Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 430 Uncle Zhao is very angry? Zhang Wei has an idea

Evening, Lin Mansion.

Zhang Wei sat in his room, thinking about the countermeasures for tomorrow's hearing.

The current situation can be said to be very bad.

Because in today's hearing, Zhang Wei raised the possibility of malicious arson.

Unexpectedly, being used by the prosecution, Lao Tan became the most likely person to set the fire.

At present, Lao Tan is suspected of arson and even murder.

Although the cleaner on the night shift may have been collateral damage of the crime of arson, it was a human life after all. If the family members of the deceased appear in court, the situation will be even worse.

All in all, the atmosphere in the courtroom was not good for the defense, and everyone suspected that Lao Tan was the one who set the fire.

Lao Tan actually had an alibi, but his proof was so weak.

Accompany wife and children!

This was a good reason, but the effectiveness of Chen Xiaoyu's testimony in court was not high.

Because the latter is Lao Tan's wife, the testimony between the spouses has little credibility.

"Unfortunately, Tan Xiaozhi is only 5 years old, too young. If he really goes to court, he will have to face cross-examination by the prosecution. A child cannot bear the pressure."

Zhang Wei also thought about letting Lao Tan's son testify in court, but he quickly extinguished this idea.

It is probably unrealistic to ask a five-year-old child to testify in court, not to say whether the other party can answer the questions well, but whether the other party can resist the pressure of the prosecution.

Cross-examining a child, though, would make a jury hostile.

But if the defense lawyer summons the child to court, the jury will also feel that you are making trouble without reason.

He is just a child, but you want him to go to court, what are you so worried about?

Probably, this is the idea...

"Chen Xiaoyu's testimony is not very effective, and Tan Xiaozhi is prone to backlash when he goes to court. My current situation seems to be very difficult..."

Analyzing the current situation, Zhang Wei felt a lot of pressure.

"In this case, we can only look for a comeback point!"

Thinking so, Zhang Wei walked out of the room and went up to the second floor.

Tuk tuk tuk!

Gently knocked on the door of the room on the second floor.


The door of the room was opened a crack, and the little face of the second daughter poked out.

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Wei imitated the second girl's tone, spread his hands and said, "Didn't you say that if the case needs to be reopened, let me drag you in?"


The door opened, and Zhao Xiaoxiao let Zhang Wei in.

Zhao Xiaoxiao did suddenly become interested in Zhang Wei's work, thinking that they could help with the case together.

Zhang Wei was naturally happy that the second daughter had something to do, so he agreed.

Now that Zhang Wei intends to resume the market, it would be good to analyze it with the second daughter.

After all, who doesn't like to be accompanied by a lively and lovely girl.

"I still think, why don't we go to the local inspection headquarters to block the door, prepare sacks, oil drums and cement, and sink that Hou Liangliang to the dock, what do you think?"

Well, sometimes the second daughter's thoughts are indeed a little abnormal.

"Second girl, we are decent people, not gang members."

But Zhang Wei was very tolerant towards his second daughter.

The second daughter argued: "Isn't it the easiest way to kill a person?"

Girl, your thoughts are dangerous!

"What are you talking about, we want to win, who said we must use such moves?"

Zhang Wei hastily vetoed it, and at the same time began to analyze, "Actually, I think this case still needs to be fought!"

"Really?" The second girl looked curious.

"Really, just find the person who actually started the fire!"

"The person who set the fire wasn't your client?"

Zhang Wei was speechless for a while, so you don't even believe my client?

"Second girl, Lao Tan is innocent. He stayed with his wife and children that day, so he may have committed the crime."

"Besides, he is the kind of honest person at first glance. How could he do such a thing? He has been used to being honest and responsible all his life. If you want him to cheat insurance, it is really hard for him."

Zhang Wei directly denied Zhao Xiaoxiao's point of view.

"That's not him, who else could it be?"

"Who else?"

Zhang Wei frowned and began to think.

Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyeballs rolled, and she suddenly asked: "During today's trial, the Chef Wang who came up, do you think the possibility is high?"

"Chef Wang?"

In Zhang Wei's mind, a man with relatively trendy clothes appeared.

After the other party appeared in court, although he was summoned by the prosecution, the suspicion was relatively small from the fact that the other party agreed to be a character witness yesterday.

However, small suspicion does not mean no suspicion.

"You say that..."

Zhang Wei suddenly had a strange idea in his mind.

"I remember that Chef Wang said in his testimony that he also owns shares in this restaurant, right?"

"It seems so."

"If the verdict is that Lao Tan maliciously set the fire, then the insurance company will not pay Lao Tan... So what about Chef Wang, how much will the insurance company pay him?"

Zhang Wei has a doubt, "Is their insurance jointly compensated or separately compensated?"

"I do not know……"

Hearing the second girl's answer, Zhang Wei's eyes turned to the computer in the room.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also noticed this "bad intention" look.

Second girl, you understand!

Time to work!

"Wait for me for 5 minutes..."

The second girl started to work, flicking her fingers with both hands, typing on the keyboard extremely fast.

Immediately, Chef Wang's information and various information appeared on the computer screen.


Zhang Wei's eyes were sharp, as if he saw something, he pointed to a line of words and called a pause.

Zhao Xiaoxiao understood and zoomed in on the content.

"Hehe, our Chef Wang seems to have a problem..."

Looking at the record about Chef Wang, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth.

Afterwards, the information was updated, and more information about Chef Wang was displayed one by one.

Soon, the insurance information appeared.

"Two insurances, no wonder..."

After seeing a piece of information that was unexpected but reasonable, Zhang Wei instantly understood.

"Then, the next step is to look for that possibility!"

In Zhang Wei's mind, countless pictures flickered and emerged one by one.

He lowered his head, and then his eyes suddenly focused on his wrist.

"Second girl, let me ask, does the phone have GPS?"


"And if the phone is always on standby, will the GPS still work?"

"Not necessarily!" Zhao Xiaoxiao shook her head, "But let me tell you, the positioning of the mobile phone is not accurate, and it is easy to drift, unless you keep the GPS positioning turned on, otherwise you may be in the city center now, and you will be outside in a second ring."

"Mobile phones do experience positioning drift, but what about sports watches?"

"This, I haven't tried it yet..."

"Then you can try it now."

Zhang Wei patted the second daughter, indicating that you can continue to work.

"Then I want something delicious, I want fried chicken drumsticks, I want French fries and ice cubes!"


Since the second daughter made a request, Zhang Wei would naturally not be stingy.

He went downstairs and ran to the commercial street to buy ingredients and happy water.

As a result, when he was on his way back, just as he reached the gate of the Zhao Mansion, the door suddenly opened.

"Xiao Zhang, you let me down!"

A face protruded from the door, it was actually Zhao Qingyan, he was at home!

Zhang Wei was almost taken aback, and then he hid the happy water and French fries and chicken legs behind his back like a guilty conscience.

"Uncle Zhao, listen to my explanation, these are what I want to eat, not your daughter, she..."

"Xiao Zhang, what are you doing? It doesn't matter to me what you want to eat."

Zhang Wei let out a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't blame me for letting your daughter eat junk food, let's talk about fried chicken legs, French fries and ice cream, who doesn't love it?

"Xiao Zhang, the reason I'm disappointed is that you didn't contact me after such a big incident happened!"

Zhao Qingyan frowned, and walked out of Zhao Mansion step by step.

"It's my case?"

"Isn't your case related to me?"

"Uncle Zhao, haven't you all been divorced, and you also said that Xiaoxiao lost her mother when she was five years old. In other words, you haven't seen each other for fifteen or sixteen years."

Zhang Wei is wronged, I didn't contact you, is it because you said that you and your ex-wife have been separated for so long, it is estimated that the two parties have become passers-by long ago.

"Oh, me and her..."

Zhao Qingyan let out a long sigh, his face full of vicissitudes.

"Forget it, don't mention those old things.

He waved his hand, but then said with a smile: "After so many years, I never thought that the princess-like woman would find someone who could tolerate her."

"This may be an honest person, but I think Ms. Chen seems to be living a very happy life."

As Zhang Wei said, he aimed at Zhao Qingyan again.

Why are people happy?

It's not all because of you, you can distribute five or six million stock dividends to others every year, so that people don't have to worry about food and clothing.

"Speaking of which, how about this case, are you sure?"

"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, I've found the key point. If I'm lucky, I might be able to impress some people tomorrow."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Zhao Qingyan immediately understood that this kid was about to teach him a profound lesson.

"That's good, I'm relieved!"

Zhao Qingyan nodded, "If there is anything that needs my help, just mention it!"

"Uncle Zhao, goodbye, aren't you very busy recently?"

"So what if you're busy, everything has a priority, you don't think that the priority of this case will be behind my work, do you?"

"Uncle Zhao, I was wrong."

Well, Zhang Wei apologized.

He does have something to apologize for, that is, Zhao Qingyan's ex-wife had such a big incident, and he didn't contact her.

He preconceived that the other party's work is important, but some things are indeed more important than work.

"But you're involved in this case, I'm actually very relieved!"

Zhao Qingyan said, and then asked: "How is Xiaoxiao?"

"Xiaoxiao is busy. Recently, she checks in every day, but Director Zhou and I have applied. She doesn't have to live in the dormitory of the special operations team like Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan. She is still very free."

"That's good."

Hearing this, Zhao Qingyan was relieved.

"By the way, tomorrow I will send someone to listen in on the scene, please behave well, then I won't bother you!"

Zhao Qingyan returned to the Zhao Mansion and closed the door again.

"Are you listening? Uncle Zhao still can't let go of his feelings..." Zhang Wei murmured.

But soon, his cell phone rang, and it was Zhao Xiaoxiao who sent a message.

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Miss Ben is about to starve to death, promise me a supper/angry/angry/angry]

[Zhang Wei: Here we come, here we come, I wasted a little time on the road just now, I will make you a supper right away/hee hee]

Seeing the message sent by the second girl, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

These two daughters are really lively and cute. It's great to have a daughter who can be dispatched and easily dismissed~


the next day.

Friday, court day.

Municipal Court, Preparation Room.

"Xiaohou, this time it's up to you!"

"Yes, if you can defeat Zhang Wei, then you must win him once!"

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng both came to watch the battle today, and they are currently in the preparation room, cheering Hou Liangliang up.

"Don't worry, it is my duty to recast the glory of the prefectural prosecutor!"

Hou Liangliang naturally agreed loudly, with a face full of confidence.

Both Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng nodded unconsciously, what they want is this momentum!

As expected of the chief prosecutor's son, praise!

"Xiao Baihe, Tan Yingying, you two remember, you must fully cooperate with Xiaohou's work, do you understand!"

"Director, I will fully cooperate!"


Hearing Zhao Chunming's advice, Tan Yingying's expression was extremely solemn, but Xiao Baihe, who was at the side, just responded lightly.

Zhao Chunming didn't care either, after all, the advantage now lies with their local prosecutor's headquarters.

"Xiao Hou, you have to remember, don't take it lightly, this kid Zhang Wei is a bit wicked, every time you think you can beat him, he always turns the tables!"

"Don't worry, Director Zhao, this time I will let him taste the defeat!" Hou Liangliang sneered with a hint of sarcasm.

Both the evidence and the direction of the court are on the prosecution's side, and the advantages can be said to be infinite.

As long as he doesn't make waves, how can he be overturned?

At the same time, the preparation room next door.

Compared with the prosecution, which was full of confidence and was about to open champagne at halftime, the defense was a little dull.

Chen Xiaoyu hugged her son Xiaozhi, looked at Lao Tan again, and was worried: "Lawyer Zhang, I don't know about this case..."

"Ms. Chen, don't worry, Xiaoxiao and I have found a good entry point for the case."

As Zhang Wei said, Zhao Xiaoxiao also crossed her arms, raised her head, and looked confident.

Chen Xiaoyu and Lao Tan looked at each other, "Lawyer Zhang, you mean..."

"Don't mind, you will know later!"

Zhang Wei patted Lao Tan on the shoulder, and then urged: "Let's go, it's time to go to court."

at the same time.

judge's office.

"Ok, I know!"

"Please don't worry, the Chief Prosecutor. I will handle the case impartially and will never favor any party. You can rest assured."

"As for your son, I will definitely take care of one or two properly on the premise of conforming to the norms."

"I know that he is still young. If there is anything wrong with him, I will bring it up and help him grow up together."

"Yes yes yes, you are a senior, you called to care about our work, I understand, I understand..."

Judge Liu put down the phone, and then his face turned cold.

"Hehe, your son is still young. How much older is he than the defense lawyer?"

"Besides, what is going on with this case? I'm a judge. I have to base my case on the facts. Don't expect too much."

"Although you are the Chief Prosecutor, even though your reason for calling is to care about the work of our court, but you call me, everyone understands this idea."

"But the problem is that the call record is kept for the record. If Zhang Wei refuses to accept it afterwards, the problem will be serious."

"I don't give you face. At most, I won't lose anything if you look at me the next time I go to the local police."

"If I really do that kind of thing, the consequences will be serious!"

Judge Liu naturally has a steelyard in his heart. Although he superficially agrees to the person on the other end of the phone, he only superficially agrees.

"Let's go, it's time to go to court!"

He glanced at the time, put on his robe, and walked out of the office quickly.

Criminal court, scene.

When Judge Liu came to the courtroom, the prosecution and the defense had already taken their seats first.

On the prosecution's seat, Hou Liangliang was full of confidence.

Tan Yingying beside her was expressionless, and Xiao Baihe next to her was bored.

Maybe in the hearts of the two of them, there is only one thought, when will this case and the trial be over.

At the defense table, Lao Tan looked nervous and embarrassed.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao beside him looked calm and indifferent.

Maybe in the hearts of the two of them, there is only one thought, when will the trial start, the waiting is so boring.

In the front row of the hearing, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng were full of expectations. They wanted to see Zhang Wei's defeat earlier.

Similarly, Chef Wang, who testified yesterday, is also present today.

He also nodded towards Lao Tan, as if he was supporting his good friend.

"Ahem, this court announces that the public trial of Lao Tan's pickled fish fire case...the second official hearing has begun!"

Judge Liu struck the gavel, then looked at the defense bench.

"Lawyer Zhang, what witnesses are you calling today?"

"We want to summon Ms. Liu, a waiter at Old Tan Pickled Fish Restaurant, to testify in court!"

Hearing this witness, many people were a little surprised.

What can a waiter explain?

Lao Tan and Chen Xiaoyu looked at each other, Hou Liangliang looked strange, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng in the front row of the hearing were also a little surprised.

Does this witness have any effect?

Or, does she know something that others don't?

But if there is, why not say it before the defendant testifies, what is the point of subpoenaing the other party now?

All in all, amidst everyone's doubts, Ms. Liu went to court.

Ms. Liu is a woman in her fifties, her temples are slightly white, but she is in good spirits.

"Hello, Ms. Liu."

"Hi, hello, lawyer..."

Ms. Liu, who was sitting on the witness stand for the first time in her life, was still a little cramped and nervous, and she responded with a very unconfident tone.

"Don't be nervous, Ms. Liu, I invite you to come to court, I just want you to tell me what you saw, you just answer the truth."

"I... I'll try my best..."

Zhang Wei smiled and asked: "Ms. Liu, you are the longest-working employee of my client Lao Tan. According to your work records, you and Lao Tan have known each other for more than 10 years, right?"

"It's been 11 years. At that time, I worked as a food passer in a restaurant, and occasionally washed dishes. Later, the boss promoted me and asked me to be in charge of some things in the back kitchen."

"Well, so you're familiar with restaurants?"

"If it's about the back kitchen, I should know all about it."

Ms. Liu said, and suddenly waved her hand: "But I really don't know about the fire, and I didn't expect that a good restaurant would catch fire."

She thought that Zhang Wei was going to ask herself about the fire.

"Ms. Liu, don't be nervous, I don't want to ask you about the fire."


Ms. Liu was stunned.

Also stunned, there were other people in the court.

Isn't the key to this case the fire? If you don't ask about the fire, why ask?

"Ms. Liu, I just want to ask one thing!"

As Zhang Wei said, he raised a finger and pointed to the front row of the hearing booth.

"I want to ask, what is the relationship between Chef Wang and my client who have been talking about?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people showed strange expressions on their faces.

Chef Wang and Lao Tan have a relationship, can't you see?

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