Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 460 The Witness Was Attacked? Zhang Wei gave up?

Tuesday night.

After a day of hearings, everyone was very tired.

But the situation in court was not optimistic, so Zhang Wei could only take his friends and start working overtime.

The hall of Zhang's martial arts hall was converted into a "temporary war room" by him.

There are several blackboards piled up in the hall, with clues marked on them.

"I'm back!"

At this moment, Zhao Xiaoxiao's voice sounded from the door of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

"Xiaoxiao, you are finally back, I miss you so much..."

Seeing the second girl appearing with a small bag on her back, Zhang Wei was about to cry.

"This weekend and Monday, did you have a good time in your father's company?"

"No, I'm not happy at all!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao waved her hand, and immediately pursed her lips.

But then, from a silver backpack she carried with her, she took out a headset device with a blue halo, took out a laptop with a silver streamlined appearance, and some cool-looking devices and smartphones. machine.

"This set costs hundreds of thousands, right?"

Looking at these high-tech, Zhang Wei pouted.

Uncle Zhao is really willing to spend money for his daughter.

"Not much, he said it would cost several million!"

Well, Zhang Wei's vision is still a little narrow.

Millions of equipment, give it away as soon as you say it, thanks to my daughter.

"That's right, do you need my help with your case?"

After Zhao Xiaoxiao came in, she also saw the blackboards, and immediately became interested.

"That's a good relationship, but right now there's nothing you need to do. For now, help me find out about Qian Moli, a woman."

"Eastern Securities, right, okay!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately found a position and started to get busy.

On the other side, Zhan Qingze also rushed in with a phone.

"Lawyer Zhang, I found it!"

"Who did you find?"

"My former senior in the project department, he seemed to have lost a lot of money because of an investment, and later left the company, and was also taken out by the Finance Department for investigation, and he was just released recently."

"Can others come over?"

"I got in touch, and he said yes, but outside now..."

Zhan Qingze pointed to the outside of the door.

It's not safe outside these days.

"Okay, I'll take Hanhan over to find him, and you just stay in the martial arts hall honestly!"

Zhang Wei nodded and waited for Xia Qianyue to walk out of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.


Dongfangdu, Suburbs.

On a certain old street, there is a bar that looks very dilapidated.

Although the night is the peak of the bar's business, but because the decoration of the bar is too "battlefield style", the business is not very good.

When Zhang Wei brought Xia Qianyue here, he saw the target person on the bar counter.

A middle-aged man with thinning hair and a face full of vicissitudes.

"Is it Mr. Dai?"

"Who are you……"

"I'm Zhang Wei, Zhan Qingze's defense lawyer. He is now involved in the Dongxing Securities case."

"Oh, it's the junior who contacted me, right?"

The man said, took a sip of wine, and then sighed softly: "Hey, Dongxing Securities, my seniors and I used to think about making the company the number one private securities company in Dongfang Capital, but in the end it was all bad. A little bit. I didn't expect that after being bought by that woman, I would easily rush to the first place..."

"You are an old man of Dongxing Securities. Wasn't Qian Moli in charge of Dongxing Securities before?"

"Haha, does that woman have any skills?"

The man said with a smile: "Actually, I only found out later that that woman is the mistress of the man behind, and is responsible for helping the man keep an eye on his purse."

Zhang Wei leaned over to the man, glanced left and right, and asked in a low voice: "The one behind, could it be Mr. Tiger?"

The man glanced at Zhang Wei in surprise, lowered his head, and whispered: "Boy, you just need to know, but don't say anything, you can't afford to mess with the guy behind you."

"It doesn't matter if you can't afford it, now I've met them!"

Although Zhang Wei is also afraid of the word "Master Tiger", the current situation is that if it can't be proved that the culprits in this case are Qian Moli and Lord Tiger, then there is no way to clear Zhan Qingze's grievances.

So, there is no way for him to retreat!

"Young man, I am at your age, and I am not afraid of anything, but the painful reality has smoothed my edges and my fighting spirit. I know there are some people you will never be able to offend!"

The man said, then he gave an example: "At the beginning, I followed my predecessors and worked hard, but the struggle can't be achieved by shouting a few slogans."

"With the acquisition of the company, Dongxing Securities relied on the strength of others to climb to a position that was once unattainable for us. But then, like the junior who contacted me, I became the one who took the blame!"

Zhang Wei was not surprised, because he knew that the man in front of him had just come out of it, and the specific crime was also because of...

"Mr. Dai, how much is your money here?"

"Not much, this number!" The man raised four fingers.

"400 million?" Zhang Wei asked tentatively.


The drink spouted from the man's mouth.

"Ahem, how can there be so many? I did it ten years ago. At that time, I lost 400 million yuan. I will be beaten to death by those investors!"

"That is……"

"40 million!"

Hearing this number, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

The man took another sip of his wine and asked casually, "By the way, how much money did the junior who contacted me take the blame for?"

"20 billion!"


The man couldn't hold back completely, and all the wine and saliva in his mouth spewed out.

"So exaggerated?"

"Yeah, isn't it much more aggressive than you were then?"

"It's more than that, it's just insane!"

The man sighed, if the money had been placed at that time, the entire Dongxing Securities probably wouldn't have that much money.

"By the way, did all the money end up in the pocket of the person behind it?"

"Yes, Dongxing Securities is that person's pocketbook. Every time you need funds, it's time to harvest investors!"

The man took another sip of his wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"In fact, since then, every time the market fluctuates greatly, not only the customers of Dongxing Securities, but also many investors lose money, there will always be someone who will make a fortune!"

"Retail investors are like leeks, and those who manipulate the market behind them are the real ones who make a fortune silently. At best, we are just some tools. We can make a little profit, and they reward the meat of their mouths. Let's take a bite, hehehe..."

Zhang Wei agreed.

That's what the capital market is all about.

"This is too bad, manipulating the market and harvesting money from ordinary people!" Xia Qianyue couldn't help it, with a look of indignation.

"Hanhan, this is the capital market, the water here is too deep, you must not be able to grasp it."

Zhang Wei comforted him, then looked at the man again, "Then how did you get framed back then?"

"Hmph, of course it's a forged document."

The man recalled back then with a sneer on his face: "They forged a few documents with my signature on them, threw all the blame on me, and then made me take the blame!"

"Not only that, but the woman also showed her favor to the Finance Department, crying and shouting to cooperate with the investigation, concealing all the evidence against her, and then throwing all the evidence pointing to me to the Finance Department."

"The Financial Services Agency also wants to give an account to the investors who lost money. Naturally, they are happy and relaxed, so they arrested me as the main culprit."

The man said with indignation on his face: "But they don't even think about it. I'm just an ordinary trader. How could I be greedy for so much money. Besides, I took so much money. How can I transfer it out? 40 million in one day. Transfer directly to foreign accounts without leaving any trace?"

"Anyway, all this money was lost in the investment market, but whose pocket it fell into in the end, I don't know, but the money is not in my pocket anyway."

The man said, and drank the wine in the glass again.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei took out his wallet and took out a wad of money.

"I'll buy his wine today!"

The man smiled, but unfortunately there was a bit of bitterness in his smile.

"Then if I want to invite you to court tomorrow, will you testify in court?"

"Of course, there are some things I've wanted to say for a long time, and I need justice!"

The man's eyes were full of firmness, even though he seemed drunk now, this firmness never changed.

"Well, my client may need your help tomorrow!"

As Zhang Wei said, he winked at Xia Qianyue, and the two left.

Zhang Wei left while the man was still drinking alone.

Another hour passed, and the man finally had enough to drink.

His body was staggering, he leaned on the wall step by step, walked out of the tavern, and walked towards his rented house.

When he was walking through a small alley, several figures suddenly jumped out.

"Mr. Dai, I didn't expect you to come out!"

"Hmph, are you the bastards of that woman surnamed Qian?"

"It seems that you still don't have a long memory. Mr. Qian said that you will leave the Oriental Capital after you come out, but you still want to come back!"

"Why, that woman is going to kill me. I haven't been out for a long time. If she dares to do it, then come!"

"You think we dare not?"

The leader snorted coldly and waved his hand: "Come on, teach him a lesson!"

In the alley, there was a one-sided beating.


Wednesday morning.

"What, Mr. Dai is hospitalized?"

Although Zhang Wei thought it was impossible, he did not expect Qian Moli's side to do such a terrific thing.

He hurriedly let Zhang Xinyan drive and drove him and Xia Qianyue to the hospital.

In a hospital ward on the suburban ring road, Mr. Dai was wrapped in bandages, like a mummy.

"I'm sorry... I let you see a joke... Yesterday I said I would testify in court... But today..."

"It should be that we are embarrassed, we have harmed you." Zhang Wei apologized.

"No need to apologize...that woman surnamed not a good person...there is that person behind her..."

After Zhang Wei said a few words of comfort, he paid the hospital full medical expenses, and then took Xia Qianyue to leave.

After all, it was our own mistake to let this one get injured.

On the way out of the hospital.

"Zhang Wei, the witnesses can't appear in court, what should we do? Do we need to tell the court to let them delay..."

"It's useless. I originally planned to summon this witness as a temporary witness and use the prosecution's routine to deal with the prosecution. I didn't expect that group of people to do so well. They didn't even give him a chance to go to court. If Mr. Dai can't go to court If there is no court, then the trial will definitely continue, because Lao Chen only gave us 24 hours."

Zhang Wei said, frowning.

The witnesses who were supposed to be hidden are gone, and now it can be regarded as a dilemma.

Moreover, Lao Chen also gave them time to find coping strategies for the prosecution's temporary witnesses.

The time was given to you, but you told me that there was a temporary witness, but he was injured, and he had to wait for ten days and a half months to rest before appearing in court. Is this reasonable?

Not to mention that Zhao Chunming would strongly oppose it, Lao Chen probably would have objections.

"Then... don't we have no recruits?"

Xia Qianyue looked worried, "Why don't I go into the Tiger Hall and catch that Tiger Lord?"

"Hanhan, we are law-abiding citizens, we can't do illegal things!"

Zhang Wei quickly rejected the proposal.

Once this kind of thing starts, it will be completely on the road of no return.

"But this won't work, and there's no evidence for that, aren't you going to lose?"

"Indeed, if I follow the process, I shouldn't be able to win."

Zhang Wei said, but his eyes became strange.

"Zhang Wei, have you thought of any plan?"

"Hanhan, I actually had an idea a long time ago, but this is not a plan, but a gamble, a gamble on a chance to come back!"

Zhang Xinyan carried Zhang Wei and the two back to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

In the martial arts hall, they found Zhan Qingze and informed him of Mr. Dai's situation.

"I'm the one who killed Senior!"

Zhan Qingze also blamed himself, with a pained expression on his face.

"Xiao Zhan, do you feel sorry for Mr. Dai and feel ashamed?"


"Have you ever thought that if you have the chance, you will bear the crime instead of Mr. Dai?"


"What if you could make your dreams come true?"

"Yes... Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean?"

"Xiao Zhan, sometimes in order to win, we have to do whatever it takes!"

Zhang Wei muttered something, and then slapped Zhan Qingze's shoulder heavily.

Zhan Qingze was very flustered, because he always felt that something was wrong with the way Zhang Wei looked at him.

There seemed to be such a sliver of pity in those eyes.


City Court gate.

Today's court session is less than an hour away.

At the gate of the city court, many failed investors had already surrounded.

They held up banners, had red eyes, and exuded disturbing negative energy all over their bodies, just like yesterday.

At the corner of the parking lot, a vehicle drove up.

"It's the defense lawyer and that agent's car!"

Someone with sharp eyes realized that it was Zhang Wei's car.

Immediately, a group of people went mighty and killed them.

The car stopped quickly, but someone in the car swallowed.

"Lawyer Zhang, is this necessary?"

"Little Zhan, show some courage, for the final victory, the necessary sacrifices are worth it!"

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm a little scared, why don't we..."

"Hanhan, do it, throw him out!"

Seeing someone hesitate, Zhang Wei let it go straight away.


As a certain female man waved her hand, the car door opened, and a figure flew out, hitting the crowd.

"It's Zhan Qingze, that manager!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Oh, stop beating, stop beating, you don't slap people in the face..."

Following a burst of screams, Zhan Qingze wailed in pain in the crowd.

1 hour later.

It was supposed to be the trial time, but neither the prosecution nor the defense were present at the moment, and there was no judge in the criminal court to preside over the trial.

So the question is, where are they all?

They are all in Lao Chen's office at the moment.

"Judge Chen, this is my client's accident appraisal report!"

Zhang Wei handed over a hospital injury report to Judge Chen.

"After the surgeon's disability determination, my client has multiple abrasions, minor injuries, calf fractures, bruises on the face and chest, internal bleeding and other problems are not ruled out. The doctor told me that for the sake of his personal safety, no Suggest him to testify in court!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out another photo of Zhan Qingze's whole body wrapped in bandages.

"This is the current situation of my client. Let alone appearing in court, it is difficult for him to speak."

"Why was it fine yesterday, but your client is like this today?" Lao Chen looked at Zhan Qingze in the photo with sympathy.


It is too miserable!

"Yeah, it's too miserable. It's all because of those investors. They guarded the gate of the court. My girlfriend and I didn't have time to protect the client, so he was murdered by those people!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pulled Xia Qianyue and secretly wiped away tears together.

It's a pity that Xia Qianyue has no acting skills, so she really can't cry.

Seeing this, Zhao Chunming couldn't help but roll his eyes.


Are you here to play Nima for me?

Tan Yingying glanced at Xia Qianyue even more curiously. She vaguely remembered that this person seemed to be the "No. 1 in the world" expert?

The champion of the Martial Arts Tournament would be approached by a group of ordinary people who have no combat power, and even beat the client next to her?

Is this unreasonable?

"So, Old Chen, I want to apply for an adjournment of the trial!"

"That's for sure. Your client is in such a miserable situation. What can you do if you don't postpone it?"

Old Chen naturally had no objection to the postponement.

Zhao Chunming opened his mouth, intending to make some comments, but when he saw the photo in Judge Chen's hand, he shut up.

If he objected, maybe Zhang Wei would contact the media and give him the infamy of bullying others, bullying the weak with guns, and bullying the injured.

He knew that this kid would be able to do it, not only to smear him, Zhao Chunming, but also to smear the local prosecutor's headquarters along the way.

In short, Zhao Chunming did not raise any objections.

"Well, until your client recovers from injury, this case will be temporarily postponed. The specific court time will be subject to your client's recovery..."

"Sorry, Judge Chen, I will terminate the employment contract with Zhan Qingze, and I will no longer be his defense lawyer."


"what's the situation?"

Zhao Chunming and Lao Chen were surprised when they heard what Zhang Wei said.

What do you mean Zhang Wei?

Is this planning to admit defeat?

Or, do you think the case can't be won, so you stop the loss early?

In other words, what kind of tricks are you planning?

No, the employment relationship will be terminated, there can be no routine.

"Zhang Wei, is it true that you said you would terminate the contract with Zhan Qingze and no longer act as his defense lawyer?" Old Chen couldn't believe it, so he could only ask again.

"Yes, Judge Chen, that's what I mean, and I have communicated with the party in advance, and the other party has not raised any objections."

As Zhang Wei said, he winked at Li Qinghua, who was in charge of recording this meeting, and asked him to record it truthfully.

Li Qinghua couldn't believe it either, but Zhang Wei gave up.

But since the client has no objection and you have spoken out, it means that you have already discussed it.

Zhang Wei, did you really give up?

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