Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 443 Zhang Wei's staff officer, the defense doesn't ask questions?

Tuesday morning.

Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters, Office of the Serious Crimes Division.

"What, network signature?"

Xiao Baihe looked at the two in front of him, and suppressed the desire to complain in his heart.

"It's going to be a pre-trial today, are you telling me this now?"

"It is precisely because there is a pre-trial that it is necessary to bring it up!"

But Zhang Wei pulled Xiao Baihe over and whispered, "You don't want problems in the case, do you, or you don't want to wrong an innocent person?"

Facing Zhang Wei who was so close at hand, Xiao Baihe showed a slight discomfort on his face.

But she still resisted the too close distance between the two, and asked: "But the online signature, how do you know if it's real?"

"I don't know either!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei spread his hands.

Xiao Baihe almost couldn't resist picking up the fountain pen in her hand, she wanted to kill the bastard in front of her with one stroke.

You came here early in the morning just to talk about such an uncertain thing?

"Old Xiao, although I'm not sure, my Xiaoxiao is sure!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pushed the second daughter out, "Come on, Xiaoxiao, tell Lao Xiao what you and I said yesterday."


Although Zhao Xiaoxiao was somewhat reluctant, she sat down with Xiao Baihe and explained for a while.

"You mean, the network signature is unique, and Viper's signature happens to be with you?"


"Then when you show this evidence, you are actually telling everyone that our network investigation department has failed in its duty!"


Xiao Baihe's eyes were full of warning, because if she asked Zhao Xiaoxiao to show this evidence, it would probably cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Your network investigation department has worked so hard, but the result is that you lack key evidence.

Any random hacker on our side can get something, but you can't get it.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit tense, Zhang Wei hurried up and hooked up with Xiao Baihe.

"Old Xiao, you don't want to end up wronging a good person in your case, do you?"

Zhang Wei said with a serious face, "Now the online signature is the most favorable evidence. If the defense also gets the signature, and then there is a wave of jedi comeback, do you want to lose?"

"I don't want to lose!"

Xiao Baihe naturally doesn't like to lose, but she doesn't like extra problems even more.

"Get your hands off!"

After slapping Zhang Wei's "salty pig hand" on her shoulder away, Xiao Baihe hesitated for a moment.

"Xiaoxiao, are you sure this online signature is real?"


"Then if the online signature in the evidence is detected to be different from the defendant Cui Yibin's signature, does that mean that the real culprit in this case is someone else?"


Xiao Baihe rubbed his head, gritted his teeth for the last time, "Really, I regret agreeing to let you be a staff officer!"

This attitude is obviously agreed.

"Old Xiao, let's..."

"After the preliminary review, I can only help you to ask about this matter. As for whether it can pass, it needs the approval of the Special Operations Team and the Internet Investigation Section!"

Xiao Baihe didn't say anything to death, but left room for it.

But she thinks it shouldn't be a big problem.

After all, this is something related to the truth, and they cannot be neglected.

However, there is still a problem, and that is the pre-trial.

"Let's go, go to the court to prepare for the preliminary hearing!"

Saying that, Xiao Baihe gestured to Tan Yingying who was sitting at the work station, and the latter got up cautiously, and then picked up the car keys from the table.

Not long after, a small pink car set off from the parking lot of the local prosecutor's headquarters, and drove quickly through the congested oriental city center, and finally arrived at the city court 30 minutes before the trial.

"Xiao Tan, your skills need to improve. If I had known this, I would have asked my stinky brother to drive us here."

Zhang Wei couldn't help complaining about Tan Yingying's driving skills.

Zhang Xinyan only needed 30 minutes away, and she drove for an hour and a half in a daze.

"What can I do? I've only had my driver's license for less than half a year. If you have the ability, go and drive!" Tan Yingying lowered her head and defended herself in a low voice.

But unfortunately, none of the three of Zhang Wei would listen, because none of them had a driver's license...

City Court, Criminal Division.

On the prosecution's seat, this was the first time Zhang Wei sat in this position.

Xiao Baihe sat in the middle, Tan Yingying and Zhang Wei were on the left and right, Tan Yingying was the second in command, and Zhang Wei was the staff officer.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was sitting on the prosecution witness stand. She looked around, and then saw Chai Jingjing on the defense witness stand.

Seeing the latter, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

After all, she remembers it well, and the two of them cannot interact.

"Is this Chai Jingjing?"

Similarly, Zhang Wei on the prosecution bench also saw Chai Jingjing, and it seemed that the defense was going to ask her to be a witness.

He then threw the realization on the defense bench.

There are three people sitting on the defense bench.

Defendant Cui Yibin, defense lawyers Hu Yaode and Li Meijia.

Cui Yibin was still the same, but it was the defense and defense duo, which made Zhang Wei quite concerned.

The former Lao Hu and Zhang Wei are old acquaintances, but the latter...

"Who is this woman? Do you want to check her background?"

Zhang Wei could sense the hostility vaguely drifting from the defense bench, and this hostility did not come from Hu Yaode.

Although Hu Yaode was beaten by Xia Qianyue last weekend, and even now he can see some injuries, but Hu Yaode looked at Zhang Wei with cold eyes, without any naked hostility.

Only Li Meijia, a woman, has obvious hostility towards Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, the pre-trial question!"

At this moment, Xiao Baihe stabbed Zhang Wei with his elbow.

"Oh, I almost forgot the business."

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced towards the hearing booth and took a few careful glances.

"Since this is a public prosecution case and you are the main force, I can't help you much, so let me give you some suggestions for questions commonly used by the prosecution."

Zhang Wei said, holding up a finger: "First of all, we should exclude those who have "inductive resistance" psychologically. "

"Psychology?" Xiao Baihe frowned upon hearing these three words.

"Inductive resistance?" Tan Yingying repeated in a daze.

"Why, I like to study psychology with Jessica recently. Don't be surprised. Hey, hey, old Xiao, what kind of eyes do you have, you look at me like you look at a scumbag, it's not appropriate... "

Xiao Baihe rolled her eyes madly in her heart, if you are not a scumbag then who is?

Zhang Wei also wondered in his heart, could it be that Xiao Baihe saw the matter between me and Jessica.

"Zhang Wei, what is resistance?" Instead, it was Tan Yingying who helped him out.

"Oh, inductive resistance is commonly known as rebellious psychology."

Zhang Wei said, giving an example: "Once they think that their choices are restricted, they will have rejection and rebellious psychology. For example, if the vast majority of juries choose guilty, they will choose not guilty!"

"Old Xiao, let me ask you, is this case really like what you said, with solid evidence, and the defendant will definitely be convicted?"

"It should be, I dare not say for sure, but it is probably close to ten!"

Seeing Xiao Baihe's answer, Zhang Wei spread his hands, "That's it. When everyone thinks the defendant is guilty, there are always a few out of order."

"Then how do we get them out?"

"It's very simple, when you ask like this..."

Zhang Wei leaned closer to Xiao Baihe's ear, and pressed his ear.

Likewise, time passed quickly.

"All rise!"

Under the announcement of the court guard, the young Judge Liu walked up to the trial seat step by step in a brand new robe.

After he took his seat, he scanned the audience, and then fixed on the prosecution seat.


Am I delusional? Why is there a strange person on the prosecution bench?

Judge Liu took off his glasses, wiped them in his hands, and then put them on again.

In the line of sight, the strange man has not changed, it is still the same.

Zhang Wei!

Isn't he a criminal defense lawyer? Why is he sitting on the prosecution table?

Xiao Liu said, who would have thought of this.

He originally thought that this case would be easier, after all, there were no difficult people on both sides of the prosecution and defense.

But he had calculated thousands of times, and he failed to figure out one point, that is, Zhang Wei was invited by the prosecution to be a foreign aid.

The young Judge Liu felt that he was still too young.

I thought it wasn't a big case, but I didn't expect a big figure to appear on the prosecution bench.

"Ahem, before the court session, let me ask you a question."

Judge Liu hurriedly lowered his head and approached the prosecution seat, "Lawyer Zhang, what are you doing here?"

"Xiao Liu, I am the prosecution's staff officer, commonly known as the dog's head military division."

Seeing Zhang Wei spreading his hands and pretending to be innocent, Judge Liu was speechless.

You really think you are an uncle, and you still call me Xiao Liu?

I am in my thirties, and I have graduated for seven or eight years. You have only graduated for a year, right?

At your age as a trainee lawyer, it is unreasonable to call me Xiao Liu?

If it weren't for the ban on swearing in court, Judge Liu couldn't help but explode.

After he took a deep breath, he continued to preside over the order of the court.

"Ahem, since that's the case, please explain the defense and the prosecution."

At the defense table, Li Meijia stood up, "Judge Liu, I am defense lawyer Li Meijia, and I am only representing my client, Mr. Cui Yibin, to inform the court and everyone present that my client is innocent."

"No matter what charges the prosecution wants to impose on him, he will never compromise, and he has never done anything that threatens aviation safety. Any subsequent charges against this case and the prosecution are unwarranted charges!"

"So, you are going to plead not guilty?"

"Yes, Judge Liu!"

Li Meijia nodded, and then sat down slowly.

"Hey guy, this is stealing the word, be the first to declare your claim, and occupy the first impression!"

Seeing the actions of the defense, Zhang Wei knew that the defense was clearly prepared.

"The prosecution?"

Xiao Baihe got up and walked to the court.

"On the 15th of last month, the server of Oriental Metropolis International Airlines was hacked, and the screen went black for more than 30 seconds. The ground aviation station lost contact with several passenger planes in flight, and the trajectories of several routes There were slight deviations and even nearly caused two planes with 150 passengers on board to collide."

"If they collide in the end, it will cause the most serious air accident in the history of Long Kingdom, so someone must be responsible for this matter. The server of Dongfang Capital Airlines, after being inspected by the Network Security Investigation Section, found There are no traces of hacker intrusion, and the IP addresses of the intrusion all point to the defendant Cui Yibin."

"So, the prosecution decided to charge him with threatening aviation safety!"

Pointing at the defendant on the defense table, Xiao Baihe said sharply: "It's him who hacked the airline's server and almost caused the most serious air accident in the history of Long Kingdom, which killed more than 150 people, and they all died. Over the shoulder!"

Hearing this generous and forceful accusation, the entire court fell silent, and many people looked at the defendant with a hint of malice.

"Very well, now invite the candidate jury to enter!"

Judge Liu struck the gavel and asked the court guard to guide the jury into the jury box.

Zhang Wei winked at Xiao Baihe, who nodded.

Xiao Baihe glanced at the defense bench, seeing that Li Meijia and Hu Yaode were not planning to act, so she went straight to the jury bench.

"Induction resistance, induction resistance, I don't know if it's really so mysterious."

She murmured, and then looked at the jury: "Everyone, I'm going to ask a question about the first emperor in the history of the Dragon Kingdom. Do you know about Zulongdi?"

Everyone in the jury box laughed.

This is a big figure in history, how could they not be familiar with it.

"Well, I have a saying here: How many people agree that the Zulong Emperor swept Liuhe, so the people who died in his hands piled up like a mountain?"

"Those who agree, please raise your hand!"

Nearly half of the people in the jury raised their hands.

"So, if you disagree, please raise your hands?"

Of the remaining half, more than 70% raised their hands.

There were not many people left, but a few people did not raise their hands.

"Sir, why don't you raise your hand?"

"I just don't want to raise my hand, because I haven't seen him!"

Xiao Baihe looked at the arrogant man in front of him, and immediately opened his eyes wide.

Good guy!

There really are such people who specialize in bragging.

On the prosecution bench, both Zhao Xiaoxiao and Tan Yingying looked at Zhang Wei in disbelief.

You can guess this, it's really amazing.

"Ma'am, why didn't you raise your hand?"

"I think that although Emperor Zulong has killed people, there are reasons for it. If you judge him with one sentence, it is disrespectful to him!"

"how about you?"

"I just don't like raising my hand. If you ask me a question, I will answer it. But I don't like doing the same thing as everyone else. It makes me look stupid."

"Ah, this..."

Xiao Baihe looked at the last person, and didn't even bother to complain.

She hurriedly looked at the trial seat, "Judge Liu, the defense thanks No. 7, No. 8, and No. 11 for their answers, and asks them to leave the seat."

Judge Liu nodded, winked at the three of them, and began to record.

The defense table.

"This routine is Zhang Wei's. He likes to ask questions that seem to be out of tune, but actually have hidden secrets."

Hu Yaode leaned over to Li Meijia's side and began to explain in a low voice.

"Then Lawyer Hu, have you seen his purpose?"


Li Meijia's question stopped Hu Yaode.

How could he guess what that kid was thinking.

However, it doesn't make sense to guess or not.

Because of this case, they won!

Li Meijia and Hu Yaode didn't panic at all.

in court.

Seeing that the defense had not moved for a long time, Xiao Baihe asked again:

"Downstairs a man is dying of illness, and the family next door is singing on the gramophone; opposite is playing with children. Upstairs, two people are laughing wildly; there is the sound of playing cards. On the boat in the river, a woman is crying for her dead mother. Human tragedy Huan and Huan are not related, I just think they are noisy."

"If I say that this is what a sage named Lu said, do you all agree?"

"If you agree, please raise your hand and let me see you, thank you."

Many members of the jury raised their hands in agreement.

"Judge Liu, the defense requests that Juror No. 1 and Juror No. 5 be removed."

Judge Liu continued to record and let the two jurors leave.

Xiao Baihe continued to look at the defense seats, but Hu Yaode and Li Meijia still sat calmly, with no intention of leaving at all.

"Defense, don't you ask questions?" This time, even Judge Liu in the trial seat was depressed.

In previous trials, the defense wished to ask dozens of questions, and even more so wished to eliminate the entire jury.

How come you are here, you are so Buddhist?

"Judge Liu, the defense does not plan to ask questions for the time being. If the prosecution likes it, they can continue to ask questions to screen the jury."

Now that Li Meijia said so, Xiao Baihe decided to ask another question.

Before that, Zhang Wei gave her some popular science.

Prosecutions need "herdsmen" so that if the majority finds guilty, the minority will follow suit.

This saves the jury from having uncompromising inconsistencies

"Excuse me, everyone, will you buy gifts for your lover or the girls in your family?"

Many people nodded.

"Excuse me, have you all bought necklaces before? I think the heart-shaped necklace is very beautiful. What do you think?"

As Xiao Baihe said, he made a "heart" shape with his hands.

Many people nodded.

Xiao Baihe glanced across the jury, and then walked in front of a middle-aged man.

"Sir, would you buy a heart-shaped necklace for your lover?"

"Of course I will. I bought one yesterday."

Xiao Baihe rolled her eyes inwardly, you must have gone to drink last night, and the taste of alcohol still lingers in your mouth.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution accepts this juror."

Judge Liu recorded it in his notebook.

"Ma'am, you must really like heart-shaped necklaces?"

"Yeah, while the necklace on me is nice, I also like the heart shape."

The woman said, showing off the square necklace she was wearing.

Xiao Baihe rolled her eyes again in her heart, you are really talking nonsense with your eyes open.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution accepts this juror."

Although Judge Liu didn't know why the woman could say that she liked heart-shaped jewelry without a piece of heart-shaped jewelry on her body, she still nodded and left her in the jury.

"Sir, do you like to buy heart-shaped necklaces for your lover or daughter?"

"I think they all have their own aesthetics, and they can buy whatever they like, as long as they don't use my money!"

Xiao Baihe was taken aback by the man's answer, you just don't like people who follow the crowd, and you have a bad personality.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution thanks the gentleman for his answer and asks him to leave the meeting."

"Judge Liu motioned to the man's eyes to let him leave the table."

Afterwards, Xiao Baihe's questioning ended, and she looked towards the defense bench.

It's a pity that no one stood up at the defense table.

"Well, this court announces that we have a jury, and the formal hearing will begin tomorrow!"

In the end, Judge Liu hammered the hammer and announced that the trial date will be set for tomorrow.

Preliminaries are over and the courtroom begins to dissolve.

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