Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 413 Divide and melt, catch both ends?

Friday night.

In Qin Yang's office at the District Prosecutor's Headquarters in the Eastern Metropolis.

Qin Yang ushered in a guest he didn't quite welcome.

"Qin Gaojian, I didn't mean you, but you just let that kid kick my nose and face?"

"Do you know that in my department, no one dares to talk to me like that. But not only did he dare, he also jumped in front of me, and even rode on my head!"

"What is he, Zhang Wei? He's just a dog of the Lin family. How dare he..."


Facing the roaring guy in front of him, Qin Yang rolled his eyes inwardly.

You are being ridden on the head and shit, is it your problem or someone else's problem, why don't you have any clues in your heart?

At that time in court, who proposed to conduct digital forensics?

It was not brought up by someone in your chapter.

The results of it?

The defense lawyer agreed, and the judge also agreed, but the result of the test was completely opposite to what you expected, so you can't stand it?

"Mr. Zhang, if I were you, I'd better save my saliva."

Qin Yang didn't have much worry, and sat down calmly.

"Qin Gaojian, what do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious what I mean? You have more things to worry about."

Qin Yang's tone was faint: "The current situation is very unfavorable to you."

"Unfavorable?" Zhang Lang finally put away the sternness on his face, and his eyes flickered.

"Yes, the current situation is not very favorable for you, nor for me."

Qin Yang recalled the evidence collection during the day, and said: "At present, the defense has proved its reasonable doubts, that is, Zhao Xiaoxiao, one of the defendants, is probably the ghost's substitute."

"Although you and I both know that Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost, but the jury is not you and me."

"As long as there is a reasonable doubt that exists, the jury will take this into account when making the final verdict."

Based on his many years of experience, Qin Yang analyzed: "According to my experience as a public prosecutor for more than 30 years, it is a bit hanging in the balance for the three defendants to be found guilty in this case!"

Zhang Lang also felt the pressure, "Then according to your intention..."

"I have two suggestions for you!"

Qin Yang raised his first finger, "First, negotiate with the defendant!"

"Try to lower the terms, maybe all three of them will consider pleading guilty."

He said, but frowned slightly: "But the negotiation is a matter of two parties sitting down and arguing with each other. The cycle is generally not short, as short as three to five days, and as long as ten days and half a month."

"Although I haven't had much contact with defense lawyers, this kid looks young and energetic, but he is actually very organized, thick-skinned, and courageous. I don't think he is someone who can be easily tested by me. People, so even if the defense can agree to negotiate, the period should not be short."

"You mean, let me compromise with the other party?"

Hearing Qin Yang's first suggestion, Zhang Lang was upset.

I've worked so hard for so long, and I'm still counting on this to catch the three of them and invite them to be promoted to the head of the department!

In the end, you were fine and let me sit down with them to negotiate.

Originally, the crime of espionage has been going on for many years, more than 10 years or even indefinitely. If there is a plot that has a slight impact, then there will be 3-7 years left.

In addition to probation, a good attitude in pleading guilty, and even performing meritorious deeds, they may all come out within two years.

Isn't it too cheap for them?

After working so hard for so long, three people were arrested, and they were only imprisoned for two years?

If this matter gets out, how can Zhang Lang still behave in the CSB department? The people under him will think of him like this, and the boss will not trust him to hand over the department?

The key is that the internal affairs side, other special operations departments, will they also have any objections to him?

If this reputation deteriorates, it cannot be restored overnight.

"No, absolutely not!"

After comprehensive consideration, Zhang Lang felt that he could not compromise.

"Aren't you planning to sit down and talk with the other party?"

Qin Yang was not surprised, after all, he and Zhang Lang had been in contact for a few days, and he knew the other party's character.

Although this person's status is not low, but he is not big-minded, and he will not easily compromise with the "weak" in his eyes.

"Then choose the second one, divide and dissolve, and let them fight each other!"

"Oh, how do you say it?"

Hearing Qin Yang's second proposal, Zhang Lang was obviously interested.

"It's very simple. Isn't our tainted witness Liu Xiaotao's character questioned? Then find another tainted witness to be a new tainted witness, give some exemption conditions, and instigate him!"

As Qin Yang spoke, he wrote down three names on the note in front of him.

"Liu Dashun, Zhu Erdan and Zhao Xiaoxiao, these are your three goals."

"At present, our tainted witness is Liu Xiaotao, but he is best at falsifying information, so his character has been questioned by the jury. I remember that what you promised him was not complete immunity. Then we can completely abandon him and instigate another people."

As Qin Yang said, the pen touched Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan.

"Your goal is to convict the ghost, and while you and I know who she is, we have to convince the jury that we think the same."

"Liu Xiaotao's testimonies are almost useless now, but what if Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan came to testify against Zhao Xiaoxiao? If one of them testifies that Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost, maybe the jury will believe you somewhat?"

Hearing what Qin Yang said, Zhang Lang also nodded.

Although Qin Yang didn't cooperate with him, the suggestion he gave was very good.

"That is to say, I want to instigate one of them?"

"Yes, you are in urgent need of a new tainted witness."

Qin Yang pointed at the two names, and analyzed: "Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan, either of them is fine, and then it depends on your ability."

"Hmph, it's not difficult for me!"

Zhang Lang's face once again showed a sinister look.

"Not only that, we also need to catch both ends!"

"What is double catch?"

Seeing Qin Yang speak again, Zhang Lang was puzzled.

"The tainted witness needs to be dealt with, and the jury must also be dealt with!"


Zhang Lang's eyes flickered, as if he had caught the meaning of Qin Yang's words.

"You must also pay attention to the jury, because they are the ones who are going to be persuaded by the prosecution and the defense in court, and they are also the ones who make the final verdict!"

"Then what kind of emphasis?"

Seeing that Qin Yang's analysis was straightforward, Zhang Lang's attitude changed a bit.

"It's very simple. Make sure that there are no people who are hostile to us in the jury; make sure that among the 12 people, there are no people who have no sense of national honor; make sure that among them, there are no self-centered and immoral people."

Qin Yang spoke softly, and then looked at Zhang Lang: "Mr. Zhang, your CSB department should have its own set of surveillance methods. I believe it is not a big problem for you to judge whether a person has these characteristics. ?”

"I understand!"

Zhang Lang finally smiled, he knew what he should do for the next weekend.

"Well, this weekend, I have a lot of things to do!"

Now that he has a new priority, he has no interest in staying, so he gets up and leaves, walking quickly.

"Hmph, hurry up!"

Watching Zhang Lang go away, Qin Yang had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He naturally despises Zhang Lang's behavior.

Naturally, he was even more disdainful of the things he came to ask for help.

However, out of responsibility for his "teammates", he still had to help the other party and give the other party something to do, also for the sake of the case.

Although Qin Yang felt that there was water in this case and that there were many problems, he and Zhang Lang had the same interests, and they both wanted to win the case.

The task of exhorting Zhang Lang is also to reduce the possibility of losing the case.

All of this is for winning.

However, Qin Yang would not really trust Zhang Lang, let alone hand over the hope of winning the case to others.

He came to Dongfang Capital alone, and in this case, the only person he could trust was himself.

So, there are some things that he didn't tell Zhang Lang.

For example, in fact, there is a person hiding in the next door to his office.

"He's gone, you can come out!"

Qin Yang yelled to the next door, and then the office door was gently pushed open, and a young man walked in.

He was thin, wearing ripped clothes and pants, and there was a viper tattooed on his long and narrow face.

After the young man walked into the office, he looked back at the door, "The one just now is the person in charge of the CSB department?"

"That's right, it's him." Qin Yang said, motioning the young man to sit down.

After the two looked at each other and sat down, the young man was a little nervous.

"To be honest, I'm also curious, why didn't you go to that Mr. Zhang, instead you came to find me?"

"Because I don't think he is a good person, and what he gave Venom was a partial immunity agreement, and what I need is complete immunity!"

Hearing what the young man said, Qin Yang remained calm on his face, but he smiled inwardly.

You young man is very good at talking like a lion.

This opening requires the almost impossible complete immunity.

Qin Yang thought for a while, and instead of answering immediately, he threw the question to the other party, "If you want complete immunity, then you have to show enough value. Although I can grant immunity to witnesses, what can you give me? Woolen cloth?"

The young man's eyes flickered, but he made a decision quickly.

"I can help you convict Pigman, Keyboard and Ghost!"

"Oh, you can convict me, are you sure?"

"As long as you give me complete immunity, I assure you, all three of them will definitely go to jail!"

Qin Yang was slightly surprised, but still waved his hands: "Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan, their crimes have been basically confirmed, and they will go to jail for sure. The only problem is that the ghost can't be completely convicted yet. In other words, I only need you It's only one-third of the stuff."

"But you need the evidence in my hands!" The young man's eyes turned hard, "Without my help, you will lose!"

"So what if I lose, I'll go back to Longdu at the worst."

Qin Yang chuckled, with an expression of indifference.

Anyway, when he came to Dongfang Capital, he was only dealing with a case, and winning or losing was common.

Although he is known as the general of a hundred victories, and he is only one victory away from achieving a hundred consecutive victories in court, these are actually false names.

Prosecutors, it is common to lose cases and win cases.

Seeing Qin Yang's attitude, the young man finally lost his mind.

"Then what do you want to do before you give me complete immunity!"

"If you want to be completely exempt, it is almost impossible, because you have committed a crime, and if criminals don't need to pay any price, it is not in line with our creed... However, if you simply don't want to go to jail, it's not no."

Qin Yang thought about it, but he didn't say it dead: "I can give you enough time to probation, so that you don't have to go to jail, but the prerequisite is that you must give enough evidence to convict Zhao Xiaoxiao!"

"If she is convicted and goes to jail, then you don't have to go to jail, do you understand?"

"I understand!" The young man turned ruthless when he heard Qin Yang's conditions, and nodded emphatically.

"Very well, go down, stay at the place my nephew arranged for you for the next two days, don't contact anyone, I will list you as an emergency witness on Monday, and then you can perform in court!"

As Qin Yang said, a smile flashed in his eyes.

In order to deal with Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao, he also hid a killer trick!


Saturday, rest day.

However, for Zhang Wei and others, it was still a preparation day.

Because according to the urgency of the city court and the style of the prosecution, they all hope that the trial will start on Monday and the case will be concluded as soon as possible.

So they have to be prepared for the tough situation of going to court as soon as the workday comes.

"Lawyer Zhang, we've been suffering for the past few days, can you let us..."

At this moment, Zhu Erdan pulled Liu Dashun and came to Zhang Wei.

"What, where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't matter where you go, I just want to go out and let the wind go!"

Zhu Erdan's face was swaying, as if he was a child who was asking his parents if he could go out to play on weekends.

"I know you've been feeling uncomfortable for the past few days, but I'm not giving you a preview, so that you can get used to life in prison in advance."

"Ah, this..."

Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun were immediately speechless.

"But if you want to go out, it's not impossible!"

But Zhang Wei changed his mind, and pointed outside again, "But let me remind you, there are all CSB people outside!"

"Lawyer Zhang, we understand, but we really can't hold it back anymore. If we are going to be imprisoned in the future, at least let us feel the breath of freedom today!"

"That's fine, you guys go, but if you find any danger, contact me as soon as possible, so I can go and save you."

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, we will definitely be honest!"

Zhu Erdan quickly patted his chest to reassure, then took Liu Dashun and ran out of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Outside the martial arts hall, it was a breath of freedom.

"Huh, the breath of freedom? If you are honest and don't make mistakes these days, there is a high probability that you can keep this freedom, but if you insist on doing things, then I can't do anything~"

Zhang Wei watched the two leave with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

To be honest, although it was inappropriate to keep the two of them locked up, as he said, there were all CSB people outside.

Zhang Lang was watching outside, at least there were Zhang Xinwu and others in Zhang's Martial Arts Hall for protection, and Zhang Wei was sitting in charge, so Zhang Lang and Qin Yang would not dare to mess around.

But if you leave Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, the outside world will be dangerous.

At least Zhang Lang must have sent someone to monitor them 24 hours a day.

Once Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun walked out of this door, Zhang Lang would definitely receive the news immediately.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei doesn't have enough manpower here, otherwise he will definitely arrange people to follow the two to ensure that Qin Yang and Zhang Lang dare not make a move.

Although the prosecution cannot contact the defense witnesses in private during the trial, because doing so is to interfere with the witnesses and is an act of obstructing justice.

But Zhang Lang is not prosecuting, and he has so many subordinates. He is also the head of the CSB department. If he wants to contact Zhu Erdan and the others, there are many ways.

Zhang Wei can only hope that Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun can be more clever.

"Let's go to the second girl and see if I can add a little bit of cards to this case during the weekend!"

Thinking this way, Zhang Wei returned to the Lin Mansion and went straight to the room on the second floor.


at the same time.

On Sifangmen Street, a shopping street.

Seeing people coming and going around, and some beautifully dressed girls passing by from time to time, the depression in Zhu Erdan's heart finally eased a little.

"This is freedom!"

"Speaking of the keyboard, didn't you figure it out too, why are you so dazed?"

"I think, should we go back too? I feel a little..."

"You're here again, aren't you?"

Zhu Erdan suddenly became unhappy, "Why, when I proposed it to Lawyer Zhang just now, why didn't I see any objection from you?"

"Then I... I'll report to my family that I'm safe!"

Liu Dashun saw a public telephone booth on the side of the street, took some change from his pocket, and walked over.

"Hmph, it's boring!"

Seeing that his companion finally came out, Zhu Erdan still wanted to contact his family, with a look of contempt on his face.

Afterwards, his eyes were attracted by the girls passing by.

Summer is here, and the girls on the pedestrian street wear cooler clothes, and bare shoulders and legs are small scenes.

"I don't know how the recent comic exhibition is. Today is the weekend. There must be Miss Cos. This is my hobby, so I can't let it go to waste!"

Thinking of his hobbies, Zhu Erdan's fat house soul began to burn again.

As he said, he walked around a street corner, and was just about to plan to attend which comic exhibition in the city, but a sack was put directly on his head, and when his eyes were dark, he didn't know anything.

the other side.

"Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry. I just got involved in something recently, so I'm busy."

"But don't worry, I got in touch with my uncle, and he said that there is no problem, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Why is the blind date involved again? Didn't I say that my job is still unstable. After this incident, I have to stabilize in the east before I can consider getting married and having children."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I know it well. After a few days, I may get an offer from a big company. When I'm stable in the east, I'll take you all over. .”

"I know, I know, then I hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Dashun just walked out of the phone booth when his vision went dark

"Hey, why is it dark?"

He then realized that it wasn't dark, but someone covered his head with a hood.

His heart suddenly "thumped", and he was actually kidnapped.

If he had known this earlier, he should have listened to Zhang Wei instead of being dragged out by Zhu Erdan.

Next, Liu Dashun felt the bumps along the way, got in the car, got out of the car, and even got on the boat.

After a while of shaking, he seemed to be pressed on the chair.

When the hood was removed, Liu Dashun saw a lot of people in front of him.

One of the men with a stern face sat in front of him with a sneer on his face.

"Liu Dashun, right? I heard that you are very filial to your parents?"

"Let me guess, your parents probably don't know that the case you're involved in is about espionage?"

"Let me guess again, if their son committed the crime of espionage, do you think they will not be able to hold their heads up all their lives in their hometown, and they will be pointed at for the rest of their lives?"

The words that the man said were like sharp knives, piercing directly into Liu Dashun's heart!

Because these were the things he was most afraid of!

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