Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 432 Chef Wang breaks the defense and comes to a successful conclusion

Smart bracelet!

An ordinary, unremarkable looking electronic product.

It actually became the key to the case?

Who can believe this?

But Zhang Wei knows, don't underestimate any electronic product, it may be the information recorded in the product, which can prove something inadvertently.

For example, in this case, the smart bracelet is very useful.

"Little Tan!"

Zhang Wei just yelled without giving any instructions, and Tan Yingying "understood" and clicked on a satellite map in the USB flash drive.

The satellite map appeared on the projection screen, and there were many blue dots on the ground, forming a clear route.

"Chef Wang, you should be familiar with this picture, right?"

"This is……"

"This is the road map for you to put on your smart bracelet and start running after get off work that day. Don't you sometimes post to Moments? You should be familiar with this road map, right?"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the blue dot on the picture.

"The smart bracelet has built-in GPS positioning. Only in this way can it tell you how many steps you have run and how far you have moved today, and can calculate how many calories your body has lost. It can also let you show off by posting on Moments."

"These blue dots are the screening information I asked the technician to set up. They are actually your location, your position on the map every 20 seconds."

After Zhang Wei finished explaining, he gestured towards Tan Yingying.

The photos on the screen switched, and the map got bigger.

"As you can see, this is Wanjiahui Plaza, this is the bar 7km away, and this is the apartment where Chef Wang lives. The blue path is connected by several line segments, respectively, from the restaurant to the bar, from the bar to the apartment, and from the apartment to the restaurant."

"As you can see, after 10 o'clock that night, Chef Wang left the restaurant and went to the bar he mentioned to drink. This is all correct, and the route is also marked on the route map of his running."

"But after drinking, he trotted all the way back to the apartment, and the path showed that he left the apartment and ran to the restaurant!"

The three routes, restaurant to bar, bar to apartment, apartment to restaurant, are all clearly visible.

Not only that, but you can also see time information and specific latitude and longitude coordinates by clicking on the small dots on the path.

"This is the data after GPS positioning. The time, place, latitude and longitude coordinates have been confirmed, and the information cannot be written."

"Chef Wang, please answer me, why the smart bracelet shows that you went to the bar after get off work, and then ran home, but in the period from 11:51 midnight to 0:02 am, you went to the bar again Back to the restaurant?"

"Excuse me, during these 11 minutes, did you do anything in the restaurant?"

As soon as the question was uttered, the atmosphere in the courtroom changed.

Suspicion, suspicion, disbelief.

Everyone looked at the witness stand and Chef Wang in unison.

They want an answer, an answer they already guessed.

"I..." Chef Wang opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

"Why, can't you answer?"

Zhang Wei had already expected this reaction, and he joked: "It's strange to say, how come your time is exactly the time when the fire and explosion happened. Could it be that you went to the restaurant to pour gasoline?"

"Chef Wang, you're not really going to pour gasoline, are you?"

Although Zhang Wei was asking a question, he winked at Tan Yingying.

Suddenly, the screen on the projection screen switched again.

What appeared this time was a picture of Chef Wang holding a blue container in his hand.

"Chef Wang, can you tell me what is in the blue container in your hand? Is it gasoline?"


Chef Wang's unbelievable expression and speechless reaction were once again seen by the whole court.

At this point, the answer doesn't really matter.

"Chef Wang, I really didn't expect that Lao Tan regarded you as a brother, but you personally burned his dream and career!"

"Here, I..."

Zhang Wei shook his head and sighed, and asked Chef Wang, "Have you ever thought about what Lao Tan will think of you after he knows the answer, will he blame himself, will he..."

"What does he know?"

But under Zhang Wei's questioning, Chef Wang suddenly yelled.

"He married a wife with a fortune of tens of millions, so what else does he have, what career does he have!"

"He failed in his career, but he still has a wife to support him, and he gets millions of dividends a year. I can't earn this money in my life!"

"He's not worried, but what about me, I have nothing. Once the restaurant fails, I'll be gone for the rest of my life!"

Chef Wang finally let go of his disguise, and shouted at the old man on the defense table: "You are bored with your wife every day, and you don't even care about the restaurant. Have you ever considered my feelings?"

"Your wife is rich, so you're just tired of her, right? Have you ever thought that you and I were born and died, and I worked hard with you, for our dreams and career, and the suffering of staying in the back kitchen for more than ten years?"

Lao Tan opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer for a while.

"So you bought a second insurance, and plan to get revenge on Lao Tan and make him pay the price?"

"That's right, he doesn't care about the restaurant anyway, so he might as well burn it down, and I can cheat some insurance to open another restaurant!"

"Oh, no wonder. I said, why do you suddenly have the money to book a new storefront? It's still a famous food street in Central, a lot facing south by the intersection, and the annual rent is several million. It's because of this."

The corner of Chef Wang's mouth twitched, you have already investigated this, what else can I say.

"Oh, it's a pity. My cooking skills shouldn't be buried like this. I have learned the craft for more than ten years, and I..."

"But that's not why you set fire, you even killed a person!"

Zhang Wei's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Chef Wang emotionlessly, "Originally, this case was manslaughter, but because you subjectively committed intentional acts and put it into the facts of arson crime, it is deliberate arson, and there are two incidental incidents. Super murdered!"

"Chef Wang, I hope you can be a good cook honestly in your next life, find a good girl, and have a good career that you can work hard for the rest of your life."

After hearing these words, Chef Wang's face couldn't hold back anymore.

His face twitched, and tears burst into the corners of his eyes at the end. An old man burst into tears in court.

And Zhang Wei, like a victor, calmly walked to the prosecutor's seat.

"Prosecutor, it's your turn. If you still want to ask something, please do it yourself."

Spreading his hands, he walked back to the defense table with a relaxed face.

But after accepting a round of ridicule, Hou Liangliang could only clenched his fists with both hands and looked angry, but he couldn't attack.

He lost this case!

Losing is extremely ugly, losing like a clown!

Zhang Wei, I hate your grandma!

Even if Hou Liangliang swears in front of the whole court, it doesn't matter anymore.

Because, the game is doomed!

At the trial seat, Judge Liu was actually happy when he saw Hou Liangliang's distraught face.

Do you still want to pretend?

Do you still want to challenge Zhang Wei?

Calling you presumptuous, it's useless to say hello to your father.

Sorry, I have to lose or I have to lose!

"Prosecution, are you sure you don't want to cross-examine?"

Judge Liu asked a question, but Hou Liangliang did not speak.

"That's fine, this court understands."

Judge Liu understood, and looked at the defense seat again, "The defense?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and smiled.

Does it make sense to ask this?

All the real criminals blew themselves up, so why don't we just go through a process?

Judge Liu naturally understood.

"Ahem, since both the prosecution and the defense have chosen to end their testimony, this court announces that they will follow the procedure."

"Ting Wei, get Chef Wang under control first, and put him in custody pending trial!"

"Clerk, make a backup copy of Chef Wang's testimony just now, and send it to Captain Lin of Serious Case 1 Team. Remember, make sure the content is verbatim!"

Two more orders were issued in succession. Judge Liu is quite experienced.

Then came the redundant closing statements and the jury deliberation and verdict deliberation stage.

1 hour later.

"First juror?"

"As the first juror in this case, I now declare that the defendant, Tan Zhiqi, was charged with intentional arson, negligent death and other crimes, and he is not guilty of all of them!"

With the announcement of the first juror, the whole court took it lightly, and no one objected.

"Oye, that's great!"

Old Tan jumped up excitedly.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao, who were sitting beside him, had unusually calm expressions.

After they found the clues last night, they were already excited, and now they can still maintain a normal mind.

"That's great, husband!"

"Dad, don't you have to go on a business trip?"

"Yes, Dad doesn't need to go on a business trip anymore, he can be with you every day."

Lao Tan, Chen Xiaoyu, and Tan Xiaozhi hugged each other tightly, weeping with joy.

This middle-aged man had encountered the lowest point in his life in the past few days, and he was finally relieved at this moment.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you so much, without you, I..."

"Old Tan, don't talk about this, helping you is what I should do!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand indifferently, with a calm face.

"However, if you really want to thank you, you might as well thank Xiaoxiao."

Zhang Wei gave up his status and pushed Zhao Xiaoxiao out.


Lao Tan looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao, and originally wanted to thank him directly, but felt that the people around him suddenly stopped talking.

Only then did he remember what the relationship between the girl in front of him and his wife was.

The other party is his wife's own daughter, so she has the same mother as Tan Xiaozhi, siblings.

After all, I can be regarded as the stepfather of the other party...

All I can say is, what a crime!

"Xiaoxiao... Thank you too..."

To be honest, Chen Xiaoyu did not expect such a scene to happen.

I need to thank my daughter who is far away.

For a moment, she didn't know how to face the girl in front of her, and even calling her name felt unnatural.

"Thank you sister."

What's more, among the three members of this family, the one who speaks the most fluently is five-year-old Tan Xiaozhi.


But Zhao Xiaoxiao's perfunctory response by rolling her eyes made her feel a little embarrassed.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing!"

Zhang Wei couldn't bear it immediately, this is your own mother.


Zhao Xiaoxiao gave Zhang Wei another look.

But then, after throwing a provocative look at Chen Xiaoyu, she left without looking back.

"I'll go to the car first, I'm tired, remember to make something delicious for me when I get back!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao left, leaving in a chic way, showing Zhang Wei and Lao Tan's family of three a back view.

"This girl has a bit of a personality...Three, I'm sorry."

As an "elder", Zhang Wei naturally apologized on behalf of the second daughter.

"It's okay, Lawyer Zhang, I feel Xiaoxiao is very happy..."

Chen Xiaoyu looked at the back of her daughter leaving, but felt a little rejoiced in her heart.

"By the way, let me ask you a lot, and talk about what you plan to do in the future?"


Lao Tan was stopped by Zhang Wei's one-sentence question.

He is now gone from the restaurant and his career.

Although I don't need to be responsible, but the restaurant is now turned into ashes, what else can I do.

Lao Tan scratched his head, with a helpless expression on his face, "Lawyer Zhang, I haven't thought about it for now. I have been a cook for more than ten years, and I don't know what else to do..."

"Actually, your restaurant is running well, the price is affordable, and the dishes are also rich. It's just that you haven't found a suitable revenue ratio."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to the other party.

"This is the data I asked the project department of our law firm to do. It is calculated by comparing the operating data of your original restaurant. If you want to continue to open the store in the future, you can use this data to do it."

"This is……"

I always talk about the result file, and when I open it, my eyes are darkened.

"You didn't make money before, actually because the price of the food was too cheap. In such a good place as Wanjiahui Commercial Street, the monthly rent exceeds 50% of your revenue cost, which means that half of the money you earn is given to you. If you are a landlord, you think you can make money with small profits but quick sales, but you are in the catering industry, and the ingredients are limited every day, so there is no way to increase the quantity to increase profits like retail."

"It's all your dishes, and I've marked the prices on the back. If you follow this price, your annual profit can exceed 200,000 yuan. Even after you become famous, the profit may be even higher."

After hearing what Zhang Wei said, Lao Tan couldn't help but take the document with excitement.

But then, he thought of something again, with a dejected look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"The restaurants are gone now, and I don't have the money to open new ones."

"You have no money, Ms. Chen has money."

"But her money was all given by that person, I..."

Seeing the old talk coming again, Zhang Wei said with a smile: "Then let's do this, if you feel uncomfortable, treat this money as Ms. Chen lent you, and return it to her after you make money."

"Old Tan, you have a little confidence in yourself, this restaurant still has to be opened, otherwise you have to be prepared to live on soft food for the rest of your life."

"By the way, I personally want to become a shareholder of your restaurant, but I won't participate in the operation and production. From now on, just remember to pay me dividends every year. How about it?"

Hearing that Zhang Wei wanted to take a stake, Lao Tan was naturally happy, "If Lawyer Zhang likes it, I will definitely welcome it!"

He looked at Chen Xiaoyu again, "As for your money, is it I borrowed it?"

"up to you!"

Chen Xiaoyu didn't seem to delve too deeply into it. Although she might not get back the money she paid, she was also happy to see her husband cheered up.

"Yes, the location of the restaurant..."

"Old Tan, have you forgotten that Chef Wang has chosen the place for you? Now the landlord is waiting for Chef Wang to pay the money, but he has no way to continue to open the shop. You can't help him with this shop. Inherit."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out another document and handed it to Lao Tan.

"Here is the address of the new restaurant chosen by Chef Wang. It is on the food street in Central, facing south at the crossroads. The location and traffic flow are good. If you have no objections, I suggest you pay the bill directly, or pass it by. There is no such store in this village.”

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, I understand!" Lao Tan took the document with joy on his face.

"That's fine, the case is over, I'll withdraw first!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang!"

"Thank you brother!"

Talking about a family of three, he naturally bowed to Zhang Wei with an extremely grateful attitude.

Zhang Wei walked out of the court with a slight smile on his lips.

To him, it was nothing more than winning a case.

But for Lao Tan's family of three, it saved their whole life, so they are so grateful.

Zhang Wei expressed his understanding, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Uncle Zhao, have you received the news?"

"Oh, I remember you said you would arrange someone in the hearing booth, so you have already received the news?"

"Where there is, there is nothing, there is nothing to thank, this is what I should do."

"Well, then you are busy, I also want to go back and rest for a while."

"Yes, yes, Xiaoxiao, don't worry, I'm in charge of everything!"

Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan exchanged a few words, then hung up the phone with a smile.

He glanced back at the court, and also left quickly.

The case was won, and as the defense, he was naturally happy.

But on the other side, as the prosecutor's headquarters, that's another matter.

The court has been disbanded, and many people left the scene. Now the entire court is empty, and only a group of people from the local prosecutor's headquarters are left.

"Xiao Hou, we are going back."

Zhao Chunming looked at Hou Liangliang who was still standing on the prosecution bench in a daze, and asked a tentative question.

What's the matter with you boy, isn't it just that you lost a public prosecution case, is it necessary to do this?

It's almost 10 minutes since the adjournment, everyone has left, why don't you leave?

"Zhao...Director Zhao, I..." Suddenly, Hou Liangliang spoke.

No, it should be said that he was crying, with a choked tone and tears in the corners of his eyes.

"How could I lose? I had such a big advantage, but I was suddenly overturned. I..."

"Xiaohou, it's a court trial. It's normal to win or lose a lawsuit. Young people have to learn to adapt."

Zhao Chunming comforted him, and then sighed: "Besides, you are facing Zhang Wei. This kid is very evil. If you are in a lawsuit with him, you have to get used to losing!"

"I don't accept it, why didn't I win him!"

"Xiaohou, look a little wider, how many people on our side have suffered defeats at his hands, and you are not far behind."

Zhao Chunming looked at the people around him.

Guo Wufeng, Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe all lowered their heads unconsciously.

Because they are all defeated by Zhang Wei.

Zhao Chunming is right, and you are not bad.

"Let's go, go back, go back and summarize well, and strive to seize the opportunity next time."

Zhao Chunming comforted him, and left with the people.

Hou Liangliang stopped in place for a long time, finally gritted his teeth, and left with the big team.

But in his heart, he hated Zhang Wei to the core.

It's all his fault, he let himself lose face, and lost in front of all his colleagues at the local prosecutor's headquarters.

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