Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 406 Forging Evidence? Liu Xiaotao's technique

Liu Xiaotao testified.

Testified in court against the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao.

And the main target of his and Qin Yang's accusations was actually Zhu Erdan.

Is this intended to divide and break?

Zhang Wei had such doubts.

Use the evidence to actively attack one of the three defendants, so as to give the other two defendants a chance to plead guilty?

Or, from a general point of view, focus on one of them to affect the jury's overall impression of the three?

It's hard for Zhang Wei to guess, because Qin Yang is a seasoned prosecutor, and it's still hard to judge what moves the other party will use.

But generally speaking, I have to think about the next countermeasures.

He hurriedly approached Zhao Xiaoxiao beside him, and asked in his ear: "Second girl, Zhu Erdan told me before that he did omit a photo in the attack and didn't delete it, but it was dealt with immediately afterwards, but why is this photo still there?" Will it appear in the prosecution's evidence?"

"How long has this photo been missing from the server?"

"About a few seconds. He deleted it very quickly. I asked for the time." Zhang Wei replied, flipping through the notebook.

"In a few seconds, someone's internal review tool may have detected it, or it may not have detected it. It's hard to judge..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao muttered with her eyeballs, and then glanced at Liu Xiaotao on the witness stand.

"Well, if Fatty really deleted it, this photo may also be forged."


Zhang Wei was stunned, that was the prosecution's evidence, how could it be forged?

Zhao Xiaoxiao hooked her fingers towards Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei naturally got closer to the second daughter, and began to whisper.

"Let me tell you, we all have our own strengths. Zhu Erdan likes to hack data, sending pictures is indeed his routine, and the keyboard likes to fiddle with electronic equipment and research some small and sophisticated tools. As for the guy on the witness stand, the best What they are good at is falsifying data.”

"Are you sure it's fake?"

"It's possible. I don't know if the fat man deleted it in time. To be honest, I don't believe any of these guys!"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she pursed her lips, showing distrust towards the other two.

No way, who made a traitor appear among them.

It would not be surprising to see a second or even a third.

Anyway, in Zhao Xiaoxiao's thinking, except for herself and this guy beside her, no one else can be trusted!

As for Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun?

Sorry, they are just passers-by with common interests and hobbies.

"Forgery, good at confusing the real with the fake?"

Zhang Wei looked at the hearing booth and at Liu Xiaotao.

"But Qin Gaojian also said that the network signatures are not the same?"

"Yes, but who said that the signature in that picture is really fat?"

"Oh, it's true when you say that!" Zhang Wei understood.

He doesn't know much about computers. For computers, what he is best at is turning them on and off, and opening the web to search for something.

He doesn't know anything about data, environment, code, bottom layer, etc.

Naturally, he didn't know how to identify the network signature.

By the same token, how many people in the jury and hearing seats are professional IT technicians?

Naturally, they cannot tell whether the so-called network signature is real or not.

They only knew that the prosecution's high-level prosecutors had said about online signatures, as well as the testimony and accusations of special departments, and they felt that this must be true.

But if the picture is forged, and the network signature in the picture is also forged, how to verify it?

In court, except for the three defendants and tainted witnesses, no one has this technology.

No, there is another person in the hearing booth, he also has enough technology!

Zhang Wei turned his head and glanced at the corner of the auditorium.

There is a "fully armed" person hiding in there.

Zhang Wei withdrew his gaze and looked at the court.

At this moment, Qin Yang's questioning of Liu Xiaotao is still going on.

"Witness, you said that the defendant Zhu Erdan is good at stealing their information, and he has done many such things, so what about the other two defendants?"

"Defendant Liu Dashun is good at tinkering with monitoring equipment. He even installed cameras on mice to bypass some vents to monitor and monitor. As for defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao, her technical means are relatively obscure. She is best at cracking firewalls with violence. equipment, paralyzing large areas of the network and servers.”

"Oh, one is good at monitoring sneak shots, and the other is good at creating large-scale network paralysis?"

Qin Yang looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao and Liu Dashun with interest.

"According to what you say, the harm that the defendant Liu Dashun can cause sounds limited, but the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao can cause huge economic losses, and the accompanying public safety hazards are not small?"


Naturally, Liu Xiaotao would not let go of the opportunity to express himself, and immediately gave an example: "In July last year, the ghost attacked the core processor of a large foreign financial institution, causing the entire country's financial operations to stop for more than a week, and the direct economic loss is said to be over 10000 yuan. Ten billion, and the subsequent incidental damage is even more immeasurable."

Qin Yang raised his hand again to signal, and Tan Yingying frantically clicked on the ppt.

Relevant reports appeared on the projection screen at the rear.

"As you can see, in this similar report, the country's cyber security department couldn't even find out which country the hacker came from. It can be said that this hacker is really powerful."

Qin Yang praised at first, but then his tone became cold, "But what if the target of this hacker's attack becomes our Dragon Kingdom?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent.


Fortunately, the attack was from a foreign country, but it was just like that, so it caused such a huge loss.

Wouldn't the consequences be unimaginable if this attacked domestic financial institutions?

At that time, how many people will be like the employees of Yuanfeng Enterprise before, not to mention losing their jobs, and their life savings may be gone.

It is indeed very dangerous to let such a dangerous person outside.

No one would want to live in panic forever.

Qin Yang's goal was exactly that, but he decided to make up for it.

"By the way, witness, I'm a little curious. What did she do after the ghost hacker captured a country's financial system?"

Liu Xiaotao lowered his head and recalled it for a while, and then immediately said: "She is a little complacent, and even brags about her achievements in the chat room. I feel that if she gets interested one day, she may make a second or even third time like this. attack."

"Oh, being complacent, isn't that just like a child, once you try to be happy, you can't help but do it again."

Qin Yang said, emphasizing to the jury: "Some things, after the first time, there will be a second and third time, and even countless subsequent times."

"Especially when criminals know that there is no legal responsibility for doing so, their courage will also increase."

"I always firmly believe in one sentence, once people have no binding force, anyone will become a beast, so this is the duty of our prosecutors, we must bring every criminal to justice, so that more Most people understand that there is a price to pay for crimes, and only when people have restraint and self-control can such a society be truly stable."

Speaking of which, he raised his finger to the defense seat, and said emphatically: "And the three on the defense seat are obviously unstable factors. Once they are given a suitable opportunity, the destructive power they cause on the Internet will be destroyed. It's unimaginable!"

Countless people in the jury and hearing seats couldn't help but nodded, obviously agreeing with Qin Yang's words.

Once a person has power beyond ordinary people and is not under restraint, it may cause harm to others.

Because of this, this society needs binding force and laws to maintain it.

Qin Yang's words resonated with many people. At the same time, they also showed very obvious hostility towards the three people in the dock.

"Judge Li, my questioning of this witness is over."

The effect of the prosecution's speech was very good, Qin Yang was naturally satisfied, and walked back to his seat with a smile.

"Qin Gaojian, amazing!" Even Zhang Lang gave Qin Yang a thumbs up.

"Mr. Zhang, calm down and see what the defense lawyer will do!"

For Zhang Wei, Qin Yang still reluctantly regards him as an opponent, so the necessary vigilance is still needed.

"Hmph, with Qin Gaojian's speech, I don't think Zhang Wei will be able to make any noise!"

Zhang Lang looked confident, and looked at Zhang Wei with strong contempt and sarcasm.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Wei slowly got up.

"Hello, Witness!"

He walked up to Liu Xiaotao and asked with a smile.

"Hello, lawyer...

Liu Xiaotao's answer was quite calm, after all, he had simulated many times in the past few days.

"Witness, you said a lot just now, including online signatures, foreign cyber attacks, etc. These are news that the general public can hardly see, right?"

"This..." Liu Xiaotao didn't know how to answer.

It has nothing to do with him whether other people can see it or not.

"Oh, sorry, it's not easy for you to answer my question, so let me be straightforward. Did the local cyber security department catch the murderer of the cyber attack you mentioned last?"

"Maybe not."

"In other words, the hacker who attacked could be anyone?"

"Ah, this..."

Liu Xiaotao didn't know how to answer.

"No, the defense lawyers are making their own guesses!"

Qin Yang didn't intend to spoil Zhang Wei, so he immediately got up and interrupted.

"Judge Li, I think the prosecution first speculated!"

Just when Lao Li was about to speak, Zhang Wei also interrupted him.

"In the absence of clear evidence, the prosecution accused my client, Zhao Xiaoxiao, of being the real culprit of the foreign hacker attack in July last year. This is a speculation without any basis. Isn't this the prosecution lawyer's own speculation?"

"This..." Lao Li also had a difficult time. When you say this, it seems that the prosecution did not submit any evidence.

"But we have chat room records!" Liu Xiaotao was anxious, and hurriedly interrupted.

"Oh, the records of the chat room!"

Zhang Wei laughed, and immediately walked back to his seat and took out his mobile phone.

"Then I send my girlfriend a message saying that I was the culprit of the hacking incident in July last year, and then boast about my behavior. Do you think she will believe it?"

He actually opened the V letter, found Xia Qianyue who was at the top of the address book, opened the chat window, and started editing the message.

A message was sent out in front of everyone in the court.


In the front row of the hearing seat, Xia Qianyue's cell phone rang.

Everyone looked weird when they saw this scene.

Good guy!

Your kid is throwing dog food in court again?

How amazing is it that you have a girlfriend?

But more people showed puzzled expressions, because they all knew that Zhang Wei could not be the protagonist of the hacker attack.

"In theory, a chat room is a place where you can speak freely. You can send any information here. Even if you say that you are the reincarnation of a fairy, a traveler who can travel to different worlds, no one will care what you say, because many People chat to vent, and most of what they say is fun and entertainment."

"Just like many men, in order to make their girlfriends happy, they also say some things that cannot be guaranteed, some unrealistic things."

"But you just described my client, Zhao Xiaoxiao, as a heinous Internet gangster based on just a few chat records. Isn't that a bit too arbitrary?"

"This..." Liu Xiaotao looked at Zhang Wei, he didn't know what to say anymore.

But Zhang Wei is full of confidence. As for why he is so confident, it all comes from the second girl's grasp of her own strength.

The reason why she is called TheGhost is naturally because she has disappeared without a trace on the Internet, she is a real ghost!

Because of this, she did not leave a trace in the hacking operation, and naturally it is impossible to be caught.

And failing to catch her means that there is no evidence to prove that she was responsible for those few hacking attacks.

Without evidence, Zhang Wei can play freely?

"Witness, please tell me, at the time of the foreign hacker attack in July last year, did the investigation agency clearly list my client, Zhao Xiaoxiao, as a suspect?"

"It... doesn't seem to be there."

"Apart from the chat records, does the prosecution have any other evidence to prove that my client participated in the attack?"


"Then have you seen with your own eyes that my client, Zhao Xiaoxiao, used hacking techniques to hack foreign and domestic security data and steal confidential information on the Internet?"

"It's not..."

"That's it. You didn't see it with your own eyes, and you didn't hear it with your own ears. You just accused me of my client based on some chat room records. Isn't it obvious that you want to be a white wolf?"

"be opposed to!"

Seeing Zhang Wei asking such a question, Qin Yang stood up again.

"I take back that last sentence!" Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and acted before Lao Li opened his mouth.

Lao Li rolled his eyes, secretly thinking that you are so awesome, you can predict it.

This time, the atmosphere in the courtroom changed a little bit.

In the back row of the same hearing booth, the man in full armor finally raised his head, a trace of excitement appeared on his face under the sunglasses and mask.

On the prosecution bench, Zhang Lang's face darkened.

He winked at Liu Xiaotao on the witness stand, who immediately understood.

"But I have an online signature, which is real evidence!"

"I'm glad you finally mentioned the matter of online signing!"

But Zhang Wei had already waited for this move, and he walked in front of Liu Xiaotao with a smile on his face.

"Witness, you just mentioned the techniques that my clients may be good at, so I'm curious, since you can chat with them in the same chat room, are you also a hacker with good skills?"

"I am!" Liu Xiaotao did not deny it.

"Well, I would like to ask, what are you best at?"


"Then let me ask this, is your best at forging data, especially forging other people's information, forging identification cards, forging the login permissions of high-level company personnel, and even forging some people's network signatures?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Didn't you just say that each person has one online signature, shouldn't this thing be the same as a fingerprint, and it's impossible to forge?

Why do you say that it can be forged?

"In fact, network signatures are not fingerprints!"

Zhang Wei looked at the jury, and said, "Fingerprints are born, so they cannot be forged, but to put it bluntly, a network signature is a string of character codes. Who stipulates that a string of characters and a string of codes cannot be forged?"

"And the witness, Liu Xiaotao, is a professional in this field, and he relies on the Internet to make a living."

As Zhang Wei said, he walked up to Liu Xiaotao again: "Witness, have you ever forged the internal login authority of the CEO of a cosmetics company, logged into the company's background account, and took away more than 1 million operating funds of the company?"


Seeing that Liu Xiaotao didn't know how to answer, Qin Yang got up immediately: "I object, the question has nothing to do with this case!"

Zhang Wei also looked at the trial seat: "Judge Li, the question I asked is related to the integrity of the witness, and I think he must answer it!"

After thinking about it, Lao Li felt that what Zhang Wei said made sense.

"Witness, please answer this question!"

Qin Yang sat down helplessly.

Witnesses Xi Sang and Liu Xiaotao were also very helpless, but they could only nod under the watchful eyes of the audience.

"Then witness, did you forge a man's number, send a text message to his wife, and let the other party transfer 5 million to your offshore account?"


"Did you forge a company's high-level email address, send mass emails to its group's subordinates, and ask them to send money..."


Zhang Wei reported Liu Xiaotao's black stories one after another. He also knew the authenticity of these black stories, so he could only nod in response.

After a few minutes, the questions were over.

"Witness, you can say that you rely on falsification for a living, using your own technology for falsifying information, and doing so many bad things."

"Now you want the jury to believe that you, who is full of lies and the best at deceit, told the truth in court. Do you think this is a little bit of our IQ?"

Although this sentence was a joke, many members of the jury couldn't help but nod their heads.


What you kid is good at is making fakes. Why don't we believe you when you say you didn't make fakes?

"Witness, one last question. The prosecution just showed the evidence photo of my client Zhu Erdan. I suspect that there is something wrong with this photo. Tell me honestly, did you forge the photo?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Forgery, especially in a holy court, is a serious felony.

Once the witness confesses, the prosecution will use forged evidence, which at worst will lead to invalidation of the verdict.

For a while, not to mention Zhang Lang on the prosecution bench, even Qin Yang couldn't keep calm.

They never expected that Zhang Wei would either not make a move, or fight back if he did!

The author actually doesn't understand the topic of cyber hacking, so he just made it up randomly!

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