Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 416 Rebutting Witness Xia Qianjun, What Kind of Relationship?

"Defense, it's your turn to cross-examine the tainted witnesses!"

In court, Lao Li nodded towards Zhang Wei.

"Come on, Zhang Wei, don't let that traitor go!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao also feared that the world would not be chaotic, so she cheered on Zhang Wei from her seat.

"I'll do my best!"

Zhang Wei responded with a word, then got up and walked to the witness stand.

Seeing him approaching, Liu Dashun, who was sitting on the witness stand, lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at him.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei directly emphasized his tone: "Witness, please raise your head and look directly into my eyes!"

Being so frightened, Liu Dashun instinctively raised his head, but after confronting Zhang Wei, he was about to lower his head again.

"What are you afraid of? Even if I dare not look directly at you, you still want the jury to believe your words?" Zhang Wei yelled again.

Liu Dashun's heart was already in torment, but now that Zhang Wei yelled at him so loudly, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help crying.

"Liu Dashun, I never thought that you would betray the 'organization' with thick eyebrows and big eyes. I thought it would be Zhu Erdan who was instigated to rebel."

At the defense table, Zhu Erdan almost couldn't bear it anymore.

Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean, what do you mean you thought it was me?

I have always believed in you!

Alas, there is no sense of trust in this world, life is so tiring...


On the witness stand, Liu Dashun was also asked this question by Zhang Wei, and was also speechless.

"No, defense lawyers are intimidating witnesses!"

Although Qin Yang didn't care about Liu Dashun's life or death, he got up and interrupted.

"Lawyer Zhang Wei, please pay attention to your attitude when you speak!" Lao Li also warned in cooperation.

What he meant: Enough is enough for you kid, this is a court, take it easy. No matter how loud your voice is, you can go to the theater to participate in the tenor competition.

"Sorry, Judge Li, I will pay attention."

Zhang Wei slightly apologized, but there was no trace of sincerity in his eyes.

"Witness Liu Dashun, I would like to ask you, why did you testify against my client, Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others?"

"I'm just telling the truth..."

"Oh, to be honest?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then looked at Zhang Lang on the prosecution seat.

Whether you are telling the truth, or being threatened, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance.

Of course, what you said is indeed the truth, and everyone knows this in their hearts.

"Okay, let me ask you another question, a key question!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger and said emphatically: "Witness Liu Dashun, may I ask why you were suddenly ready to abandon the dark and turn to the bright at the weekend? What made you want to join the prosecution?"

Liu Dashun hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth: "It's because..."

"Don't tell us, it's because of the so-called sense of justice, do you think we will believe it?"

But before his words started, he was interrupted by Zhang Wei's direct ridicule.

"This..." Liu Dashun said, how do you know what I'm going to say.

You've already said that, how should I answer the call?

He could only look at Zhang Lang as if asking for help, but unfortunately the latter didn't say anything.

"Objection, harassing the witness, why did the defense interrupt the witness after asking questions, did lawyer Zhang intend to let the witness answer the question?"

Fortunately, Qin Yang did not give up on Liu Dashun, and stood up to speak for him.

"Sorry, I didn't ask carefully, then I will reorganize the language."

Zhang Wei hurriedly stated his position and asked again: "Liu Dashun, you have always been my client before. What made you change your position and choose to testify in court? Is it because you have been threatened from outside?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Lang's eyes on the prosecution's seat changed.

"Objection!" Qin Yang also got up immediately and interrupted Zhang Wei.

"The objection is invalid!" But this time, Lao Li did not stand on the prosecution side.

"Witness, please answer this question. Whether you have changed your position because of threats is very important to the court!"

Liu Dashun felt the pressure from the judge, as well as the gazes from all directions.


But from the prosecution's seat, there was a cough, which came from Zhang Lang.

"Mr. Zhang, is your throat uncomfortable?"

Usually, this is a point that no one cares about, but Zhang Wei walked up to Zhang Lang with an exaggerated expression, putting on a face of "hypocritical concern".

"The work intensity is too high these days, and I'm a little tired..."

"Oh, that's right, watching us around the clock, the work intensity is really high~"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then walked back to the witness stand: "Liu Dashun, please answer my question, have you been threatened?"

"But don't worry, if you are really threatened, you can tell it in court, and Lao Li and I will make the decision for you."

Lao Li rolled his eyes, it's enough for you, lawyer Zhang, to make the decision alone, and I won't join in the fun.

"I..." Liu Dashun hesitated.

"Ahem!" Another cough came from the prosecution seat.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with you, your throat feels uncomfortable?"

Zhang Lang didn't bother to answer. I told you that the work was intense, and you kid pretended not to hear it on purpose.

"Witness, is it difficult for you to answer?"

Zhang Wei looked at the hesitant Liu Dashun, and said with a smile, "Is this question difficult? Yes, yes, no, no?"


Liu Dashun hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision: "I am not threatened!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait, that kid didn't panic!" But Qin Yang, who was sitting next to him, felt something was wrong.

Zhang Lang looked over quickly, and found that Zhang Wei's expression was calm, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This guy didn't seem surprised by Liu Dashun's answer at all, he even expected it a long time ago?

Qin Yang and Zhang Lang's hearts seemed to "thump".

Zhang Wei, is there some hidden trick behind him?

In fact, they guessed right.

"Judge Li, in response to the witness's answer to this question, we will summon a rebuttal witness!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the trial seat.

"Well, if you can prove that the witness is lying, then subpoenaing the rebuttal witness is also necessary, and this court approves it!"

Lao Li agreed, so Zhang Wei can play.

"The defense sent a message to refute the witness to testify in court!"

The door of the court was pushed open, and then four figures came out.

Three of them walked to the defense witness stand, while the other walked straight to the witness stand.

"It's actually them!"

Seeing the four people who appeared, many people in the court were stunned.

Especially Zhang Lang and Qin Yang on the prosecution bench frowned slightly.

Because they couldn't believe it, how could these few become Zhang Wei's witnesses.

"Why did Zhang Wei call them here?"

In the front row of the hearing seat, Xiao Baihe looked strange, and then looked at the person next door.

"Xia Hanhan, why did Zhang Wei call your brother over?"

"I do not know?"

Xia Qianyue's answer was worthy of her IQ.

Xiao Baihe rolled her eyes, she would not have asked if she knew about it.

Witnesses in court.

"Hello, witness Xia Qianjun!"

It was Xia Qianjun who went to court, he was also Zhang Wei's uncle and Xia Qianyue's own brother.

The other three were naturally his two friends Gao Yang and Luo Qi, and their instructor Zhou Xiaoli.


Xia Qianjun's attitude towards Zhang Wei was naturally very indifferent.

In fact, if this guy in front of him hadn't convinced Zhou Xiaoli, he wouldn't have come to appear in court.

"Witness, please explain your identity and the tasks you are performing over the weekend?"

"I'm Xia Qianjun, a member of the special operations team. I carried out a stalking mission over the weekend, and the target was the ghost of a hacker suspected of being an internationally wanted hacker!"

"In other words, you have been monitoring our client who is suspected to be a ghost all weekend?"

"Yes." Xia Qianjun nodded.

Hearing this, Zhang Lang on the prosecution seat frowned.

Someone in the war department is also monitoring Zhao Xiaoxiao, why doesn't CSB know about it?

He cast his eyes on Zhou Xiaoli, but found that Zhou Xiaoli was also looking at him, and the other party's eyes were full of sarcasm, mockery, and indifference.

"Huh, your CSB has never paid attention to our other departments because of the high authority given by the superior. We only dispatched four people to monitor, but you have forty people. Which one do you think is easier to find the other party?"

Zhou Xiaoli's crazy OS caused Zhang Wei to be offended, and you guys are going to have a good time today.

In court, Zhang Wei also began to ask questions.

"May I ask the witness, what did you see during the surveillance?"

"We saw two people coming out of the monitored location and were secondary targets of two other suspected top hackers."

Xia Qianjun said, glanced at Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun, and continued: "In order to ensure that there are no omissions in the surveillance mission, two people from our team followed them."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Lang on the prosecution's seat couldn't hold back completely.

He knew that Xia Qianjun was a member of the war department, and he must be very skilled. He might have witnessed the actions of the CSB department with his own eyes.

"Oh, you followed them all the way?"

"Yes, after following for a day, I even witnessed the fact that they went out to make a phone call and were kidnapped!"


Zhang Wei pretended to be "surprised", and hurriedly asked: "Witness, who did you see kidnapping them?"

"They are all men in black, wearing sunglasses, and well-trained. But judging from their action patterns, they should be from special departments."

As soon as this remark came out, countless people cast their eyes on Zhang Lang.

You are not the only ones in the special department who monitor Zhu Erdan and Liu Dashun all the time.

The one who kidnapped the two, who else could it be if it wasn't you?

Feeling the gazes around him, Zhang Lang clenched his fists with five fingers, and his face darkened.

"No, hearsay evidence!" On the other side, Qin Yang stood up immediately.

"Judge Li, my witness is a member of the Special Operations Group of the War Department. He has good conduct and has no record of bad conduct. He just verbalized what he saw during the execution of the mission yesterday, and there will be a corresponding statement in the mission record." I don’t think this can be considered as hearsay evidence?”

But Zhang Wei had predicted it a long time ago, and directly came up with the prepared remarks.


Lao Li thought for a while, then glanced at Xia Qianjun again.

Although you said so, everyone knows that this witness is your brother-in-law. It is hard for you two to pretend that you don't know each other in court.

"This court also agrees with the defense lawyer. The witness is a member of the special operations team. If the prosecution does not have strong evidence to prove that the witness has committed dishonesty, then this court does not agree with your objection!"

Qin Yang sat down helplessly.

Zhang Wei nodded to Lao Li with a smile and thanked him.

"Witness, please continue to explain what happened yesterday."

"Yesterday I followed them all the way, and finally came to an abandoned factory in the suburbs. Unfortunately, there were too many people on the other side. I couldn't enter the factory to confirm the situation, so I could only guard it outside. After about a day, they were sent back again. .”

"How long have my two clients been taken away?"

"It took at least 25 hours from when they were kidnapped to when they were sent back."

"Oh, it's been so long, I wouldn't be surprised if anything happened inside~"

Zhang Wei glanced at the jury meaningfully, with obvious intentions.

The jury also cooperated with him, and many people looked at the prosecution table with suspicion.

What happened in these 25 hours may only be clear to them.

But for sure, 25 hours, when you said you didn't threaten witnesses, you were joking.

"Thank you for the witness's answer, we will end the question!"

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianjun thanked each other and returned to their seats.

On the other side, Qin Yang flipped through the records in the notebook and slowly got up.

He walked to the witness stand step by step and took a careful look at Xia Qianjun.

"Young man, are you very kind?"

Xia Qianjun froze for a moment, showing a completely incomprehensible expression.

Is this a question?

"I would like to ask, what is your relationship with the girl in the front row of the hearing?"

Qin Yang asked again, and raised his finger to point to the hearing seat.

"She is my sister Xia Qianyue."

"Oh, it's your sister."

Qin Yang nodded, and then couldn't help asking: "Then can you tell me, what is the relationship between your sister and the defense lawyer?"


Xia Qianjun actually didn't want to answer this question.

Because this does not admit the fact that Zhang Wei is his brother-in-law.

"Witness, please answer the question truthfully!" But Lao Li warned with a serious face.

"The defense lawyer... and my sister are currently... that kind of relationship!"

Xia Qianyue gritted her teeth and squeezed out these few words word by word.

"That kind of relationship!" Qin Yang suddenly realized, and then asked: "Then your sister has a relationship with the defense lawyer, won't your testimony be biased towards the defense?"

"What I said is the truth!"

"Track the kidnappers... oh, I mean the only kidnappers you see, when you're following this team of possible kidnappers, you're the only one, right?"


"Doesn't that mean that it is possible for you to see anything, because you can imagine it out of thin air."

"be opposed to!"

What Qin Yang said was for Zhang Wei to stand up and interrupt.

"The objection is invalid!" But Lao Li didn't give Zhang Wei face and vetoed the objection.

Qin Yang laughed, this time the judge didn't help Zhang Wei, which meant that the judge also took care of the curiosity of other people present.

But everyone on the scene is rolling their eyes at this moment.

The relationship you are talking about, what kind of relationship is it, can you stop playing charades?

"Witness, let me ask again. You said that during the weekend, you saw Liu Dashun, the prosecution's tainted witness, kidnapped. You were the only one who saw it, right?"


"So he's back on Monday, right?"


"Is there a possibility that he didn't kidnap him at all, or that the person who kidnapped him may have been arranged by the defense lawyer in order to blame the CSB department and invalidate the trial?"

"No, the prosecution is framing it!"

Qian Qinyang wanted to pour dirty water on himself again, but Zhang Wei interrupted immediately.

"I'm just asking for reasonable doubt, and the defense loves to do nothing more than invalidate a trial!"

However, Qin Yang had already prepared his speech, "Isn't this your previous routine for the defense, raising reasonable doubts."

"I, Zhang, don't bother to do such a thing. If I want to win this court trial, there is actually another way. I don't need to use such low-handed methods!"

"Then Cheng Lisha and Xu Zhifeng, do these two know what you're saying?"

Zhang Wei was speechless, can you do it, and use the dead as an example.

"Judge Li, I believe everyone knows that the deaths of these two people have nothing to do with me, right?"

"Indeed, so your objection is valid!"

Old Li warned Qin Yang: "Although the prosecution can raise reasonable doubts, but Qin Gaojian, can you please stop rambling and bring out some things that have nothing to do with the case!"

"Sorry, Judge Li, I'm just expressing my feelings." Qin Yang apologized clearly, but sneered in his heart.

Because just after he said the defense's usual routine, it really made the jury suspicious.

Is it really possible that the kidnapping incident over the weekend was caused by the defense to plant the blame on the CSB department, thereby invalidating the trial?

This possibility... shouldn't be small.

"For this witness, we have nothing to question!"

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Qin Yang naturally ended the questioning.

He walked back to the prosecution's seat, and Zhang Lang couldn't help but nodded.

As expected of being from Longdu, he vetoed all the rebuttal witnesses' testimony in a few words.

Now the jury is beginning to doubt the purpose of the defense, which can be said to be absolutely beneficial to the prosecution.

Zhang Lang felt that using his connections to invite this Qin Gaojian from Longdu was definitely the most correct move.

"Attorney for the defense, may I ask you to summon the witness Liu Dashun to question in court?"

"Judge Li, I don't need it for the time being. Our side has ended the cross-examination and hopes to start self-certification soon."

"Oh well……"

Lao Li also understands that Zhang Wei is currently at a disadvantage, so if he wants to regain his advantage, he must start to prove himself.

"The prosecution?"

"Judge Li, the prosecution has decided to end its statement and give the defense the opportunity to testify!"

Qin Yang also cooperated very well. After the opening statement was over, the stage was given up.

In this case, it is the defense's turn to prove itself.

"Lawyer Zhang, your defense can begin!"

As Lao Li was promoted, Zhang Wei got up.

However, his gaze stayed on Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Erdan for a moment.

Whom to summon?

He took another look at the back row of the hearing booth, the entrance to the courtroom.

Zhao Qingyan still didn't move, so in order to buy time, an irrelevant witness must come.

"The defense summoned the defendant Zhu Erdan to testify in court!"

That being the case, he summoned Zhu Erdan directly.

Zhu Erdan walked to the court step by step, and then sat in the witness stand.

Self-certification begins.

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