Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 402 Qin Gaojian's next challenge? trial begins

Wednesday night.

Zhang's Martial Arts Gym, the highest part of the roof.

Zhang Xinwu stood on the eaves, closed her eyes tightly, and guarded the Lingtai.

A gust of wind blew past, and the sound of the wind was mixed with other sounds.

She opened her eyes suddenly, looking for the voice to argue, flicked her ten fingers, and threw the stones in her hands in all directions.




The stones hit some nearby buildings, and some figures appeared vaguely, retreating quietly.

These people obviously came to monitor nearby, and they had no choice but to leave after their location was discovered.

But whether they will come back later is another story.

According to the speculation of a certain law firm, these people are also obeying orders.

And the order they received was obviously to monitor every move of the defense and others before the case was over.

Then before the case is over, they will naturally have to be prepared to be monitored around the clock

After dispelling some of the monitors, Zhang Xinwu stepped on one foot and landed lightly.

In the front yard of the martial arts hall.

Zhang Wei and others are waiting here.

Zhang Xinyan was the first to explode after seeing her sister return to the team: "tnnd, you're playing tricks!"

"That's right, that's right, we're not some extremely vicious people, do we need to monitor us like this, is there any freedom left!"

Zhu Erdan couldn't bear it for the second time, with a look of grief on his face.

Originally, he still had a good life, but now he not only got into a lawsuit, but also faced jail time.

Even if you are not convicted now, you will still be under surveillance, and you will have no freedom at all.

"Fortunately, there is no express ban here!"

Liu Dashun on the side took a utility knife and began to unpack the express delivery.

The items in the courier are basically the necessities of life for him and Zhu Erdan.

They have already made preparations to live in Zhang's martial arts hall until the case is over.

"Be careful, according to that chapter wolf's peeing behavior, your courier will definitely be tampered with!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help reminding.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't worry, I have already prepared!"

Liu Dashun took out a testing instrument from the tool bag beside him. It looked like an electrician's meter, but the parameters on the surface were very precise.

He took the instrument and went up and down the courier, looking inside and out.


He couldn't help but nodded when he heard a rushing sound.

"You are right, these guys are really playing tricks!"

Following the direction detected by the instrument, Liu Dashun took out a small monitoring instrument from the drive port of a notebook.

Afterwards, he continued to unpack other packages and found more than a dozen similar monitoring devices using instruments.

"tnnd, you're playing dirty, aren't you!"

Seeing this scene, Zhu Erdan, Liu Dashun, and even Zhang Xinyan couldn't help it.

"Zhang Wei, isn't it too much for them to do this!"

Even the second daughter, Zhao Xiaoxiao, couldn't help it anymore, she pouted with her waist in her mouth, with an angry expression on her face.

"Too much is too much, but you have to prove that they did it!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

Although the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao are not criminals yet, it is indeed illegal to use monitoring equipment.

But you have to come up with evidence to prove the origin of these monitoring devices, to prove that they come from the CSB department, and even Zhang Lang personally ordered the installation.

But how to prove this?

When the time comes, people will say, we don't know about these monitoring devices, they may be your own, and if you slander us in turn, are we wronged?

So who can I ask for reasoning, and how can I prove it?

Therefore, Zhang Lang is sure that Zhang Weinai is not good at him.

This is also the reason why Zhang Xinyan and others were rude on the spot.

"Okay, okay, you guys clean up where you are, and live in the martial arts hall for a few days!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, and Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun began to pack their things.

"Honey, I miss you so much!"

Especially Zhu Erdan, once he got the computer and equipment, he was as happy as a 200-jin fat man.

"The second dimension is disgusting!"

Looking at the internet celebrity photos and cosplay stickers on his computer, Zhao Xiaoxiao's face was full of disgust.

Seeing this scene, Liu Dashun was also a little speechless.

This Zhu Erdan has lowered the level of their hackers, so they can't be more careful like me?

He muttered, unpacking a silicone doll in a maid outfit from the delivery.

"Honey, I miss you too!"


Zhang Xinwu and Zhao Xiaoxiao's second daughter couldn't help but gasped.

Now, even Zhang Wei couldn't hold back anymore.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

"Miss Wu, please understand a little more, they are all restricted in their freedom..."

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched, but he still explained something for the two of them.

Zhang Xinwu resisted the urge to grab the silicone doll and throw it out, but finally she had no choice but to bear it.

But she swears that once she finds something extra on the silicone doll, she will definitely throw it out of the martial arts gym!

Next, she didn't bother to look at these two things.

What a shame!

Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan started to assemble their own equipment, and after a while, the sound of music came from the dormitory.

"Lawyer Zhang, today's prosecutor, he's on TV!"

After a while, I heard Zhu Erdan's voice coming from inside.

"What program?"

"Interview with Lisa!"

Hearing this familiar program, Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

Why is this Lisa interview specifically interviewing her opponent?

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone, connected to the network, and also turned on the live broadcast.

at the same time.

Oriental Metropolis TV Day, Lisa's interview scene.

Wang Lisha is wearing a black professional suit and is interviewing today's guests.

Qin Yang was also dressed in formal attire, with a serious face and no smile.

"Today we interviewed Lisa, and we had the honor to interview Qin Gaojian, a senior prosecutor at the Longdu District Prosecutor's Headquarters. Welcome!"

"The host is polite. Your Lisa talk show is very famous even in Longdu. Several of my colleagues like to watch this show."

Qin Yang said, with a trace of doubt on his face, "However, the host they like seems to be called Cheng Lisha, but I didn't expect that the host has changed now."

When Wang Lisha heard Qin Yang mentioning her senior, her expression was a little embarrassed and vague.

But soon, she adjusted, "Sister Cheng is a good person and takes good care of me. Unfortunately, she made some mistakes in the fight with Zhang Wei, so she couldn't bear the pressure in the end, and that's why..."

"Zhang Wei?"

Qin Yang muttered again, with a calm expression: "I've also heard that there is a 'murder lawyer' in the East. I didn't expect that I have not been in the East for a long time, and the first case is to fight against him."

"That's right, Qin Gaojian, I didn't expect you to come to Dongfang Capital to fight against this terrifying figure. This is really..."

"That's okay, anyway, I don't think this kid has much ability." Qin Yang said, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"Qin Gaojian, do you think Zhang Wei is nothing more than that?"

"Almost, anyway, I didn't feel any troublesome things from him, so he was just lucky."

Qin Yang's expression was serious and indifferent: "Compared to the opponents I met in Longdu, this Zhang Wei's strength still has a lot of room for improvement!"

There is a lot of room for improvement, which shows that the two are far apart, and there is room for each other to improve in the middle.

This is the case with high EQ. If you change it to low EQ, you are too weak!

"Qin Gaojian, it seems that you are very confident in this case?"

"Of course, at least facing this lawyer Zhang, I don't know why I would lose!"

Qin Yang probably felt that what he said was a bit too much, and added: "In my opinion, facing an opponent who only knows how to play tricks, I am still very confident that I can win."

"It's also hard for me to imagine that in a serious court scene, someone would actually talk to the jury about movies!"

The so-called tricks naturally refer to the tricks Zhang Wei often uses to ask questions during the pre-trial.

During the pre-trial during the day, Zhang Wei even started talking about movies.

The conscience of heaven and earth!

It was a serious court, and they were actually talking about movies.

He actually dared to ask the jurors which protagonist he likes, this is simply...

Anyway, Zhang Wei's moves made Qin Yang very disdainful.

"Qin Gaojian is very good, but I want to remind you that although this lawyer Zhang is not very powerful in your opinion, he is also the one who defeated the local prosecutor's headquarters many times..."

"The East is a young city, and the temperament of the local inspection headquarters is also in line with the impression of this city."

Qin Yang spoke again with high EQ, but this sentence always feels wrong no matter how it sounds.

"Qin Gaojian, do you want to say that the local prosecutor's headquarters in Dongfangdu lost because they were too young and inexperienced?"

"Host, I didn't say that. Qin Yang shook his head in denial.

But then, he changed his tone: "Compared to this young city, Longdu is much better in terms of heritage and strength!"

"Similarly, I, Qin Yang, have been working as a prosecutor for many years and have experienced countless cases, big and small. I don't believe that a mere criminal defense lawyer who just graduated can stir up troubles?"

"As expected of Qin Gaojian, he is full of confidence!" Wang Lisha couldn't help but nodded.

What Qin Yang said was undoubtedly a fight against Zhang Wei.

"By the way, Qin Gaojian, I heard that you are in the judicial circle of Longdu, and you are known as the 'General of Hundred Victories'. Your recent record is infinitely close to 100 consecutive victories. It seems that once you win Lawyer Zhang, then you will With a record of 100 victories, Triumph Longdu..."

"Where is it, the host is joking, there is no such thing as General Yu Sheng, but it is all a false name."

Qin Yang waved his hands, pretending to be modest.

But after he finished muttering, he seemed to say inadvertently: "Actually, it's useless to use that kid as a stepping stone for Yusheng. At most, it's revenge for my nephew!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Lisha smiled all over her face.

This disdainful tone is simply...


Declare war!

The atmosphere at the scene also became lively.

She looked at the staff in the audience, and they all gave a thumbs up.

With Qin Yang's speech, the popularity of the live broadcast room also increased unprecedentedly.

the other side.

Inside Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Zhang Wei × dropped the collection of live images, and took another deep breath.

"I thought that after Qin Yang came to Dongfang Capital, he would choose to keep a low profile. How could he be so crazy when he was on the live broadcast?"

He thought about it carefully.

To put it bluntly, Qin Yang is the helper hired by the Five Great Families. As a member of the Five Great Families, Zhang Lang wants to create momentum for his case now.

But he is the person in charge of a special department, so it is impossible for him to be on the live broadcast casually.

On the contrary, Qin Yang, as a public judicial figure, can show his attitude on the live broadcast.

In some serious cases, the prosecutors will even hold a press conference, but the last live broadcast is actually a harmless matter.

This Qin Yang was deliberately invited by Zhang Lang to disgust him!

Zhang Wei understood, and told Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan to have a good night's rest.

Then he led Zhao Xiaoxiao back to the Lin mansion.

When passing by the gate of Zhao Mansion, Zhang Wei stopped suddenly.

"Xiaoxiao, you go wash up first, I'll report my Hanhan's safety!"


Zhao Xiaoxiao walked into the Lin Mansion first, while Zhang Wei paused at the door for a moment before walking to the door of the Zhao Mansion.

The door was wide open, and Zhao Qingyan poked out half of his head.

"Zhang Wei, my daughter..."

"Uncle Zhao, if you really care about Xiaoxiao, come and have a look tomorrow."

Zhang Wei looked at Zhao Qingyan, speechless.

Didn't you all ask for leave? Tomorrow is your daughter's court trial. Why don't you just come to the scene?

"Xiao Zhang, you also know that since I divorced her mother, the relationship with my daughter has been like this."

"Xiaoxiao is really miserable. She lost her mother when she was young, and since she was a child, her father was not by her side. She..."

"Xiao Zhang, you misunderstood, Xiaoxiao's mother is still alive and well."


Zhang Wei was taken aback.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's parents were still alive, but why didn't her mother come to see her once?

"All in all, Xiao Zhang, my daughter will be entrusted to you!"

Zhao Qingyan gave another word of advice, then nodded to Zhang Wei, and closed the door of Zhao Mansion.

"Uncle Zhao, why don't you dress up and go there tomorrow, anyway, there are so many people in the courtroom, and Xiaoxiao is in the front row, you can find a corner seat to listen, it's better than waiting at home to worry about it?"

"I see!"

Hearing the voice from inside the door, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

Zhao Qingyan is still worried about his daughter. Although he hesitates in his heart, he will definitely show up tomorrow.

"Okay, I have to write a letter to Hanhan."

Zhang Wei thought of the excuse he had with Zhao Xiaoxiao again, and immediately opened the V letter, edited a message, and was about to send it.

"By the way, there is also Jessica, she may also be worried about me."

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth could not help but curl up when he thought of the woman he had skin-to-skin relationship with.

Edit the message, then set up two recipients, and click Send.

Nothing happened overnight.


Thursday, court day.

In the afternoon, the Municipal Court.

In the large courtroom of the criminal court, even if it hadn't arrived yet, it was already crowded with many people.

Outside the courtroom, there were also many media reporters waiting here. They wanted to interview the main figures of the prosecution and defense as soon as possible, so they didn't go in to grab a seat.

"Look, Qin Gaojian is here!"

I don't know who said it, everyone was moved when they heard the wind, and rushed towards Qin Yang who was walking not far away.

"Qin Gaojian, today is the court session. I wonder what strategy you have prepared for the defense?"

"Qin Gaojian, it's the first official confrontation with murder lawyer Zhang Wei, do you have any ideas to say?"

"Prosecutor Qin Yang, what you said on Lisa's talk show yesterday, many people now say that it is a provocation to the judicial circle of Dongfang Capital. Is there such a thing?"

"Qin Gaojian, do you think the prosecutors of Dongfangdu and the prosecutors of Longdu are of two levels. I don't know what basis you base your judgment on?"

Qin Yang was alone by the reporters, and his brows were slightly displeased.

Although he said a lot on the live broadcast yesterday, they were all telling others that I, Qin Yang, am not afraid of Zhang Wei, that's all.

Why did my words have so many meanings after only one night?

Why can't I understand what I said myself?

Sure enough, the media likes to interpret things randomly and take them out of context. This is the same in Longdu or Dongfangdu.

"Get out of the way, don't disturb my second uncle!"

At this moment, Qin Shaocong also came and helped Qin Yang finish.

A group of bodyguards in black dispersed the reporters, and then escorted Qin Yang into the courtroom.

When the reporters saw Qin Shaocong coming, they also knew that the other party was Long Teng's young boss, and his identity and background were not simple, so they couldn't afford to offend him.

Naturally, those who should give way should give way, and those who should retreat should retreat.

"Look, it's Zhang Wei!" Suddenly, someone with sharp eyes spotted Zhang Wei and his party coming.

Journalists are ready to act when they hear the news.

"Whoever dares to come up, I got angry in court today, and I will use someone else to vent my anger tonight!"

But just as they were about to rush over, a word that came to them interrupted their actions.


A naked threat!

Moreover, this threat came from the mouth of a "murder lawyer".

What kind of character is Zhang Wei? He is a ruthless person who can "kill" two opponents.

I am just a small reporter, do I need to risk my career and personal safety?

The answer is of course cowardly.

Zhang Wei can't be messed with.

The reporters consciously made way for Zhang Wei's party to enter the courtroom.

"Wow, you are so amazing, I remember you used to be able to shock these reporters?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was a little surprised when she saw this scene.

"Today is different!"

Zhang Wei chuckled.

If he was still a small lawyer, he would naturally not be able to deter these people, but who made him famous and powerful now.

The status is reversed, these reporters are terrified of themselves.

Although the name of "Murder Lawyer" is not good, it is still very useful to deal with a bunch of bad media.

Everyone entered the court and took their seats.

Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao took the defense stand, while Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun were on the witness stand.

But this time, the trio of hackers all frowned, because a tall and thin man was sitting on the witness stand next door.


Traitor among them!

Similarly, the other party's real name is Liu Xiaotao, and he is a tainted witness for the prosecution in this case!

Zhang Wei also glanced at the other party, and then scanned the hearing booth behind.

He skipped over all the people in the prefectural prosecutor's headquarters in the front row, and he swept to the rear.

Accompanying lawyers, media reporters, people who came to eat melons, a man wearing sunglasses in the corner... that's him!

Seeing this man who was wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a mask on a hot day, covering his face tightly, Zhang Wei nodded to him.

This is Zhao Qingyan.

Similarly, Qin Yang on the defense bench was not idle either.

He nodded to Zhao Chunming at the local prosecutor's headquarters, who looked around for a while, and then took a fancy to one person.

Zhao Chunming directly called the opponent's name, and the latter reluctantly stood up.

"Hey, why did Xiao Tan come up?"

The person named was none other than Tan Yingying.

She looked hopeless, but she could only walk down the hearing seat slowly and came to Qin Yang's side.

Tan Yingying was in despair.

I should be an audience in the hearing booth today, so why can't I escape the fate of being a tool man!

"I just need a helper at hand. Since Zhao Chunming called your name, before the case is over, you can help me casually!"

Qin Yang didn't care who it was, so he gave Tan Yingying such an order.

Tan Yingying showed a smile that was uglier than crying, she had nothing to love in her life.

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