Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 414 Excluding jurors, application for extension failed

Saturday night.

Zhang Wei received a call from the city court.

"What's the matter, the urgent motion, it has to be the weekend?"

Zhang Wei was stunned, the courts were not closed on weekends.


It should be that something major happened, so that the city court had to convene the judge, the prosecution and the defense urgently on the weekend.

"Well, I'll be there tomorrow morning!"

Zhang Wei responded and hung up the phone.

But he wasn't in a good mood.

"It seems that the prosecution has started to play tricks. It should be Zhang Lang... No, Qin Yang may also be involved. The old boy's experience is there. Maybe he is making moves and Zhang Lang is executing them!"

Zhang Wei thought of a lot.

In order to win the court trial, some people have no bottom line in doing things, and even use a lot of outside tricks.

In criminal cases, the prosecution may be concerned about identity, but Zhang Lang is not a prosecutor, and his bottom line has always been a mystery.

"I have to guard against it!"

Zhang Wei muttered, and then found Zhao Xiaoxiao on the second floor.

"Second girl, I have always had a question, that is the chat room you mentioned, and those missions to attack Yuanfeng's first department."

"What question did you think of?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao stopped messing with the computer and turned around.

"Think about it, if someone releases a task, you just do it, without investigating, without asking why you did it, are you stupid?"

"Hmph, believe it or not, I'll kick you to death!"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she was about to get up and lift her feet.

"Don't, don't, I'm scared, can't I be scared?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly waved his hands to apologize, but quickly pointed out the problem: "By the way, is the task issuer really arrested?"

"I remember that when Zhang Lang testified, he showed a photo. The person he said was a foreign spy, right, and the other party signed a confession?"

Zhang Wei recalled the details of the trial on Friday, and he remembered that Tan Yingying clicked on a photo, and there was a signed paper in front of a sitting brown-haired man.

But there is no detailed photo of the contents of that piece of paper.

Is it because the content of the signed confession is a secret of the CSB department, or is there a problem with the photo itself?

"By the way, second girl, what do you think of Zhang Lang's character? Will he play tricks on us?"

"That guy's character, if he says he is a good person, then there probably won't be any bad people in this world!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was extremely contemptuous of Zhang Lang's behavior, character, and so on.

If she met this kind of person on the street, she would almost spit at him.

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and guessed: "Then tell me, is the person he caught really a spy?"

The second girl tilted her head, shook her head and said, "Who knows?"

"By the way, let's talk about the chat room. I want to ask about the task issuer. Can you know?"

"It's a bit difficult, because our network IP must be monitored. If I want to use means, it will be easy to be traced by the CSB department. Moreover, the chat room is highly hidden, and the meaning of its existence is for our hackers. It will take a long time to break through the defenses of this chat room due to the anonymity of the communication between them, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to do so in time.”

"If there is no interference from the CSB department, how long will it take you to break into the chat room?"

"Well, it may take more than 72 hours..."

"That's three days?"

Zhang Wei frowned, and began to calculate in his heart.

If he proposes to postpone the trial in tomorrow's emergency motion, how much opposition will he encounter.

Anyway, Qin Yang would definitely object, and as a participant in the case, Zhang Lang would definitely object as well.

Lao Li may support him, but Lao Li is only a judge, and it is unlikely that he can make a decision.

"The court trial will be postponed, it will either succeed or not; if it succeeds, then you must be able to avoid the monitoring of the CSB department. Do you think Zhang Lang will give you a chance?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth, this expression was already very self-explanatory.

How could Zhang Lang give them a chance?

"And it is really unlikely that the trial will be postponed, because Zhang Lang may not only be a participant in the case, he is likely to use the resources of the Zhang family to influence the court. Then I have to make second-hand preparations, if you If it can't be done, who can break through the defense of the chat room?"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao again, with a strange expression on his face.

"Hey, hey, you don't want to find that guy, do you?"

The second daughter became anxious immediately and jumped up from the chair.

"Second girl, let's talk about our duty, Uncle Zhao is your real father after all."

"Don't even think about it, Miss Ben won't beg him!"

"That's fine, anyway, I'll go!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, it's okay if you don't ask, Zhao Qingyan will still choose to help us.

The big deal is that I, Zhang Wei, don't want to lose face, so I need to get rid of the other party.

"Hmph, get out, don't let me see you again!"

"Okay then, I'll get out~"

Seeing that the second daughter issued the order to evict guests, Zhang Wei naturally turned around and left.

After he went downstairs, he went straight to Zhao Mansion.

Tuk tuk tuk!

"Uncle Zhao, I need help!"

"I'm coming!"

Zhao Qingyan opened the gate of Zhao Mansion and welcomed Zhang Wei in.

Five minutes later, Zhang Wei stepped out of the Zhao Mansion first, and then went straight to the Zhang's Martial Arts Hall next door.

It's a pity that he wanted to see Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun, but Zhang Xinwu said that they hadn't come back yet.

"These two boys really don't save me trouble!"

"But at any time, I have to do the worst possible interruption. Could these two guys be kidnapped by someone?"

"If someone was kidnapped, it could only be from the CSB department. Zhang Lang's people can do this. After all, they are watching us 24 hours a day, so we have to be prepared!"

"But it doesn't matter. If they really dare to betray, I will let them understand that once some choices are wrong, the price will be very heavy!"

Zhang Wei returned to the Lin Mansion and began to rest.

Then Zhao Qingyan sneaked out from the gate of Zhao Mansion.

He glanced back at the Lin Mansion next door, and left the street directly.

And his destination is also obvious, it is his own company.


The next day, morning.

After Zhang Wei got up, he went to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall first.

It's a pity that Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun haven't come back yet.

For the two of them, Zhang Wei no longer counted on them. They had either been outside for too long, or they had been tied up.

He still has business to do, but he doesn't want to waste it on the two of them.

He called Zhang Xinyan and asked the full-time driver to take him to the city court.

Soon, he met Lao Li in the office of the Municipal Court.

"Lao Li, you look pretty good, are you refreshed enough?"

Seeing Lao Li again, Zhang Wei smiled.

The other party swept away the sluggishness before, and his energy and spirit were restored.

Thinking about it, yesterday was the most recent period for the other party, and it was rare for him to sleep well.

"It's okay, the main reason is that I was relieved to eat the meal cooked by my wife and see my daughter."

Lao Li waved his hand, but the smile on his face quickly subsided.

"Speaking of what's going on today, the court also notified me last night, I don't know what's going on?"

"You don't even know, so it seems that the prosecution is looking for trouble?"

Zhang Wei was not surprised, after all, he had already guessed that the only people who could fix such a moth were Qin Yang and Zhang Lang.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Just as Zhang Wei was muttering inwardly, the door of the office opened, and Qin Yang and Zhang Lang walked in.

Qin Yang's expression was as calm as ever, as if he was completely unaffected by the court hearing on Thursday and Friday, and he was still confident.

As for Zhang Lang, his expression was also the same as that of a vulture that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, but he looked at Zhang Wei with a hint of sarcasm.

And behind him, as always, followed by a few subordinates, they didn't say a word, they just came to stand for the leader.

"Since everyone is here, let's all sit down!"

Lao Li sat at the main seat, pointed to the sofa in the office, and asked both parties to sit down.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your prosecution? You have to ask my leader to call me out of my house on weekends?"

"That's right, Judge Li, we found that there were some problems among the jury that participated in the ruling of this case!"

Zhang Lang didn't hide anything, and spoke directly.

As he spoke, he raised his hand behind him, and immediately a subordinate handed a piece of information into his hand.


Zhang Wei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was a problem with the jury.

"What's wrong with the jury?" Old Li was also stunned.

Don't you all choose the jury yourself? What can go wrong?

Zhang Lang directly passed the information in his hand to Zhang Wei, and then passed another copy to Lao Li.

"We found that out of the 12 jurors, 2 jurors violated the jury rules, and this is the evidence that they violated the rules!"

Zhang Lang said, pointing to a part of the evidence.

Zhang Wei saw the evidence, it was a juror's social account, and some radical words were published in it.

Including but not limited to, in some texts, there are words like "dog day's trial", "boring to death", "it's really unlucky to participate in this kind of thing"...

But Zhang Wei keenly discovered that in the speeches of the jury, there was a sentence like this: "What kind of shit network security department, we will not be able to surf the Internet freely in the future, and everything will be monitored by these bastards? "

Zhang Wei knew it well.

This person should be an egoist, and this is the first time he heard that Longguo has such a powerful network security supervision department as CSB, so he complained on the Internet.

"I think so, in fact, this jury is not bad!"

"Lawyer Zhang is joking. This person has scolded our CSB department like this. He has a prejudice against us. How can such a person give a fair and just judgment in the ruling!"

Zhang Lang naturally scoffed at Zhang Wei's so-called "not bad".

It is not your defense that the jurors are hostile to, so you must have no objection.

But I am very concerned about this point, this juror must not stay!

"Judge Li, please enlighten me!"

"I have seen all these evidences."

Lao Li smacked his lips. This chapter wolf has said all about it, and he has produced such naked evidence. If he objects, it is really unreasonable.

"Since this is the case, this court agrees to disqualify this juror. I will notify the candidate jury on Monday, so that the first candidate to fill the place will be filled!"

As Lao Li said, he turned the information in his hand to the second page, "I can understand the first one, but what is the second one? I think his information is normal?"

"Judge Li, we conducted a background check on the jury and found that he lives in Chengbei District, and because of some lawsuits, he had an intersection with the lawyers of Qingmu Law Firm!"

"Aoki law firm?"

Lao Li recalled, and soon figured it out.

The principal of this Qingmu law firm is Li Qingmu, a member of the Li family!

As for the Li family, isn't Zhang Wei's mother-in-law also?

"This is too far-fetched. What does Qingmu Law Firm have to do with me, Zhang Wei? On the contrary, because of a case before, I even got in touch with their law firm."

Of course Zhang Wei is complaining, I really have nothing to do with Aoki Law Firm.

That is to say, my mother-in-law and the partners and principals of Aoki Law Firm are just a family, but this has nothing to do with the clients of Aoki Law Firm. Whether the clients know about this relationship is a problem.

But Zhang Lang didn't care, and still insisted: "Judge Li, we did this to avoid suspicion as much as possible. This client may know the relationship between Lawyer Zhang and Qingmu Law Firm, and it is very likely that he will make a judgment in favor of Lawyer Zhang during the trial!"

"So for the sake of the fairness and justice of the court and the rules of the jury, please remove this juror!"

To be honest, Lao Li felt that it was reasonable to eliminate the last juror.

But if he wanted to eliminate this one, he felt that Zhang Lang was being a little unreasonable.

"Qin Gaojian, what do you think?"

"Judge Li, I think Mr. Zhang's suggestion is very good, and I have no objection."

Qin Yang naturally supported it.

Although he also felt that the juror might not know Zhang Wei, but what if there was an accident?

It's just a matter of lip service to put an end to this eventuality, so why not do it?

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you think?" Old Li looked at Zhang Wei again.

"Since the prosecution has said so, I have no objection."

Zhang Wei thought about it, but he didn't object.

"That's fine, I'll ask the clerk to send messages to both jurors later, telling them that they don't need to attend the follow-up hearing!"

After Lao Li finished speaking, he looked at both sides, "Is there anything else?"

"We're done!"

Seeing that Zhang Lang and Qin Yang had achieved their goals, they naturally had no follow-up.

"Actually, I also have a small request!" But at this moment, Zhang Wei raised his hand, "The defense requests that the trial be postponed for 2 days!"

Lao Li was not surprised by this request.

Defense requests for extensions have always been a regular occurrence.

Generally, as long as the reason given is no problem, he will consider it.

But after Zhang Wei made this request, both Zhang Lang and Qin Yang disagreed.

"The prosecution objected!"

"I also object!"

The two expressed their dissent almost at the same time.

"Zhang Wei, what is your reason?"

"Judge Li, in view of the fact that on Friday, the prosecution witness Mr. Zhang provided a lot of additional evidence, and these testimonies are not on the public list, so in order to launch an effective defense against these testimonies, we request an extension of 2 days for us Defense ready."

Zhang Wei spread his hands, this reason can be said to be very normal.

Who told you, Zhang Lang, to produce so much unpublished evidence in Friday's trial?

It will take time for me to refute your evidence, right?

"For this reason, I think there is no problem!"

Lao Li nodded, and looked at Qin Yang and Zhang Lang again.

He was ready to agree, and a two-day delay would not hurt.

Anyway, he was already able to go home and spend time with his wife and daughter after get off work, even if it was postponed for a longer time, it didn't matter.

"Judge Li, the prosecution strongly opposes Lawyer Zhang's proposal!"

Qin Yang took the lead in objecting: "The prosecution believes that lawyer Zhang is delaying time!"

"Judge Li, I also object on behalf of the CSB department, and my subordinates and I do not want the trial to be postponed!"

Zhang Lang also expressed dissatisfaction, and even took out his phone, threatening: "For this reason, I decided to inform the first judge of the city court of my objection to the extension!"

"Yo Ho, are you still threatening us?"

Seeing that Zhang Lang was about to shake people, Zhang Wei was rather happy.

This old Li hasn't made a statement yet, and you're going to move out the first judge in the end?

Sure enough, Lao Li's complexion was a bit ugly.

But Zhang Lang didn't care about this. He didn't want any mistakes in his case, so he walked out of the office and made a call.

Soon, the landline in Lao Li's office rang.

"It's the first judge calling!" Old Li shook his head when he saw the calling number.


A few minutes later, the phone was hung up, and Lao Li looked gloomy.

But Zhang Lang, who returned to the office, looked proud.

"Mr. Zhang, your background is really not small. You can actually convince the first judge."

"Judge Li, you just need to do your own thing!"

Hearing this tone as if it was an order, Lao Li frowned.

But when he thought that the other party even moved out his immediate boss, he couldn't help it.

"This Court understands."

He said, looking at Zhang Wei, "The defense lawyer, this court has no choice but to refuse your request for adjournment!"

"I see……"

Zhang Wei didn't say much, since Zhang Lang used the resources of the Zhang family, he naturally had nothing to do.

"Then, in order to prepare for Monday's trial, I'll go back first!"

As Zhang Wei said, he stood up and said goodbye.

It's pointless for him to stay in this place.

Anyway, if he continued to make demands, Zhang Lang and Qin Yang would continue to oppose them.

Lao Li was "coerced" by Zhang Lang's background again, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Then, in the future, he can only rely on himself and his friends...

Thinking of his little friend, Zhang Wei's footsteps of leaving suddenly stopped.

"Speaking of which, my two clients said they were going out to let the wind go, why haven't they come back all day?"

"Mr. Zhang, Qin Gaojian, have you two seen my clients Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun?"

Zhang Lang and Qin Yang looked at each other, then Zhang Lang said with a smile: "Lawyer Zhang, you can't even look down on your own client, why are you asking about us again?"

"Who knows, maybe they will come back on Monday, anyway, I know, they can't be missing."

Zhang Wei glanced at the two of them, and underestimated as he left: "I'm just wondering, the CSB department is theoretically watching us every day, how could it be possible that they don't know where my client is?"

Zhang Lang and Qin Yang's expressions changed slightly when they heard Zhang Wei's muttering.

"Then I will resign and prepare for Monday's trial!"

Qin Yang also bid farewell to Lao Li immediately, and left without even leaving with Zhang Lang.

As for Zhang Lang, he thought of something, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In Monday's hearing, he will teach Zhang Wei a good lesson!

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