luo Qi raised her hand and pointed to the next table with a look of doubt.

"It was!" Xia Qianjun snorted again, looking at Zhang Wei warily.

In his heart, as long as Zhang Wei appears, nothing good will happen.

Especially in a certain court trial, he made himself miserable.

Whenever he thought of this, he wished he could just find a reason to beat Zhang Wei up.

"Brother Jun, by the way, why did that kid seek Zhou's guidance?" Gao Yang glanced at the two people in the conversation, a little confused.

"I heard that this kid seems to have encountered some troublesome things recently. He came to our instructor probably because of that matter!"

Luo Qi looked like a know-it-all, and suppressed his voice: "Think about it, if a barrister is courteous for nothing, it must be rape or robbery!"

"He came to our instructor, the case must have involved the above, so he must find a professional in this field, and among the people he knows, only our instructor has this qualification."

"Above?" Gao Yang and Xia Qianjun looked at each other and frowned.

Because as long as it involves the above, it is absolutely no small matter.

But they are all front-line fighters, and they really don't know the things above.

"However, Director Zhou won't grant that kid's wish!"

"That's right, our instructor is deeply trusted by the higher-ups, and he works in an orderly manner. It is absolutely impossible to disclose information to this kid!"

Luo Qi and Gao Yang analyzed, Xia Qianjun remained silent, frowning.

"By the way, what about the food, I'm hungry!"

Suddenly, Gao Yang changed the topic and touched his belly.

What about a good meal?

Does that kid want to prostitute for nothing?

Fortunately, the waiter didn't keep Zhang Wei and the others waiting, and the appetizers were served soon.

"Excuse me, how many mature steaks do you want?" the waiter came to them and asked with a smile.

Zhang Wei smiled at Zhou Xiaoli in front of him, and then told the waiter: "If you want the best A5 steak here, my suggestion is 5 medium rare. The steak with this degree of ripeness has a little red gravy after cutting, and it looks clearer. The taste is also full of elasticity, which I think is the best!"

"Good sir."

The waiter's face became serious, this one knows how to do it.

"The lady, you..."

"as same as him!"

Zhou Xiaoli didn't have so many rules, so she pointed to Zhang Wei, knowing it well.

Since the person in front of her is an expert, she doesn't need to worry about it.

Then, she pointed at Xia Qianjun and the other three: "They are the same!"


The waiter understood and was about to return to the back kitchen.

"By the way, here are two bottles of 82-year-old Lafite!" Zhang Wei waved his hand again and wanted to order drinks.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't drink alcohol!" Zhou Xiaoli's expression turned serious.

"That's a bottle!"

"They are performing escort missions, and they are not allowed to drink during the mission!"

Hearing what Zhou Xiaoli said, Zhang Wei was helpless: "Then replace Lafite in 1982 with Bingkuoluo in 1982!"

"Mr. Zhang, we don't have Bing Kuo Luo from 1982. In fact, our store doesn't serve soda drinks."

"Then go to the nearby supermarket to buy!"

"Mr. Zhang, you can't make it difficult for me!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's "unreasonable" request, the waiter's face tensed, and he was about to give a warning to the unreasonable guest in front of him.

He had been brewing in his heart for a long time, and was just about to say something, but Zhang Wei moved faster.

He took out a wad of money from his wallet and shook it in his hand.

The waiter's eyes were straightened, because this wad of money cost at least a thousand dollars.

"Take it, I want Bing Kuo Luo, and the rest of the money will be your tip!"

The waiter opened his mouth slightly, and began to struggle inwardly.

Because it is working time now, according to the regulations, you can't go out.

But it is also his duty to serve customers and meet their needs.

There are regulations on one side and responsibilities on the other. He doesn't know how to choose.

As for tipping, it's not the point.

The waiter was caught in a battle between heaven and man, and after about 0.001 second of hesitation, he finally made a decision.

"Mr. Zhang, wait a moment, I'll go buy it right away!" He took the money from Zhang Wei with a smile, and rushed downstairs immediately.

No way, he gave too much!


I do this to serve customers and meet their needs, which can be regarded as my duty, and it has nothing to do with whether the tip is too much or not.

The waiter took a tip for himself, and after finding a high-sounding reason, he went downstairs a little easier.

10 minutes later, the steak came and so did the ice cubes.

tons tons...

The three of Xia Qianjun drank the contents of the cup in one gulp.


"Hey, how long has it been, haven't you drank this kind of happy water?"

"I don't know, I remember drinking it before joining the war department, but now..."

Looking at the Bing Kuo Luo filled with goblets, Gao Yang and Luo Qi were full of praise.

"Don't tell me, this steak is also fried well, it's sizzling with oil, after this bite, the taste is full, tender and juicy!"

Gao Yang bit off a piece of meat in one bite, and showed a satisfied face while chewing.

"Yeah, only by following our Zhou guidance can we get such a good meal."

"However, I have to say that Zhang Wei is good at dealing with him. He is really willing to spend money on treating guests to dinner!"

Because of a meal, Gao Yang and Luo Qi's attitude towards Zhang Wei immediately changed.

It took only ten minutes from being slightly on guard before to "this kid can deal with it" now.

Xia Qianjun was also depressed, his two "loyal teammates" were actually bought off by that kid's meal.

And the next table.

Zhang Wei and Zhou Xiaoli also chatted while eating.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's get down to business!"

Zhou Xiaoli just took two simple bites, her face remained unchanged.

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Zhang Wei wiped his mouth from the napkin, and then looked serious: "This time I recruited Director Zhou, actually for the case of my three clients."

"The espionage case?"

"Yes, it's the espionage case!"

Zhou Xiaoli naturally knew about this, and she joked with a smile: "Lawyer Zhang has met an opponent this time, not only Zhang Lang from the CSB department is eyeing him, but he also invited a strong supporter from Longdu!"

"Director Zhou, do you know anything about the CSB department and Longdu?"

"Of course I understand, these two are considered celebrities!"

Zhou Xiaoli thought for a while, and shared some public information.

"The CSB department where Zhang Lang works is in charge of network security investigations in name, and it mainly protects the network security in the southern part of the Dragon Country. But his hands are very long, sometimes even the serious crime team or even the special operations team He wants to intervene in the tasks of the group."

"For a while, he reached out to the special operations team. For this reason, I specially investigated this person. I have to say that his resume is very impressive, and he has done a lot of things. He has completed many difficult tasks for his superiors."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, "But what?"

"What but?"

"Director Zhou, you said so many good things just now, but I think you must say no?"

Zhou Xiaoli chuckled, "However, I think he was promoted too fast, which is abnormal."

"The boss of the CSB department is already in his fifties. It is said that he is going to be transferred to the internal affairs department to take up a leisure job for the elderly, which means that the boss is nearing retirement."

"And Zhang Lang is the second-in-command of the CSB department, the person in charge of the main operation, and almost the appointed successor. He wants to get this case right now, probably to clear up all opposition voices for his appointment."

"A voice of opposition?" Zhang Wei seemed to have noticed something.

"Yes, voices of disapproval!"

Zhou Xiaoli didn't hide anything: "It is said that this chapter wolf is able to go so smoothly because of his deep background, and it is also because he has some support behind him that he can be so unscrupulous in operations, even the special operations team and the serious crime team can dispatch , and even asked our masters to cooperate with him many times!"

"It seems that you helped him do a lot of things, but in the end he got all the benefits alone?"

Zhang Wei could tell that Zhou Xiaoli's tone was slightly uncomfortable.

However, he is naturally not clear about what happened in those actions, so he can only guess that he may have encountered something similar to "grabbing credit".

"It's not easy to discuss this much, and what I'm telling you is the news that everyone knows. I believe that Lawyer Zhang can investigate it himself with a little effort!"

After a perfunctory sentence, Zhou Xiaoli asked again: "However, in my opinion, it is not troublesome to face Zhang Lang. The real problem is that Qin Yang from Longdu!"

"Director Zhou also knows about this person?"

"Of course, in the judicial circle of Longdu, this Qin Gaojian is a formidable figure. He is known as the Qin family's 'General of All Victories'!"

"General Yum?"

"The Qin family has four elites. I won't talk about the old man Qin. He is the number one judge in the judicial circle of Longdu. He has real seniority. Qin Zheng, the second generation boss of the Qin family, founded Longteng International and developed it to where it is now. The second child, Qin Yang, joined the local prosecutors after graduation, and gradually reached the position of high prosecutors. He has experienced numerous cases, big and small, and has almost never failed. Recently, his winning streak has reached a terrifying 99 wins!"

"Hehe, one victory away?"

Zhang Wei blinked. If he lost, wouldn't he have made the opponent a hundred consecutive victories?

"Basically, if Lawyer Zhang can beat Qin Yang, it will also be a huge boost to your reputation."

Zhou Xiaoli made a joke, but Zhang Wei waved his hand and hurriedly changed the subject: "The Qin family has four elites, is there another one?"

"There is one more, isn't it your defeated general?"

"Qin Shaocong, does he count?"

Zhang Wei was stunned. Although the young master of the third generation of the Qin family had some abilities, he was not considered very powerful in general.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's because you have too high a vision. After all, Qin Shaocong is the person in charge of Longteng in Dongfangdu. He manages a law firm in Nuoda, and he can also run Longteng in the top three positions in Dongfangdu. His ability is not ordinary. Comparable."

"Only the level of lawyer Zhang can say such a thing. Besides you, who can ignore this young master Qin."

Zhang Wei did not answer, but continued to ask: "Director Zhou, since you have mentioned the key figures in this case, can you disclose some other information?"

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you want to know?"

"For example, the places I have been puzzled about in the public evidence!"

Zhang Wei finally revealed his purpose.

"In the evidence announcement Qin Yang gave me, some private enterprises were mentioned emphatically, and even among the witnesses for the prosecution, are there many people related to shipyards and machinery factories?"

"Shipyards and machine shops?"

Boy Zhou rolled his eyes, then smiled and said, "Do you think a private shipyard and a private machinery factory will be taken seriously by Zhang Lang?"

"Yeah, I think it's impossible too!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and then muttered: "Unless the shipyard and machinery factory are not from a private background, those who pretend to be seen by others actually have another layer of identity in the mainland!"

"I didn't say anything!"

Zhou Xiaoli added, and hurriedly "reminded" Zhang Wei.

This kid, someone understands.

These companies have a background!

But what's the background? Could it be...

"Director Zhou, you..."

"Lawyer Zhang, the things here involve some confidentiality, please forgive me for not being able to tell you!"

As Zhou Xiaoli said, she glanced around and got up directly.

She knew that if she continued, she would "touch the line".

Who knows if the partition has ears? With Zhang Lang's character, he might have arranged someone to monitor Zhang Wei.

If I say something wrong today, I may be subject to internal investigation by CSB.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you for your meal today, but I can only tell you so much, and you have to find out the rest yourself!"

"By the way, you have to be careful. Zhang Lang is not a big-hearted man. After he knows that you are an enemy, he will not show mercy to you!"

Zhou Xiaoli reminded her one last thing, she winked at Xia Qianjun and the three of them, and the four of them left quickly.

Watching Zhou guide the four to leave, Zhang Wei frowned deeply.

In fact, he sensed it from the very beginning, as if someone was watching him.

That gaze hidden in the dark can't be hidden from him.

"Zhang Lang, it really lingers!"

He muttered something, but he was a little speechless in his heart.

The CSB department should be in charge of network security investigations, why is it now Zhang Lang's subordinate?

Is it too much to use the power of this department to monitor yourself...

However, Zhang Wei had a good harvest today, at least he got some information from Zhou Xiaoli.

He also quickly left the restaurant and returned to the Lin Mansion.

After arriving in Lin's mansion's own room, Zhang Wei took out the public evidence and began to analyze it.

"In the public evidence, not only the shipyard and machinery factory, but also the chief chemical engineer, etc. are mentioned. Their main persons in charge also appear in the witness list. What's going on?"

"Why does the crime of espionage involve these private enterprises? Director Zhou's reminder, what is going on? Is there a shadow of the Ministry of War or a higher level behind these enterprises? Isn't these enterprises..."

Zhang Wei seemed to have thought of something, and quickly sent a message to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

[Zhang Wei: You should investigate all these companies, look at their information, and just tell me the public information. You don’t need to investigate deeper, because I know you won’t be able to investigate in a short time! 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Do ​​you underestimate me? 】

[Zhang Wei: It's not underestimating, but I already know the answer, and I asked you to investigate it, just to prove it. 】

【Zhao Xiaoxiao: / despise / despise / despise / despise】

After Zhang Wei's message was sent out, Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly replied.

News is limited, almost none, not even a single ad.

"Sure enough, these companies all have the background of the war department and higher levels!"

When Zhang Wei saw the information, he knew it well.

How can there be a private enterprise that does not advertise?

Not even a solicitation of business, not even a website and business phone calls.

They are all cover-up companies, and they are all behind the scenes to serve the upper class.

So this case may really involve classified information, or national security.


Very tricky!

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