Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 417: Zhu Erdan Testifies, You Murder for Money!

On the witness stand, Zhu Erdan was ready to take questions.

"Hello witness."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

After a brief greeting, Zhang Wei began to ask questions.

"Witness, I heard that you are a hacker, nicknamed PigMan, codenamed 'Pigman', is that true?"

Zhu Erdan's eyes flickered, he looked around, then nodded solemnly: "Yes."

"Well, then, are you familiar with TheGhost, who is also a hacker, or ghost?"

"I'm not familiar with it. In fact, we have been communicating in the chat room all the time, and we have never met offline."

Zhu Erdan quickly denied it, and then glanced at Zhao Xiaoxiao who was on the defense bench.

It's true, before that night, they all communicated online.

Not to mention knowing each other, he doesn't even know whether the ghost is a man or a woman.

"Haven't we met?"

Zhang Wei knew the reason and asked: "Then that is to say, you don't even know whether the ghost is male or female, old or young, from the Dragon Kingdom or a foreigner?"


"When Zhao Xiaoxiao appeared that night, did she admit that she was a ghost?"

Zhu Erdan pretended to be trying to remember, then shook his head: "It seems that there is no..."

"So, did you think she was a ghost the whole time?"

"It seems, really..." Zhu Erdan nodded as if he remembered something.

"How did you guess?"

"It was Liu Xiaotao who started guessing!"

Zhu Erdan glanced at the prosecution chair and recalled: "At that time, they all guessed that I was Pig Man, and then guessed that Liu Dashun's identity was a keyboard, and then used the method of elimination to guess the identity of other people. Became a ghost..."

"Think of me as a ghost, probably because you really don't know ghosts, right?"


"Witness, let me ask a simple question, how old do you think Zhao Xiaoxiao is?"

"Maybe around 20 years old, if I didn't already have someone I like, maybe I would fall in love with a cute girl like her..."

Hearing Zhu Erdan's answer, Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction.

However, Zhao Xiaoxiao on the defense table looked disgusted, and looked at Zhu Erdan with contempt.

Do you have someone you like, who is it?

Obviously a paper man!

Four fast steamed goose hearts~

"Then, do you think a girl of this age will have a sense of vanity?"


Zhu Erdan was surprised for a moment, then guessed: "There should be..."

Zhang Wei was very satisfied with this answer, and smiled slightly: "Is there such a possibility that Zhao Xiaoxiao is not a ghost, but she got the information about holding a party from somewhere."

"Or, the ghost notified her through some channel, and asked her to attend the hacker party instead of herself, so that she was mistaken for a ghost by others."

"You can also imagine that a rebellious girl can suddenly become a big shot in the hacker world. This kind of identity change is not a common thing. How can a little girl resist such a temptation?"

When Zhang Wei said this, he looked back at Zhao Xiaoxiao, and then said: "Actually, what she doesn't know is that the human heart is sinister, and the ghost asked her to go to the party. In fact, she didn't have good intentions, but asked her to be her substitute. !"

"Even, the ghost knew that he might be targeted by the CSB department, so he specially found someone to confuse the sight of the CSB department, making them mistakenly think that they had caught the ghost, but the ghost who is currently at large has been at large, even whether the other party is in the dragon or not. The country is a problem!"

"be opposed to!"

Zhang Wei's defense finally made Qin Yang unable to bear it anymore, and he got up to interrupt directly.

But Zhang Wei sneered and retorted loudly: "The objection is invalid, because the digital forensics conducted by the CSB department over the weekend is evidence!"

"Digital forensics can prove that my client Zhao Xiaoxiao's computer has indeed been hacked, and the person who hacked her is probably a real ghost, which can prove that she is a ghost substitute."

"And a little girl could suddenly become a well-known ghost in the hacker world one day. She couldn't stand the temptation and chose to go to the appointment instead of the ghost. Isn't it impossible?"

Qin Yang's words were repeatedly refuted by Zhang Wei.

"Judge Li..." Qin Yang had no choice but to look at the trial seat.

But after thinking about it, Lao Li shook his head at the two: "The objection is invalid. The defense lawyer is right. This is indeed a reasonable doubt."

"However, whether the objection is valid or not is a matter for this court to announce. The defense lawyer's act of speaking without authorization is not acceptable to this court!"

"Sorry, Judge Li, I was too excited."

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, but after the apology, he came to the witness stand again.

"Witness, although I said a lot of exciting things just now, do you also feel that there is such a possibility?"

"Ghost should be a big name among hackers. A little girl who doesn't know much about the world suddenly got the chance to become a ghost. Is it possible that she might not be able to stand the real~real~ghost for her own vanity? ~Ling~'s temptation, choose to become a substitute for the ghost?"

Zhu Erdan thought for a while, then nodded solemnly: "I think it should be very possible!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the jury and hearing seats nodded in cooperation.

A little girl, for the sake of her own vanity, might indeed call herself a ghost.

The point is, the real ghost is also happy to see someone as his substitute.

The wind direction of the court began to change...

"Good guy, you actually used this kind of routine. The point is, the jury was really moved by such a low-level reason..."

At the prosecution's seat, although Qin Yang was refuted by Zhang Wei, there was no trace of anger on his face, and he was able to analyze Zhang Wei's routine in his heart.

Even at this moment, the direction of the court no longer favors the prosecution, and he is not worried at all.

But compared to that, Zhang Lang next door is not calm.

"Qin Gaojian, think of a way, if this continues, that ghost may be innocent!"

"Mr. Zhang, calm down. It's not like we don't have a chance. Now it's the defense witnesses speaking, and it's not time for me to cross-examine."

Zhang Lang looked annoyed when he heard Qin Yang's answer, but he didn't attack.

"Then please Qin Gaojian and others can help us recover our disadvantages during the cross-examination, otherwise, if you can't, you will be ashamed of your nickname of 'General Victory'!"

Dissatisfied, vented, even with a hint of sarcasm and threat in his tone!

Zhang Lang was obviously very disgusted with Qin Yang's calmness, and even thought that the latter did not pay much attention to the trial.

And Qin Yang snorted softly, complaining in his heart: "Hmph, I'm not your subordinate, do I need to endure your yin and yang aura?"

Qin Yang and Zhang Lang don't like each other.

In the court, Zhang Wei also noticed this unpleasantness from the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, fighting in the nest?"

He glanced at the two of them, and found that although these two were in the situation of "dislike each other", they hadn't reached the level of fighting in the nest.

After remembering this, he looked at Zhu Erdan.

"Thanks to the witness for his answer. The defense has nothing to ask about this witness."

Zhang Wei explained the question, and Lao Li also looked at the prosecution seat in due course.

The prosecution and the defense switched positions.

Qin Yang got up and walked to the witness stand step by step.

Seeing Qin Yang approaching, Zhu Erdan swallowed subconsciously, feeling a little nervous.

"Witness, since you admit that you are a hacker pigman, do you admit that you have been secretly hacking since March last year, attacking the corporate security network of Yuanfeng and stealing core data."

Zhu Erdan looked at Zhang Wei, who nodded and shook his head.

"I admit that I am PigMan, and I did the hacking to attack Yuanfeng, but I have never seen these network security data, nor have I seen any core user information, order information, etc."

"Oh, did you admit it, or didn't you admit it?"

"I admit who I am, but I deny that I have committed treason!"

As Zhu Erdan said, he looked at Zhang Wei again, and after seeing the latter nodding, he added: "I think the crime I committed is a general cyber security crime, and it has definitely not risen to the level of espionage."

"The CSB department said that the confidential information we stole was sold to foreign forces, but none of us have handled this information, and that transaction is completely non-existent."

Seeing Zhu Erdan's answer like this, Qin Yang frowned slightly.

Such a cowardly fat man was able to say so many words to himself in court.

And it is clear, admitting that he is guilty of cyber security crimes, but refusing to admit that he is guilty of espionage, and also strongly denying the sale of confidential information.

This is definitely not something a timid person can do. This set of rhetoric is obviously taught him by others.

"Zhang Wei!"

The name flashed across Qin Yang's mind, and he had to admit that Zhang Wei's ability was indeed higher than he expected.


"A timid person, even if he pretends to be calm, his courage will not suddenly become bolder!"

Qin Yang looked at Zhu Erdan and sneered inwardly.

"Witness, let's not talk about ghosts, how about we talk about you?"

"Me?" Zhu Erdan pointed to himself, what do I have to talk about?

"Yes, let's talk about you!"

As Qin Yang spoke, his face became serious: "You said just now that the crimes you have committed are at most general network security crimes, but I have a different opinion."

"I think that in addition to infringing on other people's network information, you also assist others in threatening, intimidating or even harming innocent people, and even the most serious ones include murdering people and killing people!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

What kind of crime is it to murder people for money and cause death?

Qin Yang turned his head and gestured towards Tan Yingying.

The latter immediately switches the content on the projection screen.

The original evidence about Zhao Xiaoxiao and the case disappeared, replaced by some news reports and a few photos of female Internet celebrities.

"Witness, you admit that you are a hacker pigman, then do you admit that you have illegally collected the identities and addresses of these girls, and even private family information?"

Looking at the familiar photos on the screen, Zhu Erdan was startled.

He looked towards the defense bench, and saw Zhang Wei nodded seriously.

"I, I have seen..."

"Why, why don't you dare to admit it out loud, are you guilty of being a thief?"

Qin Yang sneered, and pointed to one of the photos.

"This female Internet celebrity named 'Little Fairy Qiqi' is a good-looking anchor on a live broadcast platform, and has more than 500,000 fans on this platform. You secretly stole her live broadcast IP address, and even located the location of her rented house. , causing her to be harassed by fans during her live broadcasts in the next few months. She suffered from depression and was under mental pressure for a long time, almost having a nervous breakdown. Almost committed suicide!"

"Then there is this female Internet celebrity 'Milk Tea Sister', she is an anchor of Tandian. She got this 'title' because of a live broadcast of Exploring Milk Tea. You used hacking techniques to not only steal her personal information, but even hacked her mobile device, revealing a large number of her private photos, which made her unable to continue the live broadcast, and even often received harassing text messages and phone calls. Sister Milk Tea doesn’t dare to go to crowded places even now. After a doctor’s diagnosis, she suffers from irritant stress disorder, and it’s all because of you!”

"Then, there is this female Internet celebrity 'Xue Li'. She once gained a lot of attention because of her relationship with a well-known rich second generation. After the two broke up, she started a live broadcast business. But it's still you, Zhu Erdan, you are black Her mobile phone and computer exposed all her personal information, company information, etc., and even exposed her indecent private photos with other men on the whole network, so that the whole network abused her without moral bottom line , which caused her to lose her mind at one point, and finally committed suicide by jumping off a building."

Speaking of this, Qin Yang's expression darkened, "Unfortunately, at the beginning of this year, the female Internet celebrity Xueli did not survive a new round of cyber violence and chose to end her life."

On the projection screen, a page of related reports appeared.

"XX's ex-wife couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building"

"Shocked, the last straw that drove people to death was actually a sentence from a netizen"

"Zhu Erdan, without you, I believe she would not have died, right?"

As Qin Yang spoke, he looked towards the witness stand.


Now, Zhu Erdan didn't dare to look up at all.

But Zhu Erdan in Suizhou didn't dare to refute when he was asked, and the eyes that looked at him from all around became particularly unfriendly.

On the projection screen, how many girls were killed by him?

Although Zhu Erdan didn't do anything to these girls, she was indeed the hands that contributed to the flames, and she was still the key person.

Without her hacking skills to steal the information of these girls, would they have to be harassed by fans and abused by black fans?


The network provides security, but this security has been destroyed by Zhu Erdan.

Even, one of the girls lost her life because of it.


You kid is guilty!

At this moment, not only the 12 jurors, but even many people in the hearing booth expressed hostility towards Zhu Erdan.

The most important thing is that this hostility is naked and undisguised!

Obviously, they were extremely disgusted with what Zhu Erdan had done.

As for Qin Yang, he naturally saw the disgust of the jury and decided to use it.

"Zhu Erdan, you are a heinous person, and now you testify that the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao is not a ghost, do you think we can trust you?"

"At that time, there were five people in total at the party, you, Zhao Xiaoxiao and lawyer Zhang, Liu Xiaotao and Liu Dashun. If lawyer Zhang is not counted, both of you denied that Zhao Xiaoxiao was a ghost, but both of us testified that the ghost was Zhao Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao."

"There is a 50% chance that the ghost is Zhao Xiaoxiao, and Zhao Xiaoxiao is the ghost?"

Qin Yang said, looking at the jury, "But I think that Zhu Erdan's testimony is completely unreliable, and he refuses to admit it. Naturally, it is because of the benefits promised to him by the defense lawyer, so he insisted on denying it."

"Jury members, please think about it carefully. Why did the witnesses of the defense turn against the prosecution? Isn't it because Liu Dashun saw clearly the true face of the defense, so he chose to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side?"

"be opposed to!"

What Qin Yang said, Zhang Wei naturally couldn't let him continue, so he got up and interrupted.

There was a sneer on the corner of Qin Yang's mouth, but his tone suddenly became more serious: "Zhu Erdan's crimes are already extremely bad, but compared with him, the technology mastered by ghosts is even more powerful, so will ghosts cause greater destructive power?"

"Moreover, the tainted witnesses of our prosecution have already proved that the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost, but they have never admitted it. They think their false testimony can deceive the jury. Please keep your eyes open. Don't let the real murderer go unpunished..."

"Qin Gaojian!"

After Qin Yang ignored Zhang Wei's objection and continued to speak, Old Li finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Qin Gaojian, aren't you being too presumptuous!" Lao Li hammered the hammer in court, and asked in a cold voice, "Are you trying to use your groundless speculation to affect the fairness and justice of the jury?"

"This court announces that you will be disqualified from cross-examining this witness. Now sit back and reflect on yourself!"

"I'm sorry, Judge Li, because of the crime committed by the witness, I couldn't help it for a while. I apologize." Qin Yang admitted his mistake with a smile.


But what he said made Lao Li's face turn cold again.

Damn it, it's not over, is it?

Qin Yang accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately returned to the prosecution's seat.

His last speech just now had a remarkable effect.

The jury, which originally favored the defense, now all favored the prosecution because they were hostile to Zhu Erdan.

He can guarantee that about 11 out of 12 will vote guilty if a verdict is made now.

Right now I have the advantage!

Qin Yang quickly made a judgment.

"Next, you only have one chance!"

Qin Yang looked at Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao, "And I have prepared the final killer move!"

the other side.

Zhu Erdan also left from the witness stand.

But his complexion was very ugly, and Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at him with contempt.

"Useless guy!"

The latter couldn't help it anymore, and muttered in a low voice in his seat.

"Zhu Erdan deserved what he deserved. Although I wanted to prepare a little more, letting him taste the pain in court would be considered atonement."

Zhang Wei glanced at the jury, sighed, and then moved closer to the second daughter's ear.

"Xiaoxiao, the jury is very unfavorable to us now. It seems that you can only testify in court. Are you confident?"

"Don't worry, leave it to Miss Ben!"

Seeing the second girl pat her chest to reassure, Zhang Wei felt a little uneasy, because you didn't make any noise when you patted her chest.

From the current point of view, Zhu Erdan was exposed, which attracted the hostility of the jury.

Although he had already guessed, he didn't expect the backlash to be so strong.

For this reason, they had to let Zhao Xiaoxiao go to court.

And Zhang Wei actually didn't want Zhao Xiaoxiao to be on the witness stand, because it would be too dangerous.

Zhao Xiaoxiao can't resist the persecution of a seasoned prosecutor like Qin Yang.

This one is a bit hanging!

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