Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 438 Disabled and dead, where is the heart of the ocean?

The masked boss is really a ruthless person.

In other words, he is greedy enough and selfish enough.

Ten years of brotherhood, if you say give up, give up.

And the speed at which he killed the younger brother was unambiguous.

This is really... cruel and ruthless!

Now, after killing the younger brother, the masked boss has already walked in front of Zhang Wei and the two of them.

"Boy, are you not afraid?"

He was also a little surprised. Compared to Mo Yuzhu whose body was already trembling, Zhang Wei showed no reaction at all, and his expression was a little indifferent.

"I'm a criminal defense lawyer, and I'm used to seeing murderers like you, so I'm not surprised."

"Really, but what I'm most upset about is people like you, with a high degree of education and high salary, who don't need to work like me to make a lot of money!"

The masked boss pointed his gun at Zhang Wei, his words were full of jealousy and resentment.

Obviously, he is full of resentment towards Zhang Wei, who is a lawyer.

"Boy, die!"


Faced with death, Zhang Wei suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

This smile also made the masked boss slightly taken aback, wondering if this kid is crazy.

Curious, puzzled, in short, his heart was occupied by these thoughts, and he wanted to ask Zhang Wei.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

"If I were you, what I should consider now is not this issue, but the 2 billion you got!"

"What the hell?" The masked brother froze for a moment.

"You'll know if you go and have a look. Do you really think that 2 billion is so easy to steal?"

Zhang Wei pouted towards the bag that the masked brother packed.

The latter was stunned, but immediately rushed towards the luggage, and after removing the change of clothes and the documents prepared in advance, he found a black cloth bag.

He untied the cloth bag and took out a blue crystal necklace from it.

The masked brother held the necklace in his hand and looked at it carefully, but unfortunately he couldn't see why.

"Boy, do you think there is something wrong with this necklace?"

"Yeah, why don't you throw it on the ground and step on it a few times?"

"What did you say, why should I step on it?"

"If this is the real heart of the ocean, then it is the hardest thing in the world. It doesn't matter if you step on it a few times. It's a little dirty at most. Wouldn't it be enough to wipe it with your rag??"

After hearing this, the masked brother just hesitated for a while.

"Heart of the Ocean" was thrown to the ground by him, and then he gritted his teeth and stomped on it a few times.

He felt nothing at first, but when he stepped on it, he realized that something was wrong, and then he jumped up again, using the weight of his body to press down on his feet.


Something unexpected happened to the masked brother, and the "Heart of the Ocean" was broken...

Sometimes, I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

But now, the situation here is very quiet.

The masked brother looked at Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei also looked at him.

Neither of them spoke first, they just looked at each other like this.

After a few seconds, the masked brother finally couldn't hold back anymore.

He killed six younger brothers, for what purpose, for the purpose of monopolizing the "2 billion"!

But the 2 billion, just like the things on the ground, directly shattered.

"How is it possible, I obviously got the Heart of the Ocean in the exhibition hall!"

"Who stipulated that the heart of the ocean in the exhibition hall must be real?"

Zhang Wei sneered, and said indifferently: "Actually, before you acted, there was a little accident in the exhibition hall. I guess at that time, the heart of the ocean had already been swapped."

In Zhang Wei's mind, a woman appeared.

This female snitch is more professional than the masked brother and his party. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the finale exhibit, she tampered with the lights in the auction hall and got more than a minute of free time.

At that time, it was estimated that she replaced the heart of the ocean.

"Impossible!" The masked brother roared angrily, and then grabbed Zhang Wei's collar.

"Say, did you replace the heart of the ocean, where is the real heart of the ocean?"

"Brother, I advise you to calm down. Although I know you can't accept it for a while, the heart of the ocean has really been replaced a long time ago, and what you got is not genuine. Besides, my hands were tied the whole time, so Is it possible to touch your stuff?"

"Impossible. The one I got from the auction site is definitely the real Heart of the Ocean. It must have been replaced by you!"

The masked brother obviously couldn't accept his failure, and attributed all the faults to Zhang Wei.

After all, he had planned for a long time, and even killed six younger brothers, how could he accept the fact that he had done useless work.

But sometimes, reality is so cruel.

"If you want to blame me, or even kill me, I can understand it, but it's also true that you didn't get the Heart of the Ocean!"

Facing the masked brother, Zhang Wei was extremely calm at the moment.

But the hands behind his back were twitching crazily.

He had already started to think about whether he could break free from the tie if he tried his best.

Although the hands may be very painful, but I still have to fight.

Obediently accepting fate is definitely not my style.

I, Zhang, will never sit still in the face of danger.

"You boy... die for me!"

As soon as the masked brother gritted his teeth, he took out his pistol and prepared to kill Zhang Wei.

But just when he was about to pull the trigger, a sudden change occurred.



A stone struck from the darkness and turned into a sharp bullet, causing a streak of blood to fly in the air.

The masked brother looked at his right hand holding the gun in disbelief. His hand, which was fine just now, was pierced by a stone and became bloody.


He clutched his right hand, gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the stone flying.

In the shadows, a tall figure walked out.


Seeing the person coming, Zhang Wei felt so relieved that he was almost moved to tears.

The savior finally came.


When the masked brother saw Xia Qianyue, he looked in disbelief, and even glanced behind Xia Qianyue, but unfortunately, no one saw it.

He still couldn't believe that his hand was pierced by the little girl in front of him. How could this be possible?

"Did you just want to kill him?"

Xia Qianyue also looked at the masked brother, eyes full of "sincerity".

The masked brother was stunned, because he had never seen such a "sincere" look in his eyes.

You can't hide the look in your eyes that wants to kill someone.

And Xia Qianyue seemed to be telling everyone, I'm going to kill you!


The masked brother was about to speak, but another stone flew towards him.


This time it was his right leg that was pierced.

Because the body lost its support, it fell to the ground, and the mood of the masked brother fell to the bottom in an instant.

He never expected that he would meet such a terrifying girl today, and with just two stones, he would be rendered powerless to fight back.

"Dare to touch Zhang Wei, you deserve to die!"

He gritted his teeth, raised his right hand tremblingly, held the gun again, and fired directly.


The gun equipped with a silencer fired, but the bullet hit the concrete pillar beside Xia Qianyue. The latter kept moving at a constant speed without frowning.

"How can it be!"

Seeing this scene, the masked brother was stunned.

You are not afraid, I fired two shots, and you didn't react at all.

Although I missed a little bit, but if I didn't miss it, wouldn't you be going to die?

"You idiot, my Hanhan is not even afraid of bullets, she just didn't feel the need to hide!"

Zhang Wei laughed, and started to mock directly.

"Shut up, kid!"

The masked brother was aroused by this sentence, so he was about to turn his gun.

But as soon as he pointed the gun at Zhang Wei, he saw a figure "teleporting" coming to him.


His remaining left hand was also cut off by a hand knife, and blood gushed out.


"my hand!"

The masked brother couldn't believe that there was such a cruel woman in this world.

"'t come here!"

Facing Xia Qianyue, who was like a plague god, the masked brother finally lost his courage.

He yelled loudly, dragging his body with the remaining strength, twisting backward.

It's a pity that he lost his hands and broke a leg, which greatly affected his movement speed.

Xia Qianyue walked up to the masked elder brother, raised her right hand high, and was about to drop it to deliver a fatal blow.


But at such a moment, Zhang Wei suddenly stopped her.

The raised hand knife was less than ten centimeters away from the masked brother's neck.

If this hand knife falls, the latter's body will inevitably be separated.

"Zhang...Zhang Wei..."

Xia Qianyue seemed to "come to her senses", and suddenly looked around, and found that Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu were lying on the ground, and ran over quickly.

She easily broke the tie binding Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu, and then lifted the former.

"Zhang Wei, how are you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Zhang Wei was panting, but he was in a particularly good mood.

Because Xia Qianyue finally appeared and saved herself.

At the last moment, this Xia Hanhan suddenly showed a fierce killing intent. At that time, she was a little terrified.

But Zhang Wei felt that this was proof that Hanhan cared about him, so he didn't think too much about it.

"Inform Team Wu and them, it's safe here."

Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone from his pants pocket, and hastily sent a location to Wu Yong and the others.

In less than five minutes, the brigade arrived at the unfinished building.

"Jade beads!"

"Daughter, my daughter!"

Not far away, Mo Yuzhu also joined his parents.

"Finally safe!"

After seeing Wu Yong, Lao Xing and others, Zhang Wei completely relaxed.

Tonight, too many things happened.

Not far away, Mo Yuzhu looked at Zhang Wei who was surrounded by everyone, pursed the corners of her mouth lightly, and a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes.

A few minutes later.

Wu Yong drove Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, ready to return.

"You kid is really lucky. The robber boss is a famous person on the arrest warrant. He has killed more than 30 people in our southern area alone!"

"Captain Wu, is it a great achievement to catch him then?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, but he didn't care about his own safety.

"That's for sure!"

As Wu Yong said, he glanced at Xia Qianyue again.

Xiao Xia, you've done another meritorious service!

"Attention everyone, everyone please pay attention, I found a dead body here, I found a dead body here!"

"Repeat, I found the body here. It was a female deceased, wearing the overalls of the auction. The cause of death was preliminarily determined to be shot!"

Just when Wu Yong was about to continue joking, a field voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Female dead, wearing overalls from the auction!"

Hearing these keywords, Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment.

If he guessed correctly, this woman should have the "Heart of the Ocean" hidden in her body.

"Captain Wu, turn around, let's go and have a look!"

"Are you sure you don't want to go back, kid? Lei Hu and the others are responsible for the corpse. We don't need to..."

"The last person that woman saw was probably me, so I need to cooperate with your serious crime team in the investigation, and this woman probably has the most important thing in today's auction hidden in her body!"

Seeing what Zhang Wei said was so serious, Wu Yong could only turn the steering wheel and drive the two of them to the scene again.

The place where the woman died was not in the auction, but in a dark alley a few streets away.

When Zhang Wei came to the scene, he found something unusual.

"The woman was shot in the head. Was it an attack from above?"

"After death, there was no trace of being searched on the body. There is only one exit in the alley, and there are surveillance cameras at the intersection, which means that the killer is no longer in the alley."

"It's strange, if the heart of the ocean is found, the investigation department will definitely notify the people at the auction, but they didn't do so!"

"Then the question is, what about the heart of the ocean?"

Looking at the corpse lying quietly in the alley, Zhang Wei fell into confusion.

The female snitch is also dead, but the heart of the ocean is nowhere to be seen.

He always felt that what happened today was so absurd.

Whether it is the female snitch or the gang of thieves, their purpose is very clear, it must be the heart of the ocean.

But they all lost their lives, but the heart of the ocean was not on them.

Lost his life, and finally did not get the target.

"Team Wu, the identity of the deceased has been clarified. He is an international theft expert. He is often employed by private collectors. He does all kinds of work. He is currently wanted by several countries!"

"Is it an international wanted criminal? It's a pity that she is dead, so I can't pry her mouth open and ask something!"

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Wu Yong could only shake his head.

Then he raised his head and glanced at the building above.

"This is a small alley surrounded by three-to-five-story buildings. Ballistic testing takes time. Without knowing the trajectory of the ballistics, the murderer may shoot from any floor. Finding the opponent is simply impossible."

"And the opponent's gun is likely to be a black gun, so it is even more impossible to find clues. Clues should be difficult to find."

Wu Yong said, looking at Zhang Wei, and then at the No. 1 auction not far away.

"Let me take you back. The deceased is an internationally wanted criminal. To confirm her identity, she needs to communicate with the outside world. I probably won't ask you to make a statement today."

"So many things happened today, our crime team is busy."

What else can Zhang Wei say, it really happened too suddenly.

Wu Yong drove, and after sending Xia Qianyue back to Dongjiang Yipin, he sent Zhang Wei back to the Lin Mansion.

After returning to the residence, Zhang Wei remembered to contact Jessica.

Jingle Bell!

As a result, he had just dialed the number when the phone rang in his room.

"No way……"

He murmured inwardly, and hastily opened the door of the room.

"Zhang, you are finally back!"

In the room, Jessica was wearing a seductive lace nightdress and was lying on the edge of the bed reading a book.

"Jessica, why didn't you go back..."

"Because I know that you may not be enjoying yourself today..."

Jessica lowered her head, her pretty face blushed, charming and charming.

"Yeah, I'm not happy..."

Zhang Wei was secretly delighted, and felt full of strength again.

A big battle is about to start!

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.


2am, after the fact.

Zhang Wei was half lying on the bed, with a snow-white and alluring body lying beside him.

The sleeping Jessica, like a little girl who loves to dream, put her arms around his waist and murmured slightly.

Zhang Wei stroked the pudding-like smooth and tender skin with his right hand, and he was amazed by the touch.

But Zhang Wei's thoughts suddenly returned to the No. 1 Auction in the Oriental Metropolis.

Where is the heart of the ocean?

This question troubled him all day.

He knew that the Heart of the Ocean was not on the masked robber, nor was it on the Snitch.

Then the heart of the ocean can only be at the auction site!

Because no one takes this thing away, it just stays where it is!

But if the heart of the ocean is lost and recovered, there will be reporters on the scene to report, and the investigation department will definitely inform Wu Yong.

But until Wu Yong sent him back, the investigation department had no news about this.

This shows that the heart of the ocean is still lost.

"Where will such a large necklace be hidden?"

Zhang Wei looked down, pushed back the golden hair at his hand, and unconsciously touched the fair neck with his fingertips.


A seductive exhortation made him quite uncontrollable.

There is a female goblin who has taken off her clothes lying beside her, so she is really distracting!



In an instant, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Zhang Wei's mind.

Yes, beside you!

Does the identity of the heart of the ocean have something?

Before the heart of the ocean came to the stage, there was more than a minute of time to turn off the lights. What was this time enough for?

What happened before that?

Before the heart of the ocean came to the stage, there was a dispute between Zhang Wei and Hu Yaode, and the point of dispute was a seemingly ordinary work of art.

Is there any secret hidden in that artwork?

"Jessica, thanks for reminding me, but I'm leaving for a while!"

Zhang Wei lowered his head and kissed Jessica lightly on the neck.

"Hmm~" The latter groaned like a little girl again, as if he had heard Zhang Wei's words.

But Zhang Wei got up and got dressed, and immediately made a phone call.

The phone connects.

"Hanhan, are you asleep, did I disturb you?"

"You asked me what I was doing so late, of course it was because I figured it out!"

"I know where the heart of the ocean is!"

"If we go there now, maybe we still have a chance!"

"Okay, let's see you at the auction!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked back at the sleeping Jessica, and then resolutely walked out of the Lin residence.

the other side.

"Girl, what are you doing? You woke me up in the middle of the night and said you were going to the auction?"

"I heard from my colleagues that something happened at the auction today, but I'm not on duty today, can you let me sleep well?"

"What are you talking about? Zhang Wei asked you to go. That's fine. I want to see what this kid is going to do. It's past two o'clock in the morning. If he doesn't give me an explanation, see if I don't scold him to death!"

Xia Donghai was cursing and cursing, but he still took Xia Qianyue downstairs to the parking lot, found his own car among the luxury cars, and then drove his daughter towards the site of the first auction.

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