Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 431 Two Insurances? Summon Chef Wang again

Zhang Wei's question surprised many people.

What is wrong with you asking, what is the relationship between Chef Wang and Lao Tan?

A lot of people in court were incredible.

Because they have a good relationship, you don’t know how to read it yourself?

Didn't you see that Chef Wang is still present to support Lao Tan even after he has testified?

You didn't hear what Chef Wang said when he testified yesterday.

Lao Tan and himself are friends who have known each other for more than ten years. We learned cooking skills together and opened a restaurant together. The two of them took out part of their savings to work hard together.

How could such two people have a bad relationship?

"Ms. Liu, please answer my question. Is the relationship between Chef Wang and Lao Tan good?"

"I believe that as the most senior employee of Lao Tan Pickled Fish, after working with them for 11 years, you should be the one with the most say?"

Zhang Wei doesn't care what other people think, he only cares about the answer to the question.


Ms. Liu recalled carefully, "The relationship between the boss and Chef Wang should be very good. When they first started their business, they were like brothers!"

"Oh, at first?"

Zhang Wei quickly caught a point and showed doubts on his face.

Ms. Liu showed embarrassment, but after looking around the court, she still confessed: "How should I put it, even after many people have been together for a long time, this contradiction will appear."


This word is not a good thing.

Many people in the court, the hearing seats and the jury all frowned when they heard this word.

Is there really something going on here that they don't know about?

"Ms. Liu, please think about it carefully, recall it, and then tell us, what is the conflict between Lao Tan and Chef Wang?"

"It's about the operation of the restaurant and the focus of the boss's work. Chef Wang has not been satisfied with the performance of the boss in recent years, and even..."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Wei hurriedly asked.

Ms. Liu glanced at Chef Wang, and lowered her head in embarrassment: "That's right, they sometimes quarrel, and the quarrel is very loud!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were surprised.

"Oh, quarrels, but they are partners in business. When there are differences in business, quarrels are also common."

Zhang Wei chuckled, and after a calm joke, he asked, "Ms. Liu, do they quarrel frequently?"

"Occasionally noisy at first, then..."

Ms. Liu stopped talking again.

"What happened next?"

Seeing Zhang Wei's questioning, Ms. Liu had no choice but to confess: "To be honest, since the proprietress has been coming to the restaurant, the conflict between Chef Wang and the boss has gradually increased."

"Oh, it has something to do with the proprietress too?"

Zhang Wei gave Chen Xiaoyu a meaningful look.

"Yes, it has a lot to do with the proprietress."

Ms. Liu sighed again, "Actually, the boss and Chef Wang can't be blamed for this matter, the main reason is that the boss's wife is too rich."

"Think about it, the boss and Chef Wang have worked so hard to earn tens of thousands of dollars a year after eliminating the necessary expenses."

"We have all heard that the ex-husband of the proprietress is very rich. Although she divorced her ex-husband, she still gets millions of dividends from him every year."

Zhang Wei nodded after hearing this, and asked, "Does everyone know about this?"

"Yeah, the older employees who come to the store know it, so we all said in private that the boss is under a lot of pressure."

"It doesn't matter that the proprietress is beautiful, the key is that she can still get so much money every year, and the boss wants to prove himself, it must be difficult for these two to get along..."

When Ms. Liu said this, she looked helpless.

It doesn't matter who it is, if your wife makes millions a year, but you can't make much money a year, don't you feel uncomfortable?

"Then I'm wondering, what does the estrangement between Lao Tan and Ms. Chen have to do with Chef Wang?"

Ms. Liu shook her head with a complicated expression, "Maybe it's jealousy."


"Yeah, jealous!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's question, Ms. Liu replied affirmatively: "Our old employees can see that Chef Wang is actually jealous that the boss can find a rich and beautiful woman like the proprietress."

Speaking of this, Ms. Liu has no scruples anymore. Anyway, all the rumors that should be exposed have been exposed, so what else can I do?

"Actually, we have said in private that every time Chef Wang sees the boss and the boss's wife, there is something wrong with the look in his eyes. I think it's obviously jealousy."

"Even the old employees can see it?"

"Yeah, I can tell that some of our old employees gossip in private, saying that the boss found the boss's wife. I don't know if it's good luck or not."

"Then Chef Wang is jealous of Lao Tan, so the two often quarrel?"

"Yes, most of the time it's trivial things, but the two of them suddenly quarreled for no reason."

Ms. Liu said, lowering her voice, "In my opinion, it's jealousy, and Chef Wang is jealous!"


Zhang Weiwei looked at the front row of the hearing seat meaningfully.

After Ms. Liu let go of herself and told all the gossip about the restaurant, Chef Wang immediately looked a little ugly.

Feeling the scrutiny of his surroundings, he clenched his hands into fists and clenched his fingers tightly.

"No, hearsay evidence!"

But at this moment, an interruption from the prosecutor's seat attracted everyone's attention.

"What is the defense doing? After summoning witnesses to appear in court, they actually started chatting about gossip?"

Hou Liangliang pointed at Zhang Wei, looked at the trial seat, and said with disdain, "Judge Liu, why don't you let the defense lawyers say innocuous things in court and talk about non-existent things?"

"This..." Judge Liu unexpectedly made many rebuttals for a while.

"Judge Liu, the question I asked is not innocuous, and Ms. Liu's answer is not false. In fact, she also said that many old employees in the restaurant know these things, so if I am subpoenaing other employees to testify, I can Prove that these are not rumors, nor are they so-called hearsay evidence!"

Zhang Wei had already prepared his speech, and even gave Hou Liangliang a provocative look.

"Lawyer Zhang is right, the objection is invalid."

Judge Liu decided to support Zhang Wei, after all, what he explained was reasonable.

Hou Liangliang looked unhappy, and immediately asked Zhang Wei: "But what's the point of you asking the witness to say this?"

What Ms. Liu said was all gossip about the restaurant.

This time the case was arson, a restaurant fire and explosion, and even an employee lost his life.

But you gossip in court?

Hou Liangliang secretly resented why he didn't call the family members of the deceased employees, that is, the victims, over and ask them to "show their true feelings" in the hearing booth.

If he had known that Zhang Wei was going to rectify these things, he should have done everything right and asked the family members of the victims to come to the court to cry and put pressure on the court!

"What's the point?"

Zhang Wei felt a little funny when he heard Hou Liangliang's question.

"These questions are of great significance!"

"Impossible, what's the point of gossip?"

"The meaning of these gossips is to prove one thing!"

As Zhang Wei said, he raised a finger, and his tone suddenly became more serious: "The person who set fire to the restaurant is most likely not my client, but Chef Wang!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Many people raised their heads in surprise and looked at Zhang Wei in court.

Many people turned around and looked at Chef Wang.

"Impossible, you are speculating for no reason!"

"Wrong, I put forward these, all have a basis!"

Faced with Hou Liangliang's denial, Zhang Wei sneered and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

The moment they saw the USB flash drive, everyone in the court subconsciously looked at Tan Yingying who was sitting on the prosecution table.

It's up to you, the pros!

Tan Yingying lowered her head helplessly, and shouted, "I can't see me, I can't see me, I can't see me..."

"Xiao Tan, have you brought your notebook?"

Tan Yingying almost cried, does it make sense if I bring my notebook or not?

Woohoo, I'm just a tool man, and I can't escape for the rest of my life.

Tan Yingying, with a look of despair, had no choice but to take the USB flash drive in Zhang Wei's hand, then open the portable notebook, connect it to the projector, and the action was done in one go.

In less than ten seconds, a picture appeared on the projection screen.

"Ahem, Judge Liu, in order to match the evidence I will show next, I hope the court can re-subpoena Chef Wang to testify in court, is that possible?"


Judge Liu is in hesitation, because your current witness has not been cross-examined yet.

"Prosecution, if you object, this court..."

"Hmph, it's okay!"

Hou Liangliang didn't object, and even gave Zhang Wei a disdainful look.

The current witness is Ms. Liu, an old employee of the restaurant, and the testimony she gave is all irrelevant gossip, which is meaningless to him.

Since Zhang Wei wants to prove something, he can continue, and then find a flaw to refute.

"Okay, Ms. Liu, you can go down now. The witness, Chef Wang, is invited to appear in court again for interrogation!"

With Judge Liu's announcement, Ms. Liu left the table, and Chef Wang returned to the witness stand.

"Ahem, hello Chef Wang!"

Zhang Wei smiled and greeted the person in front of him.

"Hello, lawyer."

After Chef Wang responded, he suddenly said: "Although I don't know what you are going to prove, I am absolutely innocent!"

"Really, innocent?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Once you're on the witness stand, you can't escape!

As for whether you are innocent or not?

It's not up to you, it's based on the evidence!

On the projection screen, the evidence began to play.

"Everyone, please look at the big screen. Here is an insurance contract. It is a store property insurance signed by my client Tan Zhiqi and the insurance company. The insurance amount is 3 million. The beneficiaries of the insurance are him and Chef Wang."

"However, because of the different ratios of insurance premiums, the beneficiaries get different amounts. Let me put it this way, if my client is not guilty in this case and the fire is an accident, then he can benefit more than 2.7 million, while Chef Wang will also receive 300,000 in compensation."

On the screen, some key numbers are circled so that everyone can see them clearly.

Everyone actually knows the agreement of the insurance contract, because they have heard it mentioned by the prosecution.

The insurance contract was quickly overturned.

"Everyone should have read the contract, but I have a question here. I believe everyone may have a question, that is, if the case is finally determined to be intentional arson, will the insurance company pay?"

Many people in the court rolled their eyes, can this still be compensated?

Are you an idiot for an insurance company?

If you have an accident, they may pay, but they may not pay.

After all, who can say clearly about the insurance company.

But as long as you have a little deliberate behavior, they will definitely not pay.

"Yes, I believe that many people have the answer in their hearts, and the insurance company will definitely not pay!"

Zhang Wei said with a smile, "So, not only can Lao Tan not get 2.7 million, Chef Wang can't get 300,000 insurance compensation, right?"

"What's the point of this?" On the prosecution's seat, Hou Liangliang stood up again.

"Don't worry, the wonderful thing is coming!"

Zhang Wei told him to be calm.

"Xiao Tan, click on the next contract!"

Tan Yingying immediately complied, and clicked on the second folder, which contained a new insurance contract.

"Everyone, please see, this is another new insurance contract, and who is the insured, everyone can see clearly, right?"

Zhang Wei thought carefully, and even circled a line of words in red on the contract, fearing that some people would not be able to see it clearly.

"Chef Wang!"

In the court, someone exclaimed that it was an old talk from the defense.

Many people were also surprised, why there is still an insurance contract, and the insured person is actually Chef Wang himself.

"Are you surprised, why is there still a contract?"

"And you see, the terms of this contract are different from the previous one."

"Let me explain to you here, what is going on with this contract!"

As Zhang Wei said, he signaled Tan Yingying to continue operating, and some terms on the projection screen were also marked with red lines.

"Everyone, please take a look here. This contract clearly states that if natural disasters or man-made disasters occur during the operation of the restaurant, or even someone intentionally sets fire, as long as the person responsible for the accident is no longer on the policyholder, then he can receive compensation."

"Let's take a look at the insured amount and compensation. It is clearly stated on it that the compensation is a full 4 million."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised his finger to Chef Wang, "In other words, even if the prosecution wins the case, Lao Tan is convicted of arson, and Lao Tan is the cause of the fire in the restaurant, the first insurance contract is invalid, and the second insurance contract is invalid. Insurance contracts are just as valid."

"Because as long as the responsibility is not on Chef Wang himself, then the insurance clause can be established, and Chef Wang will receive a full compensation of 4 million yuan!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised.

I didn't expect that Chef Wang would actually take out such an insurance policy.

"Chef Wang, is the contract I showed real, please answer me?"

Zhang Wei came to the witness stand again and asked with a smile.

"I'll take out an insurance policy for my own business, so what's the problem?"

"That's the explanation, you admit it?"

Chef Wang didn't deny it, and didn't even bother to answer.

"Xiao Tan, next one!"

Upon hearing Zhang Wei's order, Tan Yingying immediately switched to the photo in the next chapter.

This time, what appeared was something like an X-ray photo, but the background could be seen faintly, like a restaurant kitchen.

"Please see, everyone. This is an inspection photo provided by a fire expert I invited. In fact, after going to the scene that day, I had a doubt."

"I smelled a pungent smell at the scene of the fire, which smelled a little like gasoline, which made me wonder. Gasoline is not a common cleaning product in the kitchen, so I asked a fire expert to help I analyze and analyze."

"This expert is very professional. He helped me re-examine the chemical residues at the fire scene with chromatographic analysis and spectroscopic analysis. Guess what?"

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused on purpose, arousing the interest of everyone present.

"It turned out that he actually found the residue after burning gasoline!"


The jury looked at each other in blank dismay, the hearing bench whispered to each other, and even Xiao Liu in the trial bench was startled.

Gas in the kitchen?

What does this represent? It represents the ironclad evidence of deliberate arson!

"Gasoline, how is it possible!" Hou Liangliang stood up straight away with a look of surprise.

"How is it impossible? This expert is an expert consultant of the fire department. If you still don't believe his test report, then I have nothing to say!"

After Zhang Wei refuted, he looked at the witness stand again.

"Chef Wang, let me ask, is it possible that gasoline appeared in the kitchen of the restaurant?"


Chef Wang was speechless for a while.

"Forget it. It's okay if you don't need to answer. Anyway, we all know that there is an open fire in the kitchen, and gasoline is flammable. I guess even Xiao Zhi knows that gasoline is not allowed in the kitchen!"

Zhang Wei pointed to Tan Xiaozhi in the hearing booth, and smiled.

Many people in the court also laughed.

This is something that children know. Gasoline needs to be kept away from open flames, and it is even less likely to appear in the back kitchen.

"Chef Wang, one last question. The fire happened around 0:00 am on the weekend. Where were you at that time?"

"I...I'm drinking at a bar!"

Chef Wang was questioned by Zhang Wei, and quickly explained: "I'm too busy at work on weekends. After get off work, I went to the bar to have a drink, and then I came home very late. The bar has my consumption records!"

"Yeah, you went to the bar, but you lied too!"

Zhang Wei looked at Chef Wang's hand and said with a smile: "Actually, you were busy until about 10 o'clock in the evening that day, then went to the bar to drink, left the bar at 11 o'clock, and then you returned to the restaurant, right? "

"How is it possible, what am I going to do?"

"Of course I went back and set fire!"

"What evidence do you have!"

"Why, you don't deny it, just ask me for evidence?"


Hearing Zhang Wei's ridicule, Chef Wang's expression changed.

But before he could respond, Zhang Wei had already sneered and approached, "You know, you live a healthy life, at least you know how to exercise, wear a smart watch every day, and check your heart rate data. It's really hard for you. !"

Chef Wang lowered his head and looked at the smart watch in his hand.

"Do you think this is an ordinary watch?"

"Then I can tell you that not only is this watch not ordinary at all, but it also has GPS positioning."

"Let me tell you again, this watch was developed by Blacksmith Technology, and I happen to know the chief research and development officer of Blacksmith Technology. You said that if I ask him to help locate a certain user's itinerary on the weekend, do you think he will help?" Is this busy?"

Having said that, Zhang Wei is already smiling.

When Chef Wang heard these words, his complexion became extremely ugly.

Can the smart watch on his hand really show everything he does?

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