Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 466 Preliminary review, sympathy, borrowing money from friends?

Monday, pre-trial day.

City Court, Judge's Office.

"Yesterday the first judge gave me a call. Obviously, he didn't think about the problem of online public opinion."

"He called me in person on his day off, and he specifically emphasized the case. You know how bad I am right now, don't you?"

"I can't wait to scold you all now. I know some swear words are hard to hear, but these words are already stuck in my throat!"

Sitting on the judge's seat, Ni Qiuping looked at the three people in front of her with an expression of "I can't help cursing."

However, because it was Judge Ni Qiuping, Zhang Wei's expression seemed so natural on the contrary.

"Old Ni, calm down, it's just some online public opinion, relax~"

"Look at me, I never read those online comments about me. It's not the same. I eat delicious food and sleep well."

"In my opinion, you and the first judge are worrying unfoundedly. The Free Internet Section is responsible for the guidance of online public opinion. What are you worrying about?"

Zhang Wei laughed, and quickly said a few words to smooth things over.

"You shut up!"

But Ni Qiuping gave him a fierce look.

However, the deterrent effect of this glance may be clear to the two parties in their hearts.

Ni Qiuping looked at the other party again.

Master Tang sat on the visitor's chair at the back, and standing in front of Zhang Wei was his disciple Sun Kongwen.

"Judge Ni, we don't know much about these public opinions on the Internet, nor do we know what impact these public opinions have on this case, so that you have to hold a private tripartite meeting before the pre-trial."

Shut up for me, too, okay?

Don't you know?

Do you think you are too smart, or do you think I, Ni Qiuping, have a brain hole and can believe your lies?

Half of the content on the top headlines of the online search in Dongfang Metropolis yesterday, are you responsible for half of them?

You can still stand here and talk nonsense, I have to admire you, I really found a good master.

Sun Kongwen's words made Ni Qiuping complain crazily.

However, she remained relatively calm on her face.

"Well, let me tell you, don't try to play tricks on this case, just be honest with me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

After a word of warning, Ni Qiuping waved her hand and sent Zhang Wei and Sun Kongwen Master Tang away.

Office door.

Zhang Wei and Master Tang walked out side by side, and Sun Kongwen, as an apprentice, followed behind the master.

The two walked a few steps, neither of them spoke first.

"Old Tang, you are not kind."

In the end, it was Zhang Wei who broke the silence first.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by that?"

"Old Tang, there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to hide."

Zhang Wei chuckled, and said in a low voice: "Being Yuan Dong and his father, and blaming me, and then buying hot search, let the trolls and trolls blackmail me, you are planning to pour dirty water on me! "

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't know what you're talking about. The deaths of Yuan Dong and his father have nothing to do with me."

Master Tang denied it at first, and then laughed: "However, your follow-up operation surprised me. Even I didn't expect that you didn't refute the rumors at all, but exploded the news of our Tiger Hall!"

"That's all I found randomly, and it's all unconfirmed news, and ah, Master Tang..."

As Zhang Wei said, he leaned into Master Tang's ear and sneered, "I didn't use your routine decades ago."

Master Tang's complexion changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's decide the outcome in court."

"It's natural."

The two walked into the courtroom one after the other.

Zhang Wei came to the plaintiff's seat, while Master Tang and his apprentice sat in the dock.

In the dock, there is also Qian Moli from Dongxing Securities.

At this moment, Mr. Qian was staring at Zhang Wei and the people around him with vicious eyes mixed with jokes and sarcasm.

On the plaintiff's side, Zhang Wei, was Xia Qianyue, a couple and their daughter in their arms. These were family representatives specially selected by Zhang Wei.

A couple with a baby woman in their infancy is what will most interest the jury.

"All rise!"

Following the announcement by the court guard, Ni Qiuping walked into the scene wearing a pitch-black robe.

Everyone in the audience stood up and saluted her.

"Sit down!"

After Ni Qiuping took her seat, she scanned the audience, and after confirming that both the prosecution and the defense were present, she waved her hands casually.

Everyone was seated, and she looked at the prosecution.

"Zhang Wei, you guys start first, Ma Liudi!"

It seems that Lao Ni has recovered.

Zhang Wei naturally straightened his collar and went to court.

"Ahem, let me introduce myself first. I am Zhang Wei, the plaintiff's lawyer, and I am also the initiator of the class action against Dongxing Securities, but I believe that you have often seen hot searches about me recently. "

"But I'm also very scared at the moment, because I'm going to be an opponent of the famous Tiger Hall, I'm so flustered~"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the hearing booth looked sideways, and many people from the candidate jury also looked over.

In the dock, Master Tang glanced at the trial seat.

But Ni Qiuping gave him a sharp look back, which was to warn him not to push too much.

This counterattack made Master Tang feel uncomfortable.

Now that the judge had spoken, he didn't bother to talk.

After all, it is the plaintiff who is speaking now, and it is a statement of claim, so there is no way to object to interrupting the other party.

On Zhang Wei's side, after teasing about his recent hot searches, he finally got back to the topic.

With a solemn expression, he said sincerely: "Financial fraud, I believe many people have come into contact with it?"

"Does someone call you every day for investment, recommending your stocks, recommending you to copy futures, soybean stamp oil, various agricultural products, and even precious metals?"

"I want to ask if you have ever been tempted, have you been moved by the benefits they told you, invested tens of thousands of dollars, and plan to make a lot of money in this futures market or financial market, and earn the first pot of gold in your life, Or even achieve financial freedom?"

"But I can only say that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel!"

As Zhang Wei said, he shook his head and said, "There is a good saying, you are after their income, and they are after your principal."

"My client is like this. Just like you and me and the people who work in the East, they also had good expectations for their ideals, and they also planned to give their children a good childhood..."


Zhang Wei gritted his teeth, pointed at the dock, and said with an angry face: "It's a pity that all of this was destroyed by Dongxing Securities. The wealth management products they provide have no so-called benefits at all, and even their stocks are fake. Inferior stocks that have not been strictly reviewed, risky stocks. This kind of stock is not even qualified to be rated by the market, commonly known as junk stocks!"

"Dongxing Securities did not fulfill its duty of review, and also carried out false propaganda on a large scale, falsified the returns of the stock, defrauded investors of their principal, and finally cut the leeks of investors severely with the strategy of pumping up and selling. I believe that the money It's all in their pockets!"

Zhang Wei pointed at Qian Moli and said with a sneer: "So, our request is very simple, to return the 20 billion principal defrauded from my client and other investors who were deceived by you, and to pay Dongxing Securities I hope this will serve as a reminder to a company that doesn't do their job well and make them take a warning!"

After speaking, Zhang Wei glanced at the jury and the hearing box, and then walked back to the plaintiff's box.


Master Tang nodded to his big apprentice, Sun Kongwen, who got up.

"I am Sun Kongwen, the lawyer representing the defendant in this case. What I want to say here is that all the accusations made by the prosecution against my client, Moli Qian, are false."

"We at Dongxing Securities deeply regret the losses of investors, but the investment market has losses and profits. Since everyone has made money, why can't we accept losing money?"

"Furthermore, my client, Mr. Qian, actively cooperated with the Financial Services Bureau's investigation after the incident, and released many documents of the company. After the investigation, the Financial Services Bureau also locked down the suspect Zhan Qingze."

When Sun Kongwen said this, he emphasized loudly: "It can be said that Zhan Qingze is the culprit who should be responsible for the investors, and my client is innocent, and my client is also a victim!"

Ni Qiuping nodded and looked over, "The defense, I understand, you want to say that your client is not responsible for the risks of the market and the losses of investors, right?"

"Yes, Judge Ni, that's what I mean!"

Sun Kongwen nodded, and then also sat back in his seat.

Ni Qiuping nodded towards both sides, as if she knew their respective propositions.

"Ting Wei, let the jury come in!"

Following Ni Qiuping's order, the candidate jury entered.

In the plaintiff's seat, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue got together and started talking in a low voice.

"This time it is a civil lawsuit, and only 6 jurors are needed, so we need to choose carefully!"

"How do you choose?"

"It's very simple..." Zhang Wei glanced at the plaintiff's family beside him.

"We need sympathetic people to exclude those who are self-righteous. This is the same as the last criminal prosecution, but in reverse!"

As he spoke, he got up directly and walked to the candidate jury.

"Excuse me, do you have a TV at home?"

This question stunned the jury.

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded.

These days, who doesn't have a TV at home?

"So please imagine this scene, you and your child, or your relative's child, or your friend's child are going to watch TV, but at this time the child wants to watch Teletubbies, and what you want to watch is Survival Documentary, what will you do?"

"What are you going to do, lady?"

Zhang Wei said, looking at a woman in formal attire.

"I'll give the remote to the kids."

Hearing this question, many people nodded.

This is obviously a responsible adult.

"Oh, that's right. Then I can ask more, what is your reason?"

"Because I don't watch documentaries about survival in the wilderness."

"Then what show do you watch?"

"I watch make-up shows, beauty shows and the like, because I sell cosmetics."

Hearing the woman's answer, Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, "Then if the kids want to watch Teletubbies, and the time happens to be the beauty interview at 6 o'clock on weekends, what will you do?"

After hearing this, the woman turned cold: "Send the kids to play, no one can stop me from watching the weekend beauty interview!"

"Thank you ma'am for your answer."

Now, Zhang Wei completely understood.

"Judge Ni, the prosecution requests that this juror be excluded."

Ni Qiuping winked at the woman, who got up and left the table.

"What about you, sir?"

"I might let it go, children, it's their right to let them go."

"Oh, that's right, let me ask a little more, what is your occupation?"

"I run a store and sell toys in the store. I like children the most. They are the main buyers in my store."

"Thank you for your answer."

Zhang Wei turned his head and looked at Ni Qiuping: "The prosecution accepts this witness."

Then Zhang Wei questioned several people one after another, eliminated a few, and accepted a few.

"It's your turn!" After leaving the court, Zhang Wei smiled at the dock.

Master Tang's complexion remained unchanged, while Sun Kongwen stood up frowning.

"Jury, this case is about the contradictions in the investment market, so I would like to ask everyone, do you usually participate in investment, such as stocks, funds, bank fixed term, and even insurance investment and wealth management insurance, etc.?"

Many people nodded.

"Then may I ask you, can you accept your own investment losses?"

Many more people nodded.

"Sir, what kind of investment are you doing?"

"I trade in stocks, but you understand the stock market." The man laughed to himself as he said.

"Yes, stocks, but stocks have suffered a lot of losses recently, so you are very optimistic?"

"Of course, when it comes to stock trading, it's normal to have losses and gains. The big deal is to sell a house and continue to speculate~"

Hearing what the man said, Sun Kongwen was very satisfied.

"Judge Ni, the defense accepts this juror."

Next, Sun Kongwen had an in-depth exchange with the jury on the investment issue.

Many people can accept investment losses, but some people can't accept losses.

And these people were all invited away by him with the right to eliminate.

"The defense has been screened, Lawyer Zhang, do you want to continue?"

Sun Kongwen had already got some of the jurors he wanted, so he gave up the opportunity to ask questions again.


Zhang Wei got up and walked in front of the candidate jury.

"Excuse me, everyone, are you all married? If you are married, please raise your hand."

The jury looked at each other, but many people still raised their hands.

"Does divorce count?" A man asked in a low voice.

"Of course!" Zhang Wei nodded, and then immediately asked: "Sir, since you have said everything, why did you get divorced? If it is inconvenient for you, you can not say it."

The man smiled, and said calmly: "I found out that my wife is having an affair with the neighbor next door!"

Although this speech is colorless, many people unconsciously see a touch of green in front of them after listening to it.

"Sir, I sympathize with your experience and express my reasons for accepting you as a juror."

The man was very surprised. Usually, if you ask this kind of question, after you answer it yourself, aren't you always eliminated?

Why did the plaintiff accept it?

At the trial seat, Ni Qiuping was surprised.

But she didn't quite understand Zhang Wei's questioning routine, so she could only record the information in her notes.

"Everyone, the second question, do you have any friends?"

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay again, what kind of problem is this, who doesn't have a friend these days.

"Then, will your friends ask you to borrow money?"

"If you have borrowed money, please raise your hand!"

Many people glanced at each other, and finally two people raised their hands.

"May I ask you two, after your friend borrowed money, did you return it?"

Both of them chuckled, with expressions of helplessness and anger.

"Anyway, I don't borrow much, so I don't have this friend." A woman was quite magnanimous.

"Then, sir, since your friend doesn't pay back the money, do you think you don't have this friend?"

"Isn't it too cheap for him? I don't even pay back the money I borrowed. Do you think I'm a fool?"

The man snorted coldly, and said excitedly: "I have already contacted the lawyer, and I am going to send him a lawyer's letter. I must get my money back, otherwise I will feel very uncomfortable!"

"Oh, I see!"

Zhang Wei was very satisfied with the man's answer, and said to the trial seat: "Judge Ni, the prosecution accepts this juror."

Ni Qiuping was surprised, you accept this man, what are you planning?

But soon, she knocked on the hammer and announced: "Well, we already have a jury. After lunch, the official hearing will start at 2 pm. Remember to follow the time and don't be late for me!"

After a word of warning, Ni Qiuping got up and left the table first.

Courts began to dissolve.

"Zhang Wei, what does your last question mean? Friends borrow money, and many people don't pay it back?"

As soon as the court was dissolved, Xia Qianyue couldn't help asking questions.

"My final question is actually looking for someone who can't forgive someone who broke their promise."

Zhang Wei said, pointing in the direction of Qian Moli.

"Dongxing Securities must have committed dereliction of duty in this case. It is because they did not strictly review and let the low-quality stocks go public, which led to huge losses for investors. This is contrary to their promise to protect the property safety of investors. !"

"My last question won us a strong juror. If he can play a certain role in the jury, and we can prove that Dongxing Securities and Qian Moli are at fault, then We have a chance!"

Xia Qianyue nodded as if understanding.

"Lawyer Zhang!"

At this moment, Sun Kongwen came over.

"This is the list of witnesses for our defense, please have a look!"

"The list of defense witnesses was given to me so early. Today there should only be a court statement. If you want to update the list later, wouldn't it be..."

"Because there are a lot of witnesses on the list, we're going to give you an idea first."

As Sun Kongwen said, he handed Zhang Wei a list full of names.

"Hey guys, are you guys listing all the employees of Dongxing Securities?"

"There is no way. Mr. Qian has won the trust of the employees in the company. They all want to testify in court, so I will let them all come to the scene to support Mr. Qian."

Sun Kongwen said with a smile: "Lawyer Zhang, I believe that having a few more witnesses shouldn't affect you, right?"

"Yeah, I don't care."

Seeing that Zhang Wei looked normal, Sun Kongwen didn't stay any longer and went directly to meet his master.

And Zhang Wei looked at the densely packed names on the list, and his face sank.

"This is trying to drag me to death, isn't it, using so many witnesses to buy time?"

Zhang Wei saw through Master Tang's plan at a glance, but it was also within his expectation.

After all, if they want to win, they must prove that Dongxing Securities has committed dereliction of duty.

There are many ways for Dongxing Securities to win.

The safest one is to delay time until Zhan Qingze recovers, and delay until the latter is tried and convicted!

So this case needs to be resolved quickly!

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