Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 440 Blackfoot Wants Revenge, New Enmity?

"What if the purpose of that female snitch is not to steal the Heart of the Ocean, but to hide it somewhere in the auction hall?"

This is Zhang Wei's answer!

After thinking hard for a long time, he came up with the answer.

Although this answer is ridiculous, only by thinking in this way can one-to-one correspondence with the actual situation be possible.

I have to say that this female snitch is very professional.

She said she wouldn't steal anything, but she really didn't steal anything.

If the task she received was not to steal, then she would really be indifferent to the jewels worth 2 billion.

At the scene, she had every chance to take the heart of the ocean, but she didn't. just just...

"Lawyer Hu, did that female snitch put the heart of the ocean into that thing and then left the scene?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the collection taken by Hu Yaode, and asked with a sneer.

Hu Yaode stopped talking, in fact he didn't want to waste time with Zhang Wei anymore.

He knew that denial was useless.

Zhang Wei is not a kid who can be dismissed casually.

"Manager, should you inform your boss and tell him about the situation?"

The manager of the auction house didn't feel relieved at the moment.

But when he thought that the heart of the ocean was something that the boss valued, he knew he couldn't neglect it.

"Lawyer Hu, although I know it's against the rules to do so, can you please let our auction house inspect the collection you took?"

"But don't worry, our auction house has professional appraisal and technical personnel, and it will never cause any damage to your collection. We are all professionals."

As the manager spoke, he was about to take out his mobile phone and make a call.

But Hu Yaode acted faster, he walked up to the manager and took the phone away.

"Lawyer Hu, you..."

Hu Yaode drew out his right hand, held an electric shock device in his hand, and directly stabbed the manager's body.

slap da da...

With the activation of the electric shock device, the current was conducted into the manager's body. After a few convulsions, the latter directly foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground, and lost consciousness.

"Since the matter has been brought to light, there is no other way!"

Hu Yaode's face turned grim, and he waved to the big men behind him.

"You guys, teach Lawyer Zhang and his family a good lesson and tell them that sometimes they have to keep their minds off their own business!"

Several big men in suits grinned grinningly and walked towards Zhang Wei and the others step by step.

But seeing these big guys approaching, both Zhang Wei and Xia Donghai had weird eyes.

"Hanhan, wait a little longer!"

"Yeah, girl, don't be cruel, we don't know as well as these people!"

Whether it was Zhang Wei or Xia Donghai, they all whispered to Xia Qianyue.


The latter replied that he knew it.

Zhang Wei is absolutely aware of Xia Qianyue's fighting strength, and similarly, as a simple old father, how could Xia Donghai not know his daughter's strength.

Do you understand what is the gold content of a martial arts tournament champion?

"Little girl, are you our first opponent?"

Several big men grinned grinningly, while moving their wrists, they approached Zhang Wei and the others.

And Xia Qianyue also walked towards them step by step, her expression was calm, without the slightest fluctuation.

Her eyes seemed to be looking at some little kids who had just learned to walk.

"Do it!" Several big men moved when they heard the sound, and rushed out.



Then, there was the sound of bone cracking and screams, and the scene was horrible.

The battle ended in less than 2 seconds, and Xia Qianyue ended the battle instantly with only one hand.

It's easy, it's a complete spike!

Hu Yaode looked at the scene in front of him with shock on his face.

Where are my men?

What about me, who are so fierce and fierce, all of them are lying on the ground motionless?

Is this woman still human?

Not to mention more than one dozen, the key point is that he can't see clearly with his eyes. This is already superhuman, right?

Is it that I, Hu Yaode, are outdated, or are all the people in the investigation department so powerful?

If this is all so powerful, and there are so many criminal cases every year, if those bad guys know that the investigators of the investigation department have this kind of skill, how can they have the courage to do bad things!

"Lawyer Hu, do you still want to taunt?"

At this moment, Zhang Wei walked towards Hu Yaode with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing, you boy, I warn you, don't come here!"

"Of course I won't come here, after all, I have nothing to say to you, Hu Yaode!"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked directly past Hu Yaode, came to the collection he had photographed, and groped for a while.

"Yo heh, there is."

With a "click", a camera obscura inside the collection was opened, and Zhang Wei took it out, and a string of ice-blue diamond necklaces with faint fluorescence on the surface appeared in his hand.

Crystal clear and dazzling, this connection must be the heart of the ocean!

"You..." Seeing that his plan was revealed, Zhang Wei took out the heart of the ocean, and Hu Yaode was speechless.

"Hanhan, send this Lawyer Hu to a break!"

But Zhang Wei waved his hand and dismissed the opponent directly.

"You, what are you going to do, I can warn you, if you dare to touch me, I..."


Before Hu Yaode finished speaking, he was already punched and passed out.

"Zhang Wei, this guy is a lawyer anyway, so it's inappropriate for us to attack him?"

"Why is it inappropriate? Hu Yaode and his accomplices attacked the manager of the No. 1 auction house and planned to steal a huge amount of precious jewels. We did this to stop their theft. This is a proper self-defense!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the big men in black on the ground, "Look, how many of them are there, and how many of us are there, the fighting power is completely unequal!"

Xia Donghai rolled his eyes, the combat power was indeed uneven, but it was actually our side that crushed them.

"Father-in-law, Hanhan, don't worry, we still have this manager as a witness here, and even if there is no manager, I still have live recordings here, anyway, it is absolutely impossible for you to have trouble."

Zhang Wei said, took out his mobile phone, and pressed the recording pause button.

He has been recording since just now.

After all, since he started working, he has developed a good habit of recording at any time.

"Then what should we do next?"

"What else can you do, report the case and wait for the people from the investigation department to come over."

As Zhang Wei said, he held the Heart of the Ocean in his hand, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hu Yaode is just a dog's leg, and the one who really wants to take the heart of the ocean is actually someone else.

Now that Hu Yaode is under control, he should also say hello to that one.


Outside the first auction house, two streets away.

A stretched luxury car was parked here, the window was open, and a woman poked her face out from time to time, looking in the direction of the exit of the auction house.

"What's going on, why hasn't this Hu Yaode come out yet?"

The woman was Li Meijia, she looked at the exit, her tone full of impatience.

After all, it is a jewel of 2 billion. Although it cannot be seen, no woman can resist such a treasure.

Even if she can only wear it in a place where no one is around, she can still be proud, because she has already tried jewelry worth 2 billion on her neck.

Unfortunately, Hu Yaode did not show up for a long time.

"Godfather, Hu Yaode hasn't come out yet!"

"Calm down, stay safe and don't be impatient."

Sitting in the car, Duanmu Heizu looked much calmer. After all, he has experienced many storms and will show enough patience for many things.

"The number one auction house must have discovered that the Heart of the Ocean was lost. Although there is no problem with the procedures for Hu Yaode to take that collection away, there is no guarantee that the people at the auction house will not detain it, so this is why I sent Hu Yaode out .”

Duanmu Heizu said, but his eyes drifted to a magnificent building in the city center.

"Zhang Tianlong, do you think I don't know, the heart of the ocean has always been in your Zhang family, this time, after I get it, I want your Zhang family to look good!"

In Duanmu Heizu's eyes, a hidden sarcasm flashed.

Who would have thought that Zhang Tianlong, who publicly disclosed his wealth, possessed a lot of treasures secretly.

If this incident is exposed, it will definitely cause a big wave.

Of course, with the energy of the Zhang family, it's very easy to suppress this kind of thing, but Duanmu Heizu is also happy with the disgusting Zhang family.

At least he thought so.

Tuk tuk tuk!

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the luxury car.

The expressions of the two people in the car changed simultaneously.

Because so far no one has dared to take pictures of Duanmu Heizu's car door.

"Zhang Wei!"

When the two saw who the person outside the car was, they were all surprised.

I saw Zhang Wei waiting at the car window, looking at them with a smile.

Of course, through the car window, they also knew that the other party could not see themselves.

The car window rolled down automatically, and Duanmu Heizu gave Zhang Wei a cold face close to rolling his eyes.

"Oh, Boss Duanmu, who are you imitating?"

Zhang Wei looked at Duanmu Heizu and began to tease him on the spot.

Seeing this, Li Meijia on the side had a murderous gleam in her eyes.

"Oh, by the way, I came here just to tell you something. Just now, for some reason, Lawyer Hu suddenly had a convulsion in his head. He attacked the manager of the auction house with an electric shock device, and was subdued by my girlfriend."

Zhang Wei muttered, and suddenly said: "Guess what happened?"

"Just the collection he bid for. For some reason, there is a collection space inside. Guess what I found inside?"

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of Duanmu Heizu and Li Meijia changed dramatically.

"You can't guess what I found, Mr. Duanmu, what do you think?"

Duanmu Heizu suppressed the anger in his heart, pretending to be ignorant, "Lawyer Zhang, what did you find, why don't you tell me?"

"Hehe, Boss Duanmu is really interested?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, your acting skills are really good, you didn't let me find a flaw.

"Oh, it's nothing important. It was the finale product of the party at that time. It seemed to be some kind of jewelry called 'Heart of the Ocean'. But this thing is from the No. 1 Auction House in the Oriental Metropolis after all. I will return it to you if I get it. They."

"However, it's strange to say, how could the female snitch hide such a precious piece of jewelry there? She could have taken it away directly. Could it be that she didn't steal things for herself, but for other people? "

Zhang Wei said, leaning half of his body on the luxury car, and teased Duanmu Heizu: "Boss Duanmu, do you think that female snitch is stupid?"

Duanmu Heizu almost gritted his teeth, suppressed his anger, and said, "Yes, it's really stupid not to take away jewels worth 2 billion!"

The reason why he was actually angry was that he should have let the Snitch steal the jewels at the beginning, and then killed the Snitch at that time, it would be better to have a gangster.

It's not like now, the jewels are gone, and he still has to endure the ridicule of a little bastard here.

"By the way, Boss Duanmu, it's late at night, you don't sleep at home, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you're asking this. My Meijia said she wanted to see the moon, so I brought her here."

"Looking at the moon?"

Zhang Wei raised his head, glanced at the moon covered by the skyscrapers in the center of the eastern city, and was speechless for a while.

Good old dog, how perfunctory this is, the excuses are so badly made up.

"Oh, so that's the case, then Boss Duanmu, go on, I won't hinder you from watching the moon."

As Zhang Wei said, he was about to leave.

But just as he moved his hand away, he suddenly put it down again.

"By the way, Boss Duanmu, I always have a question."

Duanmu Heizu wished to be Zhang Wei now, but he still suppressed the killing intent in his heart and asked kindly, "Oh, what's the problem with Lawyer Zhang?"

"It's nothing, it's about your goddaughter, does she know me, why do I always feel that she is inexplicably familiar?"

"Also, although everyone is a lawyer and has enemies, but in my memory, I don't seem to have offended this Miss Li. Why does she hate me more strongly than you?"

"This..." Duanmu Heizu stopped talking, because he never expected that Zhang Wei would notice it.

"Lawyer Zhang, we have to continue looking at the moon, please leave!"

This time, he directly issued an order to evict the guest.

"That's fine, Boss Duanmu, you continue, I won't bother you!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand with a smile, said goodbye to the two, and returned directly to the auction house.

Watching Zhang Wei leave, Duanmu Heizu and Li Meijia regained their focus.

"You showed killing intent just now, which made this kid vigilant!"

"Godfather, it's my fault, but this kid, I really can't help it, he..."

"Did you know that an excellent person knows how to hide his true feelings?" Duanmu Heizu waved his hand and interrupted Li Meijia directly.

"You have to know that the enemy hiding in the dark is the deadliest. Only when the enemy is unprepared for you, you can stab the deadly knife, and you can kill the enemy with one blow and blow the enemy to ashes!"

"But what about you, you made this kid aware of the hostility and put him on guard, so wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with him next time?"

"Godfather, I was wrong."

Li Meijia lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

Duanmu Heizu nodded in satisfaction, but then his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

"This Zhang Wei is really tricky. He actually ruined my disgusting Zhang Tianlong's plan. It seems that he is going to attack him hard."

"Godfather is planning to take revenge on him?"

"No, what's the point of taking revenge on a mere Zhang Wei? What I want to do is take revenge on those around him, cut off his wings first, cut off his support, and then give him a fatal blow, making him beyond redemption! "

When Li Meijia heard these words, the flames of hatred flickered in her eyes, burning blazingly.

Taking revenge on Zhang Wei is what she wants to see most.

"Godfather, what should we do next? If we start with the people around him, who do we want?"

"Hmph, of course we should look for the one who is most likely to make him doomed!"

Duanmu Heizu sneered, he had already chosen his target in his heart.

"There have always been five major families in the East, but in fact, the five families are only tied together because of interests, and with the changes of the times, there has been a trend of varying strengths among the five families."

"Then, what I have to deal with now is one of the families. By defeating the first family, I can tell the other four families in the Eastern Capital that the current Eastern Capital is no longer the era of the five major families."

In the hands of Duanmu Heizu, there was an extra folder at some point.

He opened the folder, and there was a word "Zhao" written on it in astonishment.

"Sometimes, to break through the iron wall, a frontal attack will be counterproductive, but the embankment of a thousand miles will also collapse in an ant's nest. You just need to find the weak points of the five families, and break them apart!"


hours later.

Iron Island Prison, temporary detention area.

Hu Yaode with plaster around his neck and bandages on his face brought Li Meijia here, and the two waited in the meeting room for a while.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a prison uniform with a vicissitudes of life coming here under the guard of two guards.

"You are from Blackfoot Law Firm..."

The man was a little surprised when he saw Hu Yaode.

What's the matter with you, little brother, you are so injured, you still come to visit the prison?

Then he looked at the woman next to Hu Yaode, and was even more surprised.

It's all about who and who, what do you come to me for, I don't know you well.

"Mr. Zhanglang, I'm Hu Yaode from Heizu. This is my business card. Please forgive my inconvenient hands and I can't pass it to you!"

Zhang Lang didn't take the business card delivered by Li Meijia on his behalf, and didn't even sit down, because he knew that the person in front of him was a lawyer, but the lawyer couldn't help him.

"It's impossible for me to reverse the case, and it's impossible to win the appeal, let alone the appeal will not be accepted!"

Zhang Lang seemed to have resigned himself to his fate. After sitting down, he lowered his head and was very depressed.

"Mr. Zhang, I know you are desperate, but do you think this is all right, just accept your fate like this?"

As Hu Yaode said, he winked at the guard.

They exited the meeting room and came to the door to guard, so that they could come in for help at any time, and they would not hear the conversation in the meeting room.

After Hu Yaode finished doing this, he winked at Li Meijia.

The latter got up, came to Zhang Lang, and said in a low tone: "Zhang Wei!"

These two words, as if possessing magical power, made Zhang Lang's pupils shrink violently for a while.

"What did you mention him for?"

"Because we have a common enemy, Mr. Zhang!"

Hu Yaode also took out a document at this time, with the photo and name of "Zhao Xiaoxiao" impressively on it.

"Mr. Zhang, you and I both know that this girl surnamed Zhao is Zhang Wei's right-hand man and has helped him solve many problems. Moreover, she is also the ghost of a cyber hacker, and she was your goal from the beginning."

"It's all because of Zhang Wei, and because of this kid, you not only failed to catch the ghost, but also fell into such a situation, so we are going to cooperate with you and help you avenge!"

In Zhang Lang's eyes, the flame of hatred shone.

The arrival of Hu Yaode and Li Meijia is definitely the only good news he has received during this period of time.

"How to do?"

"Mr. Zhang, I need you to help me with this. After all, you know much more about ghosts and others than we do!"

"I see, I really have an idea about this matter..."

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