Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 451 Li Qingmu Gives Up, Then Find Zhang Wei!

Finance Department, Investigation Section.

The Financial Investigation Section is not under the jurisdiction of the Wuxie, and their office is within the Financial Services Agency.

There will be no criminal cases in the scope of their investigations. Only financial crimes such as money laundering, financial fraud and insider trading are the content of their investigations.

At this moment, Zhan Qingze was escorted here and was being questioned by the Financial Investigation Section.

The person in charge of the cross-examination was the team leader Chen Weitian.

"Zhan Qingze, according to our information, the financial project you are in charge of and lead attracts investors in the name of recommending stocks, but it is actually an illegal fundraising and fraud!"

“Our investigation found that this project used investment exchanges as an excuse to promise high returns several times higher than the market, illegally attracting investors to increase their positions and buy high-risk stocks. According to the current fund flow report, you have been defrauded Tens of billions of funds have been spent!"

"And you, Zhan Qingze!"

Chen Weitian slapped the table, and said in a serious tone: "You are the person in charge of this project, and all the clues we traced, all the documents and signs point to you in the end."

As Chen Weitian said, he shook his head and sighed with emotion: "Unexpectedly, at the age of less than thirty, you can do things that financial practitioners can't do in a lifetime. I have to say that you are very courageous."

"It's a pity, now that the incident is revealed, we caught you, and you will pay the price for this!"

"But you are also a good means. You have already transferred the money before you were caught. Now the money is in the offshore account. It is estimated that it has been dumped. I don't know how many hands it is. The possibility of getting it back is really small. ah!"

"You said that you are also a financial practitioner with a bright future. How can you have the courage to do such a thing?"

Chen Weitian showed a trace of regret, because this is the tricky part of financial crime.

After the money is cheated by criminals, many of them will be spent abroad, and it is very difficult to track the flow of funds.

Therefore, in many financial fraud cases, the funds cannot be recovered.

After listening to his statement, Zhan Qingze also looked confused.

What have I done?

In fact, if you don't tell me, I don't even know how brave I am.

However, he is also aware of the methods of the investigation department, and he also knows that he will lose his words if he speaks too much now, and any answer may become evidence in court for the investigation department.

Therefore, his answer is only one.

"I won't say anything until my lawyer comes!"

"Hmph, lawyer, you want to hire a lawyer, right?"

For this answer, Chen Weitian was not surprised.

Because financial criminals, most of them are very rich and have friends who know the law.

When dealing with such people, we must be more cautious, and we must also guard against them using their rights within the legal scope.

"Well, do you want to name yourself, or should we contact the court and ask them to appoint a defense lawyer?"

Zhan Qingze curled his lips in disdain.

Court-appointed, that's the public defender.

Everyone knows the level of a public defender.

"I will contact my lawyer!"

When Zhan Qingze said this, he was very confident in his heart.

As for the reason, it is very simple!

Although it doesn't matter if my home is in the East, my fiancée is different.

The fiancée who got engaged today is from the Li family in Chengbei District.

Li Qingmu, the head of the Li family, even founded the Qingmu Law Firm, and is considered a well-known figure in the northern part of the city.

Therefore, I, Zhan Qingze, can completely enjoy the honor of my fiancée's family.

"Okay, get his phone here!"

Chen Weitian gave an order to his subordinates.

After the assistant left, he looked at Zhan Qingze again with disdain.

You think I don't know your little thoughts, so what if the fiancée's family is Li Qingmu, really think I'm afraid of this guy?

What can a lawyer from a medium-sized law firm in Chengbei District do?

In just 2 minutes, the assistant came back, and after handing over the phone to Zhan Qingze, he whispered a few words in Chen Weitian's ear.

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

After hearing this, Chen Weitian was surprised, and looked at Zhan Qingze with pity and sarcasm.

Zhan Qingze didn't notice this gaze, his attention is now on his mobile phone.

The moment he got the phone, he decided to call his nominal fiancee Li Feifei.


"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later, Sorry..."

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Zhan Qingze froze for a moment.

Then he dialed the number again, there was still a sound of calling, and then the phone was hung up again.

"Sorry, you called..."

"How is it possible!" Zhan Qingze was puzzled.

Li Feifei hung up her phone, what is the meaning of this?

"mother in law!"

Afterwards, he quickly dialed a second number, which was the number of his nominal mother-in-law Li Qinghe.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please try again later, Sorry..."

Hearing another burst of busy voices, Zhan Qingze's face became a little tense.

It's not even late at night. It stands to reason that mother-in-law, as a lawyer, usually doesn't go to bed so early, right?

But why, didn't you answer your phone?

"Uncle, Uncle Li Qingmu, he must be here!"

Zhan Qingze hurriedly dialed Li Qingmu's number, and there was another waiting sound on the phone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently active..."

Zhan Qingze's expression of astonishment was inconceivable.

He couldn't believe it, the three members of the Li family hung up their calls one after another.

"Why, can't you get through the phone?"

Chen Weitian was full of ridicule, looking at Zhan Qingze as if he was looking at a clown.

"They must be in a meeting, discussing how to rescue me!"

Zhan Qingze quickly gave a reason, but this reason sounds a bit ridiculous.

Chen Weitian laughed, and the subordinates behind him also laughed.

It seems that the person in front of him is not clear about the situation.

"By the way, Lawyer Zhuo and the others!"

But Zhan Qingze seemed to have remembered someone, and hurriedly made another call.

"Beep beep..."

There was another busy tone on the phone, and then it was known that the call was over, but the call was not connected.

Zhan Qingze searched the address book according to his memory, but none of the lawyers in Qingmu Law Firm who had saved his number answered the phone.

No matter how many times he called, the phone still couldn't get through.

Before he knew it, the address book came to the last item, which was the number of his father-in-law, Wang Dayang.

But his father-in-law is not a lawyer!

Zhan Qingze gritted his teeth and pressed the number.


It started with a familiar call.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan, what are you calling me for?"

As the phone was connected, Zhan Qingze was astonished by Wang Dayang's voice.

The phone was actually connected, and he thought the phone couldn't be connected.

But now that it's connected, how can Zhan Qingze let go of the only life-saving straw.

"Father-in-law, what's going on? Why didn't they answer the calls of my mother-in-law and uncle?"

"Xiao Zhan, let me tell you secretly, they didn't answer on purpose!"

Wang Dayang on the other end of the phone sighed after hearing Zhan Qingze's anxious voice, "Did you not see the latest evening news?"

"Evening news, what evening news?"

Zhan Qingze froze for a moment.

I am currently in the investigation office of the Financial Services Agency, how can I see the evening news?

Fortunately, Chen Weitian heard Zhan Qingze's doubts and nodded to his subordinates.

The latter took out his mobile phone, searched for a news item in the evening file, and then showed the mobile phone in front of Zhan Qingze.

"Hello, I'm Li Qingmu from Qingmu Law Firm. Today was my niece's engagement party, but I never thought that my niece-in-law Zhan Qingze would do such a thing. He actually participated in a large-scale financial fraud!"

"I, Li Qingmu, on behalf of the Li family, my sister Li Qinghe, and my niece Li Feifei, hereby solemnly declare that from now on, we will have nothing to do with Zhan Qingze!"

"From what I announce now, Zhan Qingze will no longer be my niece and son-in-law, Li Qingmu, my sister Li Qinghe's son-in-law, and my niece Li Feifei's fiance!"

"Our Qingmu Law Firm has always been committed to providing clients with the most complete and effective legal advice and services, and resolutely draws a line from illegal and criminal acts, and our Qingmu Law Firm will also... This is our law firm and my own attitude !"

The video has finished playing.

Li Qingmu's statement in the evening news file can be said to be very fast, and even a wave of advertisements were placed at the end.

After all, the person who paid for it didn't advertise for nothing.

But after reading the news and the speech, Zhan Qingze's face became extremely ugly.

He never expected that just after he was taken away by the Finance Department, the Li family was busy severing ties with him.

Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, turning your face and denying people?

Is this Li family still human? I am their son-in-law!

If this wasn't the Office of the Finance Department, he, Zhan Qingze, would have smashed the table and thrown the chair. Are there people like you?

Li Qingmu, the Li family...

I xx the oo of eighteen generations of your ancestors!

Zhan Qingze looked hopeless, and then he didn't know how he hung up the call with Wang Dayang.

He sat down in a daze, with a dull face, his expression and expression froze.

"Mr. Zhan, how do you feel now? It feels good to be betrayed by the Li family, right?"

Chen Weitian was also fanning the flames at this time, he sneered and said: "Since your mother-in-law's family has abandoned you, then you can rest assured, explain everything that needs to be explained, don't hide it."

"If you still don't want to give up, we can arrange a public defender for you, but I believe you know their level, right?"

Chen Weitian knew that Zhan Qingze was being hit hard at the moment, and he estimated that his psychological defense line had reached a critical point and was about to be broken.

If I put in more effort, the other party will definitely confess.

He even wanted to thank the Li family. If the other party hadn't issued a statement immediately, the process of "extorting a confession" might not have been so smooth.

Seeing that Zhan Qingze was still in a daze and did not answer for a long time, Chen Weitian was not in a hurry.

Anyway, a desperate person will not be able to bear the pressure after all.

"Mr. Zhan, don't hesitate."

"Mr. Zhan, you should be clear about your current situation."

"Mr. Zhan..."

Under the verbal offensive, Zhan Qingze finally came to his senses.

"No, I didn't do anything, why should I admit it!"

Zhan Qingze ignored Chen Weitian's "persuasion", and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes.

He hates the behavior of the Li family.

When he thought of Li's family, he thought of that Zhang Wei again. If he hadn't performed so well before, how could he fight so hard? If he didn't fight, how could he...


Zhang Wei?

Zhan Qingze's expression changed several times in an instant, from pain to despair, then from despair to astonishment, and then a glint of hope appeared in his eyes.

Chen Weitian said that he has caught many people, but he has never seen a person who can change expressions so much in just a few seconds.

"Mr. Zhan, have you made a decision yet?"

"I made a decision!"

"Okay, tell me quickly, you..."

"I need a lawyer!"

Chen Weitian thought that Zhan Qingze was going to plead guilty, so he would confess and be lenient, but he didn't expect the other party's next sentence to make him speechless.

If you want to find a lawyer, just say it straight. Didn’t we help you go to the court to apply earlier if you said it earlier?

Since you want a public defender to help you, we won't stop you.

Anyway, if you hire a public defender, you are half-footed in jail.

"Well, Mr. Zhan, we will contact the court later, and you will wait here..."

"No, I have a choice!"

This time, it was Zhan Qingze who interrupted Chen Weitian.

"I want Zhang Wei to defend me!"

"Zhang Wei?"

Chen Weitian is a member of the Financial Services Department, not involved in criminal cases, and he doesn't know much about some news in Dongfangdu.

So he looked at the subordinates beside him, "Who is Zhang Wei?"

"Group leader Chen, Zhang Wei is..."

The subordinate wanted to report, but then he remembered that there was someone in his department with the name Zhang Wei, and there were too many people with the same name and surname outside.

"This Zhang Wei you mentioned, is he good?"

"It's not a question of whether he is powerful or not, he is the kind of person who makes you feel incredible..."

"He's a criminal defense attorney?"

"Otherwise what would I do with him?"

"He's from Jincheng Law Firm?"

"Yes, it's him!"

When the subordinates heard Zhan Qingze's affirmative reply, they knew it well.

But then, his face changed slightly and became a little ugly.

"Group leader Chen, this Zhang Wei is amazing, he is..."

The subordinate leaned closer to Chen Weitian's ear and whispered a few words.

The latter's expression also began to change.

"Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm, is known as the murder lawyer and the nemesis of the local prosecutor's headquarters. exaggerate?"

To be honest, when Chen Weitian heard about this achievement, his first feeling was disbelief.

But the solemn expression of his subordinates, as well as the serious statement, he had to believe even if he didn't believe it.

"Hmph, exaggeration!" But soon, Chen Weitian snorted again.

"If Zhang Wei is really that powerful, then let him come. The evidence in this case is solid, and the evidence is solid, and he can't find anything wrong!"

As Chen Weitian said, he looked at Zhan Qingze again.

"Mr. Zhan, if you want to find this Zhang Wei, then you should contact him. Let's see when this criminal defense lawyer in Dongfang Capital has such strength!"

Zhan Qingze picked up the phone in an instant and was about to make a call.

But then, he froze.

He doesn't have Zhang Wei's number!

Although both of them are sons-in-law of the Li family, Zhan Qingze thinks that Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei are not fellow travelers. Although they met each other at the engagement banquet, he didn't save each other's number.

Embarrassed now.

"Why, don't you call?"

"That... I don't have his number..."

Chen Weitian was speechless for a while, and his subordinates couldn't help curling their lips.

Fortunately, we thought you were going to hire a tricky person, but we didn't expect that you didn't even have the person's number.

Are you trying to scare us to death?

Don't tell me, I was really scared by you just now.

"Wait, my father-in-law may know his number. I heard that they were involved in a case before, and Zhang Wei helped!"

Under the crisis, Zhan Qingze remembered that his father-in-law was the most important.

The phone dialed again.

"Little Zhan, didn't I tell you, Qing He..."

"Father-in-law, I don't want to find my mother-in-law, I want to find Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei?"

"Yes, Zhang Wei, only he can help me!"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Dayang didn't say much when he heard Zhan Qingze's firm tone.

"Okay, I'll help you contact Xiao Zhang, but I can't guarantee whether he will take your case or not!"

"Thank you father-in-law, you..."

"Hey, Xiao Zhan, I'm no longer your father-in-law, Qinghe and Feifei don't recognize you anymore!"

Wang Dayang sighed again.

To be honest, he also looks down on the Li family.

As soon as this Zhan Qingze was taken away, you all disregarded the responsibility. This is too self-interested, and it will not be good if you say it.

"Father-in-law, as long as you are willing to help me, even if Feifei doesn't recognize me, then you will always be my father-in-law!"

"Okay, Xiao Zhan, I'll help you contact Zhang Wei, just wait..."

Wang Dayang quickly hung up the phone.

After Zhan Qingze and Wang Dayang talked, they were obviously relieved.

He felt at ease in finding a powerful defense lawyer to help him.

"Group leader Chen, I can tell you now that I won't tell you anything until my lawyer comes!"

The current Zhan Qingze, with some confidence in his words, looked at Chen Weitian calmly.

"Okay, then I want to see what kind of guy this lawyer Zhang is, and whether he will come to help you!"

Chen Weitian was not in a hurry, he let out a cold snort and left the interrogation room with his subordinates.

at the same time.

Lin Mansion, inside Zhang Wei's room.

"Uncle, isn't it true that aunt and uncle really crossed the river and demolished the bridge?"

"That's right, they've done this before, but they didn't expect such a good son-in-law, they just throw it away!"

"Okay, anyway, I don't have many cases on hand recently, I can take this case, I will call the Financial Services Department later, and I will go see him tomorrow!"

"Yeah, Uncle, then you can go to rest, I also want to know about the situation of this case."

Zhang Wei said, hung up the phone, and then turned on the evening news.

In the news video, the scene where Li Qingmu made a statement is being played.

Seeing the uncle who is the representative of Qingmu Law Firm and the Li family say these words, Zhang Wei couldn't help shaking his head.

It is also the Li family, the uncle and aunt perfectly demonstrated what is called exquisite self-interest.

If you look at your uncle, your mother-in-law, father-in-law, and Hanhan, they seem to have a touch of humanity.

"Uncle, I hope you don't regret it when the time comes. I don't think your nephew and son-in-law are innocent in this case!"

Zhang Wei muttered, then opened Qiandu Search and began to browse related information.

He took this case anyway, the next thing he needs to think about is how to win!

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