Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 407 Qin Yang's concession, but I refuse!

"Witness, did you forge evidence!"

"Did you use your own hacking skills to forge the online signature of my client Zhu Erdan, and even forged this photo, do you know that this is the key evidence in this case?"

Facing Zhang Wei's aggressive question, Liu Xiaotao didn't know how to answer it.

Although he has experienced many simulations, he has never been as nervous as he is now.

The lawyer in front of him asked a question, his eyes seemed to kill someone!

Not only that, but on the prosecution bench, Zhang Lang's eyes seemed to want to kill someone.

If this answer is not good, then it will be punished!

Maybe everyone will be gone!

Under such circumstances, Liu Xiaotao was in a panic.


His body was trembling, his mouth was trembling, and he couldn't even utter half a complete sentence.

"Why, you can't speak, are you guilty?"

Seeing the other party's reaction, Zhang Wei naturally made use of the problem.

"If you haven't done it, just veto it directly, why are you so hesitant?"

"Is it because you were afraid of telling the truth, which caused the prosecution to lose its advantage, thus making you lose your identity as a tainted witness, or are you simply afraid of telling the truth?"

Zhang Wei's words were like sharp swords, piercing directly into Liu Xiaotao's heart.

"Witness, please answer this question!"

On the trial bench, Lao Li also started to assist.

Just kidding, how could this question not be answered?

Not only do you have to answer, but you also have to give an honest answer based on the actual situation.

Otherwise the consequences will be very serious!

The double pressure from the defense and the judge directly acted on Liu Xiaotao.

He was on the verge of crying and was out of breath.

"Witness, please answer the question, and please perform your duties as a witness!"

Zhang Wei pressed on step by step without stopping for a moment.

Liu Xiaotao lowered his head, not daring to raise it, his eyes flickering.

On the prosecution bench, Zhang Lang's expression also changed drastically.

Qin Yang, who was sitting next door, also had a dignified face. He looked at Zhang Lang beside him curiously, and frowned.

Could it be that there is something in this case that he doesn't know?

Everyone knows that Zhang Lang is with him.

But these people only see one side of things.

Qin Yang's identity is Longdu High Prosecutor, representing the prosecution side of this case.

As for who and which side Zhang Lang represents, only he knows in his heart.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Finally, seeing that Liu Xiaotao was going to be overwhelmed, Zhang Lang suddenly coughed "loudly".

This voice naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"Mr. Zhang, is your throat uncomfortable?" Zhang Wei sneered and asked knowingly.

"Yeah, I've been too tired recently, and my throat feels a bit uncomfortable..."

Zhang Lang is naturally perfunctory, but it is absolutely impossible to tell the real purpose.

And the sound of his coughing also attracted Liu Xiaotao's attention.

The two looked at each other, and there was a naked threat in Zhang Lang's eyes.

In the next second, the eyes of the two quickly separated, as if they had never met.

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, for your concern. I'm fine!"

He waved his hands, as if his voice had healed.

In court, Liu Xiaotao finally made a choice.

Compared with Zhang Wei's threat, the existence of Zhang Lang is obviously more terrifying!

"I haven't done it!"

He no longer had any fear of Zhang Wei in his heart, or in other words, he already had a trump card in his heart, and his answer was crisp and straightforward.

"No, what didn't you do?"

"I haven't done anything!"

"You mean, you didn't hack that cosmetics company, you didn't forge your husband's number to send text messages to his wife, you didn't forge..."

"No, no, I did all of these!"

Seeing Zhang Wei mentioning those things, Liu Xiaotao didn't hide anything, and directly admitted it.

"What I said I didn't do was to forge the online signature, forge that picture!"

He said, looking at Zhu Erdan, "That picture is obviously written by Zhu Erdan, and the online signature is the proof!"

"What he is best at is using pictures attached to web pages or links to attract people who don't know how to click, so as to plant network viruses and steal information in the background!"

"This method has a very high degree of recognition, no one will do it except him!"

As Liu Xiaotao spoke, he looked at Liu Dashun and Zhao Xiaoxiao again, hesitant to speak.

"Do you unequivocally deny it, witness?"

"I just haven't done it!"

Seeing Liu Xiaotao's straightforward answer, Zhang Wei couldn't say much.

Just like what Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she left no traces, and Zhu Erdan also deleted all the original traces.

There is no trace, how to compare?

It's impossible to let a few of them black home servers on the spot in court, and then steal data, right?

"Hiss - ho -"

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, but did not continue to ask.

"That's fine, since you insist on this, I won't force it."

He just waved his hand, showing a hint of disdain, and looked at the seat next to the trial seat, "But I want to ask the clerk to record that the witness Liu Xiaotao denied that he forged key picture evidence, and forged the equally critical online signature evidence in this case! "

The clerk naturally recorded it meticulously.

"Judge Li, the defense has concluded its questioning of witnesses."

Zhang Wei and Lao Li nodded and walked back to the defense bench.

As a result, as soon as he sat down, Zhao Xiaoxiao pulled him aside.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, is this over?"

"Didn't you just rely on a few questions before to force your opponent to break the defense? Why didn't you break the traitor's defense?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was a little angry at Zhang Wei's performance.

"Second girl, if people are afraid of me, it must be because I have found the key evidence."

Zhang Wei spread his hands: "I don't have any handle on that traitor. On the contrary, his life is in the hands of another person. How can I hold a person whose power of life and death is in the hands of others?"

Zhang Wei gave Zhang Lang a meaningful look.

Sore throat at critical moments?

Go to hell!

It is clear that you threatened the witness, so that the other party thought of some kind of terrible consequences, and he was not even afraid to ask me questions.

Not a good word to say.

The best way to get rid of your fear is to face it!

After watching the big horror, look at the little horror again, and you can face it with a smile.

"Now that the defense has finished questioning, then..."

"Judge Li, the prosecution requests additional questions!"

Just when Lao Li was about to let Liu Xiaotao leave the court, Qin Yang stood up.

"Qin Gaojian, what do you mean? The witnesses have finished asking questions. Wouldn't it be good to let him go down?"

Zhang Lang grabbed Qin Yang with a puzzled expression on his face.

Liu Xiaotao is about to go down, but you still want to mess around, what the hell is this?

Didn't you see that people almost lost their stability just now?

If you ask additional questions, if the defense also asks additional questions, wouldn't it increase the risk?

"I'm just doing what a prosecutor should do!"

Qin Yang shook off Zhang Lang's hand, and walked to the court.

"Witness, you just said that there are no forged pictures, is that true?"

"Yeah, I didn't!"

Liu Xiaotao was surprised.

Why is this question raised by "one of us", shouldn't it be asked by the other party?

You are the prosecution, and I am your tainted witness, why don't you face me?

"you sure?"


Qin Yang narrowed his eyes, and he knew it.

He sighed inwardly, but changed the subject anyway.

"Witness, you mentioned just now that the defendant Zhu Erdan's behavior is highly recognizable. He likes to play tricks on the pictures on the webpage or in the information. Is that true?"

"Yes, this is his idea, and only he can use this trick."

"Are you sure others won't use it?"

"Yeah, who would click on a picture on a spam link like this?"

Liu Xiaotao laughed on the spot as he spoke.

But what he said made the jury box and some older people in the hearing box show a little embarrassment.

In fact, they did.

Especially those pictures that are not serious, they just want to click on them to see the details...

"Ahem, let's get back to the topic!"

Qin Yang sensed that someone was embarrassed, and quickly drew his attention back, "Since the defendant Zhu Erdan's hacking behavior is recognizable, what about the other two defendants?"

"Well, they also have their own way, keyboard and ghost words, I think..."

Liu Xiaotao rolled his eyes and recalled: "The keyboard will install monitoring equipment on animals, install electronic devices, monitors and monitors in some small objects or furniture objects that you think of, and even the inside of the lid of a lighter, buttons on clothes. And pins, in the little box of cosmetics..."

Hearing what he said, many people in the court looked puzzled, and some even rummaged through their makeup boxes, their clothes and trouser pockets.

"As for the ghost, I can't judge her actions, but the most powerful thing about her is that she doesn't leave any traces. It's hard to find her on the Internet!"

"I understand that a hidden enemy is indeed very dangerous!"

Qin Yang nodded, and gave Liu Xiaotao a meaningful look.

"Everyone, please look at the projection screen!"

As he spoke, Tan Yingying frantically clicked the mouse again.

On the projection screen, many small animals and objects appeared.

Small objects include buttons, lipstick, lighter caps, etc., while small animals are mice and some arthropod insects.

Moreover, these small animals are more or less bound to some electronic components.

"This is the evidence that the investigation department and CSB department searched in the basement of defendant Liu Dashun's residence. Among them are small animals used as monitoring tools, and some illegally modified monitoring and monitoring equipment similar to common household items."

"at the same time……"

Qin Yang gestured to turn the page.

The projection screen turned the page, and the evidence appeared again, but this time it was labeled as evidence from the investigation department.

"These are some animals that were caught in the vents of Yuanfeng Chemical's company when hackers attacked them last year. They also have miniature cameras, miniature monitoring instruments and other tools on their bodies. They are exactly the same model as the one in Liu Dashun's basement."

Seeing this, the whole court has counted.

The person who attacked Yuanfeng's family must be Liu Dashun.

"Not only that, but in the chat records provided by the witness Liu Xiaotao, we can find that Liu Dashun, code-named Keyboard, chatted with people code-named Ghost and Pigman, and discussed hacking into the databases of Yuanfeng Chemical, Yuanfeng Shipyard and other companies together!"

"So we can conclude that this is a premeditated and planned joint hacking operation, and the hackers in the chat room are all participants in this case. They stole the internal information of many companies in Yuanfeng, and these information They are all confidential documents of the Dragon Kingdom, and they are absolutely confidential information involving the war department!"

"It is based on this that we listed the three defendants as suspects of treason, because they stole state secrets and even secretly sold this information to foreign forces!"

Qin Yang's words seemed to be summarizing, but they also resonated with many people in the jury and hearing seats

"No, hearsay evidence, the prosecution is speculating on its own!"

"Am I speculating on my own? Everyone has the answer in their hearts, but I can tell the defense lawyer that the witness has actually cooperated with the CSB department long ago and is their informant!"

Qin Yang said, and asked Tan Yingying to open a new chat room record.

"Before the action that night, Liu Xiaotao, code-named Venom, specially sent messages to the three of your parties, and they all responded one by one, and finally agreed to meet at the target location, which is the KTV secret room in Old Street!"

"If the code name is correct, Zhu Erdan is the pig man, Liu Dashun is the keyboard, and Zhao Xiaoxiao next to you is the most mysterious ghost in the legend!"

The chat records were all displayed in front of everyone in the court.

Not a single bit of the chat topics, the off-line bases drawn by the venom, etc. have been missed.

"Hey, that ghost seems to have mentioned the dogs and men downstairs, what does that mean?"

Someone had sharp eyes and noticed an item in the chat log.

The dog man and woman, and the dog man and woman downstairs, who are they referring to?

Zhang Wei said, I don't know!

"Ahem, thank you Xiao Tan for your support, we have seen all the chat records!"

He hastily interjected to draw everyone's attention to himself.

"I still say the same thing, the chat records don't mean anything, the prosecution uses these records as evidence, I think it's biased!"

"Attorney for the defense, now is my additional questioning session, why are you interrupting me?"

Qin Yang was naturally not used to Zhang Wei, so he immediately questioned him in a cold voice.

"Then I thought you had finished your summary just now?" Zhang Wei hurriedly said something perfunctory.

"I'm done talking."

"That's fine, I'll just add one more thing, I think the chat records shown by the prosecution just now are somewhat inductive!"

Zhang Wei raised his hand to attract everyone's attention, "This kind of behavior is called "inducing evidence collection", and it is also commonly referred to as fishing, and the evidence provided by this kind of behavior cannot itself be used in court. Evidence! "

"So Xiao Tan, you can delete these chat records, because they are not evidence!"

Under Zhang Wei's "friendly and friendly" gaze, Tan Yingying could only quickly close the chat history.

But she was curious, what's wrong with this record, why did Zhang Wei care so much that he had to X close the window?

"That's right, the defense lawyer is right. The evidence that induces evidence collection needs to be judged by the court before deciding whether it can be used as evidence in court, and the court chose to announce that this last chat record will not be used as evidence in this case." Evidence!"

Judge Li also nodded, expressing his agreement with Zhang Wei's words.

"Thank you Judge Li for your support!"

Zhang Wei nodded to express his thanks.

Lao Li ignored him, but lowered his head and glanced at his watch.

"Ahem, this court announces that it is already very late, and today's trial will come to an end!"

Lao Li is a little tired, and it's getting late, so let's stop here today.

"Remember both of you, the next hearing time will be notified by my clerk!"

As Lao Li said, he struck the hammer to announce the dissolution of the court.


Seeing Lao Li leaving quickly, Zhang Wei didn't show much expression.

He nodded to Wu Yong on the witness stand, Xia Qianyue, Xiao Baihe on the hearing stand, and even Zhao Qingyan who was fully armed, signaling them not to worry about him.

"Lawyer Zhang, your performance today is a bit embarrassing!"

At this moment, Qin Yang came to Zhang Wei.

"Qin Gaojian, are you here to threaten me?"

"It's not a threat!"

Qin Yang glanced back and found that Zhang Lang hadn't approached, so he handed out a piece of paper.

"This is the latest condition I gave you!"

"Oh, new conditions?"

Zhang Wei was surprised, but he still took the paper and opened it.

"5 years?"

Zhang Wei was surprised.

Before this, Qin Gaojian's attitude of never giving in to clothes, why did he suddenly give in for half the time, and directly folded it in half?

"Yes, 5 years!"

Qin Yang nodded seriously, and moved closer to Zhang Wei, whispering: "I found that the witnesses have problems, but you and I actually have no evidence to prove this."

"And the testimony he provided later is correct. Your three parties did make mistakes, and they need to be punished for making mistakes. The only concession I can make is to halve the sentence of imprisonment, that's all."

It has to be said that it is really difficult for this Qin Gaojian to make concessions.

But he saw Liu Xiaotao's problem and made concessions to Zhang Wei.

"Qin Gaojian, it really surprises me that you can make a concession!"

"Actually, if the three of my clients are really charged with espionage, your five-year terms are indeed very good!"

Qin Yang was slightly surprised, "Then your answer is..."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, then his face sank: "But, I refuse!"


Who am I, Zhang Wei? If I agree to your conditions casually, wouldn't I be in vain?

"Lawyer Zhang, do you know what you are doing? You are not fighting for yourself, you are representing the client's interests!"

"I know, but I am carte blanche. I don't think 5 years is the most suitable condition for my client, so I'm sorry!"

Qin Yang never expected that Zhang Wei would be so willful that he would even sacrifice the client's interests.

"Okay, since Lawyer Zhang is so confident, let's decide the outcome at the next trial! But I can tell you that if you refuse this time, there will be no next time!"

"Qin Gaojian, walk slowly!"

Qin Yang snorted coldly, turned around and left without looking back.

Since Zhang Wei doesn't give face, he doesn't need to worry about this kid anymore.

As for Zhang Wei, he watched this one leave, and then looked to the other side.

Chapter Wolf!

This is his opponent, and Qin Gaojian can be regarded as a strong support and helper at best.

Only when the goal is identified can the next step be taken.

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