Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 458 The client is poor and doesn't have that much money!

The accusation of the new witness immediately changed the direction of the court.

Zhang Wei never expected that the testimony of the second witness would be so explosive.

He directly testified that Zhan Qingze had bribed him, and the bribe was 50,000 yuan.

"Is there such a thing?"

"It's absolutely nothing. I have a monthly mortgage of 20,000 yuan, so I don't have the money to bribe him!"

Zhan Qingze naturally tried his best to deny it, which is also very realistic.

Although he works in finance and his salary is among the top of his age group, he still has a mortgage on his back, and he has a girlfriend who needs money.

Let him take out 50,000 yuan to bribe a self-media writer, and treat him as a fool with a lot of money?


Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded.

Although his monthly legal fees are several million or even tens of millions, he is too lazy to spend money to find self-media writers to post.

Don't you want to let the second girl do it? The cost is only a delicious dinner, it's just a whore for nothing!

Since Zhan Qingze denied it, and Zhang Wei also felt that it was a waste of money.

So it means that Zhan Qingze has not approached the writer surnamed Tao in court, so the other party is lying?

In court, questioning continues.

"You mean, the defendant gave you a total of 50,000 yuan to publish false posts on the Internet?"

The witness's eyes flickered for a moment, but he nodded solemnly and admitted through gritted teeth: "Yes!"

After hearing this, Zhao Chunming finally smiled.

He smiled and looked at the defense chair, "Before the defense lawyer said that the defendant had only accepted the project for two weeks, and his mind was on the engagement ceremony, so how could he care about his own work."

"But now it seems that the defendant has always cared about his work, and he did not hesitate to use bribery to confuse the public and mislead investors."

"Before the defense lawyer questioned Team Leader Chen, saying that the defendant was completely ignorant of these matters."

"But now, the witness told us that the defendant was aware of these things, and a large part of them was still led by him and manipulated by him behind the scenes!"

Zhao Chunming pointed at Zhan Qingze, and said sonorously: "He is the chief culprit in this case, and the 20 billion shortfall is all because of him!"

Under these accusations, the audience was solemn.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the defense seats and Zhan Qingze, their eyes full of hostility.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's your turn!"

When Zhao Chunming stepped off the stage, he sneered at Zhang Wei.

The questioning ends and the cross-examination begins.

Zhang Wei tidied up his collar, then went to the courtroom and walked to the witness stand under the watchful eyes of the audience.

"Hello, witness Mr. Tao!"

The witness glanced at Zhang Wei and said nothing.

"I would like to ask the witness, you said that my client bribed you with a total of 50,000 yuan to write posts favorable to environmental protection stocks and renewable resources stocks. Is this true?"

"Of course it is true!" The witness responded immediately.

"This is a holy court. You have sworn an oath. You should know the crime of perjury?"

The witness swallowed and looked at Qian Moli who was in the front row of the hearing booth.

The latter stared coldly, causing the witness to quickly withdraw his gaze.

"I know, I know, but I didn't lie!"

"you sure?"

"I swear, I'm not lying!"

"The witness, what do you mean, if we find out that you have abnormal capital flows, or your family members have received large anonymous remittances in the recent period, it is impossible, right?"


The witness hesitated for a moment, as if feeling a little less confident.

At the hearing booth, Qian Moli's eyes turned cold.

On the prosecution table, Zhao Chunming frowned.

What happened to this witness, could it be...

"I swear, what I said is true!"

"That's fine..."

After the witnesses said so, Zhang Wei could only wink at the clerk on the side of the trial seat.

"Clerk, please make a note. The witness said that he did not give perjury, and that he was telling the truth. There was no such thing as anonymous remittances from family members!"

Li Qinghua gave Zhang Wei a vicious look.

Little boy, you put your eyes here and wink at my old lady, don't you know that old lady is your mother-in-law?

However, the work of a court clerk is like this. Although Li Qinghua wants to give Zhang Wei a face, the work still needs to continue.

The witness opened his mouth, a little speechless.

I made no promises about the latter.

"Witness, let me ask, you are a professional self-media person, right?"


"Then I want to ask, if you want to fool so many investors and show them news that is good for the market, how many posts do you need?"

"I only posted two posts in total."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I asked the wrong question. I want to ask how many self-media people like you need to post together if the market is to be filled with news that is good for environmental protection stocks and resource recycling stocks?"

"It may be several hundred. Of course, if the big media can be dispatched, this number may be smaller, but..."

"But big media need more money, don't they?" Zhang Wei asked with a smile.

"Yes!" The witness looked around and nodded in agreement.

"Not only that, but many big media will not be like you. They provide false reports for money. They still have some professional ethics, don't they?"

Although the witness felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, he still nodded: "Yes."

"The big media may send investigators to conduct on-the-spot investigations before making relevant reports. Once Dongxing Securities' environmental protection stocks and resource recycling stocks are investigated, the fake stocks will be exposed, so for the purpose of fraud, it will be smooth. They’re not going to take the wind and startle the big media.”

"Compared to the larger media, you self-media writers with little strength are better controlled, and your industry is seriously introverted. Many self-media people don't care about the accuracy of the news for the sake of clicks. It can be said that he dares to do anything for money, let alone check whether there is any fraud in the stock, right?"

Sweat dripped from the witness's brow, but he nodded anyway.

"Then the question is, if my client really needs to fabricate such a big project, you can conservatively estimate how much money he will need to spend on the layout?"

"This..." The witness was a little troubled.

He has never done this kind of project, so he knows how much it will cost?

"Let's analyze it step by step. For example, let's find self-media writers. Like you, each person spends 50,000. If you want a few hundred, then I will count him as 200 people."

The witness murmured in his heart that 200 people is actually not enough, maybe 300-400 people would be better.

"If there are 200 people and 50,000 per person, that's 10 million. Just to fool investors, you need to spend 10 million on publicity, right?"


"But do you think my client has so much money?"

"This, I don't know..."

"It's okay, someone knows!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the prosecution witness stand again.

"Judge Chen, in order to verify this issue, I need to ask Team Leader Chen Weitian to testify in court again!"

"This court approves!"

Judge Chen also nodded, and Chen Weitian naturally went to court again.

"Group Leader Chen, the witness just now provided a very interesting allegation. He said that my client bribed him 50,000 yuan to make him publish a false post."

"I'm just sitting below, can you not hear me?" Chen Weitian sneered.

"Then I also brought up a very interesting point, that is, the cost of publicity. To hire 200 self-media people like Mr. Tao, you need to guarantee a minimum fee of 10 million."

"I heard that too."

"Then may I ask, after you investigated such a case and listed my client as the first suspect, have you investigated my client's financial situation?"

"Of course we have investigated!" Chen Weitian did not deny it.

"Well, please tell me, how much money is in my client's account now?"

"No more than 200,000."

"How much debt is he carrying?"

"There are more than 4 million mortgages that have not been repaid!"

"In recent months, or in a few years, what is his largest expenditure?"

"The down payment for the house is close to 5 million!"

"Then you have read the bank flow from when he joined Dongxing Securities to the latest bank flow, right?"


"Is there any huge expenditure of more than 10 million in his capital flow?"


"Team Leader Chen, thank you for your answer!"

As soon as this remark came out, the wind direction of the court changed slightly.

In the hearing seat, the prosecution seat, and even the jury, there were people who were thinking.

Zhan Qingze didn't have that much money, how could he bribe the media people to make them cheat?

Zhang Wei just wants to tell everyone that my client is poor and has a mortgage of 4 million yuan. How can I be so idle that I have the money to bribe media people?

Chen Weitian saw the change in the direction of the court, and quickly remedied: "But it's also possible that his company paid the money!"

But as soon as this remark came out, Zhang Wei laughed.

In the front row of the hearing seat, Qian Moli said inwardly that she was not good.

"Group leader Chen, well said!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding, he said with a smile: "Since the company helped pay for it, doesn't that mean that Dongxing Securities is also responsible for this financial fraud case?"


Chen Weitian was stunned, and then realized that he might have said something wrong.

But if the company didn't pay for it, who paid for it?

Zhan Qingze doesn't have so much money, but he has investigated it.

Since he bought a house, he didn't have much money on him, and he was burdened with a mortgage at a young age. He has long been a house slave and a debtor.

"Thank you, Team Leader Chen for your answer, I have no more questions to ask!"

Zhang Wei expressed his thanks again to Chen Weitian, who was in a daze.

Why did I become the object of thanks from the defense lawyer?

"The prosecution?"

Old Chen looked at Zhao Chunming, who shook his head.

Obviously he will not continue to cross-examine Chen Weitian.

Chen Weitian gave up his position in the witness stand again, to the previous witness Mr. Tao, and he himself sat back in the witness seat for the prosecution.

"Witness, let me ask you, you said that my client bribed you, so let me ask, is it the personal account of my client Zhan Qingze or the account of Dongxing Securities Company that transferred the money to you?"


The witness turned to the front row of the hearing booth, where Qian Moli was.

But Zhang Wei suddenly took a step forward and stood between the two of them.

"Witness, you haven't even forgotten this, have you? I believe the investigation department must have questioned you, and you must have shown them the transfer records, right?"

"It's the company account of Dongxing Securities!"

The witness gritted his teeth and admitted the "fact".

"Oh, it's the account of Dongxing Securities Company, then it's all right!"

Zhang Wei showed a dazed look, and then smiled slightly at the witness stand: "Thank you for your honesty, you really helped a lot!"

The witness lowered his head, not knowing what to say anymore.

But Zhang Wei didn't intend to let him go, but continued to question him.

"The last question, since you admit that you received money to provide false reports, why can't we suspect you, and you may have received money, and then come to court to slander my client?"

"This..." The witness was left speechless by this question.

"You don't need to answer this question. Anyway, I believe that not many people in court are fools. They have already guessed the answer!"

Zhang Wei sneered and looked towards the trial seat, "Judge Chen, we have no questions to ask about this witness!"

As Zhang Wei ended his cross-examination, the court's wind direction changed again.

And this time, it was the wind of doubt that was blowing.

The wind blew towards Dongxing Securities and Qian Moli.

"Damn fool, useless thing!"

Qian Moli looked at the witnesses who stepped off the stage, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

This guy took his own money, but it didn't work at all. He even let the defense lawyer find a loophole, which directly affected his company.

If I knew this earlier, I might as well not be with him.

Qian Moli regretted it very much, very much.

"The prosecution?"

At the trial seat, Old Chen didn't care what Qian Moli thought, but looked at Zhao Chunming.

"The prosecution will call new witnesses to testify in court!"

Following Zhao Chunming's announcement, another witness came to court.

This is a woman with thick eyes on her face, and she looks like a woman who deals with money.

"Hello witness, please introduce yourself to the court."

"My surname is Ji, and I'm the financial staff of Dongxing Securities!"

The woman looked towards the jury seat, and then nodded to Qian Moli in the hearing seat.


Zhang Wei looked at Zhan Qingze again, who also nodded, "This woman is our company's accountant. I have met her several times."

"Are you familiar with it?"

"It can only be regarded as meeting. Our company's financial department is very big, anyway, I don't even know her name."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei knew it well.

Since he is not familiar with it, if this witness goes to court, what charges will he make against his client?

Zhao Chunming returned to the prosecutor's seat, took several documents from Tan Yingying, and then returned again.

"Witness, as far as I know, you are one of the accountants in charge of the finances of the Investment Projects Department, right?"


"Then can you explain that there is an expenditure close to 11.2 million in the company account statement above, which you are responsible for accepting. The above payment is stated as public relations expenses. What does this mean?"

"It is the public relations fee. I am responsible for reviewing the payment, and then sign the agreement on behalf of the finance."

"Then, who requested this 11.2 million expenditure?"

The witness raised his hand and pointed to the defendant's seat, and said, "It's the defendant Zhan Qingze!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the courtroom looked at the defense bench.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

You said before that you didn’t have that much money, but now the truth is revealed, the company really paid for the money.

"Witness, do you know exactly what this money is for?"

"I don't know. In fact, the business department wants to ask our finances to reimburse various expenses every now and then. There have been more than 10 million reimbursements before, so I didn't ask much at the time."

"Then is it possible that this money is the expense that the defendant Zhan Qingze used to bribe media people?"

"Objection, imaginary evidence!"

When Zhao Chunming put forward the hypothesis, Zhang Wei immediately stood up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!" Lao Chen also warned Zhao Chunming.

But the latter smiled slightly and didn't care at all.

Because his purpose has been achieved.

In the hearing seat and the jury seat, many people looked thoughtful and looked at the defendant Zhan Qingze with displeasure.

Fortunately, we believed you before and felt that you were wronged, but we didn't expect you to be such a person.

You did not pay yourself, but you asked the company to reimburse you, and the company was kept in the dark, how dare you!

"Judge Chen, we have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

Zhao Chunming walked out of the court again and let the witness out.

On Zhang Wei's side, he was communicating with Zhan Qingze.

"Do you have any impression of that money?"

"I don't remember it. I didn't even know that I recruited finance to approve 11.2 million reimbursement expenses."

"Are you sure?"

"Really do not have!"

"Then when did you sign it?"

"This...Lawyer Zhang, to tell you the truth, we are in finance, and we have to sign too many places every day..."

"I understand." Zhang Wei already knew it.

Then he got up and went to the witness stand.

"Hello witness."


After saying hello, Zhang Wei began to ask questions.

"Witness, you said that on behalf of the financial department, you signed and agreed to a reimbursement of 11.2 million yuan, didn't you?"


"Then I think it's not common to be reimbursed more than 10 million yuan?"

"Yes, very uncommon."

"How many times this year?"

"A total of three times."

"Have you met the reimbursers for these three times?"

"The previous two times were signed and reimbursed by the president's secretary on behalf of Mr. Qian. This is the third time..."

"What happened the third time?"

Zhang Wei looked at the witness with a strange expression, "Could it be that my client may be the one who signed for the third time, but he is not the one who came to apply for reimbursement?"

The witness opened his mouth, unable to speak.

"Ms. Ji, please answer me truthfully. Who was the one who applied for reimbursement at that time?"

The witness was helpless, and raised his finger to Qian Moli's side, "It's Mr. Qian's secretary, and she came to me for reimbursement the third time."

Now, Zhang Weile is happy.

"That's strange. My client wants to reimburse a huge amount of 11.2 million, but he didn't go to the finance in person?"

"Ms. Ji, let me ask again, to go to the financial reimbursement, you usually need to go in person, right?"

"Yes, the company has regulations."

"Then my client, knowing that there is such a regulation, still asks others to do it for him. Isn't there something wrong?"

"seems like it……"

After the witness answered mediocrely, he noticed a sharp look from the front row of the hearing booth.

She hurriedly changed her words: "No, no..."

"What's the matter, the answer is yes, and the answer is no?"

Zhang Wei sneered, and said sarcastically, "Could it be that you, the witness, are financially flawed?"

"Ah, this..."

"It's okay, anyway, you have already told us the answer."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked towards the jury seat, "My client, Zhan Qingze, probably didn't know about it at all. Is it possible that this signature is also forged?"

As soon as this remark came out, the jury was stunned.

But then, they were thinking, as if there was such a possibility.

Because the current evidence seems to point more and more at Dongxing Securities itself.

So the defendant, is it possible that he is really the one who took the blame?

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