Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 459 The secretary is here, the time is not right!

Zhang Wei once again relied on the witness's flaws to change the jury's mind.

The witness Ms. Ji's answer cannot be said to be completely useless, but it does not prove anything.

She told the court that Zhan Qingze went to the finance company to apply for reimbursement of 11.2 million expenses, which was nominally a public relations fee.

But everyone knows that this money is the fee to bribe self-media people to provide false reports and publish false posts.

This is a job bribery fee, and it is paid by Dongxing Securities.

But here comes the question, is the money paid in the name of Zhan Qingze?

The document was signed in Zhan Qingze's name, but the person who went to the financial department for reimbursement was not him, but the president's secretary.

The doorway here is not clear.

"The prosecution wants to ask additional questions!"

Zhao Chunming naturally couldn't sit still.

This witness was repeatedly caught by Zhang Wei, how could he bear it?

"Ms. Ji, you just said that the claimant who came to finance is not the defendant Zhan Qingze, right?"


"The finance company has 11.2 million reimbursement expenses, so there must be some way to notify the reimbursement person?"

"Yes, the company will send emails internally to remind the defendant."

"Then have you sent it yet?"

"It must have been posted."

At the defense table, Zhang Wei turned his head.

"Do you have this email?"

"I didn't see it."

Zhan Qingze spread his hands, saying that he had never received similar emails.

Besides, I was busy with the engagement ceremony in those few days, so I didn't have the time to pay attention to an email.

"Lawyer Zhang, if the 11.2 million expenses are really reimbursed, I can't miss it even if I'm busy, so I really didn't receive this email."

"Didn't receive the email, or did you say you received it, but didn't see the email."

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, then hooked his finger at Zhan Qingze.

"Let me ask you, have you ever been called away by someone when you were working at your desk?"

"That's too much. If a client comes over, or if the boss or the president informs me, I will go out."

"Notice from the president?"

"Yeah, I remember a month ago, the president's secretary came to inform me and asked me to meet Mr. Qian. You must know that I have always been an ordinary manager, so I probably couldn't accept the president's interview in person. I was really flattered that time."

"It was also after that time that the president planned to promote you to take charge of a separate project. Is this the project?"

"It seems to be true. The president said that depending on my later performance, let me take charge of an independent project."

When Zhan Qingze said this, his face suddenly became uneasy.

Obviously, from that time on, I became Qian Moli's scapegoat candidate and their backer.

"Then I understand!" Zhang Wei also compared the time carefully, and it was obvious.

Then he looked towards the witness stand.

"So you informed the defendant that he was aware of the expenditure?"

"should be."

The witness did not give a completely affirmative answer, but it can be regarded as gaining some support for the prosecution.

"I'm done asking questions!"

Zhao Chunming finished asking questions and walked out of the courtroom.

"The defense also asks for additional questions!"

Zhang Wei also stood up and walked to the witness stand.

"Ms. Ji, please recall carefully, when did you approve the 11.2 million reimbursement expenses on behalf of finance?"

"It was about a month ago, at the beginning of July."

"Oh, the first month of July!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and looked at the prosecution seat again.

"Judge Chen, we request to show one of the public exhibits of the Financial Services Agency, the visitor registration form for the President's Office of Dongxing Securities."

"This court approves!"

Since it is a public exhibit of the Financial Services Agency, anyone can use it in court, and Zhang Wei can naturally display it as the defense.

However, this document was also read by the prosecution, and it was of no use.

Zhang Wei gestured to Tan Yingying, who was on the prosecution table, and the latter sighed helplessly, found the files on the notebook, and opened them.

"Xiao Tan, adjust the registration form to the period at the beginning of July."

Tan Yingying didn't need Zhang Wei's reminder, she was already a prophet.

After all, you asked about the time, how could she not respond.

During the registration in July, many names appeared in the front row.

"Everyone, please see, here is the name of my client Zhan Qingze, which means that on the day of reimbursement, he met Mr. Qian from Dongxing Securities!"

"What's the point of this?" Zhao Chunming couldn't help it on the prosecution's bench.

He pointed at the registration form with a puzzled look on his face.

"Old Zhao, don't worry, how about we hypothesize a scene?"

As Zhang Wei said, he pointed to Qian Moli who was in the front row of the hearing stand, and the secretary beside her.

"Mr. Qian is a busy man after all. If he wants to meet my client, it's impossible to inform him in person, right?"

Qian Moli didn't reply, but she raised her head with a cold expression on her face.

Obviously, it is impossible for an executive president to make a trip in person.

"So Mr. Qian will not go to see my client, but send his subordinate, the secretary, to inform him. Is there any problem?"

No one objected around, obviously agreeing with this matter.

"Then if, on the day of the reimbursement, my client was working at the desk, but suddenly the president's secretary appeared and told the president to see him, what do you think he will do? Will he leave the desk?"

Many people nodded, the president wants to see you, how dare you not agree, how dare you not go?

This is obviously impossible.

"Okay, my client left the office, went to the president's office, and went to see the president. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the registration form on the projection screen. Zhan Qingze met the president in early July, and there was a record on the registration form.

So neither Zhao Chunming nor Qian Moli objected to this matter.

"Did everyone only see that my client went to see the president, but ignored another matter?"

"What's up?"

Zhao Chunming couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly asked.

"It's very simple, that is, my client is gone, and the president's secretary is still at his desk!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the audience were stunned.

Then they thought of a possibility


Everyone ignored it, and there was this thing.

If at this time, there happened to be an email, and it was a notification email for reimbursement of 11.2 million, wouldn't Zhan Qingze miss the notification from the financial department?

"I know what everyone is guessing. In fact, I also have the same thought. If Mr. Qian's secretary probably deleted this email, and also disposed of this email in the recycle bin, wouldn't my client start over from scratch?" Were you kept in the dark at the end?"

This conjecture made many people nod their heads in agreement.

There is indeed such a possibility.

Zhan Qingze obviously didn't know about the reimbursement expenses.

He didn't even know when he applied for reimbursement of 11.2 million yuan.

"Objection, subjective speculation!" Zhao Chunming immediately got up and interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"Director Zhao, you think I'm guessing, but I think I've found the truth!"

But Zhang Wei knew that Zhao Chunming was going to stand up and object, so he teased him calmly.

"The objection... is effective!"

Lao Chen hesitated for a moment, but still stood by Lao Zhao's side.

But he also knew in his heart that this time Zhang Wei had the upper hand again.

Although he was guessing, combined with the registration form and the testimony of the witnesses, it is likely to be true.

At least in the eyes of many people, this is the truth.

"Ms. Ji, you are a financial person, let me ask you, how many email notifications for reimbursement will be sent at one time?"

"Only one."

"Then, is my guess just now possible to be true?"

"It's possible... No, no, it shouldn't be possible..."

The witness just nodded to agree, but felt the sharp gaze of the front row of the hearing seat, and shook his head hastily.

Zhang Wei looked at her with a smile, and then at Qian Moli who was in the hearing seat.

"Mr. Qian, why are you always winking at the employees of your company? Do you have a ghost in your heart?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the jury and hearing booth looked at Qian Moli.

The latter had a gloomy face, but he couldn't get angry, and his complexion became very bad.

"Judge Chen, our additional questioning of this witness is over."

Zhang Wei smiled and walked back to the defense bench.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are amazing!"

After returning to the defense bench, Zhan Qingze finally breathed a sigh of relief and gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up.

He could feel that the hostility towards him in court had decreased a lot.

These have to be said to be Zhang Wei's credit.

Zhang Wei helped himself defuse so many offensives with just one mouth.


Zhan Qingze made a gesture in his mind, if a lawyer from Qingmu Law Firm came, would it be possible to have this effect?


Obviously it is impossible!

"Calm down!"

Zhang Wei just patted Zhan Qingze on the shoulder, signaling you to calm down.

Then he cast a reassuring look at Xia Qianyue on the other side, he can still live with the current situation, no problem.

But Zhang Wei's side is fine, and the prosecution on the other side has another story.

Zhao Chunming looked at the calm Zhang Wei with a gloomy expression.

"Prosecutor, call a timeout!"

At this moment, Chen Weitian whispered something to Zhao Chunming.

After thinking about it, Lao Zhao didn't suspect him.

"Judge Chen, the prosecution requests a timeout!"

"Well, it's okay, so many witnesses have been summoned, so let's take a break for 20 minutes!"

Old Chen beat the hammer to announce, then rubbed his shoulders and walked out of the court.

The court was temporarily dismissed for an intermission.

Prosecution ready interior.

Zhao Chunming and Chen Weitian got together.

"Team Leader Chen, why did you call for a suspension? Is there any new evidence that needs to be submitted?"

"There is no new evidence, but there are new witnesses!"

As Chen Weitian said, he walked to the door and let the people outside come in.

"Prosecutor, Team Leader Chen, hello!"

"Boss Qian!"

Zhao Chunming was a little surprised that Qian Moli came in with her secretary.

"Group leader Chen, as a representative of Dongxing Securities, I am also a victim. I have been actively cooperating with you in this case!"

"Mr. Qian, you are out of touch. I know that you also want to be responsible to investors, so this time I introduced Director Zhao for you."

After the two parties are seated, introduce each other.

But both sides have already known the bottom line.

Zhao Chunming glanced at Qian Moli, his eyes were a little wary, but he still said: "Looking at the current situation, Zhang Wei will not give up easily, but the situation is very unfavorable for Mr. Qian!"

"Prosecutor, what do you mean?"

"Since many witnesses have proved that your secretary has problems, why not ask your secretary to testify in court?"

As Zhao Chunming said, he fixed his eyes on Qian Moli's secretary.

In fact, he hoped that Qian Moli would testify in court by herself.

After all, everyone knew that Qian Moli was in charge, and the secretary was just a ball, at most she was running errands.

"Mr. Qian, Director Zhao is right. Let your secretary testify in court!" Chen Weitian also nodded.

Qian Moli hesitated for a moment, then winked at the secretary.

"Since both the public prosecutor and Team Leader Chen have requested this, I naturally won't object. It just so happens that I also want the company to prove its innocence and give investors justice!"

Hearing what Qian Moli said, Zhao Chunming and Chen Weitian couldn't help but look at each other.

But in their hearts, how much they believed in each other, only God knows.

20 minutes passed.

Court reopens.

"Judge Chen, after the break just now, the prosecution will add a new witness!"

"Oh, who is it?"

"What we want to summon is Secretary Zhu from the President's Office of Dongxing Securities to testify in court!"


Like Lao Chen looked at the defense table, Zhang Wei also nodded.

"Well, since the defense has no objection, this court approves it!"

Beside Qian Moli, the secretary testified in court.

"Hello, Miss Zhu."

"Hello, prosecutor."

The secretary sat on the witness stand, stroked his eyes, and looked calm.

"The defense lawyer made an inference just now. To be honest, I believe it a little bit, so I think it is necessary for you to answer the court about the inference the defense lawyer just made..."

"Fake, all fake!"

Before Zhao Chunming finished his question, the secretary directly vetoed it.

"You mean, it's all fake?"


Secretary Zhu nodded, and then said seriously: "My job duty is to help the president handle some company affairs, and our company also has a set of strict rules and regulations, one of which is not to touch the private computers of other colleagues, so I How could it be possible to touch defendant Zhan Qingze's computer, or even delete his emails."

"And that day, I was very busy. Apart from notifying Zhan Qingze, I still had a lot of things to do. After I notified him, I was busy with other things."

Zhao Chunming nodded in agreement.

"That is to say, the defense lawyer's guess is completely false?"


"Then about your reimbursement instead of Zhan Qingze?"

"Oh, Zhan Qingze asked me to pass it on after meeting the president. He also said it was the president's order."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

What does it mean to let the secretary go to reimbursement after meeting the president? Isn’t it time to go to reimbursement first, and then you delete the notification email?

Secretary Zhu recalled, "It was Zhan Qingze who met the president that day, and then handed over the reimbursement form to me, and asked me to go to the financial department to forward it on my behalf, so the financial side must have notified him, it is impossible for him not to see the email !"

"You mean, you first informed Zhan Qingze to see the president, and then he asked you to reimburse the 11.2 million yuan?"

"Yes, these are all recorded in our company, in the publicity documents we submitted!"

Zhao Chunming's eyes changed, and he gestured towards Tan Yingying. Tan Yingying opened the visitor registration form in the CEO's office, and Zhan Qingze met Qian Moli in the morning.

After that, she opened a document in the financial system, which clearly stated that the 11.2 million reimbursement was accepted at 4 pm.

Now, the wind direction of the court has changed again.

Zhan Qingze's expression changed.

He did go to see the president in the morning, which he clearly remembered.

But he did not receive the email notification in the afternoon, which is also an indisputable fact.

"In my opinion, the defendant just wanted to slander us and drag our company into trouble. He actually bribed those self-media people and then asked the company to reimburse him. It's really disgusting!" Secretary Zhu continued to speak, testifying against Zhan Qingze.

Now, many people in the court are not calm.

Sure enough, you kid has a problem!

"Thank you, Secretary Zhu, for your speech. We have nothing to ask!"

Zhao Chunming finally nodded in satisfaction, then walked out of the courtroom and returned to the prosecution's seat.

Qian Moli on the hearing stand, and Chen Weitian on the prosecution witness stand also smiled.

This one looks solid!

At least the stain on Zhan Qingze's body could never be washed off.


Old Chen looked at Zhang Wei with a questioning expression on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, what should we do?" Zhan Qingze also panicked.

Because he felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of many people around him.


Naked hostility!

Zhang Wei was quite calm, he got up and pointed to the witness stand.

"Judge Chen, since the prosecution has temporarily summoned a new witness, we also require a certain amount of time to prepare for the defense of the testimony provided by this witness!"

"Well, this court approves it!"

Lao Chen also understood that the prosecution caught Zhang Wei by surprise, so he approved the defense's request.

"Then the court will be temporarily adjourned today. This court will give you a day to prepare. We will continue the court session tomorrow afternoon!"

With Lao Chen's announcement, the court began to dissolve.

Just when the prosecution and the defense were about to leave the meeting, Zhao Chunming came to Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, the current situation is not good for you. You might as well ask your client to think about the 15-year deadline!"

Before Zhang Wei expressed his opinion, Zhan Qingze's expression turned ugly.

15 years!

How could he agree to wasting 15 years of youth because of an unwarranted crime?

"Old Zhao, my client's expression already says it all, he won't agree, so don't ask any more questions."

"Hmph, stubbornness!"

Zhao Chunming looked at Zhan Qingze, snorted coldly and took Tan Yingying away directly.

Obviously, he didn't intend to waste time either.

Some people just don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin. Since you have been given a chance, you don't cherish it.

After the verdict is indefinite, you will regret it.

Zhang Wei glanced at the hearing booth, Qian Moli and the secretary met, and sneered at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei didn't like this expression very much.

"Let's withdraw too!"

He said, patted Zhan Qingze on the shoulder, and led the latter and Xia Qianyue out of the courtroom.

For the next 24 hours, they will be busy.

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