Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 433 Busy Saturday, Auction Party?

Saturday, party day.

Zhang Wei woke up early,

In a good mood, he cooked a hearty breakfast for himself and Zhao Xiaoxiao who was still asleep.

While cooking, he was still humming and singing, and he was in a good mood.

After all, weekends are for enjoying life.

Da da da……

But to Zhang Wei's helplessness, Zhao Xiaoxiao fiddled with her phone with her head down, not even thinking about having breakfast.

"Second girl, don't play with your phone while eating, is that okay?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Well, the second daughter still likes to tease people so much.

But what he said just now is an instinct of character.

Zhao Xiaoxiao looked up at Zhang Wei, and finally put down the phone honestly and picked up the spoon.

"Well, although this second girl still likes to hate people, she honestly accepted my suggestion, which is really good."

Zhang Wei was very happy to see the second girl listening to his words, his eyes were full of the kindness of an old father.

"Second girl, don't forget to check in for Director Zhou, don't forget about work~"

After breakfast, just as Zhao Xiaoxiao was about to drop the spoon, Zhang Wei hurriedly gave a warning.


Hearing the second girl's reluctant response, Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

Since Zhao Xiaoxiao became a network security non-staff member of the special operations team, her daily routine has become much more regular. At least she can go to bed early, and she is no longer as sleepy and lacking energy as before.

Seeing that the second daughter has grown a lot, Zhang Wei has a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Look, my old father has set a good example.

He walked out of Lin's mansion and passed by Zhao's mansion.

Zhao Qingyan did not come back over the weekend. It is said that he is also busy with attending the charity gala today. Blacksmith Technology is also one of the companies participating in the gala.

"Speaking of which, Uncle Zhao really has a big heart. Xiaoxiao's incident happened a while ago, and the Zhang family obviously couldn't help her. How can Uncle Zhao hold a charity party with the Zhang family of the Lin family?"

It's funny to say that the five major families pay attention to "connecting branches with one spirit" at certain times, but at certain times they will "do nothing to help" the other families.

That's what happened to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Zhao Qingyan begged Zhang Tianlong to go to him, but the other party was really heartless, and for the sake of Zhang Lang's future, he actually wanted to give up Zhao Xiaoxiao's freedom.

And now, the matter between Zhang Lang and Zhao Xiaoxiao came to an end, and only a week later, Zhao Qingyan and Zhang Tianlong were able to "cooperate and win-win" again.

With such emotions, Zhang Wei walked into Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Coincidentally, Zhang Xinwu was practicing in front of the wooden figure in the yard, but Zhang Xinyan was nowhere to be seen.

"Zhang Wei, are you here to find my brother?"

"Sister Xiaowu, today I plan to come to the martial arts gym to practice. Anyway, I don't go to work on weekends. Let your stinky brother rest more and send me out at night!"

Zhang Wei didn't need to look to know that Zhang Xinyan must be sleeping late.

This kid doesn't have Zhang Xinwu's self-discipline. He works as a driver and bodyguard for Zhang Wei from Monday to Friday. He has to rest on Saturdays and Sundays, which is called "weekends".

But this kid didn't think about it carefully, he had so much free time at work, he basically stayed in the car playing with his mobile phone and watching live broadcasts.

After all, as long as he serves Zhang Wei alone, the places where he can use the car are limited.

"That's fine, I'll guide you to practice!"

Since Zhang Xinwu participated in the Martial Arts Conference and experienced what is beyond others, there are people beyond the sky, the mind of opening a martial arts gym to accept apprentices has also faded.

But seeing Zhang Wei being so "eager to learn", her soul as a martial arts teacher's master was burning again.


Zhang Wei originally wanted to pass the time in the martial arts hall, but seeing Zhang Xinwu's enthusiasm, he could only accept it happily.

This practice is a day.

At noon, after Mama Lu returned, she naturally warmly invited Zhang Wei to stay for dinner.

Zhang Wei also thought it was feasible, so he called his second daughter over, and had a lively lunch at Zhang Xinwu's house together.

In the afternoon, it was another pleasant practice.

Sweating and feeling the strength in his body grow, Zhang Wei felt that he could shout loudly: "I want to cast (ten)!"

In the evening, seeing that it was almost time, Zhang Wei asked Zhang Xinyan to drive him to the United Financial Building.

41st floor, Jessica's office.

When Zhang Wei arrived, Jessica had finished the consultation with the last client of the day.

"Oh Mr zhang, Jessica is waiting for you. (Mr. Zhang, the doctor is waiting for you)"

Tracy was waiting at the door, and when she saw Zhang Wei appearing, she hurriedly said.

"Thanks, Trish."

Zhang Wei thanked him and opened the door of the office directly.

"Zhang, you're here."

Jessica was working on the computer in front of the office, and when she saw Zhang Wei coming, she raised her eyes a little.

Sometimes, working women are also beautiful.

When Jessica is working, she likes to wear a white shirt and a black hip-wrapping skirt to show off her curves. Black stockings wrap a pair of slender legs, which makes men unable to look away.

Zhang Wei naturally sat quietly, admiring this urban workplace beauty.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Jessica finished her work.

"I need a change of clothes, Zhang, can you help me refer to it?"


Since the beauty sent an invitation, Zhang Wei naturally agreed.

The two went upstairs to the apartment room, and Jessica opened the closet, which contained several dresses.

"Zhang, which one do you like, white or black?"

Seeing Jessica gesturing in front of him with two dresses, Zhang Wei smiled and said, "Actually, you look good in either one."

"You are so perfunctory~"

It may be that Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei have already taken that step, but Jessica at this moment is quite a little girl, and she rolled her eyes at Zhang Wei.

"Then it's purple!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the purple dress in the closet.

"Why not white or black?"

Jessica still didn't put down the two pieces in her hand.

"Because no matter what you wear, you will be the focus of the party."

As Zhang Wei said, his hands moved unconsciously, wrapping around the waist of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Zhang, we're leaving soon." Jessica rolled her eyes again and reminded the time.

"So that's all I have."

Zhang Wei didn't go any further, but leaned closer to the other party's ear and whispered: "Actually, I prefer the way you looked in my room that night. You are the most beautiful when you are not wearing clothes."

As soon as this remark came out, Jessica immediately thought of the beauty between the two that night.

A blush floated across her fair face, and she felt shy.

Finally, Jessica changed into the purple dress Zhang Wei chose. After saying goodbye to Tracy, the two returned to the underground parking lot and got into Zhang Wei's car.

Zhang Xinyan in the driver's seat saw Zhang Wei coming up with Jessica, and couldn't help being envious and jealous.

He sighed in his heart, why Zhang Weineng has such a beautiful and temperamental female partner, and he is still single until now.

But he was puzzled, Zhang Wei's official girlfriend, it seems, is not the blonde...

What is Zhang Wei's official girlfriend doing now?

the other side.

Zhang Wei's official girlfriend, Xia Qianyue, is currently on standby in the crime squad.

"Today, our mission is the No. 1 Auction in the Oriental Metropolis, because a charity auction is being held here, and all the people who can come to participate are the famous people in the Eastern Metropolis, so we must ensure the safety of these people's lives."

"Any mistake among them will be a very important loss to us in Dongfang Metropolis. You can understand me!"

Wu Yong from the serious case 7 team was explaining the details of tonight's mission, but the information on the charity party was posted on the evidence board behind him.

Not only Wu Yong, but the team leaders of several other teams are also having a meeting.

Even, some members of the serious crime team had already rushed over to monitor the scene around the scene.

What's more, there was a Captain Lin who directly acted as a participant of the party and mixed in...

"Captain Wu, why are we from the Serious Crime Squad going to work as bodyguards?"

Xia Qianyue, who was sitting below, raised her hand suddenly, raising doubts.

This question is not only curious for her, but also for everyone else.

"Indeed, bodyguards can do the work of guards, and there is no need to dispatch our serious crime team!"

Wu Yong nodded, but his expression suddenly became serious: "But we have received news that there are violent gangs abroad and well-known international theft gangs are all eyeing this charity auction!"

"So serious?" Lao Xing couldn't help it anymore, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"If it was an ordinary auction, it would naturally not be like this, but this time it is said that a 'big baby' will appear at the party!"

Wu Yong said, and posted a photo of the jewelry on the evidence board.

"Wow!" As one of the only women in the team, Ani's eyes sparkled when she saw the jewelry in this photo.

"This collection is called "Heart of the Ocean". The main jewel is the blue diamond with the highest purity known in the world, and the diamonds around it are also high-end. In fact, I can see the ocean just in the photo. You will be even more surprised if you see the real thing. "

"Moreover, the price of this thing is also exaggerated, it is a veritable king of diamonds!"

As Wu Yong said, he took a deep breath, then slowly raised his hands and spread his fingers apart: "You must not guess that this thing is worth 2 billion in market value alone!"


The entire Serious Case Group 7, except for Xia Qianyue, everyone gasped.

"It's just such a thing, it's not as big as my palm, and it's worth 2 billion!"

Lao Xing was the first one who couldn't help it, and everyone else showed the same surprised expression as him.

"I didn't believe it at first, but jewelry is not the same thing as us, and we don't need to understand why it is so expensive."

Wu Yong said, looking at his team members with solemn eyes: "We only need to know one thing, that is, there will be countless people in the world who will take risks for these 2 billion!"

When Lao Xing and the others heard this, their faces were also solemn.

2 billion, so much money, I can't spend it all in a few lifetimes.

If it were me, would I be able to bear it?

At least in the eyes of some criminals, this money can make them do anything.

It doesn't seem impossible to break into the No. 1 auction in the Oriental Metropolis and snatch this piece of jewelry, right?


Oriental Capital, downtown.

Inside a certain unfinished building.

Under the dark night, in the basement of the unfinished building, there is a group of people ready to go.

"One last confirmation, have you brought all the guys?"

"Bring them all!"

"Where's the toolbox?"




"Signal screen device?"


"Very well, let's go then!"

Most of the group wore black combat uniforms, black hoods, and weapons, and some carried toolboxes and professional equipment.

But there were two of them, in waiter uniforms and ties.

A group of people boarded a cleaning vehicle in a mighty manner, and then set off towards another magnificent building in the city center.

The direction they are heading towards is the No. 1 Auction in the Oriental Metropolis.

Oriental Capital, downtown.

The first auction, since it is called number one, it is naturally the largest auction in the Eastern Capital.

This place is not so much an auction house as it is a communication circle for the rich.

Those who are interested and qualified to participate in the auction are those who have a lot of money in their hands and have enough interest in some handicrafts, artworks and collectibles.

And today, the first auction was jointly reserved by several big figures with great prestige in the East.

Lin Xiangtian from the Lin family, Zhao Qingyan from the Zhao family, Wu Yuanzong from the Wu family, and even Hua Chaofan from the Hua family.

Except for Kai Hua Chaofan who has recently emerged, the other three are all well-known people in the Eastern Metropolis, and Lin Xiangtian is a top figure in the Eastern Metropolis.

It was even heard that the current chairman of the Eastern Metropolitan Council will also appear at the party.

But at this moment, the parking lot at the gate of the auction is already full of luxury cars. If you drive a car worth less than 2 million yuan, you are embarrassed to enter this parking lot and can only park on the road outside.

"Good guy, why are there so many luxury cars here?"

Outside the parking lot, Zhang Xinyan helped Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei get out of the car, looking around while walking.

"Calm down, ours is not bad."

Zhang Wei waved his hand to show that he was fine.

Zhang Xinyan was still envious, and then smiled at Zhang Wei: "Hey, I can sneak into this kind of place after taking advantage of you, boss?"

"What is a bastard, you are my bodyguard, although I don't expect you to really protect me, but you have to take care of me at the door."

As Zhang Wei said, he led Zhang Xinyan and Jessica towards the entrance of the auction.

At the door at this moment, people are coming and going.

The first auction house, of course, is a place that pays attention to grades.

The polished and smooth black marble floor, the spacious and open layout, there are two full rows of waitresses standing at the door, wearing red cheongsams with open collars

Of course, these waitresses can only serve people with a little status.

The real boss, the organizer of the No. 1 auction and party, will also arrange important figures to receive them.

For example, Zhang Wei and the others happened to arrive at the door.

"Wow, these girls are simply, this figure, this cheongsam..."

After all, Zhang Xinyan is single. Seeing the welcome reception at the entrance of the first auction, especially after seeing their uniform uniforms, he couldn't move his legs.

As his boss, Zhang Wei was very disappointed.

What's the matter with you kid, I haven't moved yet, so you're going to drop me?

"Cough cough, smelly brother, can you let me in first?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help rolling his eyes, and looked at the other party with disdain.

Are there any rules?

Do you know who is the boss?

Zhang Xinyan realized his gaffe, and hurriedly gave up his position.

"Hello, here is my invitation letter!"

Zhang Wei held Jessica's arm, walked to the door and took out the invitation letter.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are here!"

A woman in a light blue dress just walked out of the door, and she was surprised when she saw Zhang Wei.

"Boss Lin, hello!"

It was Lin Xiangwan who came. She was dressed in a dress, with the unique aura of a strong business woman, which made many people look sideways.

"Boss Lin, I haven't seen you for more than a month, your face looks radiant?"

Zhang Wei greeted each other with a smile.

But in fact, he could tell that Lin Xiangwan had been receiving heavyweight VIPs at the door all the time. To put it bluntly, the Lin family had let this strong businesswoman be in charge of the reception.

Zhang Wei naturally did not point out this matter.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are joking. My second brother and the others are busy inside, so the outside affairs have to be shared by me, the younger sister."

As Lin Xiangwan said, she winked around, and the welcoming maids saluted Zhang Wei respectfully.

The person who can make Lin Xiangwan dispatch is naturally a VIP.

"By the way, after the auction starts, you can sit in the VIP upstairs. Do you want me to take you in?"

"That's Mr. Laurin."

Lin Xiangwan made a "please" gesture and led Zhang Wei and the others into the scene.

As the host of the auction, the Lin family, Lin Xiangwan naturally knew many inside information about the auction.

For example, now, after she led Zhang Wei and the others to identify the VIP room upstairs, she took them for a stroll in the exhibition hall on the first floor.

After picking up drinks from the waiter's tray in the hall, Lin Xiangwan led Zhang Wei and the three of them, and introduced them as they walked.

"There are quite a lot of collections displayed this time. Of course, the theme of this party is a charity auction, so there will be many VIPs showing interesting things from their collections."

"Of course, successful people like Lawyer Zhang can also contribute to charity. If the price of the collection is not high, they can also participate in the auction."

"By the way, there will be a lot of jewelry collections at this party."

Lin Xiangwan said, looking at Zhang Wei and Jessica with great interest.

"Mr. Lin is worthy of being a businessman. The hint in your eyes is too obvious."

Zhang Wei laughed, but gently hugged Jessica's waist, "Of course, if she likes it, I won't mind."

"Zhang, you don't need to spend money for me."

"I want it, I want it, after all, it's charity, and it's my heart."

Zhang Wei laughed, and then asked: "Mr. Lin, I heard that there seems to be a big guy in the collection of this exhibition?"

"Where did Lawyer Zhang hear the news?"


Lin Xiangwan smiled slightly, but did not hide it, "Yes, in order to create excitement for the party, some important people did display valuable collections, but that item is not for tonight's auction."

"Precious collection, but not auctioned?"

"Yes, that collection cannot be auctioned, firstly because the owner does not intend to sell it, and secondly because few people can afford the price."

"Then it's not going to be auctioned, but it's put here, isn't it risky?"

"Lawyer Zhang, please rest assured that the security measures of the first auction are very strict, absolutely no one can steal any collection here. And just in case, we also contacted the investigation department, they have been around the scene for a long time Manpower is arranged."

Lin Xiangwan said with a proud face: "This time the party is absolutely foolproof!"

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