Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 450 Financial Investigation Division, do you want this nephew and son-in-law?

A certain hotel in the northern part of the city.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, the engagement banquet is in progress.

The melodious music of the engagement banquet has already sounded at the scene, and the two newcomers on the stage have become the center of the audience.

The ceremony has reached its climax.

The atmosphere at the scene also became lively.

Under the auspices of the master of ceremonies, the engagement banquet has reached the most critical step, which is the exchange of tokens.

The token was a diamond ring, Zhan Qingze put it on for Li Feifei, and Li Feifei also put it on Zhan Qingze.

After the exchange of tokens, all the guests stood up, and the applause sounded like a tsunami, continuous and endless.

At this moment, Zhan Qingze, who was the protagonist of the engagement banquet, was very embarrassed and excited.

Looking at the shy "wife" in front of him, he was naturally very excited.

He is from another place, and although the conditions in his family are not bad, they are not considered wealthy after all.

The house I bought in the east before was worth more than 10 million yuan. It was also bought by emptying my parents' life savings, plus my hard work and frugality.

What's more, he was also in debt, and the monthly mortgage to be handed over to the bank alone was 20,000 to 30,000.

But it doesn't matter, because he married a good wife.

Li Feifei's family background is definitely something that attracts him.

Li Feifei is Li Qinghe's daughter, Li Qinghe is Li Qingmu's younger sister, Li Qingmu is the boss of Qingmu Law Firm, and Qingmu Law Firm is a well-known law firm in the northern district of the city.

And as the son-in-law of the Li family, he, Zhan Qingze, definitely has a background in the east and has a backing.

Zhan Qingze was very embarrassed.

Very embarrassing, secretly happy, and excited.

He also recently got promoted at the company, leading an investment department and becoming the head.

As long as you perform well and work in this department for a few years, you may be able to become the middle or even the top of the group.

At that time, the annual salary will be one million, and the millions will be raised.

Moreover, he has always performed well in the group, because of his good performance and outstanding performance, the president even met him alone.

Therefore, he is a newcomer who has received a private meeting with the president, and the president also took a fancy to him and asked him to be the head of the investment department.

Thinking about it this way, if he clings to the CEO's thigh tightly, it's not impossible to succeed him in the future.

In the most popular words, it won’t take long for me to be promoted and raise my salary, become the general manager, become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of my life. Thinking about it, I’m a little excited!

Good days are waving to myself.

If Zhan Qingze's only complaint was that he was better than 99% of the people in Dongfang, but he was still not as good as another son-in-law of the Li family.

Zhang Wei!

Zhan Qingze still remembers the first time when he was taken to see his younger sister Li Qinghua by his mother-in-law Li Qinghe, he wanted to show off, but was slapped in the face by Zhang Wei.

His annual salary is hundreds of thousands, more than most wage earners.

But what about Zhang Wei?

Backhanding a case is 3 million in legal fees, and there are also long-term cooperation with major clients, with annual income of tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

He didn't even dare to think about this annual salary.

How can a lawyer earn so much more money than a financial one?

The CEO of their company has an annual salary plus dividends of almost 100 million. How long does it take for that kid to graduate? How can he earn so much money?

Moreover, I emptied my parents' wallets and even took out a mortgage to buy a house of more than 100 square meters in the East.

Zhang Wei waved his hand, and he took them to the Dongjiang Star River View Mansion, a house cost at least one or two hundred million.

A house worth 100 to 200 million yuan, at least he has to work for ten or twenty years before he can afford it, right?

What kind of case did that kid take, what kind of lawsuit did he fight, how could he make so much money?

Thinking of Zhang Wei's ability and means of making money, Zhan Qingze felt a little aggrieved.

Moreover, as the son-in-law of the Li family, Zhan Qingze also thought that in the future, he would always be taken out by Li Qingmu or the Li family and compared with the other party.

Although Zhan Qingze thinks he is excellent, surpassing 99% of young people in Dongfangdu.

But there is a good saying, it is useless for you to surpass others, you have to surpass the person you should surpass most.

The person who should surpass the most, the problem is that he can't surpass...

It's annoying!

Thinking of this, because of the engagement with Li Feifei, the excitement brought by it has been reduced a bit.

It's really maddening to compare people to people.

Fortunately, the engagement ceremony is over.

Next, the newcomers meet the elders.

As the person in charge of the Li family, Li Qingmu introduced Zhan Qingze, the son-in-law, to the guests after taking the stage to greet him.

"Thank you all for attending my niece Feifei's engagement banquet. Let me introduce you. This little Zhan is my Li Qingmu's niece and son-in-law, and will be a member of my Li family in the future."

"Speaking of Xiao Zhan, he is really a well-deserved young talent. He has already gained a firm foothold in the financial industry at a young age. Recently, he was promoted to be the person in charge of investment projects. Now he personally leads project, and..."

I have to say that Li Qingmu is worthy of being a lawyer, and his eloquence is pretty good.

When introducing Zhan Qingze, what could have been said in a few minutes, he took more than ten minutes to say.

On stage, he even exaggerated Zhan Qingze endlessly, as if this was his own son.

There is no way, the niece and son-in-law are very capable, and his face is also bright.

As Li Qingmu said, his eyes swept across the audience, but finally he fixed on the table in the corner.

He saw Li Qinghua, his other niece Xia Qianyue, and Zhang Wei who was also the son-in-law of the Li family.

All right!

Another niece and son-in-law might be even better than himself.

Li Qingmu finally stopped talking, and waved to the audience.

Seeing Zhang Wei, he didn't even have the mood to speak.


If there was no such case, maybe I could get a better nephew and son-in-law...

Every time Li Qingmu thinks of this, he can't sleep at night, and even wants to beat his chest and feet by himself, asking himself why he let a better son-in-law go.

But now, everything has passed, and he can take it easy.

Just do what you should do.

The big deal is that after today, find an opportunity to chat with Zhang Wei, and maybe the relationship between the two parties can be brought closer.

Take a look, after today is over, look for another chance...

Li Qingmu originally planned this way.

But sometimes... plans can't keep up with changes.

Just as the engagement ceremony continued, Li Qingmu pulled Zhan Qingze, ready to take him to meet all relatives and friends, and get acquainted with the guests present.

Sudden mutation!

At the entrance of the hall, a group of people rushed in mightily.

"Several, I'm sorry, the engagement banquet is being held in the hall right now..." The hotel manager hurriedly stopped the group of people.

However, the visitor ignored him and came straight to Li Qingmu and Zhan Qingze under the gaze of the audience.

"You guys are..."

As an experienced lawyer, Li Qingmu could tell at the first glance that this group of people did not come with good intentions.

Not only him, but also many people seemed to recognize the origin of this group of people, and lowered their heads one after another.

"Yo ho, it looks like someone from the investigation department, but it doesn't seem to be from the criminal investigation department..."

At the table in the corner, Zhang Wei glanced at the aura of these "visitors", and he could tell it directly.

The occupations of this group of people are definitely the people that ordinary people don't want to get in touch with.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhan Qingze?" The leader looked at Zhan Qingze and asked with a sneer.

"I am..." Zhan Qingze responded subconsciously.

"Hello, I'm Li Qingmu, I don't know what you want to do with my nephew and son-in-law?"

Seeing this, Li Qingmu hurriedly took a step forward and came in front of the leader.

His implication is, do you have to give your name and explain why you are looking for my nephew and son-in-law, otherwise I, Li Qingmu, would not just let it go.

The leader looked at Li Qingmu and sneered again: "We are from the Investigation Section of the Financial Services Bureau. Now we suspect that your niece and son-in-law are involved in a particularly huge financial fraud case. Please come with us!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Zhan Qingze is related to the financial fraud case, the financial investigation department came directly to arrest him?

"Xiao Zhan, you..." Li Qingmu hurriedly looked at the latter, who was the target of the visitor, his nephew and son-in-law.

"I, I am wronged..."

Zhan Qingze is naturally complaining, I just took over the new project, and I haven't had time to hand over the work, so how can I have the heart to cheat?

"Aren't you wronged? Come with us and everything will be clear!"

The visitor didn't care about this, but with a big wave of his hand, the officers of the Financial Investigation Section behind him immediately surrounded Zhan Qingze.

"Take it away!" With an order, they escorted Zhan Qingze away.

"This investigator, you..."

"Oh, Lawyer Li, my surname is Chen, Chen Weitian, the leader of Group 1 of the Financial Investigation Section, and this is my business card."

The visitor directly handed the business card to Li Qingmu.

"Group leader Chen, can I ask, my niece and son-in-law..."

"We have been watching this case for several months. It can be said that the evidence is solid. Next, we will submit the evidence to the city court. Your niece and son-in-law may be tried in court. If Lawyer Li intends to take over this case, we will naturally It will not be hindered."

Chen Weitian said, but smiled faintly: "However, I still advise Lawyer Li that today is just an engagement banquet, not a formal wedding. You still have time to abandon him!"

"This..." Li Qingmu showed embarrassment.

"Lawyer Li, I know you are a person who cherishes feathers, so I will stop here."

Chen Weitian said, and finally smiled at Li Qingmu and muttered: "Whether you accept this case or not, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, this case will be handed over to the local prosecutor's headquarters for acceptance. If you really accept the case, then I will accept it." I advise you to prepare early!"

After saying that, he directly waved his hand and closed the team to leave.

The only difference is that when he left this time, he took Zhan Qingze with him.

The originally lively engagement banquet became silent because of Chen Weitian's arrival.

One of the protagonists of the engagement banquet was taken away, so why not use a hammer?

"Uncle, they..." Li Feifei, as the other main character, was also confused now, and hurried to look for Li Qingmu.

"Brother, Xiao Zhan..." Li Qinghe did the same, looking for his elder brother with a depressed face.

But Li Qingmu just waved his hand, and then sighed, "What the hell did this little Zhan cause to alarm the Financial Investigation Division?"

"Well, Lawyer Li, I'm leaving first."

"By the way, my wife just had her makeup done, and I'm going to pick her up."

"My son has just finished his cram school, and my wife has already urged me, so I'm leaving first!"

"Lawyer Li, I still have something to do at home, so I won't bother you any more."

"I also withdrew..."

When the guests saw the people from the Financial Investigation Section appearing, they couldn't avoid it, and made up all kinds of excuses.

They were also afraid of the Financial Investigation Section in their hearts. When they saw this group of people appearing, their hearts "thumped", and they were afraid that this group of people would come to find them.

Fortunately, what they were looking for was not themselves, but Li Qingmu's niece and son-in-law.

After being lucky enough to recover a life, if he dared to linger, he would naturally dodge.

For a while, the entire engagement banquet, the guests began to leave.

But in five or six minutes, the hall that was almost full of seats had become empty now.

"Uncle, they..."

Li Feifei, who is the protagonist, immediately became unhappy when she saw this scene.

What happened to these uncles and uncles, I congratulated myself before, but what happened, all of them ran faster than rabbits.

Everyone has left, so my engagement banquet can't be held?

But Zhan Qingze was taken away, so she might not be able to drive alone.

"Brother, what shall we do now?"

Li Qinghe hurried over, with a slightly scrupulous expression on his face: "Xiao Zhan has been taken away, is there some misunderstanding here?"

"Misunderstanding?" Mentioning this, Li Qingmu became a little annoyed: "The Financial Investigation Division has come directly to the door, what misunderstanding can there be?"

"Don't we have little contact with the investigation department's actions? If they don't have conclusive evidence, can they apply for an arrest warrant? Dare to arrest people in front of so many of us?"

"Xiao Zhan, he must have really messed up something. The only thing we can do is..."

As Li Qingmu said, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

When the phone was connected, he hurriedly showed a smiling face and greeted him.

But then, the other end of the phone gave a not-so-good answer, and the call was cut off.

Li Qingmu was not reconciled, and made two more phone calls, but after he told the story and involved the Financial Investigation Section, the calls were quickly hung up.

A few minutes later, Li Qingmu's face was gloomy, unwilling and helpless.

"Brother, how are you doing?"

"As for Xiao Zhan's matter, let's take it one step at a time. Later, Qing He, you will accompany me to the Finance Department to inquire about the situation!"

Although Li Qingmu said so, he also knew in his heart that what happened this time was definitely not a trivial matter.

It is estimated that they have to be prepared to negotiate with the local prosecutor's headquarters or even go to court.

Li Qingmu frowned at the thought of fighting against the local prosecutor's headquarters.

Just the people from the District Prosecutor's Office in the northern part of the city made it difficult for him.

The next thing they have to face is the stronger local inspection headquarters, so the difficulty will be doubled.

"Uncle, what are you worrying about? Isn't today a happy day?"

At this moment, a mocking voice sounded.

Li Qingmu and Li Qinghe looked over in an instant, and saw Zhang Wei approaching curiously.

There are very few guests left in the hall, but these are basically relatives of the Li family, not business partners, and they are not so afraid of the Financial Investigation Section.

But most of them stayed to watch the theater, and not many people really knew the situation of Li Qingmu and Zhan Qingze.

It can be said that Zhang Wei was the only one who stayed and had some interest in the case.

"Zhang Wei, you have nothing to do here, this is our Li family's current family affairs, don't meddle in it..."

Li Qingmu waved his hand, signaling Zhang Wei not to intervene.

If I, Li Qingmu, can't even save my niece and son-in-law, wouldn't I lose face too much?

He gritted his teeth and declined Zhang Wei's help. After giving Li Feifei a word, he took Li Qinghe and set off directly to the Finance Department.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei couldn't say much, after all, it was his family's business.

"Then we also withdraw?"

He looked at Xia Qianyue, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Today's engagement banquet obviously couldn't go on, so they naturally had to get out of the way.

It's the big weekend, why don't you go home and rest?

Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai, as elders, also chose to leave after comforting Li Feifei a few words.

After the group returned to Dongjiang Yipin, Zhang Wei naturally left and returned directly to Lin's residence.

at the same time.

Oriental Metropolis, Finance Department.

Li Qingmu and Li Qinghe met a fairly familiar department head here.

"Old Xue, what happened to my niece and son-in-law? Have you heard any news?"

The man known as Lao Xue lowered his head, leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Lawyer Li, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that this case involves too much, and it's not easy for me to intervene."

"And let me tell you, the evidence in this case can be said to be conclusive. Your niece and son-in-law probably won't be able to escape. I advise you to go early..."

As he spoke, he suddenly muttered, "I remember you are holding an engagement banquet today, not a wedding?"

"Yes, the engagement banquet."

"That's good!"

After hearing this, Lao Xue breathed a sigh of relief, and then suggested: "Your family's nephew and son-in-law probably won't be able to get it out, so why not be decisive."


"Think about it, anyway, it's an engagement banquet, and you haven't really got married. Your niece's conditions are pretty good. Are you afraid that you won't be able to find a better candidate than the kid who came in?"


Li Qingmu gritted his teeth, a little unwilling.

But Old Xue advised: "Anyway, that's all I've said. Instead of wasting time on a young man who can't be rescued, why don't you just give him up, so that you won't be affected too?"

"Anyway, cutting off contact with him earlier can be regarded as stopping the loss in time. What you lost is not your real niece and son-in-law. Aren't they not married yet?"

Ten minutes later, Li Qingmu and Li Qinghe walked out of the Finance Department with gloomy faces.

"This little Zhan, why did he provoke such a thing, he..."

As soon as he walked out, Li Qinghe couldn't bear it anymore.

"do not talk!"

But Li Qingmu directly raised his hand to interrupt. After pondering for a while, he finally made a decision.

"From today onwards, this little Zhan is no longer my niece and son-in-law. You will also persuade Feifei to understand this truth as soon as possible."

"Brother, you are..."

"Old Xue is right, when you break it, you break it!"

Li Qingmu thought it over carefully, and he said with a ruthless face: "It's the kingly way to stop the loss as soon as this matter has not affected me!"

Li Qinghe looked at his elder brother's appearance, and could only sigh.

This nephew and son-in-law (son-in-law), it seems that he can't have it!

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