Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 467 Unspoken market rules, are they illegal?


Dongxing Securities case, the first official hearing.

"Hi sir, I'm from Dongxing Securities. Are you still trading stocks recently?"

"Hello, I'm from the investment department of Dongxing Securities. I have a bull stock here. Do I need to recommend it to you?"

"Hey, super bull stocks, you can make money when you buy them, daily limit, changing cars a week, and buying a house a month is not a dream!"

"Hello, I am……"

In the court, a very spicy phone recording is being played.

Whether it was the spectators in the hearing booth or the six jurors in the jury box, their faces were a little speechless.

The voice on the phone was too familiar to them.

Even if the opening statement is not about Dongxing Securities, it is possible that the opening statement is another xx company, xx group, or even xx department.

Anyway, every time we receive a call like this, we respond with one word!


Just hang up the phone.

If you chat with them for a while, maybe they will sell you health care products, wealth management products, loans, or even cars, houses, shops, and apartments.

In short, they want you to spend money!

"Hi witness, are you from the investment department of Dongxing Securities?"

Zhang Wei walked to the witness stand, looked at the first witness in front of him, and asked in a cold voice.

"Yes, I'm from the investment department of Dongxing Securities." The witness admitted without hesitation.

"What impression do you have of the recording just now?"

"Well, don't all financial companies do this?"

As the witness spoke, he glanced at the jury box and then at the defendant's box, but his expression didn't show much reaction.

After all, the people in the investment department often make phone calls, and they are used to it.

It's just that some powerful brokers only need to make a few phone calls every day to contact some familiar clients.

Some novice brokers still need to use this method of casting a wide net to contact and dig out new customers.

"It's actually illegal to do this, you know?"

Zhang Wei continued to ask questions.

"That's not clear to me because I'm not in charge of that new project."

The witness quickly shook his head in denial.

"In fact, I'm from the investment business department of Dongxing Securities, and the project that Zhan Qingze is in charge of is another newly established department and has nothing to do with me."

"I know, but I summoned you to court. It has nothing to do with the new department. It's because of the way your financial industry finds customers, which is inherently problematic!"

Zhang Wei sneered and asked: "Witness, let me ask you, if you want to engage in securities and obtain trading qualifications, you need to set up a securities company, right?"


"Then what kind of admission ticket do you need to obtain this qualification, or let me simply ask, what is the minimum amount of funds required to set up a licensed securities prosecution?"

The witness looked around again, especially at the jury.

"More than 200 million working capital is required."

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the jury were indeed affected by this number.

200 million is almost money that they will never earn in their lifetime.

"200 million, a figure that a worker would never dare to hope for in his entire life, but it is an entry ticket for the rich to play with capital~" Zhang Wei said with emotion.

"Objection, provocative speech!" Xu Kongwen stood up and interrupted immediately in the dock.

"The objection is valid!" Ni Qiuping didn't get used to Zhang Wei, and nodded directly.

Zhang Wei chuckled and continued to come to the witness stand.

"Then let's put aside the issue of 200 million and talk about the financial market."

Zhang Wei paused for a moment and asked, "May I ask the witness, do you know how many companies in the East are qualified for securities trading?"

The witness raised his hands, broke his fingers and said: "Dongxing, Nanxing, people's livelihood, wealth..."

After counting, he replied affirmatively: "There are 19 in total!"

Zhang Wei naturally didn't respond to this number.

He asked again: "Then please tell me, how many wealth management companies in the East are qualified for securities trading, and how many companies are engaged in financial work?"


The witness really couldn't answer this time, because the number is too much.

There are too many financial companies, stock recommendation companies, and any companies that are registered as other projects but actually call investors in the name of investment and wealth management.

God knows how many financial companies there are in the East. If you count small loans, futures trading, and even online finance, etc., the number is terrifying.

"Witness, is this number too many?"

"Yes, it is conservatively estimated that there are thousands, maybe even tens of thousands?"

"Yeah, tens of thousands. This number is too many, so we can receive calls from many companies every day, many, many harassing calls."

Zhang Wei said, paused for a moment, and asked again: "Then please tell me, there are less than 20 companies that have obtained securities qualifications. Why do some investors receive stock recommendation calls from more than 100 companies every day?"

"This..." The witness didn't know how to speak again.

"It's okay, I'll just ask you to answer. Aren't these things all unspoken rules in your industry?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, raised a finger, and asked, "First, securities qualifications require admission tickets, 200 million, isn't that true?"

The witness nodded. The question had already been answered.

"Then even in the Eastern Capital, there are probably a small number of 200 million people, right?"


"But everyone knows that to make money in the financial market, you must at least obtain the qualification to be a banker, and you will definitely be able to make money. You don't deny this, do you?"


Zhang Wei ignored the witness's answer and continued: "Then the question is, I don't have 200 million, I only have a few million on hand, but I want to open a financial company and enter the capital market to make money, what should I do? "

"This..." The witness wanted to answer, but Zhang Wei bypassed him directly.

"It's very simple, just find a big company with qualifications and rent a qualification from them!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were stunned.

That's okay too?

"Use the millions in hand, find a big company like Dongxing Securities, and rent a securities trading qualification from them to recommend stocks to customers, that's all."

"This method is actually very common in the financial market. Those financial companies, large and small, who can be named but cannot be named, have obtained the 'temporary' qualification for securities trading through this method."

"Everyone, please note that this qualification is not permanent, but temporary, and only has the right to use it for a period of time, but if you manage it properly, the several million rental fees can be fully earned back during the period of activating the qualification. "

"Then the question is, from whom does the money come from?"

Zhang Wei's question directly led many people in the jury and the hearing booth to look at him, left and right.

From whom to make money?

That is naturally earned from leeks.

"I believe the process involved in this case is actually the same as other securities companies."

Zhang Wei said, and asked the witness: "Witness, as far as I know, those small-scale financial companies have rented securities trading qualifications from Dongxing Securities. This kind of thing is actually not allowed by the Financial Services Agency, right? "


When the witness answered, his face became a little ugly.

After all, what he wanted to admit was that although it was an unspoken rule in the industry, these rules were explicitly prohibited by the Financial Services Agency.

"So in order to respond to the investigation by the Financial Services Agency, how do you generally operate, and what methods do those small companies use to avoid being investigated by the Financial Services Agency?"

"This..." The witness glanced at the dock and saw that Qian Moli didn't respond, so he could only speak.

"We will set up a new project team, and then attach small companies to the new project team, so that they can exercise their securities trading qualifications in the name of Dongxing Securities. After investigation by the Financial Services Agency, they will not find any problems."

"Well, thanks for telling the truth."

Zhang Wei was very satisfied with the witness's answer, "Then, the new project team involved in this case is also the same?"


"You Dongxing Securities know about this?"

"We just rented out the qualifications for securities trading, and we don't know how those companies will operate!"

"Then you have to audit, you have to check the company's operating procedures, you have to verify that this small company will not tarnish your Dongxing Securities' reputation at will..."

"Well, I don't know...because I'm not the person in charge of that project team..." The witness couldn't answer.

"Who is the person in charge?"

"It's Zhan Qingze!"

On this question, the witnesses can insist on it.

"Witness, it's impossible for you to open your eyes and tell lies. You can't catch someone and throw the blame, right?"

Zhang Wei chuckled and asked, "As far as I know, a large securities company like yours will have a strict internal review system to ensure that the leased securities trading license will not be used indiscriminately by the leased company."

"This step is very important, so as to ensure that those small companies will not act recklessly and tarnish the reputation of your East Star Securities, isn't it?"

"We do have an audit and verification department within our company."

"Then, even if Zhan Qingze is the person in charge of the new project team, it is impossible for him to complete the qualification review of the inspection and verification department and the subsequent business process review of small companies, right?"


Zhang Wei went straight back to the plaintiff's seat and took out two documents from his briefcase.

"This is a document signed by the internal audit department and audit department of Dongxing Securities. This document shows that your Dongxing Securities has conducted an internal professional review of the business process and operating procedures of the new project team."

"These two documents also show that Dongxing Securities has passed all the review procedures for the new project team, and Dongxing Securities will be responsible for any follow-up problems arising from the new project team, right?"


The witness hesitated, Zhang Wei asked: "Why, you can't answer? But the signatures and seals on these two documents are not all left by your company's department?"

"It doesn't have Zhan Qingze's signature on it. It's your company's internal inspection department and qualification review department. Since they passed the review, don't they have any responsibility?"

"This...I...I don't know..."

The witness turned up his bow tie with his hands, and he felt a little short of breath.

Seeing the performance of the witness, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

"Judge Ni, we have nothing more to ask about this witness."

He walked out of the court with a smile on his face, Master Tang and others in the dock. It is gloomy.

After 2 minutes, the cross-examination ends.

Sun Kongwen did not ask many questions in the cross-examination of the witnesses.

Because the witness is a member of Dongxing Securities, he can be regarded as one of his own, so he will not embarrass the other party.

"The prosecution?"

"Judge Ni, we have summoned another witness from Dongxing Securities."

As Zhang Wei said, he summoned another person from the business department of Dongxing Securities.

"Hello, witness, you are the ace broker of Dongxing Securities Business Department, right?"

"Yes, I have won the monthly sales champion, the quarterly champion, and the annual champion!"

The witness sat proudly on the witness stand with a smug look on his face.

"It seems that you have earned a lot of commission by relying on the financial industry?"

"No way, it's all about helping clients make money, and I just get a little commission." The witness looked humble.

"Really, then you are really humble."

Zhang Wei said, as if he asked casually: "Then let me ask, how do you get these customers here?"

"They all took the initiative to find us at Dongxing Securities!"

"All of them?"


The witness hesitated, but Zhang Wei asked with a smile: "Witness, you should have heard of the word involution, right?"


Everyone didn't know it before, but now with the popularity of Internet culture, everyone knows what involution is.

"As far as I know, the financial industry is a relatively introverted industry, especially if you have achieved the monthly crown or even the annual crown, you should be elected by embezzling everyone in the same company, right?"

"Well, it can be said that..." The witness's expression became a little unnatural, and the complacency just now was completely gone, and his face was full of complacency.

"Then I would like to ask, if everyone only receives visiting customers, then everyone's source of customers is the same, how can you achieve the annual crown, while others can't?"


"Witness, do you have many clients, and you didn't find them through normal means?"

As soon as this question was asked, the face of the witness changed.


In the dock, Qian Moli hurriedly coughed at Sun Kongwen.

"Objection!" The latter stood up immediately, expressing his opinion, "Irrelevant to this case!"

"invalid objection!"

But this time, Old Ni stared at the witness stand with a gloomy expression.

"Witness, please answer this question."

She actually sided with the plaintiff.

It seems that Lao Ni has received harassing calls on weekdays, and he has suffered a lot.

Zhang Wei knew it well, and quickly answered the question just now: "Witness, you don't seem to be able to answer it, right? It's okay, I have an operation procedure here, and I'll read it to you!"

He walked back to his place, took out a stack of materials, and started the performance.

"As we all know, there are 19 securities companies in the East that have licenses, and they lease out the licenses, resulting in more than a thousand companies large and small in the East that can engage in financial securities transactions."

"What kind of money do these people make, money from the stock market, money from investors, and where the investors come from? Naturally, brokers need to find out one by one."

"The harassing calls you receive every day are one of them. Some investors are interested in investment. They just received a call from Dongxing Securities or a certain securities company and registered a stock trading account. They want to get a vote in the stock market. , this is the customer."

"But although we have a lot of people in the East, and there are also a lot of rich people, there are tens of thousands of financial companies, big and small, all staring at them. The plate is so big, how do we divide it?"

"At this time, it is necessary for the broker to have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering customers, or to have the means to independently develop customers. As long as you have more customers, the commission you get is high, and the commission you get after the customer transaction is high. , you can make money."

"To put it bluntly, if the customer makes money, you make money, but if the customer loses money, you are still making money!"

"Ahem!" Ni Qiuping coughed on the trial bench.

"Sorry, it's getting too far."

Zhang Wei hurriedly apologized, and then walked to the witness stand, "Witness, you should have your own customer development methods, right?"

"Forget it... I guess there is..." The witness finally lost his composure this time, and a few drops of sweat could be seen faintly on his forehead.

"Judge Ni, I want to raise an objection again, the plaintiff's lawyer is harassing the witness!"

"invalid objection."

Sun Kongwen got up again, but was interrupted by Ni Qiuping.

"Judge Ni..."

"Shut up!"

Sun Kongwen had no choice but to sit down resentfully.

Master Tang's complexion on the side also turned grim. He looked at Ni Qiuping and his apprentice with a gloomy look.

"Since Judge Ni wants to know, witness, you shouldn't hide it, can you?"


Under Zhang Wei's questioning, the witness still did not let go.

But Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago, he opened the file directly, and then asked: "Witness, since you don't tell, then I will tell you for you!"

"Did you buy the list of registered members from several private high-end clubs in our city through bribery?"

"Didn't you use the same method to buy customer lists from several horse racing clubs, antique trading houses, yacht clubs, luxury car clubs, and even golf clubs in our city?"

"Have you discovered and developed investment clients through these lists?"

Countless eyes of the audience focused on the witness stand.

"Well, this is how everyone operates. People who register for these clubs have money. Isn't this the default..."

Faced with Zhang Wei's persecution, the witness had no choice but to admit it.

"Yes, they all have money, otherwise how would they have such leisure time to play with these things?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, but immediately turned his face, "But you know, is it illegal to do this?"

"Ah, this..."

The witness was stunned for a moment, but quickly lowered his head.

Yes, it is indeed illegal to steal and sell citizen information and internal information within the club.

Because these clubs have an obligation to keep confidentiality after customers register information, but their internal people take the lead in selling customer information and earning a lot of "extra money".

"So, witness, many of your company's customer lists are actually dirty, right?"

"This... I don't know anything..."

The witness was afraid to speak again, it was difficult to speak.

"It doesn't matter, you pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretend to be crazy and stupid, or even ask questions and don't know anything. Anyway, what I'm talking about is the default unspoken rules of your industry."

"But even if it is an unspoken rule, it doesn't mean that you don't need to take responsibility. At least you have participated in the things I said in court, so you will be punished by law."

"Similarly, don't even think about getting out of Dongxing Securities!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Qian Moli in the dock, and issued a warning in a cold voice.

This naturally provoked the latter's displeasure.

"Judge Ni, we are done questioning this witness!"

Zhang Wei walked down the court again, his purpose was naturally accomplished.

The wind direction of the court is beginning to change!

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