Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 436 Is this a fight? Sudden mutation!

Party scene.

Although this is an auction in name, everyone knows that the theme this time is to swipe your face and show off your presence in front of big shots.

Show your face in front of some business partners, or future business partners, and you will be successful.

But this does not mean that some people will act like fools and auction things of unequal value.

Just like the exhibit on the exhibition stand now, what kind of spatial cubist works, doesn’t it look like a bunch of boxes glued together with clay?

And the other party has no sincerity at all, and actually quoted 10 million yuan. Isn't this clearly treating everyone as a fool?

When everyone saw the exhibits and heard the price, such an idea came to their minds.

No way, no way, there can't be fools participating in the auction, right?

The results of it?

Not only did some idiots really participate, but they also directly reported their names, just because others would not know, right?

"Zhang Wei?"

"Isn't this that lawyer?"

"Keep your voice down, don't die, he is a murder lawyer with a reputation, so keep your voice down!"

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot, was Cheng Lisha before, it was him..."

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you, or we'll all be screwed!"

Many people in the vicinity had heard of Zhang Wei's name, and some even avoided it and quickly moved out of the way for Zhang Wei.

But Zhang Wei said that he was used to it and let these people "slander" him.

And he succeeded!

Successfully showed his face in front of everyone in the audience, although others thought he was a fool.

But he is now the focus of the audience.

"Ahem, I said I will offer 10 million, does anyone want to increase the price?"

Zhang Wei looked around again to confirm that no one raised the price.

"Host, since no one raised the price, does this collection belong to me?"


The hostess was also stunned. What she said just now, such as contributing her heart, was all a joke.

In the end, there are really fools who spend 10 million to buy such a thing?

Since you "fool" want it, then I don't care.

She glanced around and found that many important people had looked over, and announced in public: "Since Mr. Zhang is willing to bid 10 million, then..."

"I offer 11 million!"

Just before the host announced the end, another bid was made in a box upstairs.

This time, all the people at the party were not calm.

They looked at the private room on the second floor, and then at the collection in the exhibition hall, with strange expressions on their faces.

Is this stuff really worth the money?

But no matter how they look at it, this thing is just a bunch of cardboard boxes pasted together with clay. Is the current aesthetics so popular?

don't know!

do not understand!

Many people want to see who is competing with Zhang Wei for this thing.

In the end, the person who walked down surprised the audience again.

Hu Yaode!

Most importantly, his identity.

He is a senior partner of Blackfoot Law Firm.

And the boss of Heizu Law Firm is naturally Duanmu Heizu.

So here comes the problem.

Why did Hu Yaode bid for his boss's stuff?

Does his boss still like this thing, so he wants to show his loyalty?

If Duanmu Heizu couldn't bear it, why did he take it up for auction?

And to show loyalty, there is no need to waste money like this, right?

But everyone knows that there seems to be a good show to watch next.

Because they all remembered that there should be enmity between Zhang Wei and Hu Yaode.

"Lawyer Hu, are you sure you want to bid with me?"

Zhang Wei also looked at Hu Yaode who came down, with a strange expression on his face.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he really came here to show his presence, nothing else.

It turned out that you were lucky enough to show your loyalty to your boss in front of everyone?

"Why, can't I participate in the auction?"

Hu Yaode naturally didn't love Zhang Wei, and directly confronted him.

Although he lost to Zhang Wei in court, this is not a court, this is an auction, and money is all about.

"Lawyer Hu bid 11 million. I wonder if anyone will continue to raise the price?"

The hostess also spoke at the right time and explained the price again.

Hu Yaode, priced at 11 million yuan, bid for the collection of Duanmu Heizu.

"15 million!" Zhang Wei bid directly without hesitation.

Many people in the vicinity were a little stunned, and secretly said, "Good boy, is this the top?"

Don't you see that they may be raising the price maliciously, just to make you pay more?

Anyway, many veteran bidders thought that they had seen Hu Yaode's purpose, and that they were here to disgust Zhang Wei.

By the way, it's not a bad thing to swipe your face in front of the boss and show off your presence.

But Zhang Wei's bid of 15 million made Hu Yaode's face slightly changed.

Similarly, Duanmu Heizu in the private room on the second floor also changed his expression.

"I finally understand why this kid is so annoying!"

"There are many more hateful things about him!"

Li Meijia in his arms also had a cold voice.

In the lobby.

"Mr. Zhang Wei bid 15 million, I don't know..."

"16 million!"

Not long after Zhang Wei bid, Hu Yaode raised the price again, and stared at Zhang Wei.

His eyes seemed to be warning Zhang Wei, take it easy, kid, I'm staring at you.


Without any hesitation, Zhang Wei once again increased the price by 5 million from the previous price.

"21 million!" Hu Yaode followed closely behind.

His tactic is to add 1 million to Zhang Wei's price. Although it is not much, it shows that he is biting every step.

"25 million!"

"26 million!"

"30 million!"

"31 million!"

Hearing Hu Yaode's another round of quotations, Zhang Wei was a little stunned.

He thought to himself that Hu Yaode had a brain twitch.

Even if you want to show off in front of the leader, you don't have to do that, right?

I bought this thing for fun, so you want to fight for it?

Hu Yaode gritted his teeth, but put on a look that he would continue to increase the price.

Zhang Wei doesn't understand, are you really a fool with a lot of money?

"49 million, if Lawyer Hu continues to raise the price, then I'll be an adult!"

Zhang Wei made a "please" gesture.


Hu Yaode gritted his teeth and called out the last number.

"As expected of Lao Hu, I thank you on behalf of the children in impoverished areas!"

Zhang Wei laughed out loud as a thank you.

Hu Yaode's complexion turned cold, but he didn't lose his temper. Instead, he nodded his head towards the private room of Duanmu Heizu on the second floor.

It was as if he did this for his own boss.

Such a reaction made Zhang Wei puzzled again.

You Duanmu Heizu, why did you take this thing out for auction, but let your own men take it?

In fact, Duanmu Heizu was also depressed.

You said you Zhang Wei, what do you want to do with the "garbage" I took out? I never thought that there would be bids for this thing.

It's not good for you to let him pass the auction, why don't you ask me to spend 50 million more to buy it back?

But here comes the question, why did Duanmu Heizu spend an extra sum of money to buy it back?

Perhaps only Zhang Wei was concerned about this issue in the audience.

And the attention of others has all returned to the host.

Because the thing just now is the penultimate collection.

And today's finale exhibition collection is a legendary rare jewel.

"Thanks to Blackfoot Law Firm, and to Lawyer Hu for his support. I believe that with your 50 million donation..."

The host thanked him as usual, which also made Hu Yaode's face darken again.

Don't you have any discernment if you insist on bringing it up without end?

Whether the host has good eyesight, others don't know.

But the host suddenly announced at this moment: "Then, next, let us show the last collection of today."

"At the same time, I also remind everyone that this exhibit is not for sale, and the owner even asked our auction house not to publish his name, so let us see the rare treasure of this anonymous owner."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the lights in the entire hall suddenly dimmed.

It was pitch black, and everyone in the audience looked around.

Has the light been dimmed for a little too long?

And you're going to show jewelry, so you don't have to turn off all the lights, do you?

The host on the stage was stupefied. He remembered that he had agreed with himself in the backstage that it would take 10 seconds to turn off the lights. Why this time it was almost a minute and the lights hadn't been turned on yet.

"That... there seems to be something wrong in the backcourt..."

The host was speechless.

Fortunately, just after half a minute, the lights in the center finally turned cold.

A beam of light fell, and an ice blue gem shone on the exhibition stand.

Seeing this scene, the host breathed a sigh of relief.

so close!

Although something went wrong, it's good that the heart of the ocean is still there.

"Before I show you this exhibit, let me tell you a story. This is a story about poignant love."

"It is said that a long, long time ago..."

Why can any jewelry handed down from generation to generation be remembered by the world, apart from their own value, there is one more thing that people talk about the most.

That's the backstory of what the jewels are all about!

A piece of jewelry can't impress people, but if it is paired with a poignant love story, it will definitely attract all women.

After all, after buying jewelry, women are the ones who can move the most, and in the end jewelry should also be worn on women.

"Huh, that woman?"

Zhang Wei was not interested in listening to the story, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of someone he cared about.

a woman!

A woman in a waiter's uniform was walking out of the hall.

"Leader Lin!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly called to Tie Ruyun and Lin Ruonan who were standing not far away, and then chased after the woman.

Just at the exit of the hall, the woman was about to leave.


But a sharp shout interrupted her.

The sound came from the rear, and hearing footsteps, it was obvious that no one was approaching him.

She looked forward, only to find that at the direction of the exit, there was a woman guarding her at some point.

The woman turned her head and saw three figures catching up to her.

After weighing the pros and cons, she realized that it is better to go out, there is only one woman guarding it, and it is easier to break through.

So the woman rushed to the front hall exit, ready to break through.

"Leader Lin, it's up to you!"

The woman blocking the exit in front is Lin Ruonan.

Following Zhang Wei's shout, Lin Ruonan and the woman were seen hand in hand.

When two women fight, it is naturally very interesting.

It's a pity that it's not easy for Zhang Wei to intervene, Tie Ruyun has no combat power, and Jessica can play with a scalpel, so Zhang Wei is reluctant to let her do it.

The two women fought against each other all at once, and fought dozens of moves, but there was no winner.

Lin Ruonan's attacks are straightforward, and every move is undisguised.

But her opponent has a flexible figure and a weird speed, which made Lin Ruonan unable to touch the corner of his clothes for a long time.

"It would be great if Hanhan was here!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei secretly said helplessly.

If it was Xia Qianyue, that woman might have been lying down in a second.

"Old Tie, Team Leader Lin can't do it!"

Zhang Wei muttered again, and poked Tie Ruyun's arm.

The latter rolled his eyes.

What are you talking about, kid, what does it have to do with me that Lin Ruonan can't deal with that woman.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


A loud noise could be heard in the auction hall.

"Fuck, there are bombs?"

Zhang Wei was stunned, what is the situation, why are there so many accidents today.

This explosion also stopped the two women who were fighting.

Lin Ruonan looked into the hall in astonishment, but his opponent took this opportunity to stand up suddenly, and then rushed out of the hall at high speed.

"Leader Lin, stop chasing, it's important inside!"

Lin Ruonan was going to chase, but Zhang Wei yelled.

Lin Ruonan was right when he thought about it. Although this woman looked suspicious, she was obviously more dangerous inside.

As a member of the serious crime team 1, she rushed into the hall without thinking.

Seeing this, Tie Ruyun gritted his teeth and rushed back.

Zhang Wei frowned tightly, and then told Jessica next to him, "Hurry up, go out, go find brother stinky, and then notify Hanhan that there is something going on in the auction, and she will contact Team Wu! "

"Zhang, what about you?"

"I'm going to see Uncle Zhao and the others, I don't know if they are there!"

Zhang Wei asked Jessica to withdraw first, went to the parking lot to find Zhang Xinyan, and contacted Xia Qianyue by the way.

At this moment, the situation inside was unknown, and he didn't dare to let Jessica take risks.

The two separated, one evacuated towards the outside, and the other rushed towards the hall.


Hall interior.

Jingle Bell……

Following the explosion just now, the alarm bells of the entire auction site rang loudly.

"Quick, quick, cover the VIPs!"

"Where is the security guard, where is the security guard?"

"What's the situation, report the case quickly, report the case quickly!"

The auction site, which was orderly and harmonious just now, has now become a mess.

The exhibition hall in the center has turned into a big hole at this moment, and the heart of the ocean that was supposed to be displayed on the stage has disappeared without a trace.

There was still thick smoke rising from the scene, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and pungent gas.

When Zhang Wei came to the hall, he saw the chaotic exhibition hall.

"Is the target the heart of the ocean, but what's going on?"

He looked at the field suspiciously. The woman left before, but the heart of the ocean was still there, but now the heart of the ocean was lost.

These are two groups of people?

What was that woman's goal?

And, where is this second group of people, they disappeared with the heart of the ocean?

"Wait, isn't it the second group?"

In Zhang Wei's mind, he instantly recalled the scene where he took Jessica with him, preparing to cultivate his sentiments in a place where no one was around.

At that time, there were two groups of people, the first group was the woman, and the second group were two men pretending to be waiters, and they also vaguely mentioned the basement.

"There is a saying that a gentleman is not conducive to being under a dangerous wall. Since the scene seems to be fine, then I just..."

Zhang Wei is ready to flash.

But just when he was about to flash, the messages on his phone suddenly refreshed rapidly.

"what's the situation!"

As he walked outside, he turned on his cell phone to check the V messages.

[Mo Yuzhu: I'm in the storage room in the basement, and there are a few gangsters loading explosives outside, what should I do, urgent, wait online! 】

[Xiao Baihe:? ? ? 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao:? ? ? 】

【Jessica: Is Zhang Wei in there? 】

[Xia Qianyue: Why are you in the basement? Didn't you go to the party with your father? 】

[Mo Yuzhu: I'm just bored, so I sneaked out and wanted to find a quiet place to watch drama o(╥﹏╥)o]

[Mo Yuzhu: I didn't expect to chase after him, there was a sudden explosion, and then I was about to escape, they came, woo woo woo...]

【Mo Yuzhu: What should I do now, I'm in a panic, help me o(╥﹏╥)o】

[Mo Yuzhu: Help, they found me, I @#¥%\u0026amp;*……]

[Xia Qianyue: Zhuzhu, can you get it? I'm here to save you. When you receive the message, hurry up and reply! 】


Zhang Wei was speechless when he saw the news of the V letter, especially the garbled characters at the end.

This black jade bead is also at the scene, and it is in the basement, and it is near the gangster.

The last line of garbled messages obviously means that she has been arrested?

Who can guess this shit?

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Wei quickly turned around and rushed towards the basement of the auction.

Fortunately, when he was wandering around, he saw the distribution map of the corridors and knew how to get to the basement.

After crossing a few steps of stairs and rushing into an aisle, the temperature in front of me suddenly dropped a lot.

The cold air was overwhelming, and Zhang Wei came to the basement of the auction.

There is a lot of space here, and there are many collections, but Zhang Wei has no time to appreciate it.

Because right in front of his eyes, several men with unkind faces appeared.

Two of them were still wearing waiter uniforms, but they were the fake waiters before.

"Boss, here comes another hostage!"

Seeing Zhang Wei, the fake waiter yelled at a masked man.

"Catch it!"

The man waved his hand, and immediately two people directly controlled Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei did not fight back, but let the two of them push him down to the ground, and then his hands were restrained by handcuffs.

He tried it secretly, but the tie couldn't be undone.

Zhang Wei was held up by two big men, and then thrown to the ground.

He struggled to get up, his head hit a soft spot.

"You met my..."

It was Mo Yuzhu's voice, but she was also tied with her hands at the moment, and she was looking down at Zhang Wei.

"No... sorry..."

Zhang Wei had no choice but to twist his body to sit up.

Mo Yuzhu doesn't care, after all, what time is it now, so why should I care about these things.

"Are you here to save me?"

"Yes... yes, it's a pity that I think too much..."

Zhang Wei wanted to scratch his head, his expression was so embarrassing.

"Thank you……"

Mo Yuzhu also lowered her head, but she still thanked her as low as a mosquito.

Originally, she was still a little scared, but after Zhang Wei came by her side, the fear in her heart has faded a lot.

"Boss, the explosives are installed!"

At this moment, a robber in front suddenly shouted.

"Detonate directly!"

As the masked boss nodded, the robbers immediately began to prepare.

1, 2, 3... Boom!

There was another explosion in the basement, and a large hole was blasted into one of the walls.

"Brothers, withdraw!"

"Remember to bring the hostages, both of them, and if you can't escape later, you can negotiate with Tiaozi!"

The boss spoke again, and told the formalities to take Zhang Wei with him.

This time, Zhang Wei was also helpless.

He and Mo Yuzhu were robbed just like that.

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