Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 461 Defeat on the face of it? Offering sacrifices to Yuan Dong and Zheng Qian

(The update is early, which means that today is busy...I have to go to the People's Hospital for a follow-up visit this afternoon. Alas...readers, don't worry, the author is going to see the dentist, it is not a serious illness, and I will not ask for leave!)


Zhang Wei gave up?

If this was before, it would be absolutely impossible.

After all, this kid is notoriously difficult!

But today, Zhao Chunming felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

Zhang Wei actually took the initiative to contact the employment contract with the client and gave up being the defendant's defense lawyer.

He also confirmed again and again that he heard correctly.

"So you give up?"

Zhao Chunming asked himself again, and then walked out of Judge Chen's office with a puzzled expression on his face.

On the side of the criminal court, the clerk will notify, so there is no way to continue the public trial of today's case.

After all, the defendant is lying in the hospital, so it is really difficult for him to appear in court.

Zhao Chunming turned his head and glanced at Zhang Wei who had walked out of the judge's office, and then he didn't say anything, but went straight back to the local prosecutor's headquarters with his assistant (assistant) Tan Yingying.

1 hour later.

Attorney General's Office.



"Really won?"

"It should be true..."

"That kid will give up on his own initiative?"

"I didn't expect this, but Xiao Tan was also there, and she heard it with her own ears, so it can't be fake."

Guo Wufeng, Lan Zhengye, Lu Wenwen and others all looked at Tan Yingying.

The latter immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and responded a little while nodding: "The supervisor is right, that's what Zhang Wei said, and he will not be the defendant's defense lawyer from now on."


Lan Zhengye, Lu Wenwen, Guo Wufeng and the others all gasped.

This wins?

Although the defense lawyer voluntarily gave up, doesn't it mean that the other party is afraid?

Although this reason sounds a bit far-fetched.

But it is obviously a skill to make the opponent give up voluntarily.

"Old Zhao, you are really good, let him give up on his own initiative."

"Director Zhao, you are awesome!"

"Yes, Director Zhao, you are amazing!"

Guo Wufeng and the others praised Zhao Chunming one after another.

Zhao Chunming's heart is also complicated.


But it feels like no win!

Let the opponent give up.

But he didn't really beat the opponent in court.

I always feel empty in my heart, without any joy of winning against my opponent.

"That kid made a news announcement!"

At this moment, Xiao Baihe stood up and shouted to the few people inside.

"What announcement?"

"As far as Zhang Wei released it, you can see it when you open the live broadcast room in the largest city in the Oriental Capital."

Zhao Chunming and others quickly took out their mobile phones and logged into the city live broadcast room of Dongfang Capital at the same time.

Sure enough, Zhang Wei appeared in the live broadcast room.

"I know that many people here don't know me, so let me introduce myself first. I'm Zhang Wei, a criminal defense lawyer at Dongfang Capital Jincheng Law Firm..."

Hearing this opening remark, Zhao Chunming and others looked strange.

"Old Zhao, it's fine. This kid doesn't dare to call himself a trump card lawyer. Obviously he knows that he just lost a game, so he doesn't dare to make a slip of the tongue."

Hearing Guo Wufeng's ridicule, Zhao Chunming's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

Just an ordinary self-introduction, you old boy will over-interpret it, right?

"Let's go on and see what this kid is going to do?"

Zhao Chunming just waved his hand, but didn't care about these details.

They looked at the live broadcast room on their phones again.

"I solemnly announce that I will terminate the lawyer employment contract with Zhan Qingze, and I have reached an agreement with the client Zhan Qingze on the termination of the contract...Finally, I wish Mr. Zhan a speedy recovery..."

What follows is a lot of scenes, and I have to say that Zhang Wei's statement is still very formal.

Now the whole East knows that he has terminated his employment contract with Zhan Qingze, and he is no longer the latter's defense lawyer.

The entire circle of lawyers in Dongfang Capital is also discussing this matter.

Does this mean that Zhang Wei admitted that he could not win the lawsuit, so he chose to stop the loss early?

Or, is he afraid?

Afraid that his undefeated record would be interrupted, so he chose to give up?

Anyway, I didn't lose to the local prosecutor's headquarters in court, so surrendering early is not considered a loss?

Many people began to guess what Zhang Wei meant.

At a critical moment in the case, when the client was injured and hospitalized, he actually gave up?

Isn't it a bit immoral to do so?

Although the lawyer and the client reach an agreement to terminate the employment contract, it is considered a normal operation.

But your client was seriously injured and hospitalized, and you gave up on him. Is it inevitable that you will lose your tongue?

At least for a short while after Zhang Wei issued the statement, many media outlets in the East seemed to have taken the little blue pill, and they all became excited.

"The myth of invincibility has fallen, and the murder lawyer has lost his reputation after all! "

"To rectify the name of the local prosecutor's headquarters, the undefeated lawyer Zhang is today? "

"Knowing that you are guilty, but you still want to win a victory, it is impossible, why do you want to do it? "

"When someone fell into trouble, Zhan Qingze really deserved what he deserved!" "

"Now, the truth about the Dongxing Securities case has come to light, and even the lawyers have given up! "

Articles from the media have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Among them, there were those who stepped on Zhang Wei, and those who were eager to guide the direction of Dongxing Securities' case and blamed all the crimes on the patient Zhan Qingze.

But some smart people can see that behind this media, there are obviously people who are manipulating all this.

East Star Securities.

CEO's office.

Qian Moli stood by the window alone, looking at the invincible beauty in front of her, she was in a particularly good mood.

Jingle Bell!

The special landline rang, and she ran back to her desk excitedly to answer the call.

"Master Tiger, the matter has been settled, you have seen the news, it is all under my instruction."

"Yes, yes, this time, I didn't expect that that kid would give up just like that. Now there will be no hindrance to throwing the black man to Zhan Qingze."

"Well, I've already asked the hospital. The kid's injury is real. His muscles are so bad that he needs to recuperate for at least half a month before he can resume basic activities."

"But don't worry, I've already contacted Team Leader Chen of the Financial Services Department. Dongxing Securities will actively cooperate with their investigation. Once Zhan Qingze is discharged from the hospital in half a month, he will be arrested directly to continue the public trial."

"This time, we will definitely put all the responsibility on him and let him take the blame for us. Don't worry."

"Yeah, okay, I'll be waiting for you at the villa that weekend."

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, I bought a new sexy swimsuit~"

Before Qian Moli finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

But she was used to it, and it was great news for her that the man on the other end of the phone suddenly became interested.

"Weekend, weekend..."

Qian Moli repeated these two words at the corner of her mouth, her face full of excitement.


the other side.

As the person who just released the statement, Zhang Wei returned to Jincheng Law Firm.

After all, he still has to go to work, who told him to still be a worker.

"Zhang Wei, Boss Lin is looking for you!"

When he just came back from the criminal department, Tie Cuilan actually stood guard at the door of his office with a phone in her hand.

"Fatty Lin?"

Zhang Wei muttered something and answered the phone.

"You kid can do it, it really makes sense!"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Xiangtian's voice came.


Then there was a sound of breaking through the air, as if something flew out.

"Boss Lin is great, let alone this ball must have decades of skill!"

"What are you talking about, Boss Lin has hundreds of years of skill in this ball!"

"Nonsense, Mr. Lin's ball, at least..."

Hearing the familiar dog licking sound, Zhang Wei knew that Lin Xiangtian was playing golf again.

"I don't even know how to brag, but to praise you for your skill in this ball, did the ball fall into the river again?"

"What do you mean kid?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Xiangtian's angry voice came, as if he had been told something embarrassing.

"Boss, this case is not over yet!"

"Ha, what's not over yet, you have terminated the contract with Zhan Qingze, what else do you want to do?"

"Then just wait and see!"

Zhang Wei said, and hung up the phone directly.

This also made Lin Xiangtian on the other end of the phone look astonished.

As the big boss of Jincheng Law Firm, he was actually hung up by one of his lawyers.

It is simply unreasonable!

"Fuck, I won't play golf anymore, it's boring!"

He flicked the club in his hand, and stopped playing golf.

Criminal Department, Office.

"Sister Cuilan, take the phone away, I've spoken to the big boss!"

After handing the phone back to Tie Cuilan, Zhang Wei turned his attention to the friends from the criminal department.

The friends also looked at him.

"Lawyer Zhang, although you lost this time, in our hearts, you are still an undefeated ace lawyer!"

Among the friends, Su Xiaoqian was the first to stand up and "come on and encourage" Zhang Wei.

"Yes, master, I have always been your apprentice, but I know that you have not lost, surrendering is not considered a loss~"

The little apprentice also spoke at the right time.

But Zhang Wei murmured in his heart, this little apprentice seems to be uneducated, I don't know how long she will cry for a fist?

"You all come here, I have something to explain next!"

Zhang Wei hooked his fingers at his friends, asking them to come forward.

"Listen, I'm going to take two moves next, and the first step is to ask you to do one thing."

"What's up?"

The friends looked at each other.

"That's... so..."

Hearing Zhang Wei's order, all the friends looked at each other in blank dismay.

"But, isn't that case because it's over..."

"Yes, Zhan Qingze's case is over, but this case is not over."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised two fingers and said with a sneer, "Zhan Qingze's case is a criminal lawsuit, but what I want to initiate is a civil lawsuit. They are two completely different cases!"

The friends glanced at each other, and then realized that what Zhang Wei said made sense.

Even, in order to prevent conflicts of interest, Zhang Wei had already terminated the employment relationship with Zhan Qingze.

Everyone thought that Zhang Wei was afraid, but in fact he was only thinking about the next step.

"Lawyer Zhang, this matter cannot be completed overnight. If it is really necessary, wouldn't it be..."

"It's okay, don't worry about this matter, you start working now, until next week, you just need to find me a few plaintiffs, don't worry about the rest."

"That's enough time, we can help you try..."

"That's it!"

Zhang Wei nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"Well, Lawyer Zhang, what about the second thing?"

Hearing the friend's reminder, Zhang Wei showed a sneer.

"The second thing, of course, is to give the next client some confidence. I'm going to find a target for sacrifice."

"But long before that, I've already found a target!"

Zhang Wei said, walked back to his office with a sneer, and came out soon.

"Go, hand over this lawyer's letter and let the postman deliver it to the target!"

"By the way, help me contact the TV station. I want to tell everyone that I will attack them next time!"

The orders were sent out one after another, and the friends immediately got busy.


1 hour later.

Yongjie Law Firm.

In the intern's office.

"Yuan Dong, I have a call for you!"

A law firm assistant shouted at the door, and a young man at the workstation quickly stood up and went to the landline outside.

"Hey, Dad, I'm an intern in a law firm. Why are you calling me? Can't you send a V letter?"

"What, someone wants to sue our family, or a class action claim, who is it?"

"Zhang Wei, how could it be him!"

Yuan Dong's pupils contracted violently when he heard the two words that came out of his own father's mouth on the phone.

"That guy, didn't he just admit defeat, how dare..."

"Yes, yes, I see. His lawyer's letter has already been sent. He must sue our family. This..."

"I will contact my master immediately, and I will contact you immediately. I will definitely solve this matter properly."

Yuan Dong hung up the phone in a hurry, but the expression on his face became extraordinarily serious.

Because he really didn't expect that at such a juncture, Zhang Wei would dare to file a lawsuit against their family.

Yuan Dong's family is in the business of antiques and collectibles, although he knows how many of those collectibles and antiques are genuine and how many are fake.

But didn't you, Zhang Wei, just finish handling the Dongxing Securities case and voluntarily give up?

why suddenly...

To be honest, Yuan Dong really couldn't understand why Zhang Wei would trouble his family.

However, he hurried to find the master who took him as an intern, a senior lawyer from Yongjie Law Firm.

"What, Zhang Wei!"

The master was a little surprised when he heard that Yuan Dong's family had been sued.

But after hearing that the opponent was Zhang Wei, the ace of the criminal department of the famous Jincheng Law Firm, the surprise turned into a shock.

"Master, Zhang Wei has already lost once, if you make a move, he will lose the second time..."

"Put it down, I really think that Zhang Wei is a soft persimmon. He voluntarily gave up to stop the loss in time, which shows that he is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. You want me to confront an opponent of this level. Isn't this embarrassing me?"

The master obviously refused, no matter how Yuan Dong asked, he would not be moved.

Yuan Dong had no choice but to find several expert lawyers in charge of civil litigation, senior lawyers from the same law firm.

When they first heard about the case, they all showed a certain interest.

But after hearing that the opponent was Zhang Wei, the ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm, the interest disappeared instantly.

"This case can't be solved!"

"Take my advice and settle this case!"

"That's Zhang Wei, the murder lawyer. You haven't seen the confrontation between him and the local prosecutor's headquarters before. Do you know how ruthless that kid is when he looks young?"

"Yuan Dong, I'm not talking about you. This case is so deep that neither you nor your father can handle it. Let's admit it..."

Yuan Dong found many people, but the replies he got were all the same. This case could not be settled.

The strength of the two sides is really not equal.

Who is the opponent, Zhang Wei!

Although I have to admit, this kid is young, and he has fought tough battles before.

Who can fight against him, the senior prosecutor of the local prosecutor's headquarters, and the senior prosecutor from Longdu...

You look at us again?

We are just ordinary lawyers in ordinary law firms, not that kid's opponent.

Besides, the other party just "lost" a case, maybe they just found someone to vent their anger on.

If you let us go up and touch his bad luck at this time, wouldn't you push us into the fire pit?

So, say no!

No matter who Yuan Dong approached, when he heard that his opponent was Zhang Wei, they all shook their heads and refused.

"Damn, since none of you are willing to help, then I, then I... wait..."

After Yuan Dong beat his chest at his desk, he remembered that he himself graduated from law school and was a lawyer with a practicing certificate.

"I'm also a lawyer, I can defend myself!"

And didn't Zhang Wei just lose a case?

If there is one, there are two!

As long as Yuan Dong wins against Zhang Wei, wouldn't he instantly become a celebrity in the lawyer circle of Dongfang Capital?

For a moment, Yuan Dong suddenly felt that it was not a big deal for Zhang Wei to sue his family.

He, Yuan Dong, wants to try the feeling of defeating the ace lawyer today!

If Zhang Wei knew that Yuan Dong was going to personally defend his family, his expression would probably be very exciting.

But now he has returned to his alma mater, the law school of Dongda University.

And he came to the office of his old enemy Professor Zheng.

"Professor Zheng, are you safe?"

Zheng Qian looked at Zhang Wei in front of him, wanted to attack but didn't dare, so he could only grit his back molars, with an angry expression on his face, but he dared not speak.

"By the way, Professor Zheng, this time I decided to sue Yuan Dong's family for selling fake collections and antiques. This order is a class action and there will be multiple victims, so the amount of compensation is not small."

"What's the use of you telling me this?"

Zheng Qian looked at Zhang Wei with a gloomy expression.

"Professor Zheng, don't pretend to be confused. Many of the antiques in your office are gifts from their family, right?"

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced around the office, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He took out a subpoena from his pocket and waved it in his hand.

"The other witnesses' subpoenas are served by postmen appointed by the court, but Professor Zheng's is the only one that I have decided to deliver in person!"

Zhang Wei said, with a face of ridicule, and placed the subpoena in front of Zheng Qian.

"Oh, by the way, Professor Zheng, don't even think about running away. I still have a relationship with the serious crime team. You don't want to be charged with absconding in fear of crime, do you?"

"What crime have I committed? What does it have to do with me if you sue Yuan Dong?"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei's eyes turned cold, and his tone was dark: "Taking bribes, committing crimes with power, using power for personal gain, reselling fake antiques, do you need me to explain more?"

Zheng Qian's complexion became extremely ugly following Zhang Wei's opening.

"Oh, by the way, Professor Zheng, I also found a few practitioners in the service industry. I like to call them 'good girls'. They told me that for a while, you often took care of their business, so isn't your body There is one more prostitute... Oh no, it seems that you have never spent money here, so it can only be a sex transaction?"

"You boy..."

"Professor Zheng, you have no choice. From that time on, your ending is already doomed!"

Zhang Wei ignored Zheng Qian's gnashing of teeth, and his tone made people feel cold.

That time was also the opportunity that led to the downfall of Zhang Wei's original owner.

I, Zhang Wei, must avenge myself, right?

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