Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 445 The defense won't fight back? The second girl was cheated!

"Hi witness, please introduce yourself."

"I'm the ground liaison officer of Oriental Capital International Airlines."

"Could you please recount the situation at that time?"

"Of course, that night, we lost contact with many of the planes on the ground, and even the signal could not be transmitted, and the system of our terminal collapsed..."


"Good witness, please introduce yourself."

"I'm the passenger pilot of Dongfang Capital International Airlines, the commercial deputy captain."

"Could you please recount the situation at that time?"

"Of course, throughout the flight that day, it was stable at first, but at about 11pm, the aircraft system reported an error. I thought it was accidental, but when I couldn't contact the ground control, I knew something was wrong. ..."


"Hi witness, please introduce yourself."

"I'm a mechanical programmer. I happened to be on a business trip that day, and I was on the plane that almost had an accident."

"Could you please recount the situation at that time?"

"No problem, but I'm not an expert, and I can't analyze why. I can only say that I was almost scared to death at that time. Who would have thought that the plane would suddenly lose control during the flight, even though the flight attendant kept telling me not to Nervous, but how could I not be nervous..."

After the Internet Investigation Division, Xiao Baihe summoned three witnesses one after another.

They are the liaison in the control center, the flight crew, and the most critical passengers.

Under the explanation of these witnesses, the jury clarified what happened that night. After hearing the dictation of several parties, they could all understand that that night was really dangerous.

In addition, they looked at the defense seats with a slightly unfriendly look.

But what the prosecution didn't expect was that there was not much reaction from the defense seats, and Hu Yaode and Li Meijia didn't even express much about Xiao Baihe's summoning of witnesses to launch a fierce attack.

Even when it was the turn of cross-examination, they only went to court to ask a few simple questions, and never thought of changing the court's direction.

The Buddhists of the two of them are a little abnormal.

Not to mention the jury seats, even the audience in the hearing seats were a little drowsy.

This trial was not exciting at all, there was nothing interesting about it at all, and everything went according to the procedure, which was really boring.

On the trial bench, Judge Liu yawned.

He can naturally see that if the defense does not fight back, the case will be finalized.

"What's the situation with the defense? Even if they want to be sympathetic to my workload, they don't have to do this. Isn't this completely disregarding the interests of the client and the parties?"

Judge Liu glanced at the calm defense bench, feeling extremely surprised.

This is the first time he has encountered such a peaceful trial recently.

Think about it before, every time the defense lawyer was Zhang Wei, it was really... the sky fell, the sky fell, the sky turned upside down...

"Ahem, this court announces that today's trial is over. Please wait for my clerk's notice for the specific time of the next hearing!"

After Judge Liu made the announcement with a hammer, the courts began to be dissolved one after another.

"Zhang Wei, are you aware of the problem?"

"Not quite right..."

Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe suddenly got together.

The direction they were looking at was the defense bench.

Hu Yaode and Li Meijia were preparing to leave with the defendant Cui Yibin.

On the faces of the two of them, there was no expression of falling into a disadvantage at all, and their expressions were calm, as if...

"Are they hiding killer moves?"

"Maybe they have unpublished evidence, or emergency witnesses ready?"

The two guessed, but unfortunately the defense could prepare too many routines.

Especially for the blessing of a lawyer surnamed Zhang, the local prosecutor's headquarters has developed a strong resilience in order to deal with the defense's coquettish routines.

Xiao Baihe even expressed that he was not surprised by these actions of the defense.

"Yingying, remind me when you get back, read all the summary of the case, as well as the defendant Cui Yibin's social relationship, and the whereabouts investigation report before his arrest, let's go through it together."

"Okay, Miss Lily."

Tan Yingying agreed, which also indicated that she and Xiao Baihe would have to work overtime again tonight.

"Lawyer Zhang!"

At this moment, a woman shouted outside the court.

"It's Director Zhou, she's here."

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Wei understood.

"Go there, I hope you can confirm the clues!"

Xiao Baihe nodded to Director Zhou, and then left the court with Tan Yingying.

Zhang Wei took Zhao Xiaoxiao to meet Zhou Xiaoli.

"Director Zhou, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Trouble is indeed trouble, but I hope you will not let me down."

As Zhou Xiaoli said, she took Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao out of the court and got into a large bulletproof jeep.

In the car, Gao Yang sat in the driver's seat, and Luo Qi sat in the passenger seat.

In the carriage, Xia Qianjun stared at Zhang Wei warily, his eyes full of unkindness.

This look seems to be warning Zhang Wei, if you dare to move around, I will hit you.

"Brother, as for the matter, didn't it just let you die once?"

Zhang Wei forced himself to say, this uncle really holds a grudge...

The Jeep drove a group of people, left the Eastern Metropolitan Area, and came to a certain place in the suburbs. After passing through the security check on the first floor, the surrounding light dimmed, and it was obvious that they had entered an underground facility.

Passing through layers of checkpoints along the way, Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao looked around with curiosity.

"Lawyer Zhang, although I have helped you apply for the qualifications, please understand that everything you have seen and heard here today cannot be shared!"

"We understand!"

Zhang Wei quickly promised, and then stabbed Zhao Xiaoxiao with his elbow.

I haven't heard that Director Zhou asked you to guarantee it, so express your opinion quickly.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was in a daze at first, but after being reminded by Zhang Wei, she quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing the performance of the two, Zhou Xiaoli was relieved.

The vehicle continued to move forward and soon came to an underground parking lot.

After getting off the car, a team of war department personnel came to scan and check Zhang Wei and the two.

"Is this what you're bringing in?"

One of the technicians looked at the computer facilities in Zhao Xiaoxiao's bag with a strange expression on his face.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaoli pointed at Zhao Xiaoxiao: "Yes, she is also a technician and needs to test the evidence!"

"Understood, Instructor Zhou!"

Seeing Zhou Xiaoli as a guarantee, the group was quickly released.

Then Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao were taken to a warehouse, and their belongings were submitted again for inspection and scanning.

It was not until 10 minutes later that the scan results were confirmed to be normal before they were able to enter the evidence room.

It was more than ten minutes later that Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao found the evidence of the aviation threat case according to the staff's guidance.

Seeing the big boxes on the evidence rack, Zhao Xiaoxiao unconsciously glanced at the people around her.

Zhang Wei sighed and could only roll up his sleeves and start working.

After moving the boxes of evidence to the workbench, Zhang Wei was already panting from exhaustion.

"I can't do it, second girl, I'll go over there and have a cup of tea. You can do your work here."

Zhang Wei was exhausted and paralyzed, and hurriedly said goodbye.

"Oh, you go."

Seeing Zhang Wei leave, Zhao Xiaoxiao started to work.

She took out her laptop and started to connect to the computer, the airline's computer data, and even the special operations team's database.

"Come on, let me take a look, what happened that night?"

Lines of code jumped on the notebook, Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly found the log file at the time of the crime, looked through it line by line, and found many problems.

"Trojan horse virus with a very long incubation period, worm virus, and..."

She looked at it for a long time, and found that these viruses were put into the server very early, but they did not destroy the program immediately, but lurked for several months.

"Who sent these viruses?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao said, and began to search for data, looking for network signatures in the virus data.

Half an hour later, after the data was retrieved, a network signature popped up.

The suffix of the signature is Viper.

"Is it Cui Yibin?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was puzzled, and then looked around to confirm that no one was nearby, and after Zhang Wei was resting not far away, she secretly took out a USB flash drive from her pocket.

"Chai Jingjing, this is the last time I will help you!"

As she spoke, she inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and started searching.

The data code flashes, a new network signature appears, and the suffix is ​​also Viper.

"Now, let's compare."

Keystrokes, alternate codes, start comparison.

As time passed, Zhao Xiaoxiao frowned.


The comparison result came out.


Seeing this result, Zhao Xiaoxiao was stunned.

The data of this network signature is too similar, almost exactly the same, no wonder the technicians can't detect it.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was good at it, and she had Viper's real online signature, she might not have seen the problem herself.

"Now, doesn't it mean that Viper is innocent, and someone used a signature very similar to his to forge the illusion of his offense?"

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, Chai Jingjing was right, Cui Yibin was wronged!

She was going to pull out the USB flash drive and tell Zhang Wei the result.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

On her laptop, the screen suddenly changed, and a new line of code appeared, and it was still working.

"This... this is..."

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xiaoxiao was shocked.

It's a virus!

Moreover, it is a virus with a very long incubation period, which originated from...

Her gaze immediately locked on the USB flash drive, these viruses appeared from the USB flash drive!

With quick eyes and quick hands, she pulled out the USB flash drive, and then frantically tapped on the keyboard in an attempt to save her.

"Quick, quick, quick..."

Whispering and drinking in a low voice, it's a pity that the computer that originally belonged to me is once again like a wild horse running wild, out of my control.



Suddenly, the entire evidence base sounded an alarm, the red lights flashed, and the alarm sounded extremely piercing.

"Oh no!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at the server connected to the airline database, and found that the data inside was being deleted rapidly.

She opened her mouth in surprise, and then realized something.


This latent virus completely deleted the airline data collected by the Cyber ​​Security Investigation Section and the Special Operations Team.

She looked at her computer screen again, and a brand new suffix appeared in the frantically flickering code on the screen.


Seeing this suffix, Zhao Xiaoxiao was stunned.

Because she knows who the other party is, and the other party is also a top hacker, but he has been active abroad all year round and rarely shows his face in the hacker circle of Longguo.

She thought that the other party was a foreign hacker, but she didn't expect the other party's identity.

Chai Jingjing is also a hacker, and she is still Snake...

"Second girl, what's wrong with you, what's the matter!"

Zhang Wei hurried over and looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao with a strange expression on his face.

There was nothing wrong at first, why is there an alarm and a red light for a short while, is there something wrong here.

"Zhang Wei, I..."

Zhao Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, but didn't know how to speak.

"Second girl, if you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I will definitely stand by your side!"

"I..." After Zhao Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, she finally mustered up her courage, "I seem to have done something wrong!"

"What did you do wrong, was it serious, did it affect you?"

"It seems that the impact is great..."

Before Zhao Xiaoxiao finished speaking, the door of the evidence room opened, and then Zhou Xiaoli and the people from the war department all rushed in.

"It's them, grab them!"

Zhou Xiaoli didn't speak, but when the people around her pointed at Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao, a group of big men immediately pinned them down to the ground, unable to move.

"Detain them separately and interrogate them separately!"

The people from the War Department were about to separate the two of them.

"Don't worry, I will support you, who made you my second daughter!"

Looking at Zhao Xiaoxiao who was about to be escorted away, Zhang Wei was helpless, but he could only shout like this.

Not long after, the two separated, and were escorted into a room each.

Zhou Xiaoli and a member of the war department came to see Zhang Wei at the same time.

"Lawyer Zhang, you have to give me an explanation!"

"Director Zhou, if I tell you that I don't know the situation, are you surprised?"

"I'm not surprised, because I know that Mr. Zhang is an expert in law, but not in computer technology."

Zhou Xiaoli is very calm, even if something big happened just now, her expression is calm.

She even knew that this matter had little to do with Zhang Wei.

"Then I want to ask, Xiaoxiao?"

"Her crime this time is to invade a confidential database and modify some of the data, and it is under our noses. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was stolen and obtained."

"Would you believe me if I said she was innocent too?"

"Lawyer Zhang, it's not time for the trial yet. If you want to defend her innocence, you should also score the occasion!"

Zhou Xiaoli interrupted Zhang Wei, and then pointed to the next room, "Lawyer Zhang, I know you are a professional, and you know better than us about interrogation. But do you think Zhao Xiaoxiao can be as calm as you?" ?”

"I know Xiaoxiao is very impulsive, and even under your persecution, she will show disobedience, but please pay attention, she was actually deceived by someone, and at best it can only be regarded as an indirect crime, the mastermind..."

"The mastermind, we have to catch it!"

Zhou Xiaoli snorted coldly, got up and left directly.

It seemed that she didn't want to be too aggressive with Zhang Wei, because she knew she couldn't ask why.

The staff of the war department asked Zhang Wei a lot of questions as a matter of routine. Unfortunately, Zhang Wei's answer was basically saying nothing.

After the questioning, Zhang Wei stayed in a separate room for several hours without even a mobile phone, but he remained calm.

at dusk.

Zhang Wei was sent out.

It's a pity that Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't.

He picked up the mobile phone that he had parted with for a long time, and hurriedly made a call.

"Uncle Zhao, what we are most worried about has happened. Xiaoxiao has been taken advantage of!"

There was no response from the other end of the phone, but Zhang Wei heard heavy breathing.

"You come to Blacksmith Technology to meet me, and I will send someone to pick you up!"

Zhao Qingyan hung up the phone directly.

After 30 minutes, a commercial vehicle stopped in front of Zhang Wei.

More than an hour later, Zhang Wei appeared in the R\u0026D office where Zhao Qingyan was.

The two "old fathers" sat facing each other with vicissitudes of life.

"Uncle Zhao, I was also at fault, I didn't find out in advance..."

"Xiao Zhang, don't blame yourself. Didn't you guess that Xiaoxiao was deceived in advance? You just didn't expect that girl to be so deep..."

Seeing that Zhang Wei wanted to blame himself, Zhao Qingyan quickly waved his hands to stop him.

The situation is critical now, and self-blame has no effect.

"Xiao Zhang, what will happen next, should you have imagined it?"

"Yeah, what's going to happen next..."

Zhang Wei smiled self-deprecatingly, "I guess the defense will definitely make the first move, and then Chai Jingjing, she will definitely disappear under someone's arrangement, and she will never be found by us, so it will be considered dead without evidence .”

"In this case, the situation is very bad for us!"

Zhao Qingyan realized the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly asked: "Then what are you going to do next?"

"Uncle Zhao, I have always had a doubt, so I would like to ask you to do me a favor. Do you have any acquaintances in Iron Island Prison, can you arrange an emergency meeting for me?"

"Is it Iron Island Prison, do you want to see someone today?"

"Yes, in the past, to go to Iron Island Prison, you had to make an appointment in advance, and you had to wait at least two or three days to see someone, but I want to see him now!"

"Understood, I'll arrange it!"

Zhao Qingyan quickly went out to make a phone call, and then told Zhang Wei some good news.

9 pm.

Iron Island Prison, interview room.

Zhang Lang, who was wearing a prison uniform, was brought out.

As a result, when he came out, he saw an enemy that he would never forget in his life.

"Hey, the famous lawyer Zhang, why did you come to see me, a lost person?"

"You are mocking me, do you know something?"

"Although I have nothing now, I was the second in command of the CSB department before, and my connections are still there!"

"Really, I thought that all your connections were lost when you went to prison. I didn't expect that anyone would care about you, a lost dog?"


Faced with Zhang Wei's ridicule, Zhang Lang really couldn't help it, and almost ran away.

But the court guards all around were waiting in full battle. If he made a slight movement, they had already taken out their riot sticks.

"Lawyer Zhang, I really almost fell for your trick!"

The angry look on Zhang Lang's face disappeared, replaced by a sneer.

"Speaking of now, you should be the one who suffers more. Is it hard to protect yourself?"

"I'm different from you, my ass is clean!"

Zhang Lang frowned, he always felt that the kid in front of him was alluding to something.

But he still held back, because he knew that Zhang Wei was in a worse situation now.

"Zhang Lang, let's not talk dark words, you are the one who gave the idea to the Heizu people?"

"Hahaha, Lawyer Zhang is really laughing at me. What can I do as a prisoner?"

Zhang Lang sneered, his words full of sarcasm.

"Really, Mr. Zhuzhang will have a good time with his roommates next time. By the way, I know you have always been in a single room. This time, I have prepared an 8-person mixed room for you. Besides you, there are 7 other roommates. A QJ prisoner, I heard that they have been in prison for a long time, and their sexual orientation has undergone a small change..."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Lang's expression changed immediately.

"Impossible, how could you let me change prisons!"


But Zhang Wei suddenly slapped the table!

"But you threatened my family, and I will never make it easier for you. This time, I will tell you what will happen if you offend my family!"

Zhang Lang didn't expect that Zhang Wei in front of him would suddenly become emotional.

But he just grimaced and didn't respond.

The meeting between the two was not very pleasant.

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