Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 439 The Heart of the Ocean Is Lost or Not, Making Friends out of Nothing

Auction, basement.

Because this is the route for the robbers to blow up the underground wall and escape from the auction site, it was also surrounded by people from the investigation department.

But this is not a murder scene, and the robbers have already been arrested. The on-site forensic personnel of the investigation department quickly closed the team.

Because in this sudden incident, no innocent civilians were injured, and the victims were either robbers or international criminals, so the investigation department collected evidence at the scene more casually.

Basically, the filming is finished after the things are shot, and the place is inspected once or twice before it is over, and now even the isolation tape has been removed.

The staff of the first auction also returned to the scene and began to count the number of collections.

As a result, they were stunned after counting.

Because "Heart of the Ocean" is gone.

The rest of the collection is intact and nothing has been lost.

But only the most important one, the Heart of the Ocean at the finale of the party, was missing.

The staff reported the news of the loss of the heart of the ocean layer by layer, and finally reported it to the auction owner.

The boss also panicked after hearing this, because the Heart of the Ocean came from an important person.

Once this important person gets angry, he can't bear the other party's anger.

The boss quickly ordered all his subordinates, whether they are at work or at home, to come back to me and find the heart of the ocean!

The auction ushered in a wave of cleaning, and basically everything was searched over and over again.

Unfortunately, the heart of the ocean has not yet been found.

In the end, the boss had no choice but to call the current owner of the collection.

"Mr. Zhang, we have confirmed that the Heart of the Ocean is indeed missing."

There was also silence on the other end of the phone.

However, the boss's forehead was faintly oozing with sweat.

"Are you sure you've searched all the places?" After a while, the other side asked.

"Mr. Zhang, the heart of the, it should have been there, but it just disappeared..."

"I've mobilized all the staff and searched inside and out three or four times. Even an ant can't hide it, but the heart of the ocean, it..."

Now that the boss has said so much, the other end obviously understands the seriousness of the matter.

There was another soundless silence.

The boss raised his courage and asked tentatively: "Mr. you need it...I will notify the investigation department...they just left not long ago, and I can still call them back..."

"You go to the investigation department, do you want to expose my identity?"


The boss turned pale with fright, because he could hear the dissatisfaction in the other end's tone.

He was sweating profusely, so he could only wipe off with a paper towel, being careful not to breathe.

"Mr. Zhang, we will not disclose the name of the owner of the collection, it is anonymous, anonymous..."

"Anonymity is useful!"

The boss wanted to say something more, but was interrupted roughly by the other end of the phone.

"This is a jewelry theft case worth 2 billion yuan. Once the investigation department initiates an investigation, the first thing to check is the information of the owner of the collection, to investigate their background relationship, whether there are any enemies or enemies, and then follow these Check the clues one by one, this is their basic routine!"

"Once you report the case, the investigation department will be the first to find me. I am the owner of the 2 billion jewels, but my nominal property is public. You want me to accept internal affairs in advance. Investigate!"

This roaring question made the sweat drip from the boss's forehead, and he couldn't stop it.

"Mr. Zhang, my fault, my fault, I shouldn't have mentioned the investigation!"

"Next, I will launch a private investigator. I will definitely hire the best for you, and I will definitely find the Heart of the Ocean for you as soon as possible!"

The boss quickly apologized, with a humble attitude, like a primary school student who has done something wrong.

"Immediately, immediately, you only have 24 hours!"

"Yes, yes, I will do it, I will do it..."

After hanging up the phone, the boss found that his underwear was wet, and his little heart was beating.

Talking to the guy on the phone was stressful.

However, he didn't have time to think about it, so he took out his phone, contacted the investigators, and issued investigation tasks.

The investigation missions he released were all anonymous, and all the investigators he contacted were familiar investigators to ensure that this matter would not be publicized.

What he is most afraid of is that the investigation department will get wind of it.

Once the investigation department knows that they have lost 2 billion worth of jewelry, it is estimated that they will move on hearing the news.

And this is what the boss is worried about, he doesn't dare to let that get involved in anything.

Once that person is unhappy, his status as the owner of the number one auction house can be replaced at any time.

Thinking of this, the boss sighed in his heart.

"Heart of the ocean, you must find it..."

Just after the boss and "that adult" finished talking on the phone, several people in suits ushered in the basement.

"We are Mr. Duanmu's subordinates, and we are here on behalf of Mr. Hu Yaode of Heizu Law Firm. We want to remove the collection he bid for!"

These people came to the basement, found a manager in charge of this place, and handed over some procedures to the other party.

"Mr. Duanmu's people!" The manager naturally knew that Duanmu Heizu's collection was auctioned by Hu Yaode.

In fact, if there were no last few incidents, Hu Yaode spent so much money to bid for that item, it would definitely become the talking point of the insiders of the First Auction.

But now, the manager didn't care about it anymore. After confirming that there was no problem with the procedures, he led these people to the place where the collection was stored.

"This is the collection, you have no problem moving it?"

"no problem!"

Several big men came to the collection and were about to lift it up and move it away.


But suddenly, a voice interrupted them.


Several burly men and the manager of the auction house looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a man wearing the field uniform of the Wushu Association appearing.

"Are you..." the manager asked hastily.

"I'm Xia Donghai, a field worker. I received a report from the public today, saying that the No. 1 Auction House's collection worth more than 2 billion was lost, so I came to check the situation!"

As soon as these words came out, the big men in black froze, and the manager's expression changed slightly.

The orders received by the big guys are to just take away the collection and no one will disturb it during the period.

The order the manager received was to act secretly, and the investigation department must not be alarmed.

But why are field personnel appearing now?


Who was the one who leaked the news?

"Miss Xia, you must have misunderstood. If any jewelry is lost in our auction house, we will definitely report it to the police as soon as possible!"

The manager hurriedly greeted him, and his words were full of denials.

Just kidding, the boss has ordered this matter, and the investigation department must not be alarmed, and the field personnel must also be dismissed.

Otherwise, if the field staff saw something and reported it to the investigation department, it would be over.

"Really, no jewelry is missing?" Xia Donghai also walked up to the manager and asked coldly.

"No, no, absolutely nothing!"

The manager's head shook like a drum.

The big men behind who were about to move things also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine, if there's nothing wrong, it won't hinder them from moving things.

"Then why don't you take me to see the heart of the ocean? The report I received was about the loss of this jewel!"


The manager said to himself, good guy, I'm really afraid of something.

We just lost the Heart of the Ocean, and it turns out that the whole world knows about it.

Could it be that a traitor appeared inside the auction house?

Or did those private investigators who got in touch leak the news?

"This Xia Field Officer, it's really nothing, our auction house hasn't lost anything!"

"Since you haven't lost it, why don't you take me to see it? I just want to see the 2 billion jewels!"

"This... this is not something I can decide..."

"This manager, why do you have no confidence in your words?"

He thought that the manager's refusal would lead to a compromise, but Xia Donghai found a loophole, and he went straight ahead.

"If the jewelry is not lost, it's no big deal to take a look. Can I still take the Heart of the Ocean under the noses of so many of you?"

"But if I check and find that the jewelry is missing, then I have to report it to the investigation department. After all, this is a jewelry worth 2 billion. I believe the auction house will also be responsible for the owner of the collection, right?"

The manager's expression was horrified, and he thought to himself that you, a small field worker, dare to push me even further.

But he couldn't get angry again, because although the status of the field staff of the Wuxi Association is not high, they are civil law enforcement personnel after all.

Once the handling is not good and the criminal law enforcement officers are alarmed, it will be another matter.

But having said that, didn't the investigation department and the on-site field staff all leave? What's the matter with this field office? What are you doing here at such a late night?

"Ahem, Xia Waiqin, aren't you being too lenient?"

Finally, someone couldn't sit still and came to the basement.

"Are you... Lawyer Hu?"

Seeing the person coming, Xia Donghai frowned.

This, although he has never dealt with him before, he has also heard of the daimyo.

Hu Yaode has a grudge against his son-in-law Zhang Wei.

"Xia Waiqin, I'm Hu Yaode, that's right, I'm here to see the collection I've auctioned!"

Hu Yaode pointed to the Space School collection surrounded by four big men, and then came to the bank manager, "Xia Waiqin, I believe that the investigation department should not have received a report of the missing jewels, if so, we must I will contact the auction house to confirm the missing information as soon as possible. But the manager and the others have no news about it, so it’s obviously your own initiative to check it in the front row, right?”

"Besides, the auction house is already in charge of inventorying the collection. If they really find out that the jewelry is missing, I believe they will report it to the investigation department as soon as possible. So your actions, Xia Waiqi, are very suspicious, right? "

Hu Yaode said, squinting his eyes: "Could it be that Xia Waiqin intends to guard against himself and steal something from the No. 1 Auction House under the pretext of checking whether the collection is missing?"

Xia Donghai called secretly, good guy.

This Hu Yaode is indeed worthy of being a defense lawyer. In just a few words, his purpose of action has changed from "coming to investigate the loss of jewelry" to "taking advantage of the darkness under the lights".

"Lawyer Hu, I'm a field worker of the Wuxi Association. I'm definitely not the criminal you described. You..."

"Then who knows?" Hu Yaode sneered, then looked at Xia Donghai again, and asked: "By the way, Xia Waiqin, it shouldn't be your duty time right now. If you act outside of duty time, did Xia Waiqin notify your boss? Do you need me to report it for you?"

"This..." Facing a lawyer, Xia Donghai couldn't resist the other party's eloquence after all, and was speechless for a while.

Sure enough, lawyers are not good people, they are all jerks!

Seeing that Xia Donghai was about to lose, Hu Yaode knew that today's task was secure.

"Xia Waiqin, if there is nothing else, please don't hinder our work. I still have to go home with the collection that I auctioned off through legal procedures today. The lobby of my villa has always made room for these things. !"

As Hu Yaode said, he took the bidding procedures and documents from the manager, and waved them in front of Xia Donghai.

That means, Lao Tzu's procedures are all legal, and you can't stop me.


Naked provocation!

"Lawyer Hu, are you planning to go back and share the spoils with your Boss Duanmu, so you're leaving in such a hurry?"

But at this moment, there was another tease from the basement entrance.

When Hu Yaode heard this voice, his complexion changed drastically.

He knew this voice even when it turned into ashes!

It's that little bastard!

Zhang Wei!

Seeing the entrance to the basement, Zhang Wei pulled Xia Qianyue and walked down step by step.

The two came to Xia Donghai's side and confronted Hu Yaode.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean, I want to take my collection back, do I still need your consent?"

"Or, I won you in the auction, so you plan to retaliate deliberately and not let me go?"

As Hu Yaode said, he took the documents and procedures to Zhang Wei and shook them, with an arrogant expression on his face.

"I know it. This Xia Donghai is your father-in-law, and the girl next to you is your girlfriend. You don't want them to investigate me, right? Then your family will just wait for a lawsuit."

"You, Zhang Wei, together with the field staff and investigators, seized my collection privately and illegally detained me. I also want to accuse the two of them of abusing their power and bending the law for personal gain. Don't you think about it!"

Facing the threat, Zhang Wei smiled: "Lawyer Hu, why are you in such a hurry?"

"What are you talking about, who is in a hurry?"

Hu Yaode looked at the manager of the auction house beside him, who nodded subconsciously.

You seemed to be in a bit of a hurry just now.

They didn't say much, but you made a lot of sense and threatened, obviously a little guilty.

"Lawyer Hu, if you want to take that thing, I will naturally not stop it. I can even send you off and arrange two bodyguards to escort you. After all, this thing is worth 50 million!"

As Zhang Wei said, he raised a finger: "But, but, Mr. Hu, if you want to take away the collection that doesn't belong to you, it will constitute the crime of theft!"

"If the lost jewels are worth 2 billion yuan, it's serious theft, the amount is huge, and it's a proper criminal case!"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Yaode's face was horrified.

But he still pretended to be calm, "Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean, you don't need to write drafts for bragging now, when did I steal something, do you have evidence?"

"Lawyer Hu, are you still pretending to be ignorant even now?"

Zhang Wei took two steps slowly, pointed to the collection surrounded by several big men, and said with a smile: "If I guess right, the heart of the ocean is hidden in that collection!"

Now, even the manager of the auction house is not calm.

What did you say?

The loss of the heart of the ocean has been exposed, and that thing is in the collection that Hu Yaode bid for?

Wait, has the lost Heart of the Ocean really been exposed? How come everyone seems to know about it?

"Lawyer Zhang, what kind of joke are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Lawyer Hu, are you still acting?"

Zhang Wei saw that Hu Yaode didn't shed tears when he saw the coffin, but he didn't hesitate.

"First, the time when the heart of the ocean was lost. I always thought that the heart of the ocean was taken away by the international female snitch, and the timing of her doing it was more than a minute after the lighting problem before the finale collection left the factory. bell."

"After she took the heart of the ocean, the gangsters took action and directly blew up the booth of the heart of the ocean, and then prepared to retreat with the heart of the ocean. At that time, the heart of the ocean had been taken away by the female snitch. .”

"The gang of robbers didn't even think until their death that they had worked so hard to plan for a long time, but what they got in the end was a fake!"

When Zhang Wei said this, there was only sarcasm on his face, "So, I look down on these gangsters the most, they don't have any technical content."

"Look at the female snitch who took the Heart of the Ocean and left the scene disguised as a waiter. If I hadn't seen her sneaking around before, I might have let her run away."

Hu Yaode sneered after hearing this: "Joke, if the female snitch took the heart of the ocean, wouldn't the investigation department have known about it long ago?"

But Zhang Wei caught the meaning of Hu Yaode's words, and asked with a smile: "Lawyer Hu, how do you know that the female snitch doesn't have the heart of the ocean?"

"The female snitch is dead, but this is only known to the serious crime team of the investigation department, because they found the body, but this matter has not been made public. It stands to reason that you are only one of the guests attending the party tonight, no Maybe you know the news blocked inside the Investigation Section?"

Zhang Wei walked up to Hu Yaode, and asked in a cold voice, "Is it you who killed that female snitch!"

Hu Yaode's forehead also oozes sweat.

But after he was silent for a while, he explained: "I have a friend who happened to see the body of the female snitch and told me!"

"Have a friend?" Zhang Wei chuckled.

Your surname is Hu, and you also like to make friends out of nothing?

This explanation is basically a lie.

But Zhang Wei doesn't care about this.

"The female snitch is indeed dead, and the heart of the ocean is not found on her body!"

"Isn't that taken away by the person who killed her?" Hu Yaode spoke again.

"You're wrong, Lawyer Hu!"

Zhang Wei shook his finger, "Actually, the female snitch didn't take anything. The place where she died was a dead end, and the snatcher came from above her head, which means that the snitch just killed her and didn't take anything from her." .”

"So I was thinking, what if the mission this female snitch received was not to steal the Heart of the Ocean? What if her mission was to hide the Heart of the Ocean at the scene instead of taking it away from the scene? What do you think? Is it more in line with the actual situation?"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Yaode's face changed again.

Become a little stunned, and some can't control it.

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