Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 399 Zhao Qingyan is out of control, the pre-trial is coming?

Wednesday, a working day.

Zhang Wei did not go to the law firm.

Because of Lin Xiangtian's instructions, the entire Jincheng Law Firm cannot provide any help to Zhang Wei.

He even threatened his own daughter.

If you dare to help Zhang Wei, you will throw the little apprentice to the pasture in the northwest to herd cattle.

This Lin family is really...too tm earthy.

No, it was too much.

This also made Zhang Wei see clearly that they are worthy of being the five masters, and they are indeed "connected with each other".

But it's strange to say, Zhao Xiaoxiao is also considered one of the five great masters?

Why is the Lin family only facing the Zhang family, but not the Zhao family?

In fact, Zhao Qingyan also wanted to clarify this issue.

Why did Zhang Lang want to attack his daughter, why didn't he rule out his daughter and target Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan?

He hasn't been able to eat well, sleep well these days, and he doesn't even work efficiently.

He had to take a few days off work and was on the phone all the time.

Unfortunately, he just finished calling Zhang Tianlong in the morning, but the answer he got was not what he wanted.

"Xiao Zhao, I understand your matter, don't worry, I will make arrangements for your daughter!"

"Your daughter is still young. When the time comes, arrange for her to operate. Maybe she will come out after staying there for two or three years. What are you worried about?"

"It's not that elder brother won't help you, it's just that you have to think about my younger brother. He worked so hard to arrest people. If he opens a back door for you alone, it won't have a good impact."

"How about this, let your daughter plead guilty, and at the same time turn into a tainted witness, I will work a little bit more, transfer her to a place with relatively loose prison methods, and arrange a little bit later on the grounds of her mental state a year later. What do you think of sending her out of prison for medical treatment?"

"For the same crime, those two hackers have 10 years, and your daughter only needs 1 year. This is the result of me using my relationship and my brother's many compromises!"

This is Zhang Tianlong's answer.

Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan may spend 10 years in prison, but Zhao Xiaoxiao only needs 1 year.

If it is an ordinary person, maybe after thinking about it, they will agree.

After all, 12 months of imprisonment can basically be done in a detention center, and there is no need to even transfer to a prison.

But doing so would be tantamount to burdening Zhao Xiaoxiao with a sin, which Zhao Qingyan could never bear.


Who says pleading guilty is the only way out?

A person flashed in Zhao Qingyan's mind.

"If it's Xiao Zhang, there should be a possibility!"

Zhao Qingyan originally didn't want to gamble, and with his character, he would hardly take any risks.

But after careful consideration and repeated comparisons, he found that besides asking Zhang Tianlong for help, there seemed to be another option with huge risks but better returns.

Zhang Wei!

This kid can help the client complete the task every time, and help the client clean up the methods of suspicion, so Zhao Qingyan feels that there is still a chance.

Maybe, it can be salvaged!

Zhao Qingyan remembered that Zhang Wei usually got up very early.

He walked to the door, but his footsteps paused slightly.

There were several voices outside the door, and his face changed when he heard them.

"Quick, quick, can you hurry up!"

"Xiaoxiao, wait for me to tell you, I just washed the dishes, so it doesn't look like you don't have to do any work!"

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it, don't hurry up!"

"Come on, come on, let me lock the door, you go to the martial arts hall to meet the two of them first."


A burst of brisk footsteps walked past the gate of the Zhao Mansion without stopping.

Then there was the sound of the door of the Lin Mansion next door closing, obviously someone had already locked the door.

Zhao Qingyan knew that his only chance had come.

He hastily opened the gate of the Zhao Mansion a crack, and then poked out half of his head.

"Xiao Zhang!"

"Hey, Uncle Zhao, why do you..."

Outside the door, Zhang Wei was just about to walk through the Zhao Mansion, but when Zhao Qingyan yelled at him, he stopped quickly.

"Xiao Zhang, this case depends entirely on you!"

"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, I will do my best!"

"By the way, Xiaoxiao over there..."

"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, I will definitely not let her go to jail!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's assurance, Zhao Qingyan was very relieved.

"Then Xiao Zhang, my daughter will be entrusted to you!"

After one more exhortation, Zhao Qingyan closed the door, and his mood became much better than before.

Looking at the closed gate of the Zhao Mansion, Zhang Wei had a strange expression on his face.

What does Zhao Qingyan's last sentence mean, entrusting her daughter to me?

But it doesn't matter, Zhang Wei treats Zhao Xiaoxiao as his own daughter from the bottom of his heart.

Isn't your daughter also my daughter?

"It seems that even if it's for Uncle Zhao, I have to fight this case hard!"

Zhang Wei felt a lot of pressure, but he accepted it.

At the same time, he was also speculating that it was impossible for Zhao Qingyan to find him for no reason, and the other party must have tried to use the Zhao family relationship to rescue Zhao Xiaoxiao.

But judging from Zhao Qingyan's attitude, the opponent obviously failed again.

The Zhao family's relationship cannot work among the five families!

After understanding Zhao Qingyan's difficulties, Zhang Wei walked into Zhang's martial arts hall with a solemn expression.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

"Get up, get up!"

It was the same as when the martial arts hall was opened, but this time it was Zhao Xiaoxiao who came to the door of the dormitory of the martial arts hall with a gong and was beating hard.

After a while, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan who were in the dormitory reluctantly came out.

Looking at the gong in Zhao Xiaoxiao's hand, the two of them felt a headache.

"Xiaoxiao, why do you do this, she wants to sleep in late..." Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei couldn't bear it.

Zhao Xiaoxiao put her hands on her hips, and said in a bad tone: "Sleep, why don't you sleep, when you die, you will have plenty of time to sleep!"

"But a certain person used to stay up late every day and couldn't shout in the morning. Who is that person?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Xiaoxiao blushed, but then immediately pouted her lips, her face was full of indignation: "Who, you stay in bed every day, Miss Ben doesn't know anything, who are you talking about?"

Seeing the second girl put on a posture of "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water", Zhang Wei smiled inwardly.

These two girls are still so cute!

Not long after, everyone had already gathered in the lobby of the martial arts hall's front yard.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan are the co-defendants.

Zhang Xinwu, the bodyguard and guardian of Zhang's Martial Arts Academy, was responsible for protecting the safety of the three of them during the case and preventing Xiao Xiaoxiao from appearing near the Martial Arts Academy.

Although Zhang Xinyan, Zhang Wei's driver and bodyguard No. 2, had no expectations of his combat prowess, as a hard-working driver, he could still be entrusted with some physical work.

The lobby has been made into a temporary operation point by Zhang Wei, similar to the combat laboratory of the war department.

He also moved the evidence board from his own room here, and it looked pretty good.

After all, what they have to deal with next is indeed a "life-and-death" battle, and if they fail, they will be benevolent.

"We have come here one by one. The first is the public evidence of the prosecution. Since they sued you for espionage, they must prove that you endangered national security and colluded with foreign forces to sell state secrets..."

After telling all the information about the crime of espionage to those present, Zhang Wei pointed to several names on the evidence board.

"Yuanfeng Shipyard, Yuanfeng Chemical, Yuanfeng Machinery, Yuanfeng Confidential Instruments, Yuanfeng..."

After naming several companies in a row, Zhang Wei tapped on the evidence board and asked, "Do you have any impressions of the names?"

The three of Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and Zhu Erdan suddenly raised his hand: "I seem to have the impression that just last year or the year before, we seem to have hacked the accounts of several of them..."

Liu Dashun also added: "When you say that, I still have a vague impression that someone commissioned me to order some surveillance equipment, and that person gave me a list with the word 'Yuanfeng' printed on it."


Hearing what Liu Dashun said, Zhang Wei immediately took out the publicity document, but after a few pages later, he really saw a list among the evidence.

"This was found by the investigation department at your residence, and it was listed as evidence, proving that you have hacked Yuanfeng's company!"

"Lawyer Zhang, what's wrong with Yuanfeng's company?"

Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan obviously haven't realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Yuanfeng is actually a private enterprise on the surface, but have you seen any private enterprises that have no sales staff, no external website, or even business orders, and can live well?"

"You mean, Yuanfeng is not as simple as it seems on the surface..."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Zhang Wei was a little speechless, I have said it so clearly, why do you still not understand?

"If my guess is correct, the Yuanfeng Group should all be companies that cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom official, and are responsible for manufacturing and processing for the Ministry of War or other important departments. The information of these companies is absolutely confidential!"

He said, looking at Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan again, "And you who attacked these companies are really endangering national security, stealing confidential information, proper espionage crimes!"


When the two heard Zhang Wei speak so seriously, they were all surprised.

"Heaven and earth conscience, the two of us have always been honest, we have never done such an outrageous thing!"

"Yeah, I almost don't remember this incident, which means that I really didn't find anything at that time. If it really involved the secrets of the Dragon Kingdom, how could we not remember it?"

The two quickly explained, with an attitude that emphasized the innocence.

Zhang Wei ignored the two of them, and looked at his second daughter, Zhao Xiaoxiao.

The latter blinked, also looking confused.

She obviously didn't remember that there was such a thing.

"Xiaoxiao, you have no impression of Yuanfeng either?"

"I have a little impression. It seems that last year and the year before last, someone launched a hacker attack, and the word 'Yuanfeng' was in it, but I don't remember much."

Zhao Xiaoxiao tried her best to recall: "If you hadn't highlighted it, I wouldn't have remembered that there was such a field. I guess we didn't find any important information about that operation, otherwise I would definitely remember it."

"Really?" Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

Although the background of the Yuanfeng family is not simple, how could Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others find nothing with their hacking methods?

"Do you still remember the details of that cyber attack?"

The three of Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at each other, then they all closed their eyes and began to recall.

"I just remember, it seems to be a chat room, someone posted a task?"

"I also remember who issued the task, but I almost forgot the specific details."

"During that time, I received commissions every day and had tasks to do every day. I really can't remember."

The information that the three can give is limited.

Zhang Wei caught one point and hurriedly asked: "You have mentioned 'chat room' many times, what is this chat room?"

"This is a chat application built by a group of top domestic hackers. Only the top hackers who have passed the test can join, even if they are recommended by friends, they must be assessed."

Liu Dashun explained: "The chat room is actually just a general term. It contains a lot of information that only hackers can understand, such as some cutting-edge technologies, software, and even commissions from large companies."

"Of course, this place also provides us with the convenience of making friends and chatting. If someone receives a task that they can't complete, they can also share it, or recruit companions to act together."

Zhang Wei nodded, "This chat room is almost your own guild for hackers?"

"You can put it this way!" Zhu Erdan nodded, and then said awkwardly: "But the most tasks I receive in the chat room are to hack the accounts of those Internet celebrities and celebrities, and steal some of their basic information."

"However, I have to admit that those fans can really pay, especially a piece of information that can be sold hundreds or thousands of times after it is stolen. Some female Internet celebrities with many fans can even sell it tens of thousands of times. If you charge a few hundred yuan each time..."

"It's really easy to make money for stupid fans!"

As Zhu Erdan spoke, his expression became lewd.


But Zhang Wei coughed.

Zhu Erdan noticed the unkind eyes from all around, his face became serious, and he fell silent immediately.

"So, your attack on Yuanfeng didn't actually gain anything?"

Zhang Wei frowned at this moment, although the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao said so, it also proved the fact that they participated in the attack on Yuanfeng.

Even if they don't get any information, it's one thing what they say, and another thing what the jury thinks.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

"Hey, where is it?"

"Oh, the Municipal Court, the pre-trial time has been set. In the afternoon, Lao Li asked us if we had any comments?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three of them, but saw that they didn't respond.

"Of course it's okay. We naturally don't want Lao Li to be difficult. I heard that he has been living in his office these days and can't go home."

"Alright then, we will bring the client over in the afternoon!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei looked at the three people in front of him with a solemn expression.

"The prosecution intends to make a quick decision. This is also the usual routine of the prosecution. I am not surprised."

"After all, for this case, they may have started collecting evidence a few months ago, and it has only been two days since I received this case."

"Using the time difference and information difference to gain an advantage, while relying on the investigation department and Zhang Lang's CSB department, this is the strongest reliance for the prosecution, and it is also an advantage that the defense cannot match!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao's expressions were a little ugly.

"Then you still promise them, can't you delay for a while?"

"It doesn't matter how long it takes!"

Zhang Wei shook his head, "It is absolutely impossible for the information we have to catch up with them from the investigation department, so it is meaningless to try to gain more time, as information gaps will always exist."

"And I don't need to say, you all know that we are now being monitored by the CSB department. Maybe they want you to use hacking methods. They must have prepared countless detection methods to prove your identity as hackers."

"Instead of being passive and fearful every day, it's better to see the tricks in court. This is our only chance of winning!"

When it comes to comparing evidence, we definitely can't compare, so the only place where we can fight is the court trial.

I only hope that this high-level inspector Qin Yang is just a person with a false name.

Only in this way can he have room to play.


at the same time.

The local inspection headquarters, in a temporary office.

"Second Uncle, I specifically ordered my subordinates to do this. I asked them to classify the files of all the cases that Zhang Wei participated in according to specific labels. You..."

"No, I've already seen this thing."

"Second Uncle, Zhang Wei has filed a lot of cases, have you seen them all?"

"Yeah, after receiving this case, I browsed it roughly in Longdu. When I came to the local prosecutor's headquarters in Dongfangdu, I asked Zhao Chunming for a more detailed copy. I just finished reading it."

Hearing what his second uncle said, Qin Shaocong was not too surprised.

He knew from the beginning that the second uncle was not an ordinary person, especially his ability to control the details of the case and judge the key evidence, etc., was at the top level in the judicial circle of Longguo.

It is precisely because of this that this time Zhang Lang risked his "disgrace" and asked to be transferred from Longdu for prosecution to Dongfangdu to assist in handling the case.

Because you did this, it means that you don't trust the headquarters of the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office and have no confidence in them.

But Qin Shaocong can say that choosing Qin Yang as Zhang Wei's opponent is definitely Zhang Lang's best move.

"Shao Cong, I have to say, this Zhang Wei does have some skills, otherwise you wouldn't lose to him!"

"Second uncle, which pot are you not opening and which pot are you carrying..."

"Who made you disobedient?"

Qin Yang glanced at his nephew, "Didn't I tell you not to bother me if you have nothing to do? You are a defense lawyer and I am a prosecutor. It will not be good if it spreads."

"Second uncle, look at what you said. My nephew came to see my uncle. What's wrong with that? And I have recently turned down all the cases on purpose, and I have no conflict of interest with the local prosecutor's office or even the local prosecutor's office. In order to dispel your worries!"

"It seems that you are going to watch the whole battle?"

"Supporting you, second uncle, is what a nephew should do."

"That's fine, but you'd better not appear in court, you will interfere with me!"

"Well, nephew try not to show up."

Seeing how enthusiastic his nephew was, Qin Yang couldn't refuse, so he could only make a small request.

And the other party also said that there is no case on him, and there is no conflict of interest with the prosecution.

"Alright then, let's meet this kid in the afternoon."

"I'd like to see how he defeated you, what abilities he has, and whether he is really as powerful as what is recorded in these files!"

Looking at the dossier in front of him, Qin Yang's face remained calm, but there was a hint of coldness and sternness between his brows.

Whether this Zhang Wei can catch his eyes will be known in the afternoon.

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