Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 403 Special confidentiality agreement, is it not a big problem?

"All rise!"

Hearing this familiar speech, the court, which was still a little chattering, fell silent.

All eyes are on the front line.

I saw Lao Li wearing a pitch-black robe and a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses, yawning at the corner of his mouth, walking quickly into the courtroom.

Looking at his mental state, he knew that Lao Li didn't sleep well yesterday.

Zhang Wei expressed sympathy.

In order to prevent conflicts of interest and to avoid suspicion, Lao Li hasn't gone home to see his wife or daughter these days, so it's hard for him.

Lao Li sat down and scanned the audience.

"Hehe, since both the prosecution and the defense have come together, this court announces that the public prosecution of espionage against Zhao Xiaoxiao, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan will start the first hearing now!"

The gavel was knocked down, which also represented the beginning of the first day of trial.

"The prosecution?"

"Okay, Judge Li!"

Qin Yang got up and walked to the courtroom immediately after being called.

"The prosecution summoned the first witness, the director of Yuanfeng Shipyard to appear in court!"

Hearing the first prosecution witness, Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

He originally thought that Qin Yang would let Liu Xiaotao from the witness stand to testify in court, but he didn't expect this to be the first one to testify at home.

The director of Yuanfeng Shipyard was surnamed Hai. He was an old man with gray hair, about sixty years old, but with a strong body. Qin Yang also called him Director Hai.

"Hello, Director Hai!"

"Hello, Prosecutor!"

Facing the high inspection, Director Hai's expression was quite calm, his clear eyes swept across the audience, neither sad nor happy.

"This old man looks like he has a background in the War Department!"

Zhang Wei also sized up the old man for the first time, only to see how extraordinary he was.

The old man had thick calluses on his hands and scars on his arms. Whether he was standing when he entered the arena or sitting now, he spit out a clean voice, almost the same as his uncle Xia Qianjun.

People in the War Department!

In other words, this old man was once a member of the War Department.

Zhang Wei's gaze focused on Qin Yang again.

He wants to see what kind of questions this person will ask.

"Director Hai, may I ask if your company was attacked by hackers in March last year?"

"Yes, it probably happened in the first ten days of March. During that time, there were always problems with the production equipment and instruments of our factory. But our shipyard has been in operation for almost 30 years, and we carry out regular equipment maintenance and factory inspection every year. It is theoretically impossible for our equipment to malfunction!"

"So we deduce that the problematic equipment itself has no problem, and the so-called problem actually comes from the outside!"

Hearing the witness's answer, Qin Yang nodded.

"Then how did you find the problem?"

"During that time, the order information and production data of our shipyard were lost. Naturally, we did not dare to neglect, and immediately contacted the relevant person in charge of the matter to investigate."

"However, the first investigation failed to find the problem. Even the second time the relevant party sent a professional team to inspect, the source of the problem was not found in the first place."

Director Hai showed helplessness when he said this, "Until later, an expert came to our factory with a full set of data monitoring equipment for investigation, and found a signal source from a metal craft that I put in the office."

"It was only later that I found out that the so-called data acquisition equipment was actually installed inside this handicraft, which is a monitoring instrument."

After Qin Yang heard this, he also pretended to be surprised, "Director Hai, the person who gave you the handicraft, he..."

"The other party has no problem. Some relevant people have conducted a background check on him. When the handicraft was released from his hands, it was just an ordinary handicraft."

"What's the problem?"

"The problem is that in the time it takes for the craft to enter the postal system and reach me, the craft is tampered with!"

Director Hai's explanation did not arouse the doubts of too many people in the court.

They were all a little surprised why this old man who ran a private shipyard had to testify in court.

"That is to say, someone tampered with the handicraft, and then secretly carried out illegal information collection and data monitoring of the factory you run through the monitoring equipment and data theft equipment installed inside the handicraft?"



Qin Yang paused for a moment, then clasped his hands together, rubbed them together, and asked tentatively: "I don't know Director Hai, can you tell everyone where the real orders of your shipyard come from, after all, there are many people in the court who are wondering. "

"They were very curious when they thought about it. Why did a witness like Director Hai appear at the scene of the public prosecution of the crime of espionage?"

Director Hai sighed: "Since that incident happened, our cooperation with Party A can only be suspended, and our factory has been serving Party A's family from the first day of operation to last year. If we can’t receive the order from Party A, then we have no choice but to disband the factory and repatriate the employees.”

"As for the matter that everyone is curious about, I can also selectively tell you that the object of our factory's service has always been a certain organization under the War Department, and some of the equipment produced by our factory is also directly supplied to that organization for assembly. of."

He said, but showed helplessness: "Who would have thought that such a gadget would cause nearly 300 employees in our factory to lose their jobs, and even the relevant parties would need to spend huge manpower and material resources to investigate information leakage incidents!"

"Of course, even if there is news from above, I will not be able to see the final report. After all, I am only in charge of the production of the shipyard, and our factory has no business-related problems. I thought our factory would always operate like this. go down!"

Director Hai said, glanced at the defense chair, and fixed his eyes on Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three of them.

There was a bit of astonishment on his face, because it was hard for him to imagine that the culprits of these situations were actually a few half-grown kids.

"Thank you for the witness's answer. I didn't expect the company run by Director Hai to supply the War Department directly. That's hard work..."

Qin Yang's words did not continue, but everyone understood.

The so-called direct supply from the War Department naturally only provides and produces various equipment for the War Department.

That is to say, Yuanfeng Shipyard has the name of a private enterprise, but it has always had the background of the Ministry of War.

The 12-member jury looked at Director Hai with a trace of respect.

"Qin Gaojian, are you going to end the interrogation?" Lao Li asked Qin Yang immediately after seeing Qin Yang paused.

"Judge Li, don't worry, I still have questions for the witnesses!"

Qin Yang waved his hand, and then asked: "Master Hai, as far as you know, besides your Yuanfeng Shipyard, are there any similar companies that have been attacked by hackers?"

"Yes, it's not just me, several of my friends and partners have also been hacked to varying degrees since March last year, and important data such as their production materials and order information have also appeared. varying degrees of loss."

"You also know that although our enterprises are all privately run, our orders and production data come from the subordinate organizations of the War Department. There must be no mistakes. As a result, all our enterprises have to conduct self-examination, and then All cooperation with Party A can only be completely suspended."

"Then what is your loss?" Qin Yang hurriedly asked.

"It's hard to tell the loss, because we didn't make the specific statistics, and I can't see the loss report given later. But I can tell you that because of the waywardness of those young people in court, our companies have a total of More than tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs. When I think of these employees who have no choice but to be dismissed, my heart hurts!"

"Then how are they now? Do you know the situation of some people?"

"It's okay for some skilled workers, at least Zhao Gechang can fool around. If there are no skilled workers and they are over 40 years old, they have no choice but to run couriers, deliver food, or even move bricks to the construction site. Such an old age But they have to work hard to make a living. Our factory used to have security, but now they work hard every day just to support a family, which is really not easy."

As soon as this remark came out, many people showed sympathy.


Approaching middle age, losing his job, and lacking skills, this age has long since ceased to be a favorite in the workplace.

Such an explanation made many people in the court empathize.

At the same time, they also hated the sinner who caused this situation even more.

"We still need to add a fire!"

Qin Yang sensed the direction of the court, and he knew it already.

"Thank you again, Director Hai for your answer!"

He said, and then waved his hand to Judge Li who was about to speak, signaling you not to stand up, I still have something to say.

You are enough!

Is this endless?

Lao Li was helpless, but he could only stop the movement of getting up just now, and sat back on the judgment seat again.

"Ahem, jurors, and everyone in the court, you must be wondering why I asked the director of the factory to testify in court and tell the story of himself and his employees."

"You must be more curious, who did this, and why can such a small handicraft that has been tampered with cause such serious consequences?"

As Qin Yang said, he raised his hand and pointed to the witness stand behind the defense bench.

"I can tell you that Liu Dashun, who is sitting on the witness stand, is the one who tampered with the inside of the handicraft. He is the one who installed monitoring equipment in the handicraft, and he is the one who..."

"Objection, false accusation!"

Faced with Qin Yang's sudden accusation, Zhang Wei interrupted immediately.

"The public prosecutor speculates on his own without evidence!"

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Li nodded, and then warned with his eyes: "Qin Gaojian, this is the witness you summoned, not the one on the defense witness stand. What do you mean by your accusation against him?"

"I'm sorry judge, I'm here to apologize!"

Although Qin Yang seemed to be apologizing, his expression didn't change at all.

"At the same time, I will end the questioning of this witness and give the floor to the defense!"

Afterwards, he walked directly back to the prosecutor's seat and gave way to the stage.


Old Li nodded to Zhang Wei, and finally began to cross-examine.

Zhang Wei got up, met the gaze of everyone in the audience, and walked to Director Hai.

"Hello, Witness!"

"Hello, defense attorney."

Compared with those uncooperative prosecution witnesses in the past, Director Hai's attitude is quite normal.

"Excuse me, Director Hai, I would like to ask about the specific orders and products manufactured by your shipyard, such as the number of orders and equipment models. Can you tell me these?"

"Sorry, lawyer, I can't tell you all this due to the special confidentiality agreement!"

Director Hai said, and explained to the jury: "Please understand that I have signed a non-disclosure agreement, and some content is really inconvenient to disclose!"

"That's right. The non-disclosure agreement signed by Director Hai is permanently legally binding. Apart from the fact that Party A's background and qualifications must be explained in court, it is inconvenient for him to disclose other information once he changes it."

"Because it's about the crime of espionage, this is a compromise between the prosecution and the war department, but apart from this information, the director of the factory must never disclose other information, please understand the jury and the auditorium. "

After Director Hai spoke, Qin Yang also added a few sentences, which seemed to block Zhang Wei's next question.

Due to the special confidentiality agreement, too much information cannot be disclosed.

Many people in the jury and hearing booth all showed expressions of understanding.

After all, it is for the above order, so it should be kept secret.

But this confidentiality agreement also limits someone's performance.

"Director Hai, have you read the internal investigation report on the hacking time?"

"Sorry, I don't have enough permissions to see the content of the report."

"Then have you inquired about this matter, or has Party A given feedback?"

"Sorry, due to the special confidentiality agreement, I can't tell you the result."

"Then the order from your factory, the part where the data is lost, you..."

"Sorry, due to the special confidentiality agreement, I can't tell you the result."

After several questions in succession, the answer was the same.

Of course, Zhang Wei has never read the special confidentiality agreement.

He is not a relevant party, and it is even more impossible to get the original agreement.

Obviously, Qin Yang had read part of the agreement, otherwise he would not have questioned the witness.

"Is the information poor?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the prosecution seat and finally felt the pressure.

This is the first witness. Is there nothing I can do?

On the prosecution's seat, Qin Yang's face was calm, but the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

Zhang Lang, who was also sitting in the prosecution seat, didn't hide it directly, his face was full of complacency.

Boy, is there nothing you can do?

It is also impossible for you to find a way to break the situation, because those agreements are beyond your reach.

You can't even grasp the information, how can you win!

Zhang Lang was very embarrassing, very embarrassing, because he knew that Zhang Wei had nothing to do.

In court, Zhang Wei asked a few more tentative questions, but got the same answer.

"Sorry, due to the special confidentiality agreement, I can't..."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked with a smile, "Director Hai, are you married?"

"Sorry, limited by..."


Seeing the smile on Zhang Wei's face, Director Hai also realized that the question just now did not seem to be covered by the non-disclosure agreement.

I said it fluently, subconsciously...

"Well, I'm ashamed to say that, in order to manage Yuanfeng Shipyard, I sacrificed a lot."

"Oh, so you're not married?"

"Objection, irrelevant questioning, harassment of witnesses!"

Under Zhang Wei's ridicule, Qin Yang finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Li also expressed his opinion immediately.

"I'm sorry, Judge Li, and Qin Gaojian. It's just that it's not convenient for me to answer questions when I see witnesses. I feel that the courtroom is a little dull. I just adjust the atmosphere by the way."

"Slick tone!" Seeing Zhang Wei's explanation, Qin Yang snorted coldly, but also sat down.

Qin Yang was very dissatisfied with the behavior of making jokes in the serious courtroom.

Zhang Wei ignored Qin Yang and turned to look at the witness again.

"Director Hai, let's continue!"

He walked up to the witness stand and immediately asked, "Director Hai, since you are restricted by the confidentiality agreement, I'll ask you what you can answer."

"Excuse me, did you put the handicraft you mentioned in your factory?"


"Qin Gaojian mentioned just now that the relevant person conducted more than two tests, and finally discovered that there is a monitoring device hidden in the handicraft. Is this true?"


"Did those relevant people clearly tell you that Liu Dashun, who was sitting on the defense witness stand, installed a data theft device?"


For a while, Director Hai didn't know how to answer.

"Witness, yes, yes, no, no, I'm asking you, you know, just tell me the truth, it's not difficult to answer, right?"

Zhang Wei asked coldly, and his attitude was equally flat.

"I don't have enough authority, so naturally I don't know the outcome of the matter. When the investigation is over, they found the equipment and left. I don't know who put these things."

"That means you don't know, right?"


"Back then, Qin Gaojian directly accused one of my clients of being the person who installed the equipment. Isn't this inference somewhat arbitrary?"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei's words made Qin Yang get up again to interrupt.

"invalid objection!"

But this time, Lao Li did not spoil him, but directly vetoed it.

Qin Yang's face remained unchanged, he just glanced at Lao Li and sat down slowly.

"Witness, please answer me, is Qin Gaojian's suspicion of my client and his inference a bit arbitrary?"


"Witness, as a directly related party to the case back then, do you not know my client Liu Dashun at all, and have you never heard of this name through any channels?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the defense witness stand and asked again.

Director Hai hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head: "No."

"Thank you for your answer!"

Zhang Wei nodded his thanks, and then said in the direction of the clerk: "Please record the clerk, the witness does not agree with the arbitrary speculation of the prosecution's accusation against my client Liu Dashun, and holds doubts and objections!"

The clerk naturally recorded the truth, and Zhang Wei's speech made Qin Yang couldn't help but look sideways.

"This kid is not simple, he easily resolved my first wave of offensive!"

Qin Yang felt that Zhang Wei still had some skills.

"Judge Li, we have no questions to ask about this witness!"

The first round of cross-examination is over.

"The prosecution?" Old Li looked at Qin Yang quickly.

"The prosecution summoned the person in charge of Yuanfeng Foundry Machinery to testify in court!"

Hearing this witness, Lao Li was not surprised.

Even Zhang Wei knew that this was just another witness similar to Director Hai.

But for such a witness, Zhang Wei already knew it well.

Not a big problem!

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