Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 429 The old talk about self-proof, Hou Liangliang suddenly cast a cold arrow

Court scene.

Following Chef Wang, he stepped off the witness stand.

In the jury and hearing seats, many people whispered and whispered.

Zhang Wei's eyes were serious. He looked at Chef Wang's back and had some thoughts in his heart.

"The prosecution?"

At the trial seat, Judge Liu continued to urge.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution has decided not to present evidence and to end the opening statement!"

Hou Liangliang had no strong witnesses at hand, so he decided to give up the stage temporarily.

But he is not without back moves, and even has a killer move hidden in his hands.

"After the defendant goes to court, I want you to look good!"

Hou Liangliang stared fixedly at Zhang Wei and the defendant's old chat, with a vicious and complacent expression on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, now it's your turn to speak."

Under Judge Liu's reminder, Zhang Wei stood up.

He glanced at the hearing box and the witness box, and finally made a choice.

"The defense summoned the defendant to talk about his ambition to testify in court."

Everyone expressed no surprise that the defendant appeared in court, which is also the most commonly used routine by the defense

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Lao Tan walked to the court step by step.

"Hello, Mr. Tan Zhiqi."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

"As the defendant in this case, I believe you have been under a lot of pressure recently, right?"

"Yes, it's been stressful and I haven't been able to sleep at night these days."

The old man talked, his face showed vicissitudes, and his face was in a trance.

"When Chef Wang testified in court just now, he said that you have not been thinking about the restaurant recently. Is this true?"

"Half and half..."

"Oh, Mr. Tan, what is half and half?"

Lao Tan organized the language in his mind: "In fact, my heart has always been in the restaurant, but suddenly there is a woman in my life, and then a son, it is difficult to choose..."

"You mean, you haven't really judged that you should put all your energy on a certain ratio between the three of them, and you haven't found a balance between the three?"

Lao Tan froze for a moment, then looked at Zhang Wei in surprise.

He couldn't help but nodded madly in his heart, as expected of a lawyer, he summed it up so well in such a short period of time.

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang is right, I really didn't do this well."

"En." Zhang Wei nodded, and then asked: "Then do you care about the chef industry and your restaurant?"

"Of course, I definitely care!"

Old Tan's expression brightened, and he immediately said: "I'm a rough person. I came to the city to learn my craft at the age of 14, and I've been cooking for almost half my life. It's the job of a chef that made me what I am today. I have a son, how could I abandon my career!"

"Well, it seems that I can really appreciate your love for restaurants and your profession."

Zhang Wei nodded pretendingly, although he knew that this kind of thing might not be understood by others.

At the same time, he also looked at the hearing and jury seats. Many people had a good impression of them because of their sincere and straightforward speeches.

Hostility is decreasing!

Although it cannot be said to have an advantage, the current situation is also developing in a good direction.

"Mr. Tan, let's move on to the second question. I would like to ask you, when the fire and explosion happened in your restaurant, it was close to 1 am last weekend. What were you doing at that time?"

"I am home!"

Old Tan looked at the jury seat with an innocent face and said, "At that time, I had already brought my wife and son home, and we must be resting."

"Indeed, you seem to have left early that day, right?"

"Yes, I left at about seven or eight o'clock that day, because I was going to pick up my wife and son. I left earlier, and all the employees in the store saw me leave."

"After that, you picked up your wife and children, then went home, and never went out again?"

"Yes, I stayed with my wife and son all the time. In fact, the next day, Monday morning, I didn't know that such a big incident happened in the store until the investigation department arrived at my house."

"Well, I think I get it."

Zhang Wei also showed a look of approval.

"I want to make one point, that is, the previous witness, Mr. Qi, has testified that my client's store has been cleaned up and the inspection has been completed. Only 7 weeks, and the accumulation of oil pollution in a month and a half is not enough to cause a fire. .”

"Then this shows that the fire was not an accident, but may have been man-made. And it was not my client's fault, but someone else's intention to set the fire."

"At the same time, my client also said that he was with his wife and children all the time during the time of the crime, and left the restaurant early, so there is no possibility of committing the crime."

Zhang Wei said, looking at the prosecution seat, "I don't know who this possible arsonist is. Has the prosecution found this person?"

"If you don't find it, but let my client take the blame, isn't it too arbitrary?"

"Objection, inflammatory speech!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's yin and yang weirdness, Hou Liangliang couldn't help it, and stood up directly.

"Lawyer Zhang, you..."

"Judge Liu, I'm done!"

Just when Judge Liu was about to issue a warning, Zhang Wei had already accomplished his purpose and directly ended his self-certification.

The direction of the court has indeed changed, because Zhang Wei raised a reasonable doubt.

Is there a malicious arsonist in this case?

Because the oil has been cleaned up, the boss of the cleaning company also said that the oil will take at least five or six months to accumulate before it may cause a fire or explosion.

One and a half months is absolutely impossible.

This rules out the possibility of a fire being caused by negligence.

Then the only possibility is that someone is maliciously setting the fire.

And Lao Tan, he has an alibi!

Although the validity of this proof...

On the prosecution's seat, Hou Liangliang got up.

His eyes were serious and he walked very fast.

"Defendant, I am very glad that you testified in court. This is just a chance for me to expose your crime!"

"What am I guilty of?"

Old Tan looked confused, what did I do?

"Hmph, it looks like you don't want to admit it yet!"

Hou Liangliang sneered, pointed at Lao Tan and said, "Didn't the defense lawyer say that it is unlikely that this case was an accident, but it is very likely that the explosion and fire were caused by malicious arson!"

Old Tan was confused again.

That's what Zhang Wei said, but I don't know what it has to do with me.

"Defendant, let me ask you, have you insured your store?"

"I bought it."

"How much is the insured amount?"

"I bought shop property insurance, the insurance amount is about 3 million."

"Is it basic insurance?"


After hearing the affirmative answer, Hou Liangliang recalled it carefully.

"I remember this insurance, if there is a fire or falling objects in the store, or even a natural disaster, you will be compensated, right?"

"It seems so, that's what the salesman of the insurance company told me."

Hearing Lao Tan's answer, Hou Liangliang's face turned cold, and his tone was cold: "In other words, are you also likely to set a fire in your own restaurant, and then maliciously defraud insurance!"

"Objection, subjective speculation!" Zhang Wei had been waiting for a long time, so he stood up and interrupted.

But despite this, Hou Liangliang's words have been spoken, and the jury and the hearing stand have also been affected.

"The objection is valid!" Judge Liu supported Zhang Wei and gave Hou Liangliang a warning look.

But the latter didn't seem to notice it, and said with a sneer, "Lawyer Zhang, why did you react so quickly, because you were afraid that I would tell the truth and let everyone in the court see the true face of your client?"

"I just think that if there is no evidence, it's better for the prosecution not to guess randomly!"

"Joke, I don't have evidence, how could I talk nonsense?"

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, don't you blush when you say such a thing?

When you guessed randomly before, how many times did you directly come up with evidence?

But this time, Hou Liangliang was ready to fight Zhang Wei to the end.

"Lawyer Zhang, I will present evidence to prove this matter now!"

He said, walked to the witness stand, and asked in a cold voice: "Defendant, you said that you were at home with your family at the time of the explosion, that is, the weekend and the early hours of Monday, right?"


Hou Liangliang sneered, and said to the surroundings: "As we all know, in criminal cases, the words of family members, especially wives and children, are the least credible, because they will lie to help family members escape crime!"

"But here, I don't need them to testify in court, and I don't want to get entangled in this. I just want to tell everyone that the defendant's so-called alibi is very unreliable."

Hou Liangliang quickly walked back to the prosecutor's seat, picked up a document from the table, and began to look through it.

"Defendant, what is the highest annual revenue of your restaurant since it opened?"

"This..." Lao Tan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Can't you answer?"

Hou Liangliang sneered, and opened the document record in his hand, "This is a document for tax prosecution. It is recorded on it that the highest net profit income of your restaurant in a year is about 150,000."

"150,000 a year. This is your net income as a boss after deducting labor, operation, water, electricity, gas, security inspection and other expenses. This income needs to be reported to tax, so I can know."

"150,000 a year, this income is not bad, the monthly income is almost 10,000 yuan, right?"

The old talk was a little embarrassing.

Because that is the highest annual income, in other words, the store has been open for more than ten years, and I have not earned so much at other times.

"But I want to say, with this little money in Dongfangdu, it is obviously impossible to live the life you want, right?"


The old talk is helpless, but it is the truth.

"By the way, let me ask you, what is your wife Chen Xiaoyu's annual income?"


"I can't answer it, but you should have a rough idea in your heart, right?"


The old man showed embarrassment, and glanced at Chen Xiaoyu in the front row of the hearing seat, with complicated eyes.

"Let me tell you, in fact, I didn't expect Chen Xiaoyu to have such a background. He is actually the ex-wife of Zhao Qingyan, Chief R\u0026D Officer of Blacksmith Technology!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the court were stunned.

Zhao Qingyan of Blacksmith Technology is a celebrity in the Oriental Capital, and the other party will leave the country for many technology research and development conferences and interviews.

It can even be said that the other party is the facade of blacksmith technology.

"When Zhao Qingyan and Chen Xiaoyu divorced, he was not yet a member of Blacksmith Technology's board of directors, but he also had a small share of the technology, and he gave part of it to Chen Xiaoyu as divorce property."

"By relying on these stocks, Chen Xiaoyu will have millions of dividends every year, every year, without interruption."

When Hou Liangliang said this, he said with emotion: "Defendant, you have worked so hard for so long, and the money you earn is not even your wife's income for a year?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lao Tan's expression changed.

The embarrassment in my heart was poked out in person, and it was still in court.

"No, the question has nothing to do with this case!"

At the critical moment, Zhang Wei stood up and interrupted.

But Hou Liangliang was also prepared, and looked at the trial seat at the same time, "Judge Liu, I think what I said has a lot to do with this case. , he will have the possibility of malicious arson and fraudulent insurance!"


Judge Liu fell into hesitation, but after thinking about it carefully, what the prosecution said seemed to be reasonable.

"The objection is invalid, the prosecution can continue to speak!"

This time, Judge Liu did not care about Hou Liangliang's background, but simply made a judgment based on the judge's intuition.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to sit down resentfully.

Hou Liangliang smiled even more proudly, "Defendant, is what I just said wrong?"


Lao Tan opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to refute.

"If you don't object, it means you acquiesce!"

Hou Liangliang naturally pushed the boat along with the flow and directly settled the matter.

"Well, let me ask you again, have you ever felt unbalanced in your heart? Why did I earn so little money after working so hard for a year?"

"But my wife, Chen Xiaoyu, who doesn't do anything for a year, can earn money that I may not be able to earn in my entire life?"

Lao Tan stopped talking this time, and just looked at Hou Liangliang resentfully.

What he hated was naturally that he hated the other party for exposing this matter in public.

"Are you under a lot of pressure and feel that if you don't make money, you will never be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life?"

"Did you come up with the idea of ​​defrauding insurance at this time, and decided to 'earn' enough money through insurance compensation?"

Following Hou Liangliang's speech, the atmosphere in the courtroom became tense.

At the hearing seat, Chen Xiaoyu hugged Tan Xiaozhi's hands and unconsciously clenched them a lot.

Tan Xiaozhi in his arms felt his mother's abnormality, and looked at the witness stand again. He felt that his father was about to cry.

In the hearing seat and the jury seat, many people looked at Lao Tan with weird eyes.

This man is really difficult. He works hard and only earns so much money a year. As a result, his wife doesn't work every day and can earn dozens or even hundreds of times your money every year.

Whose heart can balance?

Which man can accept this fact?

If you can't accept it, is it normal for you to have the idea of ​​making money in your heart?

The wind direction of the court is quietly changing.

Although Hou Liangliang did not produce evidence of the stone hammer, everyone would unconsciously think about it.

Because many people will put themselves into the perspective of the old talk, put themselves into it, and then they will find that they will have similar thoughts.

My wife earns so much money that I doubt my life.

At this time, what will I do?

Some people are shameless, lie flat, and plan to rely on their wives to eat and wait for death to support their lives.

After all, such people are a minority, and many people can't bear this face.

What about the other part, or the vast majority of people?

I will think about relying on my own efforts to catch up with my wife and be able to have an equal status with her.

But having the heart is one thing, but having the ability is another.

Facts have proved that ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

It is too difficult for us to earn a few million a year casually. Even if we work hard, we will not be able to earn so much money.

Thinking about it this way, is it possible to cheat insurance with a trick?

Many people in the court had such thoughts. They looked at Lao Tan with understanding eyes.

But understanding is understanding, and they also believe that Lao Tan will do this in all likelihood.

Then, the person who set the fire must be him!

"Defendant, let me ask again, is it because of your wife's income that you feel unbalanced, so you choose to set fire maliciously, burn down your own shop, and defraud the bank of a large amount of compensation!"

"I, I didn't..." Lao Tan quickly denied.

"Oh yeah, you didn't?"

But Hou Liangliang sneered, with a sarcasm on his face, "You didn't, why don't I believe it?"

"Objection, inflammatory speech, Judge Liu asks you to uphold justice for my client!"

Zhang Wei couldn't bear it again, interrupted Hou Liangliang directly, and pulled out Xiao Liu.

"The objection is valid!"

Judge Liu also spoke at the right time, while warning the prosecution with his eyes.

Unfortunately, both Judge Liu and Zhang Wei knew it was too late.

Because of the old talk on the witness stand, his face was already slumped at this moment, as if he had accepted his fate.

This expression seems to tell everyone that I am guilty.

"It's not good!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei shook his head inwardly.

"Ahem, it's a bit late today, let's start the court tomorrow!"

At the critical moment, Judge Liu's speech interrupted all this.

After checking the time, he rang the gavel and announced a temporary adjournment.

The court was dissolved, and everyone left one after another.

On the prosecution's seat, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying stood up, and looked at Zhang Wei with some confusion.

Even if they didn't speak in court, they knew that Zhang Wei was going to lose.

The wind direction of the court is very unfavorable for the defense.

"Boy, the Attorney General's son is going to win?"

At the hearing table, Zhao Chunming was also a little stunned, unable to accept this fact at all.

They always felt that Zhang Wei was like a mountain, blocking them in front of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

But I didn't expect to climb over this mountain. In fact, it is not difficult at all.

"Lawyer Zhang, if I were you, I would advise your client to plead guilty earlier. If he pleads guilty earlier, I might be able to reduce his sentence to 10 years in prison!"

Hou Liangliang also came to Zhang Wei at this time, as if he was a winner.

"Prosecutor, are you confident?"


Hou Liangliang looked confident, and his head was about to look up, "If I were you, I should think about how to defend myself against guilt!"

"After all, arson was maliciously used to obtain insurance, and a person was killed by arson. If I prove that your defendant committed arson intentionally, he may spend the rest of his life in prison!"

Shocking, Hou Liangliang was very shy at the moment, coming to challenge Zhang Wei like a victor.

After the provocation was over, he naturally walked away, making people want to beat him up.

"Why don't we block him at the gate of the local prosecutor's headquarters, wrap him in a sack, stuff him in the trunk of the car, and then drag him into the woods and beat him up?" Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help it, with a serious face insidious.

It has to be said that this girl pretended to be a villain and said some dangerous speeches, which still brightened the atmosphere.

"Second girl, your thoughts are dangerous!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly interrupted to kill this idea.

We can't do illegal things.

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