Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 418 Rebutting the Witness Viper, the real hammer ghost!

Zhang Wei got up and announced:

"The defense summoned Zhao Xiaoxiao, one of the defendants in this case, to testify in court!"

Hearing this witness, everyone in the court was not surprised.

Because the defense was at a disadvantage and needed strong evidence to prove it.

And the defense has the last witness left. If she is not allowed to appear in court, who else can be allowed to appear in court?

"finally come!"

On the prosecution table, Qin Yang also showed a sneer.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is finally going to be a witness.

"This court approves, witnesses come up!" Lao Li also tapped the hammer at the right time, nodding in agreement.

Zhao Xiaoxiao came to the witness stand under the eyes of the audience.

Zhang Wei also felt the pressure. When he looked towards the hearing booth, he saw Xiao Baihe and Xia Qianyue giving him encouraging looks.

In the corner of the hearing booth, there was still no sign of Zhao Qingyan.

"Looks like I have to rely on myself!"

Without Zhao Qingyan's help, Zhang Wei could only do his best and obey the destiny.

Zhang Wei walked up to the court and greeted Zhao Xiaoxiao on the witness stand: "Hello, witness."

"Hmm." Unfortunately, the response I got was this.

Zhang Wei was speechless for a moment, and then made a mad face towards Zhao Xiaoxiao.

A few seconds later, Zhao Xiaoxiao reluctantly responded: "Hello, defender..."

Zhang Wei sighed, his second daughter was good at everything, but her attitude towards him was a bit perfunctory.

"Witness Zhao Xiaoxiao, I know the defense may ask you about ghosts, but do you know ghosts?"

"I..." Zhao Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, shook her head and said, "I don't know the guy who hacked into my computer, and I don't want to know who he is."

"Oh, you don't know who he is."

Zhang Wei understood.

Who is this guy who hacked into Zhao Xiaoxiao's computer?

Although both of them had the answer in their hearts, they didn't say it.

Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, that person is a ghost~

"The CSB department conducted an investigation and evidence collection on your computer equipment last weekend. They found a ghost network signature in your computer. Is there such a thing?"


"The CSB department found traces of hacking in your computer equipment. Are you aware of this?"


"You never thought that you would be invaded?"


"It seems that this intruder is very capable."


Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, the last sentence was his own emotion, so you don't need to answer it.

Zhao Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes, but her face was innocent.

The question and answer between the two also eased the atmosphere in the courtroom.

After seeing the conversation between Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Wei, the jury, which was still tense at first, did become less hostile.

Seeing that the effect was good, Zhang Wei decided to increase his own advantage.

"Zhao Xiaoxiao, are you interested in the word hacker?"


"Then have you heard of The Ghost?"


"If there was an opportunity for you to become a famous ghost in the hacker world, would you seize this opportunity?"



Seeing that the second daughter was about to nod again, Zhang Wei interrupted quickly.

For this answer, you have to use snacks, don't continue to use "yes", otherwise the effect will not be good.

So Zhang Wei frantically winked at the second girl.

The second girl finally understood, organized her language, and replied in a clear voice: "To be honest, I worship ghosts very much, so I heard that someone was going to hold a hacker party, so I couldn't help it, and I planned to play a ghost to go To tease other people, I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect us to go there together, and then we were arrested by the CSB department, right?"


Zhang Wei is speechless, this second girl is really...

"In other words, you got the news of the hacker party from somewhere, and then decided to attend this party?"


"A message from a ghost?"


"Do you know that the other party is a ghost?"

"I don't know."

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she defended with innocent eyes: "I'm just an ignorant little girl, how can I know these things?"

Following her answer, the tense atmosphere in the entire courtroom also dissipated a lot.

"Oh, it's such a routine, it's really a joke."

At the prosecution's seat, Qin Yang could also see it.

Zhang Wei is asking his witness to go to court to pretend to be tender and cute.

The point is, many jurors still eat this trick.

Qin Yang immediately recalled the questions Zhang Wei asked when he first screened the jury.

Zhang Wei asked the jury whether he had any children, daughters, sons, younger brothers and sisters?

Then ask the other party if they are happy with their family members and if they love them.

Now, Qin Yang finally understood the other party's purpose, which was to pave the way for Zhao Xiaoxiao to go to court.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaoxiao is like a little sister next door, innocent, lively and lovely.

May I ask, who can bear to hurt a little girl who is "harmless to humans and animals"?

Those jurors who love their families obviously wouldn't do that.

Although Qin Yang was aware of Zhang Wei's purpose, he didn't mind at all.

Because, his ultimate move is ready.

As for Qin Yang's backhand, someone still doesn't know anything.

"Thank you for the witness's answer, Fang has no questions for the time being."

After thanking Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhang Wei ended the question.

The two nodded to each other, and then Zhang Wei gave up the stage.

But generally speaking, his questions did get good results.

With Zhao Xiaoxiao's cute response, the jury's hostility towards the defense weakened a lot.

Moreover, compared to Zhu Erdan, who is "heinous" Zhu Erdan, Zhao Xiaoxiao is much more "harmless to humans and animals".

Even the evidence against ghosts is mostly hearsay, without any stone hammer.

Zhu Erdan is a pig man, which was stone hammered, and the fact that Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost has always been speculation.

After Zhang Wei sat down, his brows frowned.

Because whether we can survive today depends mainly on what comes next.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was able to withstand Qin Yang's cross-examination.

Qin Yang went to the court and walked to the witness stand.

He didn't speak immediately, but looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao with interest.

"To be honest, I have always wanted to have a daughter. Unfortunately, because of my career, I don't have time to meet women. Naturally, I don't have time to get married, have children, and take care of the family."

Qin Yang's words made Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes flash a strange light.

"Sorry, I got off track."

Qin Yang apologized, and then smiled: "Hi witness, or should I call you a ghost?"

"Objection!" Zhang Wei stood up immediately and interrupted the former.

"The objection is valid!"

Lao Li also looked at the questioner: "Qin Gaojian, witnesses have their own names, you can call her by name, or call her a witness, or the defendant, but unconfirmed names are seditious. It will never be allowed!"

"Oh, thank you, Judge Li, for reminding me, then I'd better change my words."

Qin Yang chuckled, then turned to look at Zhao Xiaoxiao, "Then before I produce evidence to prove your identity, let's temporarily call you a witness or the defendant in this case."

Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't respond, but Zhang Wei, who was sitting on the defense bench, felt something was wrong.

What is "before producing evidence to prove your identity"?

What does it mean?

Could it be that Qin Yang has ironclad evidence?

However, the CSB department conducted digital forensics on Zhao Xiaoxiao's equipment, and found no problems.

Qin Yang is only prosecuting, and he doesn't know computer technology. How could he have more evidence than the CSB department?

"Unless...someone else has evidence..."

Zhang Wei seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes flicked to the rear hearing booth.

In court, cross-examination has already begun.

"Witness, I just have a simple question that I hope you can answer."

"You ask."

Qin Yang took a deep breath, walked up to Zhao Xiaoxiao, and said in a serious tone: "Excuse me, are you a ghost?"

"I'm sure not, I'm not dead!" Zhao Xiaoxiao blinked, denying it.

This answer made many people in the court laugh out loud.


What ghost, ghost?

Zhao Xiaoxiao is obviously a living person, how could it be a ghost?

"Ahem, the ghost I'm talking about is not a weird spirit that is independent of science in the traditional sense, but a code name, a code name of a hacker."

Qin Yang coughed quickly, drawing everyone's attention back to himself.

"Witness, let's know that people don't speak dark words, so I will ask you a simple question directly!"

He raised his hand and pointed at Zhao Xiaoxiao, "May I ask the witness, are you a top international hacker code-named TheGhost, wanted by foreign cyber security organizations, and also called Ghost by the hacker community?"

"I don't know..." Zhao Xiaoxiao tilted her head with a cute expression on her face.

"have no idea?"

Qin Yang obviously didn't expect that even at such a time, the person in front of him would dare to act cute.

But he was not annoyed, and still asked patiently: "I think this question is easy to answer, if it is yes, it is yes, if it is no, it is no."

"That's not it~" Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded and vetoed it.

"No, are you sure?" Qin Yang looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao with a smile on his face.

But this smile, whether it is in the eyes of Zhao Xiaoxiao or Zhang Wei, is not kind.

"Since you deny it, I have nothing to say."

As Qin Yang said, he walked to the trial seat, "Judge Li, since the witness denied the question just now, the prosecution requests to summon a rebuttal witness to testify in court!"

"Contradicting the witnesses?"

"There are rebuttal witnesses?"

Neither Zhang Lang on the prosecution bench nor Zhang Wei on the defense bench expected this move.

Where did Qin Yang come from to refute the witness?

Zhang Lang looked at Qin Yang, with a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

This old boy is hiding something from me!

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Lang, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

This old boy doesn't seem to know!

Qin Yang refuted the witness, but actually kept it from his teammates?

On the trial bench, Lao Li hesitated.

"Are you sure there are rebuttal witnesses?"

"Judge Li, I'm sure, and the refutation of the witness is aimed at the question just now, whether the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost!"

"In that case, this court approves it!"

Lao Li didn't hesitate for long, and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Wei looked at the hearing booth again, and saw a person standing up among the crowd.

He is similar to Zhao Qingyan in that he is also fully armed, with masks, sunglasses, and even peaked caps.

The man got up, walked straight into the courtroom, and walked to the witness stand.

Zhao Xiaoxiao could only give up her position and return to Zhang Wei's side.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know either?"

The identity of this person is temporarily unknown to both Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Wei.

"Witness, you can take off your sunglasses and mask."

The witness took off his disguise to reveal a thin, sickly pale face.

This is a man, tall and thin, with slightly swollen eye bags. It can be seen that he has not slept well in the past few days.

After Qin Yang glanced at the defense chair, he said to the witness, "Please introduce your identity to the court."

"My name is Cui Yibin, and I am a network technician working for a small company, but I have another identity, that is, a network hacker, code-named Viper, and everyone calls me Viper!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Lang and Liu Dashun on the prosecution bench, Zhu Erdan, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao on the defense bench all showed varying degrees of surprise and astonishment.

It turned out to be Viper, the only hacker who wasn't there that day.

He actually came to testify in court, and also became a witness for the prosecution.

"Snake?" Zhang Wei's expression was the calmest, but his brows were also frowned.

He hastily nudged the next door to the person next to him with his elbow, and asked in a low voice, "Are you familiar with this Viper?"

"Unfamiliar." Zhao Xiaoxiao's answer was crisp.

"Not familiar?" Zhang Wei frowned but did not let go.

The reason why the prosecution wanted to summon this person must be because this person has extremely crucial evidence.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time to bring someone who doesn't know anything to court?

in court.

"Witness, I believe that many people present are very surprised by your appearance. Could you please tell us why you appear here?"

The rebuttal witness Cui Yibin, also known as Viper, after sorting out the language, said eloquently:

"Actually, that day, I saw the news about the party, so I planned to attend it too. But I kept an eye on it. I didn't enter the scene at that time, but waited in a corner coffee shop two streets away, because I I always have a hunch in my heart that a lot of things will happen this time.”

"Then do you know what happened next?"

"I know, because I hacked the surveillance in that place, and I have been watching it all the time. When I found out that the surveillance was hacked again, I knew that someone was going to attack them."

"They, you mean?"

"Ghost, Keyboard, Pigman, and Venom."

"Oh, it's these four!"

Qin Yang sighed, but then he seemed to "react" immediately, and pretended to say: "You said ghost, do you know the real identity of ghost?"


Cui Yibin raised his hand and pointed at Zhao Xiaoxiao, and said in a very sure tone: "She is a ghost!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Zhang Wei also sensed something was wrong and got up immediately. "No, the prosecution guides witnesses to testify!"

"Judge Li, my witness did not testify under my guidance, but a refutation of the accusation made against the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao's denial that she is a ghost!"

But Qin Yang had been prepared for a long time, and when Zhang Wei got up, he came up with the prepared speech.

"invalid objection!"

Judge Li hesitated for less than half a second before announcing it.

Zhang Wei's expression darkened, while Qin Yang was smiling.

"Witness, please continue. You just said that the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost. I believe you should have evidence, right?"

"Yes, I have evidence."

Hearing what Cui Yibin said, everyone in the audience was curious.

What is the evidence that the defendant can be the ghost?

Cui Yibin took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

Seeing this scene, Tan Yingying on the prosecution seat rolled her eyes.

Good guy, are you going to trouble me again?

Qin Yang took the USB flash drive, and then played tricks on Tan Yingying.

What are you looking at, are you still an assistant?

The latter was helpless, although his heart was full of reluctance, but his body was still very honest.

After receiving the USB flash drive and turning on the computer, the projection equipment started working again.

At this time, Cui Yibin also began to cooperate with Tan Yingying to show the evidence and add explanations.

"Actually, ghosts and I have never met, but once, for a relatively difficult task, we specially pulled a small chat room to communicate. The protection measures of the small chat room are not as high as the big chat room. , the firewall is not tight; at least for me, it doesn’t take too long to break through this firewall.”

"At that time, that task was time-consuming and labor-intensive. We estimated that it might not be completed in 72 hours. This gave me a chance to hack into the firewall and find the location of the ghosts."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Xiaoxiao was the first to bear it.

"It was at that time, this bastard..."

"Second girl, calm down!"

Zhang Wei quickly made a move and held Zhao Xiaoxiao down.

Girl, you are not a ghost yet, why are you so excited.

If you act a little more aggressively, wouldn't that be the same as admitting it yourself?

Qin Yang glanced at Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao, and sneered in his heart.

You can bear it now, but you will break your defenses later.

"Witness, please continue. After you breached the firewall, what did you do?"

"After I broke through the firewall, I finally found the address of the ghosts. Of course, Pigman and their IP only used a little protection, and I was able to locate them in 15 minutes. Only the protection of the ghosts is very powerful. I used a full 48 It took me an hour to locate her."

"Actually, I was lucky, because the task was very difficult, and the ghost was the main attack force. I guess the ghost was concentrating on the mission at that time, so it didn't guard against my network intrusion."

After Qin Yang heard this, he immediately asked: "Then what did you find after breaking through the ghost's computer defense?"

"After I successfully hacked into the computer, I found the camera immediately. I wanted to see who the famous ghost is, so I finally found out that the ghost is her!"

Cui Yibin raised his finger to Zhao Xiaoxiao again.

And in line with his explanation, a photo appeared on the projection screen,

The girl in the photo is wearing blue pajamas, with messy hairstyle and eating potato chips in her mouth. It is Zhao Xiaoxiao!

"This guy actually dared to attack his teammate's computer when we were doing missions together. Damn it..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao was not calm again, her silver teeth were tight, and she looked indignant.

"Calm down, a photo can't prove anything!" Zhang Wei quickly comforted him.

"I know the defense might say that a photo proves nothing."

Qin Yang seemed to be a prophet, and immediately asked: "Witness, you also heard in court that the defendant's computer was hacked before. The defendant may be a ghost substitute?"

"No, absolutely impossible!"

But Cui Yibin shook his head, "When I hacked into the ghost computer, there were no traces of her computer being hacked by anyone other than me, which means that the traces of intrusion were forged to respond to technical investigations. The defendant at that time, absolutely It's the ghost himself!"

Cui Yibin's testimony was affirmative in tone and firm in expression.

Now, it's a stone hammer.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is a ghost!

The part about cyber hacking was made up by the author at will. I am not a programmer, so I don’t understand anything, so let’s have some fun... Hee hee...

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