Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 442 The second girl is in trouble, the truth is the most important!

Zhao Xiaoxiao stood at the gate of the local prosecutor's headquarters and stopped for a moment.

Looking at the not-so-imposing door in front of her, she hesitated for a moment, stomped her feet and chose to go in.

The second floor, the one next to the tea room, is the office of the felony department.

At Xiao Baihe's workstation, Zhao Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Wei.

"Yo, it's coming, come on!"

Zhang Wei beckoned and asked Zhao Xiaoxiao to come over.

"No, come here!" But the latter shook his head, making Zhang Wei puzzled.

The second daughter has a temper?

Zhang Wei had no choice but to follow Zhao Xiaoxiao out of the office, and was dragged towards the corner of the aisle by the other party.

The second daughter looked around, and even knocked on the doors of several nearby offices. After confirming that no one was hiding inside, she dragged Zhang Wei into one of them.

"Second girl, what's the situation, so mysterious?"

To be honest, Zhang Wei was a little scared. Could it be that these two girls are doing something to him?

Looking at the secluded office, there is no one around, it can be said that every day should not be done, and the ground is not working.


At this moment, the second girl spoke, a little shy, and a little unable to continue.

Seeing her blushing and unable to speak, Zhang Wei's heart beat even harder.

This appearance is very similar to that of a Huaichun girl.

Could it be that the second daughter...

Zhang Wei had no choice but to sigh: "Oh, Xiaoxiao, just tell me if you have anything to say, I will never say it."

It seems that after today, the "father-daughter relationship" between myself and my second daughter may change slightly.

"That... just... there is a case... I want you to help..."

Under Zhang Wei's gaze, Zhao Xiaoxiao organized her speech for a long time, and finally said her purpose.

"Ha, case?"

Zhang Wei is speechless, if you have a case, you should have said it earlier, you made it so serious.

who I am?

I'm Zhang Wei, a criminal defense lawyer. I'm not just in charge of litigation. Cases are my job.

If you come to me to settle the case, wouldn't it be enough to make a phone call?

"Yes, the case, and it's a difficult case."

"How many of the cases I have taken are not difficult?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and even wanted to laugh.

I, Mr. Zhang, have never taken an easy case since I debuted after graduating from law school.

"Who is the client, who is the party involved, and what case?"

"I heard it's related to aviation safety."

Hearing what Zhao Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Wei smiled, "Aviation safety, what a coincidence, Lao Xiao also asked me to assist in an aviation safety case."

"The client's name is Chai Jingjing."

"Why is the name so familiar?"

"The person involved is called Cui Yibin."

"Hey, this name is even more coincidental, it is exactly the same as the defendant in Lao Xiao's case... Wait..."

The smile on Zhang Wei's face suddenly faded.

He finally came to his senses, and what kind of case his daughter planned for him.

"Can you say that again!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao lowered her head, but still repeated: "The client's name is Chai Jingjing, and the client's name is Cui Yibin. The case is about aviation safety..."

Zhang Wei finally understood how tricky the case was this time.

"Is the client, Chai Jingjing, Cui Yibin's girlfriend?"


"Chai Jingjing found you and asked you to come to me?"


"Did Cui Yibin hack the airline's server and almost cause the two planes to collide?"


"Then do you know that I have accepted Lao Xiao's entrustment to help her as the prosecution staff in this case?"

"Yes... no, no, I don't know..."

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly shook her head.

"Second girl, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's that you are late."

As Zhang Wei said, he patted the second daughter's shoulder and comforted him: "But don't worry about it, it's useless even if I agree to this case, because the prosecution already has a defense lawyer."

"What do you mean, what the hell is there to be a defense lawyer?"

"That is to say, when Chai Jingjing came to you, she didn't even know that her boyfriend Cui Yibin had already hired a lawyer."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his phone and opened a photo, "Here, this is Cui Yibin's defense lawyer, Li Meijia from Heizu Law Firm."

"What an internet celebrity plastic surgery face..."

Seeing the photo on the phone and seeing the woman's face, Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help complaining.

"Yeah, the most outrageous thing about this woman is that she is not a lawyer from Longguo, but an international lawyer, and she doesn't even have a court record in Longguo."

"Then what should I do next?"

"It's very simple, I declined..."

Zhang Wei was talking, but suddenly thought of something, shook his head and said, "No, you can't see Chai Jingjing anymore."

"Because Director Zhou of the Special Operations Group appointed you as the prosecution-related witness in this case, the network expert witness, then you are the prosecution's person. As a member of the prosecution's expert team, if you have sex with the defense party's girlfriend If you contact in private, you may be convicted of obstructing justice!"

Zhang Wei realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately pressed Zhao Xiaoxiao's shoulders, and warned righteously: "Second girl, the current personnel arrangement for this case has been confirmed, you and Chai Jingjing are both parties involved in the case, and you must not Get in touch, understand?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded subconsciously.

"Remember, you are a witness for the prosecution, and she is the girlfriend of the defense party. Before your meeting, you could use the excuse that the judicial system didn't notify you in time, but now I have clearly informed you of your interests, so you don't have to worry about it." Don't touch Chai Jingjing, don't you understand!"

"You don't have to say it so many times, I know it!"

"very good!"

Seeing the second girl nodding, Zhang Wei finally felt relieved.

Although these two daughters are sometimes aggressive, they should still be clear about right and wrong.

In this case, he can rest assured.

"Okay, let's meet up with Lao Xiao in the past. She happens to have some technical problems in the network area and needs to ask you for advice!"


Zhang Wei took Zhao Xiaoxiao out of the office, only to find that many people in the aisle looked over.

Many female prosecutors looked at the two, pointing, whispering and discussing.

Zhang Wei pricked up his ears and listened for a while.

Most of the words mentioned by these women are "misbehavior", "bullying other people's little girls", "dissolute behavior during working hours" and so on.

Zhang Wei called out wronged, it was the second girl who came to me, what happened to me whispering to her?

Haven't you whispered to your daughter?

Come, second girl, explain.

Looking back, Zhang Wei saw Zhao Xiaoxiao lowered her head, looking like she was being bullied.

Come on, explaining is useless.

Under the contempt of these people, Zhang Wei took Zhao Xiaoxiao back to the office of the Serious Crime Division.

"Old Xiao, I brought you my Xiaoxiao. If you have anything you don't understand, just ask her."

"Okay!" Xiao Baihe nodded, letting Zhao Xiaoxiao sit next to her.

"Okay, Zhang Wei, you have nothing to do here, you can go wherever you want!"

"Good guy, is this going to kill the donkey?"

Zhang Wei never expected that your old Xiao, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was actually this kind of guy who turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

If you have a second daughter, you don't want me, right?

"Okay, then you talk, I'll go back first."

"Xiaoxiao, remember to go home and have dinner, I'm off work first."

As Zhang Wei said, he gave another word to his second daughter, and then he left the local prosecutor's headquarters and returned to Lin's mansion.

Zhao Xiaoxiao stayed at the local prosecutor's headquarters for a long time, and Xiao Baihe asked her a lot of questions, and took notes along the way, which took a lot of time.

Xiao Baihe didn't finish work until after 7 o'clock in the evening.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoxiao, for taking up so much of your time. But I didn't expect that there are so many things in computer technology. But how did you master it? You are not very old, and your technology is actually better than that of network science. Those guys are going to be great."


Zhao Xiaoxiao naturally wouldn't say that it was all because of the influence of her biological father.

Xiao Baihe could tell that Zhao Xiaoxiao was not in high spirits, and probably wanted to get off work.

"That's all right, I'll trouble you today, hurry up and get off work, or be careful that your dinner will be eaten by that bastard Zhang Wei."


After Zhao Xiaoxiao and Xiao Baihe said goodbye, they also left the local prosecutor's headquarters, preparing to take the subway back to Lin's residence.

As a result, as soon as she got off the elevator, Zhao Xiaoxiao saw a person waiting for her in front.

Chai is quiet!

Seeing each other, she subconsciously wanted to say hello.

"Never, never, never, ever have any interaction with Chai Jingjing again!"

But a word suddenly flashed in my mind.

This is Zhang Wei's warning!

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately changed her direction, preparing to leave the subway station through another aisle.

But in the rear, Chai Jingjing pursued closely.

"Miss Zhao, please wait a moment!"

"Please tell me, what did Lawyer Zhang say?"

"Miss Zhao, Miss Zhao Xiaoxiao..."

Chai Jingjing followed behind Zhao Xiaoxiao, shouting while running.

Zhao Xiaoxiao quickened her pace, so did she, Zhao Xiaoxiao changed direction, and she also changed direction.

The two chased each other, up and down, left and right, and circled around the subway station.

Zhao Xiaoxiao herself gave up, but unfortunately Chai Jingjing still followed closely.

"Sorry, I can't talk to you!"

Finally, Zhao Xiaoxiao found an empty corner and spoke.

"Where is Lawyer Zhang, what does Lawyer Zhang say?"

"Zhang Wei said he couldn't take this case, because the case already has a defense lawyer, a woman named Li Meijia, you have to find her!"

"I don't know. In fact, I didn't find this lawyer. The other party offered to be my boyfriend's lawyer. I agreed without even thinking about it. It was only later that I realized that lawyer Zhang Wei is the best lawyer in the East. A powerful lawyer, I just wanted to come to you for help." Chai Jingjing explained.

"That's useless. The candidates for the defense lawyer have all been decided. It's useless for you to find Zhang Wei."


"It's nothing to worry about. Now Zhang Wei is the prosecution's staff member and belongs to the parties involved in the case. I am also a member of the prosecution. In theory, I can't even contact you!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao made a gesture to leave, but Chai Jingjing followed closely behind.

"Are you annoying? I've said it all. I have nothing to talk to you about. Your defense lawyer has already been selected, and Zhang Wei can't help you!"

"Well, Ms. Zhao, I know this matter is very embarrassing, but I still want you to confirm it for me, because Ah Bin must be innocent!"

"Whether he is innocent or not, he has to be judged by the court!"

"I know, but there is some evidence in court that cannot be used as evidence in court."

Chai said quietly, and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

"I don't know much about online signatures, but Ah Bin said that this case was not done by him. Here are his online signatures. You only need to find the evidence sealed by the Special Operations Team and the Internet Investigation Section and compare them. That's it."

"Network signature?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at the U disk with serious eyes.

"Then why don't you hand over this evidence to the investigation department, or make it public as evidence for the defense?"

"Because the prosecution already has a network signature as evidence, but that network signature was forged by a real hacker, and most people can't see it, including your technical staff of the prosecution. The evidence is falsified."

Chai Jingjing said, begging: "This USB flash drive contains Ah Bin's real network signature. You are a very powerful hacker, and you will be able to find flaws in the evidence. Just compare them and you will find that there is a discrepancy between the two. .”

"If I submit the evidence, the prosecution may not accept it, and even question the authenticity of the evidence. I dare not take the risk. Please help us, Ms. Zhao."

"Abin is innocent. If this evidence cannot be accepted by the prosecution and he is also found guilty, isn't this a great wish?"

Seeing Chai Jingjing speak so sincerely, Zhao Xiaoxiao hesitated countless times in her heart.

She raised and lowered her hands, pursed her lips a few times, and her small face was full of hesitation.

In the end, she finally couldn't bear the sympathy in her heart and the expectation for justice, so she ended up with a USB flash drive.

"Then I'll tell you, I'll check the signature in this USB flash drive, and I'll help you with this after confirming that there is no problem."

"In the same way, I have to tell you no. If Cui Yibin's online signature is different from the signature in the prosecution's evidence, I will tell Zhang Wei and them. But if the signature is the same, then I can only say sorry .”

"Finally and finally, this is the last time I will help you, please don't appear in front of me until the case is over!"

In the last sentence, Zhao Xiaoxiao's tone was aggravated, obviously with a warning meaning.

"Thank you Miss Zhao Xiaoxiao, you are really a good person, I thank you on behalf of Abin and me!"

Chai Jingjing wept with joy, covered her face with her eyes and squatted down, sobbing uncontrollably.

Seeing no one around, Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly shook her head and rushed into the subway station.



Zhao Xiaoxiao just returned to the Lin residence.

"Second girl, I'll be waiting for you!"

Zhang Wei had already prepared dinner and waited.

But he said strangely: "Old Xiao sent a message just now, saying that you leave work at 7 o'clock, and take the subway to go home for up to 30 minutes. Why are you so long later than expected?"

"Why, I'm going outside for a while, can't I?"

"Okay, why not?"

Hearing the second girl's tone as usual, Zhang Wei smiled.

The second girl was willing to go out for a walk, and it was too late for him to be happy.

"Okay, the food is still hot, let's eat quickly!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly added food to Zhao Xiaoxiao and got busy.

Seeing Zhang Wei's busy appearance, Zhao Xiaoxiao felt a little touched.

When eating, Zhao Xiaoxiao moved her chopsticks a few times, then looked at Zhang Wei hesitantly.

"Why, is there anything else?"

"Well, I just want to ask, is the prosecution sure that the criminal is Viper?"

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, but still answered: "It should be, Lao Xiao said that the evidence is solid."

But when he said this, he laughed himself.

When the prosecution says that the evidence is solid and the evidence is overwhelming, they are often too confident.

I have the advantage?

Hehe, the advantage is always in the hands of those who grasp the truth.

"Second girl, what's the matter with you today, a little sentimental?"

"I'm just asking casually, after all, this is not a small case."

"Really? I don't think this case is a big deal. Anyway, there were no casualties. That Cui Yibin deserved what he deserved."

Zhang Wei took a mouthful of rice calmly, with an expression of indifference.

"Then what if he is innocent?"

"Innocent or not, it has to be decided by the court!"

"Why do you say that too?"


"Oh, nothing!" Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly changed the subject, "That is to say, is it possible that Cui Yibin is innocent?"

"It's hard to say, unless you find conclusive evidence that he didn't do it."

When Zhao Xiaoxiao heard this, her eyes rolled.

"Then what if I can find evidence?"

"Evidence, what evidence?" Zhang Wei also became interested.

"You are so stupid, it's just an online signature!"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she gestured with chopsticks in both hands, "Think about it, if Viper really did it, then the online signature is him. If you compare his online signatures, don't you know everything?"

"Yeah, when you say that..."

Zhang Wei also nodded, but then he became confused, "But where did you get Viper's network signature? Isn't your hacker's network signature all your own privacy?"

"Don't worry about it, I have Viper's network signature!"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she glanced at her pocket.

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, "Could it be, you..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao hurriedly lowered her head, her little face was full of nervousness.

This guy must have noticed something.

"Well, you second girl, did you hack other people's computers when you were in the chat room?"

Zhang Wei suddenly laughed and guessed like this.

Zhao Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said that it was dangerous.

This guy is really amazing, and this helped him find a reason.

"Yeah, that's it. I have Viper's network signature, and I can tell if he did it just by comparing it."

"That's fine. Tomorrow, I'll go to the local prosecutor's headquarters and talk to Lao Xiao to see what she means."

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the dishes on the dinner table, "Come on, second girl, I will reward you with a chicken leg!"

"I don't want it, I'm going to be full."

"Eat more, eat more, eat well to gain weight."

"Go to hell!"

The happy dinner is over.

Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly ran up to the second floor, and then loaded the USB flash drive she got from Chai Jingjing into a laptop.

After searching 10 times with the search program, and confirming that there is no virus in the USB flash drive, she gave another operation.

On the screen, a very long string of characters appeared, and the suffix was "Viper".

This is Cui Yibin's online signature.

Seeing the signature appear, Zhao Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, you can find out the truth.

Just as Zhang Wei said just now, the truth is the most important thing!

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