Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 419 The performance that moved us to tears, the savior finally arrived!

Real hammer!

A real hammer!

Cui Yibin testified in court that Zhao Xiaoxiao was a ghost!

And he still has evidence, which can almost be said to be ironclad evidence that the target was captured on the spot.

a photo!

And it's also a photo of Zhao Xiaoxiao when she was conducting hacking activities.

And under Qin Yang's question, he also vetoed the idea of ​​a "substitute".

When Zhao Xiaoxiao was working as a hacker, there was no trace of the computer being hacked by others.

If it has not been invaded, then the theory that the ghost is someone else will naturally be self-defeating.

Under such circumstances, many people in the court all looked at the defense seats.

Suspicion, suspicion, even anger, all emotions are obvious.

On the defense table, Zhang Wei also frowned.

"This Cui Yibin is worthy of the nickname of Viper. He lurks in the dark, and after aiming at the prey, he exposes his snake teeth and kills him with one blow!"

He analyzed the situation in front of him, and it can be said that it is very bad.

Especially the prosecution's last make-up knife almost extinguished his reasons for rebuttal.

This situation can be said to be close to death!

The prosecution seat.

Zhang Lang also frowned, looking at Qin Yang and Cui Yibin.

"The Viper, that fish that slipped through the net, actually hooked up with Qin Yang?"

Although Zhang Lang is very satisfied with the current situation.

Because the appearance of refuting witnesses means that this farce will finally be collected.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

However, he was also upset.

Because he originally thought that everything should be under his control.

But during this court trial, things beyond his control happened again and again.

Especially at the end, there was a witness who shouldn't have appeared.

Although this witness is helping me, but this witness is not found by myself, but by "teammates"

This is very uncomfortable for Zhang Lang.

I've worked so hard in my relationship for so long, and it's not as strong as the prosecution you just took over the case a few days ago?

At the last moment, you still need to rely on your lore to complete the reversal?

"Qin Gaojian, the Qin family, and the Qin family in Longdu are indeed worthy of being the face of the judicial circle in Longdu!"

Zhang Lang's eyes were gloomy, staring at the two people in the court.

"Witness, are you sure that the defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao is a famous ghost in the hacker world?"

"I swear, sure and sure, she is a ghost!"

"Well, thank you for your testimony, my question is officially over."

Qin Yang nodded to the judge seat, and then smiled at Zhang Wei, but this smile was mixed with sarcasm and ridicule.

"It's my turn!"

Zhang Wei patted Zhao Xiaoxiao's shoulder lightly, calmly got up after expressing some comfort, and walked towards the witness stand.

Qin Yang gave up the stage, and Zhang Wei had to make amends.

But in the face of such a witness, the general routine is...

"Witness, I believe it's not easy for you to sit in this court, testify, and admit that you are a cybercriminal?"

"Yes, I was actually panicked at first, but now that I've spoken out, it's much better."

"Then I'm surprised, why did you insist on testifying in court when you were clearly not caught by the CSB department?"


Zhang Wei didn't give Cui Yibin a chance to speak and answer, and directly grabbed the words: "Is it because you knew you couldn't escape, so you simply made a deal with the prosecution, and chose to sell 'one of your own' to seek benefits for yourself?"

"Witness, you made a deal with the prosecution, right?"

"No, irrelevant question!"

Zhang Wei was going to ask again, but was interrupted by Qin Yang.

But Zhang Wei also used his prepared speech: "Judge Li, the content of my question is not about the content of the court defense transaction, but whether the witness has reached a deal with the prosecution. Testify in court!"

"The objection is invalid!" Lao Li nodded and agreed with Zhang Wei.

Qin Yang's face darkened, and he could only sit down.

"Witness, please answer my question, have you reached a deal with Qin Gao, who is on the prosecution bench?"

"Yes... yes." Cui Yibin nodded and admitted.

"The content of the transaction, does it mean that you can obtain conditional immunity if you prove my client is a ghost, or is it complete judicial immunity?"

"Objection!" Qin Yang stood up again.

"The objection is invalid!" But Lao Li followed closely, "The witness must answer this question!"

Qin Yang could only sit down again, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I... I really want to testify against the defendant in court. I have agreed with Qin Gaojian."

"That's not surprising!"

Zhang Wei laughed, and then asked coldly: "In other words, even if Zhao Xiaoxiao is not a ghost, you still want her to be a ghost, right?"

"Because you can get immunity from Qin Gaojian only if you testify against the ghost."

"You do this for yourself, am I right?"


Zhang Wei's question made Cui Yibin speechless for a while, so he could only lower his head and remain silent.

And his actions also made many people in the jury and the hearing stand look around.

I thought I could see the evidence of the stone hammer, but I didn't expect this witness to have problems.

It is indeed possible for him to do something for himself.

People are selfish anyway.

If it were them themselves, if betraying someone could solve their current difficulties, they would really think about the possibility.

What's more, the betrayed person is likely to be a criminal, so it's even easier to say.

Betray the other party, testify against the other party, and the psychological burden is gone.

Therefore, it remains to be verified whether Cui Yibin is telling the truth.

"Not bad, it's a pity that this kid's on-the-spot adaptability is a pity, it's a pity that I have guessed your move a long time ago..."

But at this moment, Qin Yang, who narrowed his eyes, smiled.

A bright light flashed in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

It seems that Zhang Wei's pressing questions did not exceed his expectations.

He even prepared follow-up countermeasures for this move!

"Witness, since you did all this for yourself, I think it is also a question mark whether your testimony is credible, and I also doubt whether the evidence you provided has been processed. ,you……"

"You're wrong, defense attorney!"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to make up for Cui Yibin, the latter suddenly retorted.

"What did you say, I was wrong?"

Zhang Wei was stunned, and vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

He seems to have been tricked by someone, and the other party has already prepared a counter move.

"Yes, you are wrong. Defense counsel!"

Seeing Cui Yibin raised his head with a firm face: "I did this not for myself, but for her!"

As he spoke, he looked towards the back row of the hearing booth.

A thin, frail girl with slightly dark skin stood up.

"who is she?"

Not only Zhang Wei, but everyone in the audience was surprised.

Why did a new person appear, is this also a rebuttal witness?

"She is my girlfriend Jing Jing. We have been together for almost two years. She helped me make the final decision."

As for Cui Yibin on the witness stand, after seeing the girl standing up, he said with a smile on his face: "Because of Jing Jing, I know how ignorant and selfish I was before."

"It's also because of her that I know what responsibility is. A man should take responsibility and be responsible for his life and his own life. That's why I agreed to Qin Gaojian to be a witness."

Cui Yibin looked at Zhang Wei, and his face suddenly became angry: "Defense lawyer, I guess you must be a good person who abides by the law and has never made a mistake, so you don't understand the sorrow of our industry."

"I want to live a good life with Jingjing, but unfortunately, my former identity cannot allow me to fulfill this wish. I have always been ashamed of Jingjing in my heart. I blame myself for my innocence and ignorance. I hate myself for why I contacted Jingjing in the first place. computer, become a hacker."

Annoyed, unwilling, remorseful.

Cui Yibin at this moment is simply full of acting skills. He plays a character who hates himself deeply and hates him so vividly that people can't help but cry and feel sympathy.

"Good acting!"

Even Zhang Wei couldn't help giving a thumbs up to this person's performance.

He couldn't bear to interrupt the opponent's performance.

"Fortunately, at the last moment, I met the right person!"

"I met Qin Gaojian, who promised to help me and gave me a second chance in life!"

Cui Yibin changed his words suddenly, and at the same time, there was a trace of excitement, excitement and joy on his face.

"Qin Gaojian gave me the opportunity to be with Jing Jing, so I must seize it. I went to court to testify against the defendant because I had a sense of justice in my heart and out of guilt for Jing Jing. In gratitude, and out of gratitude to Qin Gaojian!"

"Qin Gaojian said that what I did was in compliance with the law. It is my duty as a witness to tell what I saw in court, tell the facts to the court, and tell the jury!"

He said, looking at the jury seat again: "I told you the information I got at the beginning, and I didn't hide anything, and I did this for Jing Jing, for me and her future!"

For some reason, there seemed to be a light of righteousness in the courtroom, which suddenly shone down and hit Cui Yibin's face directly.

The 12 jurors seem to have seen a prodigal son, a villain who has lost his way and is reforming himself.

This is really, really touching.

They swore they would all cry if this wasn't a courtroom.

Not to mention the jury, even the hearing booth is the same. Many people have already taken out tissues and started wiping their tears.

"Wooooow, I'm so touched..."

On the prosecution bench, Tan Yingying took off her glasses, her eyes were red.

She turned her head, but just in time to see Zhang Lang's gloomy face next door, and immediately shivered with fright.

What's the matter with this person, why doesn't he have any sympathy at all...

Tan Yingying doesn't know whether Zhang Lang has sympathy.

But at this moment, Zhang Lang had a gloomy expression, but he was also happy in his heart.

"As expected of Qin Gaojian, you have hidden this last killer move, and it is still a killer move. You are really amazing. You have hidden this move for so long, and even I have concealed it from you!"

He looked at the court and looked at Qin Yang with a hint of veiled apprehension.

I thought that the two could become good teammates. For this case, they did their best to cooperate and win-win.

I didn't expect that you still hid your hole cards.

Fortunately, the ending is good.

This case is about to be won!

Zhang Lang felt stable, so Zhang Wei's side was naturally in trouble.

"It's not good..."

Zhang Wei really felt tricky.

Because the whole court seemed to be convinced by Cui Yibin's "affectionate speech".

Everyone chooses to believe him, believing that he is a prodigal son who wants to live a good life with Jing Jing.

Then all the evidence he gave will be fully credible.

And if you doubt the other party's purpose, you may be labeled as a "bad guy".

Look at you, the young couple is ready to live a good life, but you still want to get in the way and frame the other's witness for lying.

You are simply inhumane!

If he wanted to continue the tactic just now, then Zhang Wei could guess that the people in the court would definitely see him that way.

Didn't Qin Yang laugh when he didn't see the prosecution seat?

"Lawyer Zhang, you can continue to ask questions, why don't you ask, but you do, continue to ask questions?"

Probably, that's what Qin Yang's smile meant...

Cross-examination, of course, is not good to continue.

At least Zhang Wei didn't want to be this bad guy, so he decided...

"Ahem, since you, the witness, said so, I can only... wish you happiness..."

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he waved his hand: "I have nothing more to ask about this witness."

After finishing the question, he walked back to the defense bench, his back was a little helpless and a bit vicissitudes.

On the witness stand, Cui Yibin looked excited, and nodded with Jing Jing on the hearing stand, both of them were very happy.

This scene was also seen by the jury and the hearing seats, and everyone felt that they had done a good deed today.

The atmosphere in the courtroom gradually became cheerful, and everything was moving in a good direction.

Under such circumstances, Qin Yang took advantage of the situation and stood up.

"Defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao, it's your turn to appear in court!"

Lao Li also spoke at the right time and asked Zhao Xiaoxiao to go to court.

Because the rebuttal witnesses have testified and been questioned, it's your turn to come up.

With a bitter face, Zhao Xiaoxiao sat on the witness stand with an unhappy expression.

"Defendant Zhao Xiaoxiao, I will give you one last chance now. If you plead guilty, the prosecution can consider commuting your sentence!"

Facing Zhao Xiaoxiao, although Qin Yang felt that he had the chance to win, he still retained a trace of reason.

He did not immediately take advantage of the victory to pursue, but chose the tactics of attacking the heart.

He felt that Zhao Xiaoxiao might be able to bite him to death and refuse to admit it. If he chose a tough method, it might be counterproductive.

So he adopted the tactics of Huairou, attacking the heart first.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was indeed affected, and looked at Zhang Wei with hesitant eyes.

But Zhang Wei didn't respond, he just frowned with a serious expression on his face.

"Defendant, you only have one chance, do you want to plead guilty?" Qin Yang asked again.


Zhao Xiaoxiao was in a difficult situation, she didn't know how to make a choice.

"Are you pleading guilty or not?"


"The choice is in your hands, you only have one chance, choose quickly..."

"Don't plead guilty!"

Just under Qin Yang's continuous suggestions, he was interrupted with a sharp shout.

"Who is it?" He hurriedly turned his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

The court door was pushed open by several men in black suits, and then they walked into the court surrounded by a figure.

"Zhao Qingyan!"

"He actually came!"

"It's finally here, Uncle Zhao!"

Qin Yang, Zhang Lang and Zhang Wei reacted differently when they saw the person coming.

Qin Yang frowned, Zhang Lang was slightly surprised, and Zhang Wei looked happy.

The fact that Zhao Qingyan is here means that the matter can finally be resolved.

Zhao Qingyan walked straight to the court and to the defense bench.

Tingwei wanted to stop him along the way, but was stopped by Lao Li's eyes.

The court guard let him go, and Zhao Qingyan was able to walk to the defense bench, and he and Zhang Wei were face to face.

"Uncle Zhao, are you done?"

"That's right, it's finished, and it's exactly as you guessed. You're really good at predicting things, you almost guessed the truth!"

"So, Zhang Lang really has a problem?"

"Yeah, it's all in there, the evidence that you can kill him!"

As Zhao Qingyan said, he took out a black USB flash drive from his pocket.

Seeing the USB flash drive, many people in the entire court subconsciously looked at the prosecution seat.

Seeing that Tan Yingying's face was ashen, there was nothing to love in life.

She got up tremblingly, walked carefully in front of Zhang Wei, lowered her head but took the USB flash drive from Zhao Qingyan's hand, and then tremblingly returned to the prosecution's seat under everyone's gaze.

Zhao Qingyan was a little surprised, why is this girl so sensible?

You didn't even say anything, so you came over to help yourself?

But that's not what he's focusing on right now.

"Then, Xiao Zhang, I'll leave it to you!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Zhao, I will definitely settle this matter satisfactorily!"

Zhao Qingyan got the promise, nodded solemnly to Zhang Wei, and walked back to the corner of the hearing booth.

Next, he will witness the end of this lawsuit with his own eyes.

After Zhang Wei got Zhao Qingyan's affirmative answer, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

He looked at Zhang Lang with a look of pity suddenly.

"Judge Li, Qin Gaojian, before our client decides to plead guilty, can we ask the court to let us show the newly obtained evidence?"


Both Lao Li and Qin Yang hesitated for a moment.

Old Li glanced at Qin Yang, but he didn't care.

Anyway, the prosecution also hid a witness, didn't Zhang Wei at least not hide anyone?

What Qin Yang hesitated was because he could have ended the case, but he didn't expect to kill Zhao Qingyan halfway.

And it seems that Zhao Qingyan and Zhang Wei seem to have a new hole card.

Do you want to agree?

Or refuse, just be tougher?

"If I refuse, is it okay?" Qin Yang asked tentatively.

"Yes, but the evidence in my hand will be sent to the headquarters of the Longdu District Procuratorate tomorrow, and then the High Procuratorate and the Supreme Court. It's okay if the Qin High Prosecutor disagrees, at worst, you will be the first to be investigated later. .”

Zhang Wei smiled, spread his hands, and looked indifferent.


A naked threat!

Zhang Wei seemed to be telling Qin Yang that I have enough evidence to make a comeback, so I asked you if you dare to take it?

If you don't dare to pick it up, it's no problem, there are plenty of people to pick up the dragon.

If someone from Longdu picks it up, then the first person to investigate is why you dare not pick it up!

Said, did you receive any benefits, so you dare not accept these evidences?

The corner of Qin Yang's mouth twitched. Facing Zhang Wei's threat, he made a decision after careful consideration.

"All right, I agree."

A man can bend and stretch, and he is also an experienced prosecutor, so he naturally knows which is more important.

"However, I am still under cross-examination, who will speak next?"

"If Qin Gaojian doesn't mind, can I, a junior, show the evidence first? After you have read the new evidence, it won't be too late to consider whether my client should plead guilty?"

"This... well..."

Qin Yang had no choice but to walk out of the courtroom.

And Zhang Wei, after giving Zhao Xiaoxiao an encouraging look, walked to the witness stand.

"In order to fully demonstrate the new evidence, we will summon Mr. Zhang from the CSB department to appear in court again!"

Now, the pressure is on the prosecution side.

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