Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 437 Lei Hu has a headache, the ruthless robber boss!

The street where the first auction house is located.

Crowds were surging nearby, and countless people were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and several streets were about to be paralyzed.

Not only that, following the explosion inside the No. 1 Auction House, which caused commotion, many media reporters rushed to the scene and started live broadcasting.

After all, this is big news that is rarely seen in the East, and no media person will miss this opportunity.

"Hello, viewers in the live broadcast room, I am a reporter from our station, and I am currently broadcasting live at the No. 1 Auction in the Oriental Metropolis."

"As you can see, behind me is the No. 1 Auction in the Oriental Metropolis. According to our on-site knowledge, an explosion occurred at the auction site just 15 minutes ago. The specific circumstances are yet to be known."

At this moment, a staff member leaned over to the reporter's ear and whispered a few words.

"The reporter of this station has just learned about the latest situation. Officers from the investigation section and the criminal section have arrived at the scene. The person in charge of organizing the scene and arranging the evacuation and rescue work is Captain Lei Hu of the Serious Case 1 Team. He is now following Let’s take a look at how Captain Lei, who has returned from injury, will carry out rescue activities through the camera of this station!”

Not far away, the temporary command point for rescue operations.

Although it is a command point, it is just a group of people getting together to discuss rescue operations.

Among them, the one with the loudest voice was naturally Lei Hu.

The others, on the other hand, mostly reported the situation to him.

"All groups report to me!"

"Yes, Team Lei, the internal situation of the first auction is unknown at present. Most of the guests who participated in the party have escaped, but no one can guarantee that there are no guests left!"

"Team Lei, we are about to get the guest list for tonight's party, but the explosion happened too fast just now. Many guests drove away after escaping. This has brought us a huge workload to confirm the number of people on the list!"

"Team Lei, currently there have been two explosions inside the first auction. According to the analysis of blasting experts, the possibility of a third explosion cannot be ruled out."

Hearing the reports from several subordinates, Lei Hu frowned.

Not a single piece of good news.

"Have the blasting experts analyzed the cause of the explosion?"

"Experts say that it is likely to be the explosives brought by the robbers. At present, due to the explosion inside the auction house, the circuit is interrupted, so the monitoring data cannot be obtained. The whereabouts of the robbers are unknown, which also increases the difficulty for our rescue!"

"Any feedback from the nearby sniper spots?"

"There was thick smoke rising inside the first auction, so the sniper points didn't get the inside situation, but we will send more people and increase observation points!"

Lei Hu frowned again.

At present, the internal situation of the first auction is unknown, the number of robbers is unknown, and it is not clear whether there are any hostages.

This is the deadliest thing, they don't know anything.

As for the internal losses of the first auction, whether the collection was affected by the explosion, etc., these economic losses are secondary.

Leihu has a headache.

He had just returned from injury, so why did he encounter such a big case.

Attacking the No. 1 Auction in Dongfangdu, and this is the scene of a party attended by many celebrities in Dongfangdu, who gave these robbers the courage?

"My daughter is still inside!"

"Who is the person in charge, I want to see him!"

"My daughter, nothing can happen to her!"

But just when Lei Hu had a headache, a person squeezed out from the crowd and approached the command point.

"Sir, please calm down!"

"Calm down, my daughter is still alive and dead, how can you tell me to calm down!"

"Sir, please wait outside, we have already started rescue operations, please..."

"What the hell, your people haven't acted yet, how could I trust you!"

Several field personnel stopped the man, but the man ignored it and pretended to rush into the scene.

"Why is this one!"

Lei Hu naturally knew the man, but hearing what the man said, his head hurt even more.

"Let him in!"

With his order, the man was let in.

"Mr. Mo, what are you doing?"

"Captain Lei, I only have one request, be sure to rescue quickly and ensure the safety of my daughter!"

Facing Lei Hu, the man finally recovered his identity, and he spoke as if he was giving orders, bossing him around.

"Mr. Mo, please stay calm, the rescue operation has already begun."

Although Lei Hu agreed on the surface, he secretly slandered him endlessly.

What annoys you people the most, you come to give me orders even though you don't understand anything.

If you hadn't been a city councilor, did you really think I would be so polite to you?

Do you know that what you do is really hindering the rescue operation and hindering my performance!

"Captain Lei, how is the rescue operation going?"

"When will the rescue work begin?"

"Please explain the situation to us. Has the internal situation of the First Auction been brought under control?"

Lei Hu felt extremely irritable, and at the same time, he remembered the noise of the media reporters.

"Let the people in the news department be responsible for answering reporters' questions, and don't let them hinder the rescue work!"

With a big wave of Lei Hu's hand, all the surrounding field staff went to block the media reporters.

They all knew that these reporters were the real troublemakers.

The rescue operation has precious manpower, but in order to prevent these reporters from messing with the rhythm, they must allocate a large number of people to stop them.

"Step aside!"

"I want to go in!"

"My daughter is still inside!"

At this moment, a woman with a worried face squeezed in from the crowd.

She looked at the scene of the first auction with thick smoke, her voice was sharp and tinged with pain.

"Get out of the way, I want to see my daughter!"

"The one surnamed Mo is my daughter!"

The woman screamed when she saw Councilor Mo beside Lei Hu.

"Let her in too!"

Lei Hu sighed again when he saw the woman.

"Mo Juren, that's how you looked at your daughter and ran out by yourself, but her life or death is uncertain?"

"Chunyuan, don't make trouble out of no reason. The situation was too chaotic at that time, and I couldn't find anyone with her!"

"Excuses are all excuses. Why don't you look at your daughter? My daughter accompanied you to this party, but you lost her?"

"What do you mean by being lost? I was also squeezed out, and now I can't tell the difference between the south, the east, and the north!"

"I don't care, if something happens to my daughter, I will remember you forever!"

"Can you talk less, if you want to quarrel, go home!"

"No, I'm going to fight here!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the people around were all speechless.

"Member Mo, Forensic Doctor Yang, you two can be quiet now, you are arguing here, I can't concentrate on my work!"

Lei Hu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and warned the two of them at the top of his voice.

"You..." Yang Chunyuan wanted to open her mouth to say something, but Councilor Mo shook her head, and she looked at the scene again, but remained silent.

But she looked at her husband with unstoppable resentment.

The couple finally stopped arguing, but Lei Hu still felt a lot of pressure.

"The daughter of Representative Mo and Forensic Doctor Yang is called Mo Yuzhu, right? Didn't she escape?"

Lei Hu thought for a while, and immediately took out the walkie-talkie.

"Please pay attention to each group, please pay attention to each group, have you seen Councilor Mo's daughter, Mo Yuzhu, female, about 23~24 years old, about..."

"Team Lei, I didn't see it!"

"did not see!"

"did not see……"

Lei Hu conveyed information to each group, but unfortunately did not get an effective response.

"I know where Congressman Mo's daughter is!"

But suddenly, a voice sounded.

Lei Hu turned his head to look, and saw Wu Yong and others walking over.

"Wu Yong, you guys are..."

"Team Lei, we have been monitoring nearby, and we also know the location of Mo Yuzhu, she is currently inside the basement of the auction!"

"The basement, how do you know?"

"Because Xiaoxia from our team had contacted Mo Yuzhu V letter before, and the other party told the robbers to plant explosives in the basement!"

"What, the basement!"

When Lei Hu heard what Wu Yong reported, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Come here, inform the Urban Construction Department and ask them to send you a copy of the underground city construction plan and sewer layout drawings of the streets near the No. 1 Auction in the Oriental Metropolis!"

"Remember to be quick, the situation is urgent!"

At the end, Lei Hu gave an order to his subordinates to do it immediately.

After he finished his order, he was still worried.

Because depending on the situation, the gang of robbers seemed to be planning to escape from the ground.

"Wu Yong, when did Mo Yuzhu contact you?"

"About 10 minutes ago!"

"What, has it been so long?"

Hearing the time of this contact, combined with the second explosion from the scene, Lei Hu secretly said that it was not good.

He guessed that the robbers were probably no longer at the scene.

"Sorry, I need to see the commander of the rescue operation, my boyfriend is still inside!"

"Miss, we can't let you in, you will hinder the rescue work!"

"But my boyfriend hasn't come out yet, he's still staying at the scene!"

"Sorry ma'am, please wait outside for news, we can't let you..."

At this moment, there was another quarrel.

Lei Hu and Wu Yong looked over, only to see a blond beauty in an evening gown, "reasoning" with the field staff.

It was indeed reasonable, compared to Senator Mo and Forensic Yang, this woman's tone of voice was much more polite, but the anxiety in her tone couldn't be concealed no matter what.

"I remember, that woman belongs to Zhang Wei..." Wu Yong looked at her and immediately remembered something.

"Let her come in quickly!" Lei Hu waved his hand again, letting her in.

"It's Dr. Jessica, right? What are you talking about, isn't your boyfriend Zhang Wei?"

"Yes, Zhang Wei is still inside, he..."

Jessica told Lei Hu and others everything that happened before.

"What, that kid even rushed in!"

Lei Hu is helpless, you kid didn't let us feel at ease in court, and now you want to increase our work burden?

"Report to Team Lei, Team Leader Lin is back!"

A subordinate came in a hurry to report the situation.

"Lin Ruonan is back?"

Hearing the "only" good news, Lei Hu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked over and saw Lin Ruonan supporting a man towards the command point.

Everyone took a closer look, but couldn't hide their disappointment.

Because this man is not Zhang Wei!

"Lawyer Tie, I'll send you here, and then you're going to the hospital for treatment, and I have to go to work!"

After Lin Ruonan put Tie Ruyun down, he went straight to the command point and joined Lei Hu.


Tie Ruyun sighed, and then looked at the auction site.

I don't know if that kid Zhang Wei has come out.

In the same way, when Lei Hu saw Lin Ruonan returning to the team, he had another doubt.

"Wu Yong, what about Xiao Xia from your group, didn't she get in touch with Mo Yuzhu before, can she still get in touch now?"

Hearing Lei Hu's question, Wu Yong, Lao Xing and others all showed embarrassment.

"Captain Lei, Xiaoxia, she just acted on her own initiative..."

Hearing this news, Lei Hu's heart "thumped".

It's over!

Xia Qianyue actually acted without authorization, and the other party has already entered the auction site!

Thinking of this terrifying combat power.

Robbers, danger!

But once the robbers are in danger, the most likely decision they will make is to hurt the hostages!

Therefore, there is only one thing Leihu can do.

"Action, action, act for me!"

"Be sure to save the hostages, hurry up, let me take action!"

In a critical moment, he issued an order directly regardless of the internal situation not being completely clear.


Now a tiger even fiercer than him rushed into the scene. If this one is bad, then it will be a big incident.

He had to quickly control the situation before the robbers or Xia Qianyue ran away.

Otherwise, something bad will happen!


the other side.

"Quick, go to the sewer!"

"Get out of here quickly!"

"The ticket is done today, let's send it out!"

"Don't forget to take those two hostages with you!"

"Don't worry, brother, I won't forget!"

Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu were held hostage by two robbers, rushed into the big hole in the basement wall, and then walked into the cold and damp sewer.

"Sure enough!"

Zhang Wei thought to himself, the gang of robbers must have done some research beforehand, and even secretly obtained the underground drawings of the Urban Construction Department, otherwise it would be impossible to think of using explosives to blow up the sewer as a retreat route.

He could also guess that the gang of robbers would flee before the rescue operation could start outside.

After all, there is a prerequisite for rescue operations, which is to ensure the safety of the hostages.

In general rescue operations, the commander will grasp as much information as possible to prevent danger from happening.

Therefore, there will always be a confrontation in rescue operations. Generally, a stalemate for 30 minutes is normal.

But this time, due to the two successive explosions, thick smoke billowed at the scene, which added difficulties to the rescue operation.

According to the urgency of those field workers and commanders, it is estimated that it is impossible to act without a dozen or twenty minutes.

By the time they acted, the robbers had already escaped from the sewer.

So, these people are habitual offenders and have a lot of experience!

Zhang Wei glanced at this group of people. There were 7 robbers in total. Apart from the two fake waiters, there were also five masked men.

The leader, although his face was covered, could not be mistaken for the hostility in his eyes. This guy definitely had many lives on his hands.

Even a few younger brothers are more or less tainted with evil spirits.

These guys are all desperadoes!

Now Zhang Wei has a problem. This group of desperadoes obviously prepared for a long time to do this big job.

After they succeed, are they going to leave?

If you want to leave, you must deal with the hostages.

Then when the time comes, Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu will be in danger.

A group of people moved in the sewer, and after walking for about ten minutes, they seemed to have reached the target exit.

They climbed the ladder, opened the manhole cover, and came to an abandoned construction site.

"Go in!" The masked brother waved his hand, and a group of people poured into an unfinished building.

Zhang Wei saw that there was a lot of equipment in this unfinished building, as well as some change of clothes and tools. This was obviously where the gang of robbers settled down.

"Pack up and drive away!"

The masked elder brother ordered again, after his subordinates put Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu down, they began to pack their things.

"Zhang Wei, what will we do next?"

Mo Yuzhu on the side twisted her body, moved closer to Zhang Wei, and asked in a trembling tone.

"I think our situation is very dangerous because it will take a long time for the rescue team to find out that the robbers have escaped!"

Zhang Wei sighed, and began to think about countermeasures in his mind.

The only thing he can rely on now may be his identity as a defense lawyer.

If you beg for mercy from these robbers now and express your willingness to join them, will the other party believe it?

Just say that I am a lawyer, if you break the law, I can defend you.

Will they consider it?

This question is very debatable.

"Boss, the things are packed!"

"That's good, throw everything you don't need here, and burn it!"

The boss ordered again, and the subordinates piled up all the discarded tools and clothes.

"Boss, what about the two hostages?"

"The man was killed, the woman..."

The boss glanced at Mo Yuzhu, and he found that the girl had pretty features and a well-developed figure, quite beautiful.

"Hey, girl stay here, you can pass the time on the way."

The subordinates also laughed, and the smiles were a little wretched.

Zhang Wei felt that Mo Yuzhu beside him began to tremble, and his hands were tightly grasping the corners of his clothes.

"That, actually..."

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and was about to open his mouth to fight for a chance.

But before he could say a word, he heard two "puff puffs", and the two robbers suddenly fell to the ground.


Zhang Wei was stunned and looked at the masked brother in surprise. He had a gun with a silencer in his hand.

Black eat black!

Zhang Wei never expected that this masked brother would actually do something to his own people.

"Boss, you..."

"You are also garbage, and you don't need to take it away!"

The masked brother sneered again, and fired several more shots, killing three of the remaining four men.

The only subordinate who was not killed, stood far away at first, and hid behind a concrete pillar the moment he fired.

"Damn it, you dare to cheat!"

"Ah Xiong, you know, I've always wanted to retire. This ticket is worth 2 billion, which is enough money for me to spend in my lifetime. I just thought about it carefully, since I can monopolize it, why bother?" Split the money with the six of you?"

The masked boss approached the pillar step by step, his hand holding the gun was very steady.

"We have been brothers for ten years!"

"I'm just using you, and now you have no use value!"

"It's all our fault that we were mistaken, I didn't expect you to be..."

"Hahaha, what a joke, we are all thieves, have you heard that thieves are loyal?"

The masked boss sneered, then his figure suddenly accelerated, sprinting to the side of the pillar.


There was another gunshot, and the man named "A Xiong" also fell to the ground and died.

Now, there are 6 more corpses at the scene.

The only survivors were the masked boss and two hostages.

For the former, the current hostages are all redundant!

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