Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 415 The third hearing, a new tainted witness?

Monday, court day.

Another weekend passed.

But in the early morning, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan actually came back.

The two came back cautiously, even Zhang Xinwu, who was sitting in the martial arts gym, almost didn't notice it.

But Zhang Wei was very calm, because he expected that the two would come back.

After all, the only possible and conditional way to kidnap the two is the CSB department, and they are still counting on convicting the two.

So when the court day comes, they will naturally "send" the two of them back.

After the two came back, they didn't say a word, and locked themselves in the dormitory of Zhang's martial arts hall.

Today's court session is in the afternoon, but in the morning, I can make some adjustments and get ready.

Zhang Wei also took time to meet the two during the preparation period.

But the two of them didn't say a word the whole time. Every time Zhang Wei asked about the weekend, their eyes still flickered.

Obviously, something happened to them.

But the two dare not say that they are probably threatened.

Zhang Wei didn't ask too much, because he had already guessed it.

He just comforted the two of them, told them not to think too much, and then left amicably.

After Zhang Wei left, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan looked at each other.

Now, they both knew that the other was in trouble.

If the guess is correct, the other party should have endured the same suffering as himself.

"Keyboard, I know you must have been threatened like me, but I hope you can think about it clearly. Attorney Zhang is on our side, but what about those people!"

Zhu Erdan spoke earnestly, and after saying a word, he chose to lie down.

He was too tired this weekend, and he was scared outside, so he didn't sleep well.

On the contrary, when he returned to this dormitory, he felt an inexplicable sense of peace in his heart.

The trial was in the afternoon anyway, so he decided to take advantage of the morning to catch up on sleep.

Zhu Erdan fell asleep quickly, and the sound of snoring reached the ears of Liu Dashun who was next door.

Compared to his companion's calmness, Liu Dashun's expression was a little tangled.

His heart seemed to be struggling, as if he was fighting.

No one else could know how tormented Liu Dashun was.

Next door to Zhang's Martial Art Museum.

After Zhang Wei left the martial arts hall, he walked to the gate of Zhao Mansion.

He raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door, but unfortunately there was no answer for a long time.

"It looks like Uncle Zhao is still in the company."

Now that he knew that Zhao Qingyan was not at home, the only answer was that the other party was busy at Blacksmith Technology.

He also knows what the other party is busy with.

"Forget it, go back and prepare for the trial in the afternoon."

After glancing at the time, Zhang Wei also returned to the Lin residence.



Municipal Court, Grand Court.

The third hearing finally arrived.

With the experience of the previous two times, many people came to grab a seat just after noon, after lunch.

Therefore, Nuo Da is a big court, and there is almost no place for hearing seats.

Especially in the front row, a group of people from the local inspection headquarters had seized the position with the best view in the front row.

Zhao Chunming, Guo Wufeng, Xiao Baihe, they all crossed their arms, ready to fight.

Because they know that maybe today is the time to decide the outcome.

The contest between Dongfangdu and Longdu proves whether their local prosecutor's headquarters in Dongfangdu is really as unbearable as Qin Yang said, just today.

"I really envy Tan Yingying, who can grab the nearest seat."

"If you want to be envious, why don't you go for her?"

"Farewell, I don't want to help that high-level prosecutor from Longdu."

"Isn't that enough?"

Several prosecutors sitting in the corner began to whisper and whisper.

Because the place with the best view in the courtroom is actually the seat of the prosecution and the defense, and one person has already passed ahead of time.

Sitting there was Tan Yingying who looked loveless!

Tan Yingying was holding the laptop in her hands, beside Qin Yang who was sitting on top of the old god, and beside Qin Yang was sitting Zhang Lang with a smile on his lips.

It could be seen that apart from Tan Yingying, the other two on the prosecution table were in a good mood.

Zhang Lang is really in a good mood, as can be seen from his sinister smile and confident face.

During the weekend, he had already done double insurance, not only eliminated two difficult jurors, but also made a strong deterrent to one of the defendants!

Now, the jury is arguably on their side, and one of the defendants is about to turn on the same.

It can be said that Zhang Wei will have no chance of winning.

Zhang Lang looked at the defense next door who hadn't attended yet, and the corners of his mouth were about to crack behind his ears.

Jie Jie Jie... I have the advantage!

On the prosecution table, Zhang Lang was happy, and Qin Yang was also in a good mood.

Although he behaved calmly, he was also very happy inside, which can be seen from the occasional flipping of his five fingers.

The frequent small movements of his hands also showed that his heart was not calm, and he was even equally excited.

Over the weekend, Zhang Lang got the jury out.

And he knew that Zhang Lang must have also carried out the necessary "threat + intimidation" against the defendant.

Of course, he is not clear about the specific situation. If he is not clear, he can turn a blind eye to it.

In theory, the situation is already overwhelmingly unfavorable for the defense.

Not only that, but he also has a hidden hand of cards, which can give the defense a thunderous blow when necessary!

Thinking of the killing move in his hands, Qin Yang smiled.

It looks like... it's safe!

The two on the prosecution seat were full of confidence, they didn't know how to lose this one!

At this time, the door of the court opened, and Zhang Wei and his party finally came.

All eyes were on the defense.

"This time, I see Xuan!"

"It's rare for Longdu to come and become a powerful person. I don't know if this Lawyer Zhang will usher in a defeat."

"It's a pity, these defendants are all young, and they actually did that kind of thing!"

There was a lot of discussion in the hearing booth.

However, many people are not optimistic about Zhang Wei. After all, the charge this time is espionage, and many people still choose to trust the special department.

Even though Zhang Wei fought vigorously in the last two days of last week, for some people who eat melons, they feel that Zhao Xiaoxiao and the other three are guilty.

And Zhang Wei also noticed this meaning.

"Preconceived ideas come first!"

He muttered, and after saying "hello" to Xiao Baihe and the others, he took Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three of them to the defense bench.

The door of the court opened again, but this time it was not Lao Li who came, but a member of the serious crime team.

Wu Yong brought Xia Qianyue and other members of Group 7 to the court.

But Team Wu has already finished testifying. They are not witnesses, but observers, and those who are seated are all crowded hearing seats.

Xia Qianyue sat next to Xiao Baihe, originally Tan Yingying's seat.

Zhang Wei waved at Xia Qianyue as a greeting, and Xia Qianyue responded with a "come on" look.

Zhang Wei was very moved, and he was very happy that Xia Hanhan came to support him.

Then he swept his eyes across the back row of the hearing booth, but unfortunately he didn't see Zhao Qingyan's position.

"Uncle Zhao, please hurry up, I don't want to wait anxiously..."

With a mutter in his heart, he also took his seat.

So far, both the prosecution and the defense are in place.

"All rise!"

The court guard shouted loudly, and the court suddenly fell silent.

Old Li wore a jet-black robe, combed the court meticulously, and walked in refreshed.

It seems that he rested well at home for two days this weekend.

"Ahem, are you all here?"

Lao Li glanced around and found that neither the prosecution nor the defense were absent.

"Here, this court would like to explain that among the 12 jurors in this case, two jurors blatantly violated the jury agreement. Therefore, after discussions between the prosecution and the defense in this court over the weekend, it was decided to exclude these two jurors. , and their positions were replaced by candidate first and second jurors, I hereby inform everyone present!"

After Lao Li's announcement, everyone looked at the jury, and sure enough, they found two new faces.

"Well, we have informed you of the matter before the trial, and now this court announces that the third official hearing of the espionage prosecution of Zhao Xiaoxiao, Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan will now begin!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Li flipped through his notes, "The witness who testified in court last Friday was Mr. Zhang from the CSB department. Please continue to come to the witness stand!"

Zhang Lang got up and sat in the witness stand.

"This court would like to explain here that last Friday, Mr. Zhang proposed to collect digital evidence on defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao's electronic equipment. The court agreed after consultation and decided to suspend the trial. Then he and his technicians arrived at defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao's residence to conduct digital evidence collection on the equipment. complete e-discovery."

"Now this court informs everyone present that after the determination of the professional and technical personnel of the CSB department, the network signature of a hacker code-named 'ghost' was found on the computer of the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao, but at the same time it was also discovered that the computer was invaded by the outside world. Mark of."

"So this court can inform you that the defense lawyer's concept that the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao's computer may be used as a substitute by the ghost is a proven and reasonable doubt in this case!"

Lao Li tapped the hammer and looked at the jury: "Please remember, the jury, if you discuss the decision later, you must take this into consideration!"

The 12-member jury all nodded to show they heard.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say... Defense, do you want to continue cross-examining witnesses?"

"We really want to ask Mr. Zhang a few simple questions."

Zhang Wei walked quickly to the witness stand, and then asked: "Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask whether your CSB department has conducted 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance on me and my client?"

"We did this to prevent the accused from absconding in fear of crime!"

"But is the 24-hour close surveillance too much? My client also has human rights?"

"Our CSB department has the right to monitor and investigate the area where the suspect lives independently of the field work and the investigation department, which is also the right of action given to us by the top management."

Facing Zhang Wei's question, Zhang Lang explained with a calm expression: "Besides, cyber hackers are different from ordinary criminals. We need to monitor the network information in the suspect's living area and nearby areas, which will consume a lot of manpower and material resources. We need to arrange more. People are normal too."

"If Lawyer Zhang thinks that our monitoring has gone too far, then I can only say that the 24-hour strict monitoring is to prevent the defendant from causing greater damage to network information, all of which are necessary measures in line with the internal code of conduct of my CSB department! "

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Necessary measures? Well, I don't have to worry about these anymore?"

"Judge Li, we have no problem with the witness Mr. Zhang for the time being!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei had finished his questioning, Lao Li gave Zhang Lang a wink, and the latter naturally stood up.

"Oh, by the way, since Lawyer Zhang has finished asking questions, I just have something to say in court!"

After Zhang Lang got up, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he glanced at the defense witness stand.

"Lawyer Zhang, you may not know that Liu Dashun, one of the defendants you represented, approached our CSB department yesterday and agreed to be our new tainted witness to report the crimes of the other two defendants you represented! "

Following what Zhang Lang said, Zhang Wei looked back at Liu Dashun.

Unexpectedly, your boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes turned out to be a traitor.

However, his expression wasn't much of a surprise, because he knew that Zhang Lang would definitely do something small, even if he was planning to turn against Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan at the same time, he wouldn't be surprised.

"What a keyboard, you actually betrayed us!"

But Liu Dashun's betrayal made Zhu Erdan unable to bear it, and angrily reprimanded him in court.

"Hmph, rubbish!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao also had her hips crossed, her cute little face was full of displeasure.

Even in the jury seat, many people looked over unexpectedly, and some people in the hearing seat whispered to each other.

"Judge Li, the prosecution summoned a new tainted witness, Liu Dashun, to testify in court!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Qin Yang immediately interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Liu Dashun walked slowly into the courtroom from the witness stand. He lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at Zhang Wei.

"Since Liu Dashun is the new witness you released, I can ask you a little more, your old witness Liu Xiaotao, he..."

"The agreement he signed with our department is null and void, and now he has pleaded guilty and has been sent to a place of detention!"

Hearing Zhang Lang's standard speech of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, Zhang Wei was not surprised at all.

Liu Xiaotao thought he could testify in court against Zhao Xiaoxiao and the other three in exchange for his freedom.

But he actually thought too much.

Cooperating with someone like Zhang Lang is simply seeking skin from a tiger. Once the testimony is invalid, the latter will definitely tear up the cooperation agreement.

Liu Xiaotao can only say that he deserved what he deserved, and he will definitely spend the rest of his life in prison.

deserve it!

After knowing the result he wanted to know, Zhang Wei naturally walked back to the defense bench.

"Hello, Witness."


Facing Qin Yang's greeting, Liu Dashun responded cautiously.

"Witness, thank you very much for turning your back on the wrong path, forsaking the dark and turning to the bright, thank you for standing on our side, on the side of justice."

Qin Yang said, and after praising Liu Dashun's behavior, he asked: "Then witness, please tell us the issue we are most concerned about now, who are you?"

"I'm Liu Dashun, and I'm also a hacker codenamed Keyboard."

"From March last year to the beginning of this year, did you attack the database of a series of companies in Yuanfeng, and stole the core information and customer data within the company?"


"I heard that you are good at using miniature monitoring equipment, and even installing equipment on some small animals, allowing them to enter areas that humans cannot reach, to achieve the purpose of monitoring?"

"Yeah, a lot of people in this business know I'm the only one who does that."

"In the information theft case of the Yuanfeng Group, we found these small animals with monitoring equipment on their bodies, including rats and wolves. Are these all your masterpieces?"


In line with Liu Dashun's speech, many pictures of animals appeared on the projection screen again.

Many people were disgusted when they saw it.

They also did not expect that mice and cockroaches could be equipped with monitoring equipment.

Disgusting, disgusting!

Seeing this scene, Qin Yang knew that this was the effect he wanted.

He immediately asked: "So, you admit that you have committed the crime of espionage?"

"I..." Liu Dashun didn't know how to answer when he heard this question.

After looking around, he saw Zhang Lang nodding to him, with a hint of threat in his eyes.

"I admit that I stole part of the server data of those companies and some customer information, but I don't know that those companies have special backgrounds. And I finally handed over these data to the initiator of the task,"

"You mean, you didn't know that the initiator of the mission actually had a foreign influence background, and then you handed over the confidential information of our Dragon Kingdom to the other party?"

"I...I really don't know..." Liu Dashun was about to cry.

But Qin Yang sneered in his heart, whether you know it or not, the crime of espionage has been confirmed.

As for whether there is intentionality subjectively, it depends on whether the jury believes your defense.

But judging from your current performance, this defense is probably not very convincing.

Moreover, as long as the fault of the behavior can be proved, whether it is subjectively intentional or not is something that the defense needs to spend time and effort to prove, and it is the defense that suffers.

"Last question, Liu Dashun, please tell us, as one of the executors of those hacking operations, do you know the other two on the defense bench?"

"Yes, he is PigMan, she is TheGhost!"

Under Qin Yang's questioning, Liu Dashun directly identified Zhu Erdan and Zhao Xiaoxiao in court.

"Are you sure? I'm afraid that the defense lawyer will deny it again and use the so-called online signature to fool everyone."


Liu Dashun glanced at Zhang Lang again, the latter's eyes were full of threats.

"I'm sure, sure and sure!"

He nodded quickly, and said quickly: "During the weekend, we almost stayed together. I heard the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao admitting that she is a ghost, and I also heard the defendant Zhu Erdan explaining to me many times. own identity!"

"And there was that party, we all reported our code names. In that party, Zhao Xiaoxiao clearly stated that her identity was TheGhost, which is what you call ghost. I can swear to God on this point, I said It's all true!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

Good guy, is this a stone hammer?

The judge also said just now that Zhao Xiaoxiao may have been wronged, and there are reasonable doubts in this case.

As a result, when you went to court as a witness, you eliminated all these reasonable doubts?

The strength of this witness for the prosecution is really fast and strong!

"Thank you for the testimony of the witness, we have no problem!"

Hearing what Liu Dashun said, Qin Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Now, it can be regarded as a powerful blow to the prosecution, and his mission has been completed.

Next, it depends on whether this tainted witness can resist the attack of the defense lawyer.

But Qin Yang was not worried at all, and was even very calm.

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