Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 449 An Engagement Banquet at Auntie's House? The visitor is not good!

Saturday, rest day.

Another busy week is over, and now is the time to enjoy a weekend break.

Zhang Wei woke up early and made a hearty breakfast for his dear second daughter.

"Come on, second girl, this is the siu mai made by me, try it."

"This is the soy milk I made with my own hands, the purity is very high~"

"This is an egg pancake after I personally knead the dough. I don't know your taste. I specially made it with seasonings and green onions and a light taste."

"And this one, bacon omelette, you should try it too..."

Seeing a table full of food in front of her, Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

I'm a human, not a pig!

Can't eat so much.

"Can you let me pinch it myself? I'm not a child anymore!" The second girl pouted, a little unhappy.

"Yes, yes, you eat slowly, eat slowly."

Zhang Wei hurriedly smiled as an apology.

Zhao Xiaoxiao stretched out her chopsticks, picked up a piece of siu mai and put it in her mouth, then said in a vague tone: "Mmmm, oooooo, ummm..."

"Second girl, can you stop eating in your mouth when you talk?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao swallowed the siu mai, then took a sip of soy milk, and then said: "I'm going to blacksmith technology today, are you reluctant to part with me?"

"Yeah, I feel bad if I don't see my lively and lovely second daughter for a day~"

"Hee hee, it makes you uncomfortable~" Zhao Xiaoxiao raised the corner of her mouth and gave a smirk.

Eating a delicious breakfast in the morning and bickering with Zhang Wei, she was also in a good mood.

After all, after yesterday, she regained her freedom. Although she still needs to check in for Zhou Xiaoli every day, it is better than going to jail.

And today is the day when Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhao Qingyan agreed to visit blacksmith technology.

Although it is Saturday, 996 is the norm.

So it's the default to go to work on Saturday!

At the gate of Lin Mansion.

Zhao Qingyan was pacing back and forth, looking into the Lin mansion from time to time.

Although he didn't open the door, he could hear footsteps inside, and as long as there was a slight movement, he would get nervous.

After all, this is the first time his daughter has agreed to go out with him in more than ten years.

This is a breakthrough from scratch, from zero to one.

The thought of being able to be with his daughter and go to his own company made him excited.

Not long after, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Wei finished their breakfast, and the former walked happily.

Zhao Qingyan was so excited that he couldn't help but patted his face, and then put on a smiling face.

The door of the Lin Mansion was wide open.

"Hey, Uncle Zhao, it's so early?"

Zhang Wei was not surprised at all that Zhao Qingyan was guarding the door.

"Xiaoxiao, say hello!"

He immediately poked Zhao Xiaoxiao's arm to make the latter express something

This is your own father, you express it.

"Oh..." Zhao Xiaoxiao reluctantly raised her head and looked at the other party.

"... Gude Mao Ning!"

"Yeah, Good morning! (Good morning)"

Seeing that the two had greeted each other, Zhang Wei also gently pushed Zhao Xiaoxiao out of the Lin residence, "Then Uncle Zhao, you will take care of Xiaoxiao today!"

"Haha, don't worry, kid, I've made arrangements for today!"

"Then I wish you two have a good time today, bye~"

Zhao Qingyan took Zhao Xiaoxiao, got into the luxury business car, and went straight to the headquarters of Blacksmith Technology Company.

Seeing the father and daughter leaving, Zhang Wei was very relieved.

It seems that with my own help, the gap between the father and daughter is disappearing, which is a good start.

Zhang Wei is very happy, especially seeing that Zhao Xiaoxiao and his father have basically reconciled, he is very relieved.

"Sure enough, I now have some thoughts of my old father, hahaha..."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, he had been a human being in two lives, he never thought that he hadn't experienced it in the last life, but in this life he knew how to consider others.

Today Zhao Xiaoxiao wants to get along with Zhao Qingyan and regain the love between father and daughter, so Zhang Wei will be alone today.

"Call Hanhan, I have to greet her after all."

The corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched slightly when he thought of his nominal girlfriend Xia Qianyue.

Who wouldn't love a girl with a pure personality and an innocent personality?

Moreover, Hanhan's combat prowess is astonishing, and he has saved himself from fire and water many times. Such a girlfriend is out of reach.

As a result, before Zhang Wei's number was dialed, the phone rang.

The caller ID showed that it was Li Qinghua!

"mother in law?"

Zhang Wei was surprised. Li Qinghua was a judge's clerk in the city court and only went to work from Monday to Friday. What happened to the call this Saturday?

"Hey, mother-in-law, what do you want from me?"

"You boy, come to the house quickly, there is something urgent!"

"What's the matter?"

"Remember to wear your work clothes!"

Li Qinghua didn't go into details, but hung up the phone after giving some advice.

"Work clothes, do you want me to help you defend?"

Zhang Wei was stunned.

Could it be that this mother-in-law is in a lawsuit, and the one who needs him as a son-in-law is rescue?

Otherwise, why would you call me with such an urgent tone?

Zhang Wei rushed back to the Lin Mansion, changed into a set of work clothes, and went straight to the subway station.

He was afraid of running out of time, so he didn't inform Zhang Xinyan to drive.

After all, today is the weekend. Although taking the subway is a bit crowded, it is better than being stuck on the road.

He was in a hurry.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at Dongjiang Star, as soon as he opened the door, he realized that he was wrong, it was ridiculously wrong.

In Zhang Wei's impression, mother-in-law Li Qinghua and father-in-law Xia Donghai are relatively conservative people.

But today's father-in-law and mother-in-law rarely change into trendy clothes, especially when the father-in-law wears a men's suit and combs his hair, he looks like a successful person.

Although his job is just a small field work of the martial arts association, but now he is going out, who can guess?

"Zhang Wei, you are here, hurry up and get ready!" Li Qinghua waved quickly when she saw Zhang Wei.

"Mother-in-law, who are you?"

"Hey, don't mention it, it's not your aunt who said there is going to be an engagement banquet, let's go there on the weekend!"

"The engagement banquet, for Li Feifei and that Zhan Qingze?"

Zhang Wei remembered that his aunt's daughter, Li Feifei, had a boyfriend who was from a securities trading company.

It sounds like they are getting engaged?

Although the Li family is not considered a big family in the east, it still has some dignity in the northern part of the city.

The girl from Pear Blossom is going to get engaged, and the scale of the engagement banquet is estimated to be quite large.

With the character that my aunt Li Qinghe occasionally showed, how could I not contact my own sister Li Qinghua for such a big daughter's matter?

Although the relationship between the two families was not very good because of the incident last time, Li Qinghua and Li Qinghe are biological sisters after all.

Since the other party has invited you, you still have to go.

"Why didn't you notify me in advance?"

"Hey, I heard from your aunt that the decision was made on the spur of the moment, so I didn't have time to inform. I booked the hotel this week, and I was notified last night. What do you think she is, she caught us off guard..."

Seeing that his mother-in-law was about to get aggressive, Zhang Wei quickly changed the subject: "Mother-in-law, where is Xiaoyueyue?"

"That girl, it's inside!"

She pointed to Xia Qianyue's room.

Zhang Wei understood, and hurriedly walked through the large living room of more than 100 square meters, and then found a large room by the river.

After opening the door, she found Xia Qianyue standing in a daze in front of the mirror in the cloakroom.

Today, she is wearing the lady's professional suit that Zhang Wei bought for her before. Wearing this suit on her body makes Xia Hanhan less playful as a girl and more elegant and intellectual as a working woman.

"Hanhan, I'm coming!"

"Zhang Wei?"

Xia Qianyue was not surprised by Zhang Wei's appearance.

"What are you in a daze for?"

"It's nothing, it's just that my cousin is getting engaged, I have some feelings..."

"Oh, do you want me to host an engagement party too?"

Zhang Wei could tell at a glance that Xia Qianyue was thinking of a little girl, but she didn't dare to say it, so she fell into a tangle.

"Engagement banquet, I..."

"It's okay, you can do it if you want, and I have no problem here!"

"Also, not only do we have to do it, but it's better to be bigger than Auntie's house. At that time, I will invite celebrities from all walks of life in the Oriental Capital to participate!"

Zhang Wei naturally pierced the opponent's small thoughts directly, and told about future plans.

Xia Qianyue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she lowered her head unconsciously, " doesn't need to be so big..."

"Hey, how about that, I want to tell everyone that this girl is mine!"

Zhang Wei put his arms around Xia Qianyue's shoulders, and the two of them wanted you and me.

"Hurry up, both of you. They said you will be entering the arena at 10 o'clock. Now it is 9 o'clock. It will take an hour to drive there!"

Unfortunately, the mother-in-law's loud voice interrupted their thoughts.

"Let's go, let's go see my aunt's family."


Xia Qianyue hummed softly, held hands with Zhang Wei, and walked out together.

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai were already waiting in front of the elevator, and when they saw Zhang Wei coming out, they hurriedly waved to urge them.

Afterwards, the group took the elevator down to the underground parking lot, and then boarded Xia Donghai's old vehicle.

Seeing his mother-in-law driving this old-style vehicle, Zhang Wei was quite concerned.

"Father-in-law, do you want to change the car for you?"

"Farewell, I'm just an old field worker. This old guy is used to driving a car. You let me drive a good car, but I'm not used to it. And ah, our internal affairs review is strict, you let me drive a car worth hundreds of thousands It's okay, driving a car worth millions, what do people think of me?"

"All right……"

Zhang Wei almost forgot that although his father-in-law is only a field worker, he is a public servant after all, so he has to keep a low profile.

That being the case, the matter of changing cars cannot be mentioned.

Although the mother-in-law was a little anxious, she understood and didn't continue to speak.

A group of four people sat in the car and headed for the northern part of the city.


A certain hotel in the northern part of the city.

Zhang Wei's aunt, Li Qinghe, was wearing a set of expensive evening gowns, welcoming the guests together with her uncle, Wang Dayang.

"Boss Wang, you are here, please hurry up!"

"Mr. Zhang, I haven't seen you for a while, hurry up, my elder brother and others are waiting for you."

"President Zhao, your company's business has been doing well recently. I heard that foreign trade is going to be developed. Do you want to consider our law firm? We will send lawyers to help you focus on export business?"

"Mrs. Zhou, haven't you been seen in the mahjong game for the past few nights?"

"President Li..."

Although Li Qinghe is a senior partner in the law firm, she has demonstrated very good business capabilities in the face of these clients, or future major clients.

At least with these bosses, you can say hello and have a good chat.

Seeing that many guests came, Li Qinghe was very satisfied.

Today is the engagement banquet of my daughter Li Feifei, either I don't want to do it, or I have to do it in a lively manner.

At least their Li family is well-known in the entire northern part of the city.

When mentioning Qingmu Law Firm in Chengbei District, who doesn't give a thumbs up?


At this moment, a car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and then Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei walked out first.

"Xiao Yueyue is here!" Seeing Xia Qianyue, Li Qinghe smiled.

But seeing Zhang Wei beside him, her smile became a little stiff again.

In the final analysis, it was that case that created a gap between them.

"Auntie, Uncle, how are you!"

Zhang Wei didn't care about this, and waved hello to Li Qinghe and Wang Dayang.

"Your boy is here, come in and sit down!"

The uncle treated Zhang Wei with a better attitude, and invited them to sit in with a smile.

Zhang Wei naturally held hands with Xia Qianyue and walked into the hotel.

As for the father-in-law and mother-in-law, they got together to talk with the aunt.

The lobby on the first floor of the hotel is the scene of the engagement banquet.

In the magnificent hall, many guests have already taken their seats and are talking loudly, with bursts of laughter from time to time.

On the main seat in the front row, Zhang Wei saw that his uncle Li Qingmu was talking with a few people who seemed to be very prestigious at first glance, and they would respect each other with tea from time to time.

Beside Li Qingmu, Zhang Wei saw Zhan Qingze, one of the protagonists of today's engagement banquet.

He is a junior at the moment, being dragged by Li Qingmu to show his face in front of the guests.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my niece and son-in-law, Xiao Zhan. He is young and has a lot to do."

"He is now an excellent broker of our large private investment bank in Dongfang Capital. Recently, I heard that he has been promoted to a new department as the project leader. The commission he got for leading the project last month must have this amount!"

As Li Qingmu said, he slapped his hand directly, his five fingers spread wide, with a proud expression on his face.

Fifty million is obviously impossible. Li Qingmu obviously wouldn't be so shy about fifty million.

So you don't have to guess, you know the number is... five million!

"Not bad, young man!"

"You can earn 5 million a month, young and promising!"

"Lawyer Li, your niece has good eyesight. She is lucky to find a young talent like Xiao Zhan!"

Several familiar big customers also sent congratulations.

"By the way, Lawyer Li, don't you still have a niece? I remember it's the daughter of your third sister. Has she found someone?"

As soon as this question came out, Li Qingmu's face felt a little embarrassed.

Li Qingmu has two younger sisters, Li Qinghe and Li Qinghua.

Li Qinghe's daughter is Li Feifei, and Li Qinghua's daughter is Xia Qianyue.

It just so happened that neither of the two nieces was single, and both found boyfriends.

But compared to the young talent Zhan Qingze, Xia Qianyue's boyfriend is even more terrifying.

Murder lawyer Zhang Wei!

Even in the northern part of the city, Li Qingmu could occasionally hear Zhang Wei's ruthless reputation.

After all, everyone is in the same circle, Dongfangdu's lawyer circle, who doesn't know Zhang Wei's name?

But today is a big day, Li Qingmu naturally forced a smile: "You are talking about Xiaoxia, she also has a boyfriend, she is also my junior in the same industry, and now works as a lawyer in a law firm in the city."

"Oh, a lawyer too!"

The others smiled knowingly. Lawyers need mixed qualifications. It sounds like another niece's boyfriend is still in the early stages of his career.

Otherwise, if the other party becomes famous, why wouldn't Li Qingmu not introduce them to them.


We all understand!

This shows that this nephew and son-in-law can't do anything.

If Zhang Wei knew that his uncle arranged himself like this, he would definitely complain.

Is it because my name, Zhang Wei, is not well-known, or is it that you, Li Qingmu, have lost your mind and dare to slander me like this?

"Zhang Wei, they seem to be slandering you?"

Xia Qianyue watched all directions with her eyes and listened to all directions, and pointed to Li Qingmu's table, as if she heard something.

Zhang Wei also had to admire Hanhan's smooth ears, but he just waved his hands.

"We're here to attend the engagement banquet. After all, it's a big day, so let's take a closer look."

As he spoke, he directly dragged Xia Qianyue to find the seat of the woman's family, and took the seat directly.

At the engagement banquet, as the number of guests increased, the scene became lively,

Among them, the center of the wedding banquet was naturally Zhan Qingze, the protagonist of the seat.

He was dragged by Li Qingmu, and he met almost all the guests at every table.

As for Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, they were sitting in a corner seat, chatting and killing time.

While waiting, the engagement banquet finally began.

Another protagonist of this banquet, Li Feifei also appeared.

As the heroine, her appearance naturally attracted the attention of the audience, and the spotlights of the entire banquet were all on her position.

Zhan Qingze also came to the stage at the right time and started the engagement banquet.

For a moment, the couple on the stage could be said to be talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven.

At least many of the guests who came to the banquet showed envious eyes.

Such a newcomer, they also have to call it "back wave"!


at the same time.

Outside the hotel gate.

The vehicles stopped one after another, and in the leading black car sat a few people with stern faces.

"Zhan Qingze is here, right?"

"According to information, it's here. I heard that today is still his engagement banquet."

"An engagement party?"

One of the men in a suit sneered, "Although it's not suitable, we are here for work after all!"

"Besides, it's not the first time we've taken people away in front of their relatives and friends, is it?"

"That's true!"

All the people in the car smiled slightly.

It's not the first time they've done this kind of thing.

"Check again, have you got the arrest warrant?"

"Take it!"

"Okay then, let's go!"

A group of four people got off the car directly.

A lot of people got off the cars behind them. Everyone was wearing black business attire, with serious expressions, and they were not easy to get along with at first sight.

And their goal was the lobby on the first floor of the hotel in front of them.

This group of people is obviously not good at coming!

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