Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 405 Uncontrollable power, sense of crisis, singing together

Liu Xiaotao, the prosecutor's tainted witness in this case.

But everyone knows that he is actually a CSB informant.

And judging from the situation of the last gathering, the other party may have taken refuge in Zhang Lang very early.

Now, it's his turn to go to court!

Liu Xiaotao, who walked onto the witness stand, looked very calm.

It seems that Zhang Lang should have simulated him, and it is estimated that he has been asked a lot these days.

"Hello, Witness."

Qin Yang came to the witness stand and greeted him.

"Hello, prosecutor." Liu Xiaotao replied calmly.

But after he finished speaking, he glanced at the defense table, and looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others with a faint hint of sarcasm.

This look seemed to say, do you see, I am now the prosecutor!

"Your name is Liu Xiaotao, but I know you have another identity, can you please tell everyone?"

"Okay, Prosecutor."

Liu Xiaotao didn't hide anything, and dragged it all out: "My name is Liu Xiaotao, but I have a code name in the hacker world called Venom, and they all call me Venom!"

"They?" Qin Yang quickly caught the point.

"Yes, that's what everyone else in the hacker world calls me, including the three on the defense bench!"

"Then do they have similar titles?"


Liu Xiaotao directly identified, "The fat guy is called PigMan, nicknamed Pigman; the one wearing glasses is called Keyboard, nicknamed Keyboard; the girl sitting next to the lawyer is called TheGhost, nicknamed Ghost!"

"Oh, so they still have such nicknames."

Qin Yang showed a dazed look, walked to the defense table, and pointed at Zhao Xiaoxiao and the other three.

"Ghost, keyboard and Pigman?"

The three naturally did not respond.

"It seems that there is nothing special about these nicknames."

Qin Yang shook his head, and said calmly: "After all, I also registered some chat tools back then, and gave myself some not-so-serious names."

On this point, the jury and the hearing stand both agreed.

As for the code name, when they send messages with others through instant messaging tools, their nicknames are all random.

"I believe that these children should be random nicknames. I don't think there is any other meaning here, right?"

Qin Yang muttered something like this, but Zhang Wei, who was sitting on the defense bench, was a little speechless.

If you have anything to say, why do you need to beat around the bush?

"However, these code names often appear in some foreign reports!" Sure enough, Qin Yang changed the topic.

He gestured to someone at the prosecution table.

Tan Yingying let out a long sigh in her heart, what was supposed to come finally came.

She opened the notebook in front of her familiarly, connected it to the court projector, and clicked on a folder on the desktop.

On the projection screen behind the witness stand, many screenshots of media reports appeared.

"Look, everyone, there are many foreign reports here, in which the keywords PigMan, Keyboard and TheGhos appear very frequently?"

In one report after another, the nicknames of Zhao Xiaoxiao's three representatives were circled in red.

"The content of the report, I can also give you a general introduction. It is a well-known foreign media that broke the news that the databases of some large financial institutions and technology companies were breached by hackers. Some of these hackers retreated quietly, and some stayed. own code name."

"Among them are the code names of these people in court. Their names appear frequently in these reports, and they are considered by the media to be dangerous people on the Internet."

Speaking of this, Qin Yang shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, the anonymous letters on the Internet provide convenience for them to hide their real identities."

"According to these reports, just the hacking activities conducted abroad have directly or indirectly caused the loss of tens of billions of property."

"Furthermore, because the database was breached and the core secrets were leaked, these companies were on the verge of bankruptcy because of their loss of competitiveness. The social problems brought about by this were even more severe. Those were thousands of families who lost their support,"

In the hearing booth, many people showed curiosity.

They couldn't understand that such four young people in court could make such a big deal.

In the jury seat, there were also many people who couldn't bear it.

I thought it was a small fight of a few young people, but it actually caused such serious consequences.

Are these young people a little too capricious?

"Objection, false accusation, hearsay evidence!"

Sensing that the jury had "bad" thoughts, Zhang Wei immediately stood up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!" Lao Li also nodded.

Zhang Wei's interruption was expected by Qin Yang, and he smiled lightly: "Does the defense lawyer think my statement has no factual basis?"

"I think foreign media's reports have a strong sense of blame. It may be that these companies' own network prevention and control measures are not in place, and then there are problems such as data loss, and the blame is dumped on some of us in Longguo. hacker!"

Although it was not the time for Zhang Wei to speak, since the other party asked this question, he just went ahead and made an excuse.

The effect was quite good. Hearing his explanation, many members of the jury nodded.

This explanation makes some sense. Anyway, it is not my own media, and its authenticity is doubtful.

It is also possible that someone has a problem themselves, but they are too embarrassed to say it, so they will blame us.

Well, the media, especially the foreign media, who knows how true what they say is true.

Seeing that Zhang Wei's question changed the jury's initial thinking, Qin Yang secretly said, "Good boy."

However, he didn't care about it at all. Instead, he walked to the witness stand and continued to ask: "Liu Xiaotao, please tell everyone, are you involved in the hacking operations I just reported?"

"Yes, I was involved!"

"And what about the three on the defense bench?"

"They also participated!"

"are you sure?"

"I'm sure, because I kept screenshots of the chat records in the chat room at that time."

Qin Yang gestured to Tan Yingying again, and the latter opened another piece of evidence.

On the projection screen, a long list of chat records with black background and white characters appeared, with a lot of content, but the key content was marked by everyone in Qin Yang's gang.

He circled several important code names in red, including the names of the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao, and in this long list of chat records, the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao were marked red a lot.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is a chat record, which is the hacker chat room mentioned by the witness Liu Xiaotao. Many of the chat content mentioned the hacker attacks abroad, and the timing is completely correct!"

"In this chat record, the code names of the three defendants appear so many times, it can be said that the masterminds of these actions are basically them, and it is they who initiated the hacking attack!"

Qin Yang pointed to the defense table, and then said: "It is their temporary willfulness, or they have planned for a long time, that has caused countless people to lose their jobs, countless families to lose their sources of income, and even countless children to lose the benefits they could have enjoyed. wonderful childhood."

"I know that some people may ask what is the connection between these attacks and today's case. After all, these are all foreign reports, and the attacks are all foreign companies."

"But I don't know, have you ever thought about a problem, that is, wealth and power can sometimes make people get lost."

Qin Yang raised a finger to emphasize: "Self-control!"

"Everyone can take a look at the defense table, who is sitting there, it's a young man!"

"The defendants in this case, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhu Erdan, and Liu Dashun, the oldest of them are not over 30 years old. They can be said to be very energetic young people, representing newcomers who have just entered the workplace."

"But such young people, once they hold the power that can affect the lives of countless people, do you think they will be honest and abide by their duties, or will they suddenly get interested and make something happen?"

As soon as this remark came out, many members of the jury looked at each other in blank dismay.

Young people, with such technology in their hands, is it too dangerous?

Many of them who value the sense of security, that is, the few jurors selected by Qin Yang at the beginning, looked at the defense seats with strong hostility.

The three of Zhao Xiaoxiao mastered the top hacking technology. If they hacked themselves casually, wouldn't all their secrets be exposed?

They are all individuals, but they don't have the firewall and network protection technology of other big companies.

Big companies can't resist it, and they are obviously even more difficult to resist individually.

The sense of crisis struck, and their hostility towards Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others multiplied geometrically.

"I believe everyone can imagine what it will be like when your personal secrets are no longer safe and all your secrets on the Internet are exposed."

"Even if there is no such situation, if the three defendants suddenly plan to hack your company's data and bankrupt your company on a whim, what will you do?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

This is also a possibility.

And the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao are capable of doing this kind of thing.


The hostility from all directions has increased.

"Objection, inflammatory speech!"

Naturally, Zhang Wei couldn't let Qin Yang do this, so he got up and interrupted immediately.

"The objection is valid. Please ignore the last statement of the prosecution, and the jury cannot use these statements as the basis for the judgment in the subsequent judgment negotiations..."

Old Li naturally gave a warning, but only the jury knew how effective it would be.

As for Zhang Wei's interruption, Qin Yang was already prepared.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you think what I said is all scaremongering?"

He walked up to the witness stand and asked, "Witness Liu Xiaotao, please tell everyone, is it possible for the three defendants to do such a thing?"


Liu Xiaotao naturally nodded, "If they want, they can know all your information in just five minutes, including social security account numbers, IDs, and even browser search records, online shopping order records, transfer and consumption records, etc.! "

"Then have they ever done this before?" Qin Yang asked immediately.


Liu Xiaotao looked at Zhu Erdan among the three, and raised his finger to testify: "He often does this!"

Zhu Erdan panicked, he did often "help others", and Liu Xiaotao knew all about it.

"Oh, can you tell me in detail, what has the defendant Zhu Erdan often done?"

"What the defendant likes to do most is to steal information about some Internet celebrities, and then sell it to those fans, and use it to collect remuneration."

Liu Xiaotao recalled and said: "Sometimes he also digs up black material and sells it to the paparazzi and the major media, so in the Internet celebrities and entertainment circles, his reputation as a pigman is very bad, and almost many people hate him. Gritting teeth!"

"The defendant obviously did not have the consent of the other party, right?"

Qin Yang joked, and analyzed: "He also bypassed the network prevention and control, and used his own hacking skills beyond ordinary people to do this kind of thing."

"That's why I said that powerful power will have terrible consequences, especially power without restraint. A young man suddenly finds that he can control everything on the Internet, so what will happen to them?"

"I believe that the behavior of the defendant Zhu Erdan has already told everyone that once someone can do many things that are not allowed by the law, the harm they will cause is absolutely terrible."

Qin Yang gestured towards Tan Yingying again, and a large report appeared on the projection screen again.

This time, the reports were all news from the entertainment industry, and the content was generally about Internet celebrities whose scandals were exposed, or they were harassed by fans near their residences, and they chose to call the police after being unbearable, or even committed suicide.

There are a lot of reports and a lot of space, and the ppt can only show a small part.

But everyone in the court can find the problem from the ppt.

Although these reports are not necessarily all made by Zhu Erdan, it can be said that his behavior is the chief culprit for all this.

"It is precisely because the defendant and others are able to break through the bottom line of the law time and time again, bypass the strict protective measures on the Internet, bypass those so-called firewalls, computer security monitoring, and obtain other people's privacy step by step. It is these forces that can be manipulated. The power of others has led to these consequences, and some Internet celebrities even chose to end their lives because they couldn't bear the cyberbullying."

"I can say that the behavior of the defendants and others absolutely needs to be regulated. The indirect impact they have caused is very huge for many people."

"Otherwise not only individuals will be affected, everyone has seen that the hacker attacks of the defendants even targeted the national security of our Dragon Kingdom."

Speaking of this, Qin Yang knew that he was going to cut to the chase.

"Witness, please tell us, were you involved when hackers attacked the confidential data of Yuanfeng Chemical, Yuanfeng Shipyard and other enterprises?"

"Yes, I was involved."

"And what about the three in the dock?"

"They, like me, were involved in that attack."

"Are you sure? I'm afraid that when the defense lawyer questions you, you will have to produce key evidence."

As Qin Yang said, he gave Zhang Wei a meaningful look.

Everyone knows how the defense lawyers will operate, and Zhang Wei is also well versed in this.

So it needs to be set up in advance.

"I have evidence to prove that the three of them participated in those several hacking attacks. In fact, the computer each of us uses, and every hacking program we use, will leave a specific network signature, which only needs to be used in the remaining data. You can find this signature by searching with a special method."

As if to match Liu Xiaotao's words, the projection screen changed again, and some code-level information appeared.

Qin Yang pointed to the projection screen: "Witness, are these the online signatures you mentioned?"

"Yes, if you look at the suffixes of these codes, their respective code names will appear. This is the signature evidence collected with a special algorithm."

"Is this signature unique?"

"Yes, it is absolutely impossible to fake, only a special algorithm can find it, and there is no possibility of mistakes. Whoever the suffix of the signature is, represents who has invaded the system."

The suffix on the code is circled in red again.

Everyone in the audience saw the words "TheGhost", "PigMan", "Keyboard", and "Venom" appearing on the suffixes of these codes

"Oh, these code names, why are they so familiar? I remember they are the witnesses and the three of them, right?" Qin Yang pointed to the dock and smiled.

Similarly, no matter whether it was the jury seat or the hearing seat, after seeing these data, they all started whispering.

Although they don't understand the code level, they can't help but believe what the witness said.

"Oh, by the way, the last time the hacker attacked Yuanfeng Chemical, it is said that the CSB department also found some other things."

Qin Yang suddenly interrupted at this moment, and another change appeared on the projection screen.

A picture of a woman in revealing clothing appeared, with some discordant content.

"This is a picture, but it is also evidence that the defendant Zhu Erdan was able to invade Yuanfeng Chemical. The defendant used such a small picture on the webpage to launch a hacking code to invade the database of Yuanfeng Chemical."

Speaking with his own eyes, he looked at Liu Xiaotao, "Witness, can you tell everyone how the defendant did it?"

"It's very simple. He sent a link to all the employees of Yuanfeng Chemical, with this photo attached to the link. As long as someone clicks on the photo, the Internet virus hidden in the photo will invade the other party's mobile phone or computer. employee information."

"If employees are connected to the internal network at this time, the virus will invade Yuanfeng Chemical's system along the network, find loopholes in the protection system, use the loopholes to break through the firewall, and finally invade the database."

Hearing this, Qin Yang put on an expression of "remaining fear": "A mere picture, just such an ordinary picture, can break through the firewall?"

"Because this is an internal attack, and firewalls generally defend against external attacks!"

"So that's it!" Qin Yang nodded, and asked again: "Are you sure the defendant Zhu Erdan did it?"

Liu Xiaotao pointed to the picture, "In this picture, there is an online signature with the suffix PigMan, who else could it be?"

Qin Yang immediately signaled to Tan Yingying.

The latter reluctantly opened the next evidence.

The picture is enlarged countless times, and a lot of codes appear inside.

In Tan Yingying's classic ppt, a circle of code is circled in red, just as Liu Xiaotao said, it is Zhu Erdan's online signature.

The moment they saw this signature, everyone understood.

You fat man, it really is you!

At the defense table, Zhang Wei felt the fiery eyes all around him. Although his face remained calm, his mood sank to the bottom.

He naturally knew what Zhu Erdan had done, but what made him even more speechless was the way the two of them sang together on stage.

Are these two guys planning to deal with Zhu Erdan first?

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