Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 446: The Enmity between Father and Daughter! Temporary reconciliation?

Municipal Court on Thursday.

Judge Liu looked at the prosecution and defense in front of him calmly.

He had already received the news in advance, so he was very calm.

"Judge Liu, according to the latest information we have received, we have evidence to prove that the prosecution instigated expert witness Zhao Xiaoxiao to illegally tamper with the evidence, which will harm the interests of the defendant in this case. The defense requests to dismiss the case on the grounds of misconduct by the public prosecutor."

Accompanied by Hu Yaode, Li Meijia explained the situation to Judge Liu.

On the other side, Xiao Baihe was full of anger, and Tan Yingying also pursed her lips, looking like she wanted to defend herself.

They actually want to tell Judge Liu that we don't know anything.

But Judge Liu finally nodded towards the defense, "I understand. In fact, this court has also received feedback from the special operations team. The prosecution witness Zhao Xiaoxiao did violate the rules, so the defense's request is approved by this court. !"

"Thank you, Judge Liu!"

"Thank you, Judge Liu, for your understanding of our client!"

Hearing this, Li Meijia and Hu Yaode both laughed, their smiles were extraordinarily presumptuous.

"Now, the case is dismissed, and you can all retreat!"

Although he was a little unwilling, Judge Liu could only wave his hand to send the two parties away.

Li Meijia and Hu Yaode, who were naturally transformed into victors, almost walked out of the office with their heads up.

As for Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying, they were naturally the remaining losers. When they walked out of the office, they almost bowed their heads and shrugged their shoulders.

Outside the office, there are also two people waiting here.

The parties involved in the case are Cui Yibin and... Zhang Wei.

"Mr. Cui, congratulations, the case was dismissed by Judge Liu, and the prosecution will not be able to prosecute you for this crime, in other words, you are free!"

When Cui Yibin heard the news, he was extremely excited, his face was full of excitement, his hands were almost uncontrollable, and he raised his arms and shouted.

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm sorry, we won today."

Li Meijia didn't count it as a joke, and walked up to Zhang Wei with Hu Yaode, her voice full of sarcasm.

"That's right, Zhang Wei, I didn't expect us to beat you once."

Hu Yaode said, but it was a pity, "It's a pity, the opponent in this case is actually the public prosecutor of the local prosecutor's headquarters. In theory, you are just a small staff officer, and there is no pleasure in defeating you!"

show off!

At this moment, Hu Yaode has used the word "squeaky" to the limit.

"Lawyer Zhang, this will not be your first defeat. From now on, I, Li Meijia, will become your nightmare!"

Li Meijia stared at Zhang Wei with stern eyes, and then sneered at the corner of her mouth.

"Lawyer Hu, let's go!"

The two of them were about to leave with the victor's attitude.

"Jia Meili!"

But suddenly, Zhang Wei suddenly shouted.

Li Meijia turned her head subconsciously, and was about to open her mouth to say something, but she suddenly reacted.

"Lawyer Zhang, who are you calling?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just suddenly thought of a stupid woman, so I blurted out subconsciously, Miss Li, why did you stop?"


Li Meijia snorted coldly, but left without answering.

"Is that really the case..."

Looking at the backs of Hu Yaode and Li Meijia leaving, Zhang Wei showed understanding.

Li Meijia, if the name is read backwards, isn't it Jia Meili?

Back then, at the law school's graduation meeting, Hu Yaode showed up with Jia Meili.

After that, Jia Meili disappeared, but there was an extra woman named Li Meijia in Heizu. Isn't this too coincidental?

And the most important point is, Li Meijia's inexplicable hostility towards her.

Zhang Wei certainly didn't know Li Meijia, but he knew Jia Meijia.

Combined with the experience of this woman cutting his face with a knife, then everything will be right.

Jia Meili shook her head and changed into Li Meijia.

Not only did he forge his identity and academic qualifications, but he also got a good position in Heizu, and even got listed as the boss of Heizu?

It seems that Duanmu Heizu spent a lot of thought on this woman.

Thinking of Duanmu Heizu, an idea popped up in Zhang Wei's mind.

I had previously destroyed Duanmu Heizu's plan to steal the Heart of the Ocean, would the other party retaliate against me?

Or, has revenge already begun...

Thumb up!

But at this moment, behind Zhang Wei, there was a sharp sound of high heels stomping on the ground.

"Old Xiao!"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Wei knew who was coming.

"Zhang Wei!"

With a soft shout, Zhang Wei turned around, and saw a black shadow approaching his face.


A crisp slap.

Zhang Wei didn't hide, and a burning pain hit his face.

"One of the things I regret the most is asking you to be a consultant in this case!"

Xiao Baihe stared at Zhang Wei with an extremely angry expression.

"Without you, without you, this case would not be what it is!"

"Even before, if I insist on myself and don't listen to your bullshit, then I can't lose this case!"

"Even if it's the end, even if it's the end, even if Director Zhou doesn't agree with her, I still won't lose, it won't be like today..."

Xiao Baihe gritted his teeth, his tone full of unwillingness.

"Old Xiao, let me ask you again, if there is a clue that can prove the defendant's innocence, will you choose to ignore it as if you didn't see it?"


"Yes, you won't, because you are different from those people, and you still have justice in your heart!"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to comfort him in this way.

Even if time could be turned back and Xiao Baihe made another choice, she would still agree with Zhang Wei's decision.

"Hmph, don't let me see you again next time!"

Xiao Baihe probably got annoyed, so she snorted coldly, turned her head and left.

"I'm sorry, Lawyer Zhang, let's go!" Tan Yingying saluted Zhang Wei and followed quickly.

In this way, the aisle of the court suddenly became empty.

"Hey, it's so difficult!" Zhang Wei also sighed. Could it be that he is about to usher in his first defeat as a lawyer?

He walked out of the courthouse only to see a black luxury business car pull up.

The car door opened, and Zhao Qingyan was inside.

"Xiao Zhang, let's go, let's go see Xiaoxiao."

Zhang Wei got into the car subconsciously, but then he reacted.

"Uncle Zhao, are you going to see Xiaoxiao?"

No wonder Zhang Wei was shocked.

Don't you know the relationship between the two of you?

"Xiao Zhang, although Xiaoxiao and I have conflicts and she still hates me, she is my daughter after all..."

Zhao Qingyan smiled wryly, at this time, the conflict must be put aside.

Moreover, it was really difficult for ordinary people to enter that place, and it was thanks to Zhao Qingyan's relationship that he was able to enter.

The commercial vehicle carried them to the site of the War Department again yesterday.

They were only allowed in after the driver handed over their passes.

After layers of security checks, round after round of surveillance and review, they finally entered an impenetrable area on the inner floor.

The passage here is pitch-black, and although there are faint lights, this layer of oppression also makes people feel dharma rings in their hearts.

At the end of the corridor, there is a dimly lit meeting room.

After Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan took their seats, Zhao Xiaoxiao was also escorted over by people from the war department.

After seeing each other for a day, Zhao Xiaoxiao became a lot haggard, her hair was disheveled, her face was pale, and her clothes were changed into dark green loose prison uniforms, which were baggy and did not fit well.

Although she is not a criminal, her actions did endanger national security and she lost her freedom.

"Why are you here!"

After Zhao Xiaoxiao saw Zhao Qingyan and Zhang Wei, she immediately wanted to turn around and leave.

But the people in the war department directly closed the door of the meeting room, not giving her a chance to leave.


Zhao Qingyan yelled quickly, Zhao Xiaoxiao paused slightly, and finally turned her head with difficulty.

"Xiaoxiao, come and sit down. I only came to see you because of Uncle Zhao's relationship."

Zhang Wei also spoke at the right time and said.

Zhao Xiaoxiao could only sit down reluctantly, in front of the two of them.

But she kept her head down the whole time, not raising her eyes at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei sighed again.

"I talked to the person in charge today, and we can talk anytime."

Zhao Qingyan said, gestured to the guard standing at the door, and then shouted: "Please prepare some drinking water for us, we will chat for a while!"

The man walked away and returned quickly with a thermos and three cups. Zhang Wei quickly took them and returned to his seat.

"Xiao Zhang, please explain the situation!"

Seeing Zhao Qingyan throw the topic to himself, Zhang Wei took a deep breath and could only rush the ducks to the shelves.

"The current situation is very bad, because the U disk that Xiaoxiao brought that day was found to have a hidden and powerful virus. I asked Liu Dashun and Zhu Erdan to analyze it, and they said that this virus is exactly the same as the virus that attacked the airline. "

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank slightly.

Seeing this, Zhao Qingyan said directly: "Chai Jingjing is Snake, she debuted even earlier than you guys!"

"She hacked into the Ministry of National Defense of a certain western country at the age of 8, was wanted by ten countries at the age of 10, and secretly planned a certain cyber war in the south at the age of 12, which affected nearly 20 countries!"

"Even now, she is still wanted by more than 40 countries on Blue Star. She is more successful and famous than you!"

Hearing what Zhao Qingyan said, Zhang Wei was secretly speechless.

Who would have thought that that dark and thin girl was actually another top figure in the hacker world.

This is wanted by more than 40 countries, which is really incredible.

"What about her?" Although she didn't really want to talk to Zhao Qingyan, Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking.

"She disappeared without a sound, and apparently found a safe house that can isolate the Internet and everything!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xiaoxiao's inner defense finally collapsed.

"She, she actually, she..." The corners of the girl's eyes became moist.

She felt pity for Chai Jingjing, treated her sincerely, and even helped her hide this matter, and she paid so much.

In the end, what was obtained in the end was a deception, a lie!

"Xiaoxiao, I know that you hate cheating the most, just like what I promised you when I was young, but I did it for you!"

"You lie, you always say you want to come back to accompany me, but you are not there every time, every year I celebrate my birthday alone, you lie to you!"

"That's because your birthday is in February. On the first working week after the new year, I have to stay up late and work overtime every time to discuss New Year's plans with the strategy department. I can't get away every time!"

"Work, work, you have to work, right?"

"Xiaoxiao, I did that for the sake of this family!"

"There is only you in this family, but not me!"


"Shut up!"

The father and daughter finally had a conversation.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaoxiao's emotions were agitated, Zhao Qingyan opened his mouth to explain, and the other party did not listen at all.

Zhang Wei listened for a while, but he also heard a general idea.

What kind of job is Zhao Qingyan, a programmer.

And he is not an ordinary programmer, but the chief research and development officer of Blacksmith Technology.

So he is very busy, very busy, so busy that he lives in the company 300 days a year and works overtime all night.

Since he is busy with his career, he naturally neglects to take care of his family.

His wife had a problem with him, and so did his daughter.

In the end, Chen Xiaoyu couldn't take it anymore and left Zhao's house. Zhao Xiaoxiao became more and more rebellious, but Zhao Qingyan couldn't control her because of work.

He originally thought that Zhao Xiaoxiao was just a little girl with a temper, so she would get better if she was coaxed, or she would calm down after a while.

But I didn't expect that Zhao Xiaoxiao meant it for real.

The daughter's grievances against her father are not just a day or two, but accumulated over the years since her mother left.

In the end, such a situation was formed, Zhao Xiaoxiao hated Zhao Qingyan, his father, to the bone!

What does she hate?

Naturally, she hated him for years of dishonesty, and hated that he would never be by her side.

Zhang Wei listened for a long time, and at the end of hearing it, Zhao Xiaoxiao finally lost his strength.

She grabbed the water glass and took a long gulp.

tons tons...

After putting down the water glass, Zhao Xiaoxiao seemed to be hoarse, gasping for breath.

It was the first time for this girl to swear until she was exhausted.

But soon, she glared at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei instantly understood that the second daughter was still thirsty, so he quickly picked up the thermos and poured a glass of water for her.

"Be careful, drink slowly..." Zhang Wei warned, while the girl was holding a water glass and sipping.

At this point, Zhang Wei looked at Zhao Qingyan again.

"Xiao Zhang, I made you laugh."

"It's okay, Uncle Zhao, I have gone through such a stage..."


Zhao Qingyan was stunned, and even Zhao Xiaoxiao raised his eyes.

have you experienced

What have you been through, the girl's rebellious period?

How old are you, how can you have a daughter, why haven't we heard from you?

"Ahem, I mean I understand. I am busy with work. In order to take care of the family, I chose the former between work and family. I thought that relying on work promotion can make my family's life better, but you don't care about it all year round. The experience at home also creates a gap between your family and you, creating alienation."

"In my opinion, you put too much effort into your work, and you think you have done nothing wrong, because many people in this society do it, but have you ever wondered why there are people in this society? Aren't so many families broken for all sorts of reasons?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhao Qingyan, "Uncle Zhao, you have sacrificed a lot for your family, it's a pity that Xiaoxiao can't see it."

Then he looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, your father worked for you for many years, do you think he was doing it for himself? In essence, he was doing it for you to live a good life."

"Hmph!" Zhao Xiaoxiao turned her head away, pretending that she didn't want to hear it.

But the place here is so big, whoever speaks can be heard by the other two.

"Uncle Zhao, by the way, have you ever thought about apologizing to Xiaoxiao?"

"Yes, my biggest wish now is to say sorry to Xiaoxiao."

Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes changed slightly, and she couldn't help but sneak a glance at Zhang Wei and the two of them.

When she noticed that the two were looking at her, she immediately turned her face away.

"Xiaoxiao, if Uncle Zhao apologized to you, would you choose to forgive him?"

"Hmph, impossible!"

"So, how about forgiving him temporarily, at least until the case is settled?"


Zhao Xiaoxiao was silent.

"Xiaoxiao, my dear Xiaoxiao, just for this case, can we cooperate well before this case ends?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly flirted with Zhao Qingyan, and then said persuasively: "At least you have to think about your own freedom. If you don't cooperate so much, how can Uncle Zhao and I help you?"

Zhao Qingyan understood immediately, and quickly answered: "Yes, girl, we are not facing ordinary people this time. If you are like this, do you want me to help you like this?"

"How about this, how about we temporarily truce until the case is over. After the case is over and you are free, I will definitely not care about what you want to do, so you can continue to follow Xiao Zhang."

Zhao Xiaoxiao thought about it, judging from her current situation, it seemed that she could only rely on these two guys in front of her if she could regain her freedom.

"Then... let's agree, before this case is over, a temporary truce..."

"But Miss Ben won't forgive you. After this case is over, I can do whatever I want, so I won't listen to you!"

Seeing that Zhao Xiaoxiao's attitude finally changed, both Zhang Wei and Zhao Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

The two looked at each other, and Zhao Qingyan only had gratitude in his eyes.

This girl finally gave in, so with this beginning, it is obviously not a fantasy to improve the relationship between the two of them step by step.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but a good start is better than anything else.

"Well, let's figure it out now, how to deal with the mess in front of us."

As Zhang Wei said, he held up a finger, "The key to this case obviously lies in Chai Jingjing. Only by finding her can we resolve all this!"

"But she's gone, and even if we can prove that she is Snake, what will anyone who can't catch her do?"

"Uncle Zhao, did you say before that she is wanted by more than 40 foreign countries?"

"Yes, there are actually more than forty. These wanted countries also have many allies, and wanted information will also be shared among countries."

"That is to say, Chai Jingjing can't actually leave the country, and even her current identity is forged?"

"Probably very large."

As Zhang Wei said, a thought flashed through his mind.

"Xiaoxiao, let me ask you, when did Cui Yibin meet Chai Jingjing?"

"I don't know, I probably knew each other a long time ago. They seem to have known each other for two or three years."

"We've known each other for two or three years and haven't broken up. What do you say about the relationship between this couple?"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Zhao Qingyan again.

"Uncle Zhao, what do you think is a girl who has been a hacker since she was a child, what she lacks the most? If the boy she relies on is freed, what will she do?"

Zhao Qingyan couldn't help but widen his eyes, and secretly called a good guy.

Zhang Wei actually thought of a very interesting breakthrough.

"Okay, I know what to do next!"

Recommend a book, "Full Level Comprehension: Fifty Years of Tomb Sweeping in the Ancestral Land"

It is similar to my friend's "Full Level of Comprehension: Sixty Years of Watching the Sword in Jiange". If you like fantasy, you can watch it

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